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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Yes, but no one pretends that a Doctor is appointed by Holy Spirit.
    You are doing the typical JW 'thing'. You are judging JW Elders against the people in this 'world'.  JW Elders are supposed to be serving God through Christ. 
    I like the bit about "voluteer to be appointed.." That is the truth of it. BUT why do they voluteer ? What is their true intension ? It seems that on another post, a lady / sister suggested that some volunteered to be Elders to become 'spies'. And i would suggest that some 'volunteered to be Elders' to become Pedophiles. 
    But still, TTH says it's the best 'ball game in town'.  
  2. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Nice that you mention me. I find this complete topic very sad. I know i say some bad  things some times, but this 20 page waste of space isn't worth reading really. It does show the visitors how unChristian JWs and Ex-JWs can be. 
    I never even watched the video as I don't bother to watch any of them. There are lots of points within the 20 pages that i would just love to discuss, but most of it has been discussed many times before.  
    One thing I have noticed though is, lots of things mentioned here were never taught to me when i was a JW, and I was a JW for a long time. And also some things that were taught are now shown to be totally untrue, or no longer believed. 
    The JW Org is a totally different experience for each individual. So each individual will have a different opinion of the Org. 
    Hence we could all argue 24/7 about it, but I'm trying not to waste too much time here lately  
    I hopw you are well. Christian love to you. 
  3. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from JW Insider in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Nice that you mention me. I find this complete topic very sad. I know i say some bad  things some times, but this 20 page waste of space isn't worth reading really. It does show the visitors how unChristian JWs and Ex-JWs can be. 
    I never even watched the video as I don't bother to watch any of them. There are lots of points within the 20 pages that i would just love to discuss, but most of it has been discussed many times before.  
    One thing I have noticed though is, lots of things mentioned here were never taught to me when i was a JW, and I was a JW for a long time. And also some things that were taught are now shown to be totally untrue, or no longer believed. 
    The JW Org is a totally different experience for each individual. So each individual will have a different opinion of the Org. 
    Hence we could all argue 24/7 about it, but I'm trying not to waste too much time here lately  
    I hopw you are well. Christian love to you. 
  4. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Nice that you mention me. I find this complete topic very sad. I know i say some bad  things some times, but this 20 page waste of space isn't worth reading really. It does show the visitors how unChristian JWs and Ex-JWs can be. 
    I never even watched the video as I don't bother to watch any of them. There are lots of points within the 20 pages that i would just love to discuss, but most of it has been discussed many times before.  
    One thing I have noticed though is, lots of things mentioned here were never taught to me when i was a JW, and I was a JW for a long time. And also some things that were taught are now shown to be totally untrue, or no longer believed. 
    The JW Org is a totally different experience for each individual. So each individual will have a different opinion of the Org. 
    Hence we could all argue 24/7 about it, but I'm trying not to waste too much time here lately  
    I hopw you are well. Christian love to you. 
  5. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Nice that you mention me. I find this complete topic very sad. I know i say some bad  things some times, but this 20 page waste of space isn't worth reading really. It does show the visitors how unChristian JWs and Ex-JWs can be. 
    I never even watched the video as I don't bother to watch any of them. There are lots of points within the 20 pages that i would just love to discuss, but most of it has been discussed many times before.  
    One thing I have noticed though is, lots of things mentioned here were never taught to me when i was a JW, and I was a JW for a long time. And also some things that were taught are now shown to be totally untrue, or no longer believed. 
    The JW Org is a totally different experience for each individual. So each individual will have a different opinion of the Org. 
    Hence we could all argue 24/7 about it, but I'm trying not to waste too much time here lately  
    I hopw you are well. Christian love to you. 
  6. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Time to ban dimtar.   
    There you go then.  
  7. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    So why then do you (all JWs) accept the “overlapping generation” as a true doctrine? :))
  8. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    If the Bible Student publications are that important to you, you can download them from any apostate site. You can ask any Bible Student Association for downloads or have them sent to you. 
    As you know, there is a clear separation of doctrine. So, what's your point about being persistent about a woeful fool and former Bethelite's false accusations?
    That person subscribes to the same TriCopy that Loyd Evans does. That means, the same fabricated ideology as you.
    Sure they can. All they need to do is compare what is written with the written words of God. Just like anyone can see, you bear false witness to the truth by the standards of the written word of God. It's not that hard. 
