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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Suicide. God's view. Organisation's view   
    What you actually have IS JWs that are slaves of the GB.
    1. Because the GB say that they are the 'Faithful and discreet Slave'
    2. Because JWs have always only used GB material to witness to others.
    3. JWs standing by a cart / trolly giving out GB propaganda. They are not handing out Bibles, which IS the word of God. They are handing out Watchtowers, Awakes, tracts, books, ALL written and/or approved by that GB. 
    4. What are supposed to be 'Bible Studies' but in reality are Book Studies with the possible mention of a few scriptures. Those books are written by the GB.
    Proof of such is simple when certain books are removed because certain GB members were also removed. Look at the history of the JW org. 
    And Moses DIDN'T enter the 'Promised Land'.  Neither will the GB. But the GB state as fact that they WILL go to Heaven. A bit presumptuous ????? 
    No indeed. In fact you comply. Continuing to hide Pedophiles in the JW org. Continuing to shun innocent victims and others that have been 'thrown out' just because the Elders do not like them. 
    Wrong. You are not exactly mentally in or spiritually in if you know that the GB are not inspired and that you do not always believe what they say. Because if you were totally in you would believe they are the F&DS and you would follow their every word. 
    So you are telling all JWs to remain in an immoral Org and to dish out the lies from the GB. 
    Come on think about it. The mid-week meetings used to tell you (probs still do) exactly what to say to people 'on the doors'. The Sunday meetings comprised of a 'Public Talk' with a GB outline, and a Watchtower written by the GB. It was all the GB's words. Not the word of God. 
    And because the GB and all the other hierarchy including Elders are so self righteous, Child Sexual Abuse probably still happens in congregations and is still not reported to the Police or the 'superior authorities'. I'm still waiting to hear what has happened to that 25 year + Child Sex Abuse Database that the GB / Lawyers are hiding in their USA HQ. 
    You really expect JWs to invite young families into the JW Org when the JW Org is such an immoral dangerous place to be right now ????
     No, what they do is make excuses, just as you have done, and why ? Because you and others are frightened to 'go it alone'. That shows where your faith is, in the Org and not in God through Christ. 
    JWs would have offered their children to a false god, and then JWs would have said 'but we didn't burn as many children as the other nations did'.
    That is exactly what JWs are saying about Child Sexual Abuse. JWs are saying 'But we don't abuse as many children as other religions do'.  I've read it on here and I would think you have read it to. 
    That is the Org you are part of.  That is what you defend. 
  2. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Judgement, our judgement. When and how ?   
    “After throwing him outside the city, they began stoning him. …As they were stoning Stephen, he made this appeal:
    “You always seem to have a veiled form of criticism.”
  3. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Suicide. God's view. Organisation's view   
    What you actually have IS JWs that are slaves of the GB.
    1. Because the GB say that they are the 'Faithful and discreet Slave'
    2. Because JWs have always only used GB material to witness to others.
    3. JWs standing by a cart / trolly giving out GB propaganda. They are not handing out Bibles, which IS the word of God. They are handing out Watchtowers, Awakes, tracts, books, ALL written and/or approved by that GB. 
    4. What are supposed to be 'Bible Studies' but in reality are Book Studies with the possible mention of a few scriptures. Those books are written by the GB.
    Proof of such is simple when certain books are removed because certain GB members were also removed. Look at the history of the JW org. 
    And Moses DIDN'T enter the 'Promised Land'.  Neither will the GB. But the GB state as fact that they WILL go to Heaven. A bit presumptuous ????? 
    No indeed. In fact you comply. Continuing to hide Pedophiles in the JW org. Continuing to shun innocent victims and others that have been 'thrown out' just because the Elders do not like them. 
    Wrong. You are not exactly mentally in or spiritually in if you know that the GB are not inspired and that you do not always believe what they say. Because if you were totally in you would believe they are the F&DS and you would follow their every word. 
    So you are telling all JWs to remain in an immoral Org and to dish out the lies from the GB. 
