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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    The classification and clarification needs to come from a person that professes to be Christian and lacks Christian ethics. Then you can show God himself how to be obedient to his son's words and God.
    I can ask you the same thing, Why, haven't you joined the Catholic, Mormon, Muslim, Baptist, Hinduism, Buddhist, Methodist, Presbyterian or Seventh Day Adventist beliefs?
    A person that declares to be part of Christ church, needs to understand the reason behind the word unity. A person alone is not united through the internet. That's a man-made concept. Not the "oneness" God is looking for in his spiritual people. 
    Now you are putting too much effort in what the Watchtower represents to you, rather than what it has accomplished. Without the Watchtower, there would be no exercise of the freedom of religion as constituted, since that was a challenge that came before man's laws. Something that Rome restricted for the first century Christian by condemning Jesus. Then you had emperor Nero who blamed Christians. Yet, first century Christians maintained a united front in their "churches" where possible and in hiding where it was nor possible. 
    However, they "ALL" accepted the words of Christ, and they worshiped the ONE TRUE GOD. Did the apostles receive perfection? NO! Were Christians followers prefect NO! But they were committed to ONE true cause of Christian unity.
    How many denominations can claim or at least put their "best" foot forward to follow the first century structure? All the ones you mentioned have "one" thing in common. They believe it's OK to kill your fellow man in war. Would that be acceptable to you?
    Please don't use ZOOM as an excuse for wordplay. You know what I'm talking about.
  2. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    To the bible impaired. I have three questions.
    1. Does this mean, the first century churches were "bad" houses of worship?
    2. Did Jesus consider the Temple dangerous for children, even though he visited one at age 12? Luke 2:41-52
    3. Those that bring religion inside their home. Does that mean that house, has become a dangerous place for children?
    I'm interested in finding out, what kind of message you are conveying to install "fear" in the hearts of children?
  3. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in FALSE CLAIMS   
    Doesn't it? She taught you. Are you now denouncing her as a former Jehovah's Witness, or yourself? Although, why do you believe I should be contaminated by that former Jehovah's Witness (Pearl Doxsey) that doesn't understand scripture? What kind of Christian recommendation is that offering? How do you believe Jesus engaged in this kind of reporting?
    It would be like me accepting the parameters coming from @Patiently waiting for Truth and @Srecko Sostar about their drudge.
  4. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    Yes it's a wondeful Social Club. But so are many churches. But just like the Watchtower / JW Org, they all tell lies. 
    And they are all dangerous places to be. Child Sexual Abuse is in all these false religions including the JW Org. 
    This online stuff does have one good point. At least your perverts are not in the same room as the innocent young children, hopefuly. 
  5. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    IBSA Properties UK.  Estate Agents / Real Estate for big time properites. 
    IBSA London Properties is part of IBSA (International Bible Students Association) a registered charity acting on behalf of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Britain and Ireland. For more information about Jehovah’s Witnesses please follow this link.
    Watchtower Accounts UK
    Annual Returns UK
    Kingdom Hall trust
  6. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    Yes it's a wondeful Social Club. But so are many churches. But just like the Watchtower / JW Org, they all tell lies. 
    And they are all dangerous places to be. Child Sexual Abuse is in all these false religions including the JW Org. 
    This online stuff does have one good point. At least your perverts are not in the same room as the innocent young children, hopefuly. 
  7. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Time to ban dimtar.   
    Um. right.
    So I was partly right then  .  I wouldn't have thought non-Witness moderators would be interested in moderating this Witness open club. But i can understand if it gets too nasty or threatening then yes it needs a form of control.
    I'm still at a loss as to why i was banned though. I didn't think I actually threatened anyone or encouraded violence. But that's life, we all have different opinions. Have a good day. 
  8. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in FALSE CLAIMS   
    No it's your blindness so it's your problem. 
  9. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Jesus prayed to His Heavenly Father, Let Your Name Be Sanctified   
    And in your rant you deliberately avoided my  point and my question. A typical JW responce. 
    Are you a GB member ?  You sound like it. The way you try to domineer.
    Oh such force that people should be frightened of you.  But look I smile at you. 
    You are no closer to Almighty God than I am. 
  10. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    IBSA Properties UK.  Estate Agents / Real Estate for big time properites. 
    IBSA London Properties is part of IBSA (International Bible Students Association) a registered charity acting on behalf of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Britain and Ireland. For more information about Jehovah’s Witnesses please follow this link.
    Watchtower Accounts UK
    Annual Returns UK
    Kingdom Hall trust
  11. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from JW Insider in Time to ban dimtar.   
    Um. right.
    So I was partly right then  .  I wouldn't have thought non-Witness moderators would be interested in moderating this Witness open club. But i can understand if it gets too nasty or threatening then yes it needs a form of control.
    I'm still at a loss as to why i was banned though. I didn't think I actually threatened anyone or encouraded violence. But that's life, we all have different opinions. Have a good day. 
  12. Upvote
  13. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    IBSA Properties UK.  Estate Agents / Real Estate for big time properites. 
    IBSA London Properties is part of IBSA (International Bible Students Association) a registered charity acting on behalf of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Britain and Ireland. For more information about Jehovah’s Witnesses please follow this link.
    Watchtower Accounts UK
    Annual Returns UK
    Kingdom Hall trust
  14. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Lisa Blair in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    Inside info on Jehovah's Witnesses companies & revenue made
  15. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    I’m not sure if it’s possible to collect data on the annual revenue and annual expenditure of all WTJWorg companies, and there are thousands of them. Why I say thousands. Because in addition to those big and famous names that we associate with several legal bodies, there are thousands of assemblies/congregations that are essentially small branches of large companies worldwide.
    What do I want to say? Several data could be found in the JW Yearbooks. Some information can be found online. But to sum up all the money (income and expenses)?