    However, are you reverting to the Bible Student Era? If so, why don't you ask them about your concerns?
    This, you need to explain further. You are diverting guilt to the Watchtower GB, instead of accepting your own spiritual cult-like tactics, making you a false teacher, yet you state SM is a pushy guy, when indeed you are a pushy Gal.
    I'm not a Catholic, but I understand the Catholics doctrine and Ideology. I can say that about any religion. What would be your point with this line of reasoning?
  9. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Imagine what, those JWs who were given the task to collect and put all this material in order, think about it. I would love to see and hear their reactions they had during the work. Or were they insensitive Borgs?
    Dmitar i SM, they have prejudices against anyone who comes from the JW milieu and is no longer a member of them. For two of them, ex-JW are liars. 
    It’s really interesting that the two of them can so easily accuse people who have been the “most honest” people in the world for decades because they belonged to the JW religion, and that they became hardened liars so soon after leaving JWorg. A truly stunning psychological analysis by these two “artists”.
  10. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    The video is about concealment, the hiding of the history of teachings by your leaders, since its inception.  This could have been an easy access for JWs to peruse all publications, but it is guarded and only a select group can go there.  The fourth layer of your website gives access to all changes in doctrines over the years, for comparison reasons.  That too, is locked away from the average JW.  Instead, you receive what is called, “Beliefs Clarified”, most likely a shaved down version, not containing all changes.  Every one of these changes are lies, not clarifications of truth from Jesus Christ.  If one claims to teach truth, but hides what he has taught, has it ever been truth?  The massive database of publications that you cannot access because they are defunct, proves one thing - the production of "bad fruit".  Matt 7:15-20.  
    "Therefore by their fruits you will know them." Matt 15:20  
    Know who?  False teachers, false prophets prophesied by Jesus Christ to deceive the chosen ones - anointed, in the last days.  
    “but test everything; hold fast what is good. 22 Abstain from every form of evil.”  1 Thess 5:21,22
    It is impossible for JWs to do that, to test what their leaders have produced and make the choice to abstain from "bad fruit".  This is restricted on their own approved website -  to examine the entire production of "fruit" taught by the organization over the years.  Not one JW here, is expressing an opinion on this, except Dmitar, which tells me, that JWs -
    …Are blind and “drunk” on their leaders' “wine”/teachings, and don’t care  (Isa 28:7-15; Jer 5:30,31; Rev 17:1-6)
    …Are too uncomfortable to consider why they can’t view their organization’s publications at the touch of a finger, on the approved website for them to use;  which is cognitive dissonance.
    …May have their opinion, may not even like it, but refuse to make waves.  Sure, they can go elsewhere to find old publications while at the same time their leaders warn them not to.  Are Wt leaders who do have access, better persons, stronger, smarter, more qualified somehow to study what the organization taught in the past?  It’s all about control of the masses. 
    SM, never a JW, never a member of the organization, went down his own road following his own agenda.  That's fine, but he pushed it on myself and Srecko; seemingly diverting guilt on us, instead of guilting the organization for their spiritual cult-like tactics, and their inability to teach truth in Jesus Christ.   
    But, what can one expect from a pushy guy, a "Preacher" of the “world”,  who seems to think he understands what it is to be a JW or an exJW.🙂
  11. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Equivocation in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Then there are some who choose to remain ignorant, and attempt to bring anyone who has some knowledge down to their level only to fail.
    This thread had me rolling when I read through everything lol
  12. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Revelation 12 : 6. 1260 days. Revelation 12 : 14. a time and times and half a time. 3½ times = 3½ years, of 360 days Prophetic calender   
    It would be nice if people would actually do the research before they post. Especially coming from Jehovah's Witnesses. It makes them look like they have no credible knowledge on what is printed by the Watchtower.
    *** it-1 p. 390 Calendar ***
    A year of 12 lunar months falls about 11 days short of a solar year of 365 1⁄4 days. Since the solar year determines the return of the seasons, there was need to adjust the calendar to this solar year, and this resulted in what are called lunisolar, or bound solar, years—that is, years in which the months were lunar but the years were solar. This was done by the addition of a number of days each year or of an additional month during certain years to compensate for the shortness of the 12 lunar months.