    Come on think about it. The mid-week meetings used to tell you (probs still do) exactly what to say to people 'on the doors'. The Sunday meetings comprised of a 'Public Talk' with a GB outline, and a Watchtower written by the GB. It was all the GB's words. Not the word of God. 
    And because the GB and all the other hierarchy including Elders are so self righteous, Child Sexual Abuse probably still happens in congregations and is still not reported to the Police or the 'superior authorities'. I'm still waiting to hear what has happened to that 25 year + Child Sex Abuse Database that the GB / Lawyers are hiding in their USA HQ. 
    You really expect JWs to invite young families into the JW Org when the JW Org is such an immoral dangerous place to be right now ????
     No, what they do is make excuses, just as you have done, and why ? Because you and others are frightened to 'go it alone'. That shows where your faith is, in the Org and not in God through Christ. 
    JWs would have offered their children to a false god, and then JWs would have said 'but we didn't burn as many children as the other nations did'.
    That is exactly what JWs are saying about Child Sexual Abuse. JWs are saying 'But we don't abuse as many children as other religions do'.  I've read it on here and I would think you have read it to. 
    That is the Org you are part of.  That is what you defend. 
  4. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in JW.ORG NEWS ALERT | Brothers Sergey Britvin and Vadim Levchuk Released From Prison   
    NEWS ALERT | Brothers Sergey Britvin and Vadim Levchuk Released From Prison
    On December 30, 2021, Brothers Sergey Britvin and Vadim Levchuk were released from prison. Family and friends warmly greeted Sergey and Vadim upon their release. In total, they each spent three years and five months in detention.
  5. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Suicide. God's view. Organisation's view   
    Those questions should pierce the heart of every JW.
    “Teacher, which command in the law is the greatest?”
    37 He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  38 This is the greatest and most important command. 39 The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. 40 All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.”  Matt 22:36-40
    If the congregations were practicing these two “laws”, no one would be disfellowshipped or shunned for exposing the danger of men’s superiority over them, and exposing their false doctrines. Love of God and neighbor would require it.  If the leadership demand obedience to their word, they are exalting themselves above the words of Christ.  What's more important, allowing your neighbor to be stumbled by the "burden of theology", or leading your neighbor to the "simplicity that is in Christ"? (2 Cor 11:3)
  6. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Suicide. God's view. Organisation's view   
    I would say, how can we draw a parallel from the characters of Moses and Aaron. WTJWorg is considered the successor of all of God’s organizations that have emerged throughout history, to use their logic. Noah's Ark = God's Organization, Nation Israel = God's Organization, First Assembly = God's Organization, WTBTS = God's Organization.
    However, each of the above had "Earth Representatives", so Moses would be the archetype of GB, and Aaron would be the representative of today's Helpers.
    Both of today’s classes at WTJWorg feel that they are inspired (guided) by God and that their instructions should be followed without discussion.
    As with Moses and Aaron, who made compromises to please the people, so today’s religious leaders are making changes in theology and practice. Sometimes they are a relief to the people, and sometimes an additional burden.
    So, enough about the alleged "spirit guidance". Because the comment provided by Thinking proves this setting or thesis.
    Like other leaders of the people, GB and Helpers = Administration, monitor the beats and pulse of their people. When the pressure in the “body” of the assembly becomes too high something must be done. In other words, there are changes in interpretations. You who are permanent members of the JW Assembly are better informed about the new changes, bigger and smaller. Sometimes they have to come because of changes in the “outside world,” and most come because of internal events.
    It is unfortunate that you, JW members, who see the reality within WTJWorg, are still trying to defend what is indefensible. Because if a certain theology still lives in WTJWorg, and you are willing to support and defend it, how will you feel when it is changed, and you knew something was wrong?
    Some of you are already resisting the "nonsense" that comes from GB, while at the same time you are watching some of your spiritual brothers and sisters stumble under the burden of theology that you are aware has failed. ............. Don't you feel sad? Don't you want to help them not be afraid of man?