    PS - Seeing the entry and exit of money by state or by branch is a difficult task.
  16. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    The Bible foretold not only the serious problems we now face but also the better times we can expect soon. It describes a future that is way beyond what human governments could hope to achieve, one that only God can provide. “He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.”—Revelation 21:4.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses take comfort in the Bible’s promises of a bright future, and this helps them to see beyond the pandemic. They also support one another by obeying the Bible’s command to gather regularly for worship. (Hebrews 10:24, 25) Everyone is welcome to attend the meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, which are being held virtually during the pandemic.
    Others agree that joining together with Jehovah’s Witnesses for worship has been helpful during these difficult times. For example, a woman infected with COVID-19 accepted an invitation to join Jehovah’s Witnesses’ virtual meetings.
    These meetings helped her emotionally despite her ongoing health issues from the virus. She later said: “I feel that I am part of this family too. Reading the Bible gives me peace of mind and inner calm. It helps me focus on my hope for the future instead of my problems. Thank you for helping me find that connection with God that I have sought all my life.”
  17. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Time to ban dimtar.   
    Interesting that @Matthew9969 suggested such an action, when there are people far worse here, including that person. Funny how that person only recommended me, when @JW Insider, @TrueTomHarley, @xero, @Pudgy, and many more can be considered by their lack of restraint. 
    How does that work here, exactly? Do I need to be rude, obnoxious, a liar, cynical of the Jehovah's Witnesses institution, misapply scripture, etc.? What?
  18. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in Time to ban dimtar.   
    That would be Anna. because one of the moderators (I think it was The Librarian) didn't have time to manage it.
    The Librarian, Anna and I are Witnesses, but I know of no other Witness moderators. Posts I have seen from "admin" and "TheWorldNewsMedia" accounts make me believe that they are not Witnesses. (I also believe that one of both of them are owners of the site, or perhaps its the same person.) I got a note from the Librarian once asking if I could take over some moderating duties to keep topics from getting too mixed up. I can move posts to new topics with a function called "Split." It allows me to split a post from one topic and move it to another topic. 
    I assume that like lot of these forums, if someone is extremely active, that they will be asked if they can help moderate.
  19. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Time to ban dimtar.   
    Now you defo' sound like an Elder.  And if it's not Elder run then who is controlling entry to the JW Only club ?  
    You're lumping again Tom.  Lumping people together for your own convienience. Matthew is coming from a completely different direction to me. And i think we have totally different aims in life. 
    I thought half the JWs on here were the admin' and the moderators  including you. 
  20. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in FALSE CLAIMS   
    Montana is a “red state” one of the few that does not allow dead Democrats to vote … and vote often. To make up for this they allow the prosecution of dead Democrats, even those from other States. 
    Dead people under indictment for crimes have never complained.
    Pastor Russell was a known Democrat during a time when the WTB&TS bought War Bonds, JW precursors fought in WW1, and voted Democrat, mostly.
    This all ended when Donald J. Trump became the 9th member of the Governing Body.
  21. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in FALSE CLAIMS   
    Who is to blame for the false claims?  The lawyers, or the eight men who assigned them to take care of business?   This should be, but won't be, an embarrassment for every JW to read.  No longer is the façade in place.  The real face of the organization is being exposed - and that being, God does not own it.  
    Lev. 19:11 - “ ‘Do not steal. “ ‘Do not lie. “ ‘Do not deceive one another."
    Matt 5:25 - “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison."
  22. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in Time to ban dimtar.   
    From what I gather it absolutely is not a JW Elder run forum. I believe that the person who might actually be ultimately responsible for the forum rules is not the least bit concerned with what we talk about over here. It's probably all based on the report feature, where people can raise flags about a specific post, or spamming, which the owner(s), administrator(s) and some moderators can act upon to either give warnings or ban a person. This feature can no doubt be abused, and it's probably true that a person who abuses it for revenge (or whatever) probably risks getting banned for that, too. I think that overuse of the down-vote 25 times a day might also be seen as spamming. (Some forums prohibit down-votes unless you have been a participating member for a good period of time.)
    I think sometimes that lots of people on religious forums end up saying things that are not even considered all that bad among the members, since we are quite used to being judged and even "condemned to hell" by persons of all sorts. For most of us it just "rolls off our back." But to a more secular person, it might sound a lot more like cyber-bullying, and they believe they must take action or be held responsible for tacit permission of a hostile, bullying environment.
  23. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Time to ban dimtar.   
    If you notice, it is not any Witness, but your brother-in-spirit, Matthew 4 5784, who started up this thread on the need he feels to ban Dmitar.
    How intolerant he is.
  24. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in Jesus prayed to His Heavenly Father, Let Your Name Be Sanctified   
    My Lanuage is English... so Jesus which also means "Jehovah is Salvation" is natural.
    In Greek ... οπότε ο Ιησούς που σημαίνει επίσης «ο Ιεχωβά είναι η σωτηρία» είναι φυσικό.
    In Hebrew... אז ישוע שפירושו גם "יהוה הוא הישועה" הוא טבעי.  SEE... No "Y" in Hebrew either!  Like I said before, it's called tranliteration....
    Yahweh Jehovah = יהוה יהוה = Same Same   To claim one is made up and the other isn't, is not being honest. Both are English transliterations of the Hebrew Script. 
    1,051 lanuages and counting https://www.jw.org/en/choose-language?locale=en&prefer=lang&docid=1011200
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Time to ban dimtar.   
    That's because it is a JW Elder run forum, and that is how they work in real congregations. 
    They warn the people that they like, but they d/fed the people that they don't like.  It is JW organisation in practice. 
    In fact they d/fed people that tell the truth, d/fed without warning. 
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