    Hebrew Calendar. The Israelites used such a lunisolar, or bound solar, calendar. This is evident from the fact that Jehovah God established the beginning of their sacred year with the month Abib in the spring and specified the celebration of certain festivals on fixed dates, festivals that were related to harvest seasons. For these dates to have coincided with the particular harvests, there had to be a calendar arrangement that would synchronize with the seasons by compensating for the difference between the lunar and solar years.—Ex 12:1-14; 23:15, 16; Le 23:4-16.
    Then we can get a sense of how that type of calendar was still in use in the Babylonian time.
  13. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Revelation 12 : 6. 1260 days. Revelation 12 : 14. a time and times and half a time. 3½ times = 3½ years, of 360 days Prophetic calender   
    The Babylonian calendar was the same as the Jewish calendar.  Their pagan festivals of course fell on other days. 
    Many of the post-flood nations followed the moon calendar because it was the "planting calendar" for agriculture.  Every few years a short thirteenth month was added.
    From the Insight book I found this: " Julian and Gregorian Calendars. In the year 46 B.C.E., Julius Caesar issued a decree changing the Roman calendar from a lunar to a solar year. This Julian calendar, based on the calculations of the Greek astronomer Sosigenes, had 12 months of arbitrary length and a regular year of 365 days beginning on January 1. It also brought in the use of leap years by the addition of an extra day every four years, to compensate for the extra fraction of a day in the length of the tropical year, which has a little less than 365 1⁄4 days."
    " In 1582 C.E., Pope Gregory XIII introduced a slight revision of the Julian calendar, whereby the leap years every four years were retained but with the exception that only those century years with a number divisible by 400 were to be counted as leap years. By papal bull in 1582, ten days were to be omitted in that year, so that the day after October 4 became October 15. The Gregorian calendar is now in general use in most parts of the world. It is the basis for the historical dates used throughout this publication."
  14. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Revelation 12 : 6. 1260 days. Revelation 12 : 14. a time and times and half a time. 3½ times = 3½ years, of 360 days Prophetic calender   
    Yes - the Jewish calendar was based on the moons.  The beginning of the month was the new moon - so they  (people who worked the land) would know where they are in the stream of time - to plant and also attend festivals.  If I remember correctly they inserted a partial month every few years so everything would line up.  
    The sun calendar  is 365 days.  I am not sure but the Egyptians used sun calendar as did the Romans.  I am answering from memory as I have to go,,, Let someone else expand on this. 
    JWs always use the biblical year which is 360 days. All our prophecies are worked out with this number of days.
  15. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Dmitar, I just sent the following to you as a private message, but it would not go through, so I am copying it verbatim from the private messages section over to here:
    I'm sorry that I haven't been paying much attention to the conversation that included the comments I just requoted above. I have glanced at the topic now and then, mostly because of all the times you have made a reference to me. Just to let you know that I have never had a private conversation with Srecko about any topic, and neither has Srecko ever tried to initiate a conversation with me.
    On the point you made above, I agree that it doesn't seem to make any difference whether Russell had ever been addressed with the title "Elder." I'm sure that the instance you noted above was not the only one. And I'm not sure what Srecko's point was about thinking that Pastor Russell was not called "Elder." I didn't go back into the conversation to find out.
    In any case, you might want to point out to Srecko that the evidence you made use of was not from a fellow Bible Student, but from someone who opposed Russell on nearly every major doctrinal point. It was from the Russell-White debate, as I'm pretty sure you were already aware. It was from someone who would not have recognized Russell as "Pastor" in any case. This was not the only instance of Mr. White referring to Elder Russell in that debate, of course. But wouldn't it make more sense to have found an instance of a fellow Bible Student referring to Russell with the title "Elder"?
  16. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    I think opposite, how your conclusion (about me) is wrong. But as i said, i am fine with your claim how BS titled Russell with "elder" too.
    If we start from the fact that I put an excerpt from the official JWorg site that confirms why BS called Russell a “Pastor,” then this statement of yours goes in the direction; that the official WTJWorg publication makes a false statement, that it deceives its readers. Also, that readers of WTJWorg publications cannot find out the exact historical facts, because better connoisseurs of history, like you, claim that readers of WTJWorg publications (JW and ex-JW and others) will not be able to understand what is true and what is not without correction of people like you .