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Thinking in Suicide. God's view. Organisation's view   
    Rubbish….what you have here are witnesses who do not worship the GB and can think for them selves yet still respect the GB in promoting and getting the basic plan that Jehovah’s has for the world out to the people.
    They make mistakes and some big ones at that…the disfellowshlpment over organ transplanting is one of them….
    They make mistakes just like any other ancient Godly men of old…just like King David did….just like Moses did…just like Peter did….
    we just do not panic and flee when we see these errors…something may stump us or rattle us…but maturity and understanding that Jehovah uses faulty men aids many of us to stay with in the camp boundaries…at that time we would not have hung around the mob that demanded the building of the golden calf…..as tempting as it may have been when one is in panic mode which is what they did.
    Im in..and mentally in as well…but I have always seen the GB down thru the ages are mere men who do make mistakes and are not actually inspired…so I and many others act like the beroeans did and check with the scriptures first …
    As to what happened to those that followed Aaron with the making of the golden calf….When Moses came back…he still gave them an option of standing beside him…before he ( Jehovah /Jesus) destroyed the rest who did not take him up on that offer….around 3,000 were destroyed…not a huge number compared to the millions that came out.
    That is a lesson for all witnesses today…not to leave the camp because of trouble with in it even if that trouble comes from someone as high up as the second man in charge as Arron was…..actually the first man in charge whilst Moses was absent…..a thought to ponder on…
    I’m not saying that there are not witnesses who do exactly as the GB always directs thinking it comes directly from Jehovah…because there are…but there are many who sit and listen and work things out for them selves…as we have here on this site….
  8. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Can you expand on your thought here. What you people? Certainly, no one here has a clear understanding. 
    Since it's reasonably clear, you do so here, can you explain your attitude?
    You can speak for yourself. I don't believe including others in your doomsday outcome is legitimate for anyone else. However, I will agree, no one here is certainly not better than your kind of fellow man. Your kind is intuitive as quarrelsome, rude and obnoxious, unless you can quote that behavior through scripture, as to why one should as a Christian. 
    The other would be, your view of spiritual leaders. Why would anyone follow a person's, personal assumption, that would lead the aggressor into more darkness?
  9. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Can you explain how that can be, since that individual just stated I don't get along with anyone here? What part of that comment sways your argument.
  10. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    When you accuse an organization about being one without proof; other than individuals acting on their own corrupt lust, is no proof that organization is consumed by that fault. Yet, you want proof of a person that is on probation for that same corrupt lust. Your demeanor is inconsistent with your personal lust for vengeance. You stated, you have officially denounced your association with that organization. Move on to a better pastor.
    You contradict yourself too much here be arguing with the same people, and then you agree with the same people. What does that say by defending the same people?
    The presumption comes from you. That seems to bother you.
    Yet, you have no clear understanding in the interpretation or linguistics of it, worth making a distinctive argument about it.
    As do you by your support of an individual here. Your argument has lost its value. That's means you are no better than the GB and that organization you disparage. Look first in the mirror before you attempt to cast out the demons of others.
  11. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Can you explain with rational why should I, here? What benefit would I receive to have an association here? I don't find being corrupted by individuals here a plus, do you?
  12. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    So Dmitar ... you don't get along with ANYBODY!
    Is that THEIR fault?
    "... methinks he doth protest too much ..." - Shakespear

  13. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    That flea-bitten mutt?
  14. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Can you explain how, when it's clear, you show yours at every turn of your uneducated mission? You think your mission has value when you yourself have condemned yourself before God, and you proudly wrote about it. Have you stopped to think, your actions are an affront to God?
    You speak of Greek language when you don't have the knowledge of it. This is another indicator of what you show. It seems you're more comfortable being rude and obnoxious and yet you identify yourself as a Christian like these poor souls here.
    The other thing that lingers is what you commented on with @TrueTomHarley post about he and James, like each other. Then you comment you have not heard about the evidence. More conjecture and it's clear of what more it shows; what you are willing to accept, and what your foolish thoughts are about. Now, that's your choice, don't make it someone else's. 