    This may, of course, be somewhat true, as WTJWorg literature tends to skip historical facts or misrepresent them or, like you in this case, claim that readers misunderstand the text read.
    All of this could mean that someone in WTJWorg is engaging in intrigue while writing “spiritual food”. Or that you are engaged in manipulations. Either way, many of you don’t seem to be trusted.
    Good question. :)) I will let you know when i find answer.
    According to your opinion (or their opinion) , what is "my kind"? 
    Although your words are “dry letters” on internet paper, I feel a negative vibration through the monitor screen. :))
  17. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    How my former fellow believers feel about me is their problem. It's not mine, and I don't think it's your concern either, is it? Or you still care, given the comment you made.
    What is your need to find out how JW feels about me? Well, if you’re interested, please read their publications and listen to what they say about former members, so you’ll know how they feel and what they think about ex-JW. Satisfied?
    I have no inferiority complex, so to think that JWs are better than other people, ex-JW or me. :))))
    Good for you, even better for others. 
    But by the way. Do you act like a "pastor" with respect to the people around you?
  18. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    But the GB neither teach God's word, nor do they obey it.  JWs, when on the doors in the past, or on the carts/trollys in the past, or even in the market places, they do not offer the word of God, they only offer the words of men. 
    I've never seen a JW offer free Bibles, which is the word of God. JWs only offer the magazines or tracts, which are the  words of the GB. 
    Yeshua taught the word of YHWH, not the words of men. 
  19. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Sorry, on what basis did you come to the conclusion that I mean this or that around the name "elder" and Russell? Virtually all JW literature calls Russell a "pastor." If they call him "elder" somewhere, I don't mind, but I don't know. Maybe you have the proper link to a WTJWorg publication that shows and proves.
    Mistake from me? Not for now. I just conclude based on what I know. And that never can be wrong. hahahhahaha (Translation: joke, for those who don't understand my humorous expressions)
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in Michigan school district cancels Halloween, Valentine’s Day to be ‘inclusive’   
    @Patiently waiting for Truth  Another one (1 of many as of recent, but this one is the bigger one), perhaps the most problematic one to date, mainly during the age of the Information War and the ceasing of the culture war.
    When you give those a piece of power and they seed their mantra over time, it will result in stuff like this. As we speak, various things are taking place in all institutions and communities, those who oppose, will later be a focused enemy.
    There are other things taking place in regards to even that of children, but that will be a remark for another day.
  21. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    @Patiently waiting for TruthIt would be silly to think Jesus motive was toward the dark side other than showing the Jews their teachers from the Schools of laws (Thought) were not in compliance with the laws they preached.
    There's a difference between an evil soul and a righteous, and perfect man. Let's not compare a person that can't be compared due to our imperfection. 
    Also, keep in mind, even when the last apostle died, Christianity continued, even though it was poorly executed for such a long time. It was NOT forgotten, by the Grace of God. Just like when Rutherford and the board of directors, were falsely imprisoned because of the Catholic Church, the daily administrative efforts continued.
    No former Jehovah's Witness will "EVER" have a say what God has installed on earth. You're not that powerful, and it would definitely be silly to think you are equal to God for it to make a difference to him.
  22. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Like the Days of Noah...   
    How are former Jehovah's Witnesses with a foolish heart inviting people into the new world? We will all be judged and the righteous will prevail. How is a former or a present witness that condemns his/her own soul, bless another soul?
  23. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    There are things that really matter, and there are things you might think would really matter, but they don’t matter at all.
    Celestial navigation will get you anywhere in the world you want to go down to about 12 feet radius, or just with degrees minutes and seconds 104 feet radius at 45° latitude.
    As precise as this navigation is on a planet that is 8000 miles in diameter it’s based on an assumption that is completely false, that is, that the Earth is the center of the universe.
    Sometimes, excellent practical results can be obtained from information that is completely false.
  24. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    No need to because the issue here is the misleading, so a refutation, however, Dmitar's focus was on Pricvay Act issues, which isn't too different from what you asked before.
    Also as a side note, you of all peole should know a Christian should be defending a Truthful Witness, not a False one.
    That being said, the disccusion is in regards to a True Witness and a False Witness, whereas the latter has no idea what the video entails.