  15. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in The Hidden Treasure of John 1:1   
    The truth about John 1:1 has been long hidden from the masses. Why is learning this scripture vital to your spiritual health? Because words matter! In Greek there are two different words for God. Also, using a definite article emphasizes the subject spoken about. First instance is ton theon which means the God and the second instance is theos which means a god.
    How does John 1:1 read with a literal translation?
    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the God, and a god was the Word.”
    Jesus is never referred to as the theon because Jesus was begotten and came into existence. Therefore, the Apostle John used the nominative title theos which means a god referring to the Word’s divinity and godlike qualities.
    1975 “and a god (or, of a divine kind) was the Word” – Das Evangelium nach Johnnes, by Siegfried Schulz, Göttingen, Germany 1978: “and godlike sort was the Logos” – Das Evangelium nach Johannes, by Johannes Schneider, Berlin Free eBook...
  16. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to xero in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Reading Tom's or Pudgy's replies to noise makers is like watching a movie w/all the really crappy parts cut out when you've got the noise makers on mute.
  17. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Perfect example of what I am talking about Dmitar.
    Warning people to be afraid of rabies in a a two dimensional cartoon Dog ..... in all seriousness.
    This is where a less calm person would be screaming obscene vulgarities about the utter insanity of your ....whatever it is.
    Me, I am just going to drink some cartoon dog water out of my cartoon dog dish, and go into the next panel, and bite Garfield the Cat.
  18. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    @PudgyMuch of what you post is irrelevant, with a false premise, and is driven by a clueless agenda that comes from a meaningless individual. People think too much of themselves here. This is why God made man, to tame animals. 
    However, just like @Patiently waiting for Truth, @Srecko Sostar, @xero, being a rabid dog should be a concern for individuals that think rabies is just a joke.
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    I think between wondering who, who, who ...who wrote the Book Of Love, and the Cowboy Code, Volume 2, there is a paragraph in one of them that says that it is entirely permissable, yea, almost a requirement that rudeness and obnoxiousness be shown a person that continuously asks irrelevant questions, based on false premises and agenda driven cluelessness. 
    ... just sayin'.
  20. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    When you make an assumption without thought, then your word should follow with the word "possibility" in front of other people as though the evening meal was something more than a "presentation" that should be observed until Christ return in his memory and God's promise. Why would it matter if the apostles continued that presentation? Why would it matter, if Christ followers continue that now?
    The word "rigid" should be used with your idea of that religious teaching and presentation. That makes your commentary, as your own word under quotation marks, indicates. That makes your response rude and obnoxious as anyone else with poor manners here. Therefore, your ideology and remarks are presented under a false tongue, since you are saying it.
    How does that argument go against your perceived bible interpretation?
  21. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Isn't that what you did? You seem convinced, your input is the only one that should matter here. Why not stick to scripture or none at all. Don't use scripture to convince yourself you're in a mission, when its clear, vengeance is the only thing you seek. 
  22. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    I didn't know that I was 'associating with a known one'. I await your proof of this.
    But be careful or you will be giving away your AKAs.  
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Jesus had his reason for speaking. But even his listeners had good reason to be offended by what was said. I believe many of them remembered their ancestors and the prophecies that were fulfilled.
    Therefore in your midst parents will eat their children, and children will eat their parents. I will inflict punishment on you and will scatter all your survivors to the winds. - Ezekiel 5:10
    Then he asked her, “What’s the matter?” She answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we’ll eat my son.’  So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him,’ but she had hidden him.” - 2 Kings 6:28,29
    And what to say. If in the 1st century they preached eating the body of Jesus and drinking his blood then no wonder they were persecuted. 
    I don’t think Jesus said anywhere that they preach it, but to preach the good news about Jesus. Even the JWs stopped preaching directly about the guilt and destruction of the Catholic Church. Why? Because that would be hate speech, I guess.
  24. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Can you explain if the Jews and Gentiles thought, it was a literal process? Can you give me a biblical text where the apostles turned into cannibals, for the sake of Jesus?
  25. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    How can you. Do you need to be rude an obnoxious that you can't control your false tongue?
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