    To give you a breif run down:
    Witness claims the video is true, however, the video has misleading information riddled in bias opinions. Witness claims Archives are unknown to people, even JWs because of a logon in Bethel, however, the Archives exist to the public. Srecko aruges, and Witness, about privacy, Dmitar interjected. Witness' video claims Bible Students purposely segregated because they were racist, however, this is not true, for although they had seperate churches due to customs in the United States, as is the laws, they still attempted to risk in a violent enviroment to see their brothers and sisters, black and or white. The events of Tulsa utlimately destorys the bias opinion. Srecko claims to know of the focused Era from Example 1, however, he back pedals form his statement,and attested the notation to human beahavior and doctrine, however, this is not the case. Example 2 is in regards to the Holoscause and Nazism whereas Witness' video attest to the the idea JWs were the sole target, which is untrue, the Nazi went after Jews, and everyone else, JWs, came much later; it is also noted that JWs were tormented differently compared to others, it is because the Nazis wanted them to renouced their faith. The conclusion shows there is indeed misleading information in the video, however, the latter defends misinformation willfully, thus even disrepescting 1 John 4:1 in order to do so. Srecko's Glasgow now effects Witness. The link you provided was brought up in my older disscusion concerning CTR (I am not sure if you even read the link either), as pointed out, not only have ExJWs from that time, 17 years ago, jumble, they state things that are not associated with the truth of the matter; taking information that is true/false and mold it into something entirely different - as seen by opinion riddled comments and so forth for example, i.e. CTR's wife, his beleifs, the Era he is from, Masonic Hall, etc.
    The thread also puts the Witness' YouTuber video in an even more compromising spot.
    For that website/forum is no different from here. The difference is it is riddled with more ExJWs and Atheists compared to here, granted eyars ago, those who are not fans of God dominate the fourm base, this was the case with the Stack Exchange also.
    The irony of it all is that just like the video, the commenters applied today's view of Racisim to the 1900s (and the late 1800s), the same problem the YouTuber has done, therefore leads to the reason as to Witness willfully adhereing to a misleading information, likewise with the Archives, which even in that link some have used (the same Archives Witness attesed to not existing which she uses), as is other events of the 1900s even outside of the United States, i.e. Germany.
    Surely you could do better than that, but if I were you, I would not interject, for the issue is in regards to the party who support misleading information being - Witness, Bill, and Srecko. If you get invovled, it would only be a problem for you because there is a chance your tenure may be brought to question concerning Race and World War II and or you being challeneged in a True vs False Witness disscusion. 
    This article was brought up, cited before. If people add their own exgesis into it, let alone opinions, as is what we can see by the comments, then the truth in this regard is obsured.
    Also your latter statement is incorrect because at the time, it was Bible Students, not Jehovah's Witnesses, i.e. the events of 1921 and prior, Bible Students were in the United States and they only becaome Jehovah's Witnesses years later.
    It should be known to you of your former faith that Pastor Russell was succeeded in 1917 by Pastor Rutherford, for even around that time, the new Pastor and the Christains still went under the name Bible Students. It wasn't until much later on the group's name to Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931 to emphasize its members' belief that Jehovah, or Yahweh, is the true God and that the Witnesses were his specially chosen followers. The early events of the Segregation Era, as is Tulsa, which actions of the Bible Students then, disqualfies the fact that the YouTuber attest to them to be adhering to Jim Crow-sque mentality.
    If this was indeed the expectation, then the in real life example of the white man risking his life for a black man would be entirely different. More so, if Bible Students gave into the Jim Crow mentality at the time, there is a high chance that
    [A] Pastor Rutherford would have been dealt with early on which would erase the coming events of 1931
    [B] This would literally prevent Jehovah's Witnesses from existing, as with other events that took place since the Bible Students would end up like some faith groups who vanished from 1914 onward.
    [C] even Historical Accounts invovling them would vanish, the situation with the Consitution in 1940, Blood Transfusion, The transation and or collection of various Bibles, etc.
    In short - Jehovah's Witnesses would have not existed for those under Jim Crow would have made sure of it, after all, they tried to eradicate all Black people in Tulsa because they assume a black man had sexually assaulted a 17 year old girl, an event that did not occur.
    As I said, seems you've  successfully interjected yourself when you coined the entity himself. You've walked yourself into this one.
  25. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Russia orders closure of human rights group Memorial   
    I'll just repeat this here 
    But my advice to you, if you do not like my posts, is just 'scroll on by'. 
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