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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    She can't answer so she is twisting....   you played false against holy spirit a long time ago.  That is why you tend not to believe Jesus words when he stated, "everyone who is living and exercises faith in me Will Never Die At All." (John 11:25-26)
    Making the statement Millions Now Living will Never Die doesn't make anyone a liar....  it's how you brought up the question that makes one a liar.   “Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?”
  2. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in "How can I explain 'the meek will inherit the earth' to my jw husband?"   
    Ezra is concerning the Nation of Israel. Are you a Jew and still living under Law ? 
    The Timothy scripture applies to your GB and Elders, but was written for the Anointed.
    Like I say, you are a fake, but quite a funny one  
  3. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Good night all. I'll pop back tomorrow to read further comments. 
  4. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from ApostaBabe Linda James in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Why are people so frightened of my questions ?
    @JW Insider Please help me out here. I'm sure you could provide an inteligent answer. 
    I expect no sense from Tom and Jerry above though. 
  5. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from BroRando in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    A public talk titled "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living May Never Die" was first delivered on February 24, 1918 in Los Angeles, California. Five weeks later, on March 31, 1918 the title was changed to indicate absolute certainty: "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living Will Never Die." The public talk continued to be delivered under that same title until 1925.
    At a 1931 Bible Student assembly in Columbus, Ohio Rutherford proposed a new name for the organization, Jehovah's witnesses, to differentiate them from the proliferation of other groups that followed Russell's teachings.
    Joseph Franklin Rutherford, also known as Judge Rutherford, was the second president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) from 1917 until his death in 1942.
    OK, a few questions. 
    If I'm right what RUSSELL had built up was an Association of Bible Students possibly earthwide ? 
    So, what Rutherford had taken over was this Association of Bible Students. But Rutherford broke away from that and formed an Organisation naming it Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931.
    Now, this creates a question.  Who were the Millions now living that would never die ? 
    This was 1918. Pre-JW.  International Bible Student era.  So exactly who did Rutherford expect to 'never die' ? 
    (At this point it matter not that his prediction failed. More to the point of who he expected to live on).
    And when Rutherford's breakaway 'group' were named Jehovah's Witnesses, did his idea change from 'Millions' now living will never die, to, Only JWs now living will never die ?
    There must have come a time when the quantity of people expected to continue living decreased rapidly. Because Rutherford's JWs would have been far less than the original International Bible Students Association. 
    And when exactly was this Millions now living will never die idea, removed from the JW doctrines / teachings ? 
    There seems to be lots of discussion about RUSSELL on here, but not much about RUTHERFORD. However it was Rutherford that 'built' the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. 
    I'm interested in this big change of thought from the idea of, millions of individuals that would continue living, to the idea of, 'only Jehovah's Witnesses will continue living'.  So it would be goodto know exactly who Rutherford expected to 'continue living'. 
    (information taken from https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/218007.Millions_Now_Living_Will_Never_Die_ )
    The thoughts are mine but I found this book online when looking for information. I would think about buying the book but then wonder if it is likened to 'hero worship' / idolatry. 
    Any thoughts ??? 
  6. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Come, come, tell the truth and shame the Devil. I do not paint you as black and evil. I paint you as a dodo.
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in "How can I explain 'the meek will inherit the earth' to my jw husband?"   
    The Timothy scripture applies to people like you, but was written for the Anointed and now applies to those coming out of the Last Days.
    2 Timothy 3:5
    having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.
  8. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    So now the OP reports replies she Won't Answer... ssssss  ----  sssssss  tell us how Jesus Lied when he stated almost 2,000 years ago that everyone who is living and exercises faith in me will Never Die At All. (John 11:25-26)
    Maybe you're the LIAR?
  9. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from BroRando in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Like I say, Losers trying to take it off topic.  It really does prove that you are frightened of my questions.
  10. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Jesus made this statement almost 2,000 years ago.... why don't you go for it and call him a liar too??   You know what Jesus says about Hypocrisy? 
    Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life; and everyone who is living and exercises faith in me will Never Die At All. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)
  11. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in "How can I explain 'the meek will inherit the earth' to my jw husband?"   
    I'll talk to your husband for you.  Under our New Understanding, he is elgible to divorce an opposer... it would be a valid divorce and he be free to marry a younger more vital sister... I'll guess any sister would be much better than an old worn out opposer... 😀
    Just send him to this site you're on!
  12. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in KAZAKHSTAN: Plagiarised "expert analysis", Jehovah's Witnesses to pay over 3 years' wages   
    Communism has a terrible reputation, and much of it is well deserved. There have been terrible communist regimes. They rarely did better, and often did much worse, than the regimes they were trying to replace. One of the initial ideas, of course, was that religion was all "superstition" that would get in the way of human progress. Humans make bad leaders in general, and although false religion permeates leadership in most places, at least most countries will give lip service to faith and spirituality.
    It's not that I just want to speak up when claims are made that might be only partially true or even completely untrue. I read or hear 100 things a day that are probably untrue, and never bat an eyelash. When I do speak up it is usually when these types of dubious claims are leveraged as the basis to make even more grandiose claims. The more fearsome predictions are taken to a much higher level and then "cemented" with a Biblical or prophetic assurance.
    That bothers me because there is a long track record of Western dishonesty about communist regimes that is appalling. Even if 95 of the last 100 negative claims in mainstream media about China are completely debunked, they continue to be repeated because they work. The most trusted news sources in the United States, for example, can be counted on to give a constant barrage of anti-China stories, and the next one, no matter what, will be believed even if most of them can be shown to have never been true.
    What people will instantly and unquestionably believe about HK, Taiwan, Mongolia, Tibet, Falun Gong, and Uyghur Muslims is amazing to me.  Every year China's economy is predicted to fail. Every few days on PBS, NPR, or NYT there is fearmongering about how China will erase all the gains made by the US on climate agreements (when it's been the opposite for years now). You can always find a story about Uyghur being slaughtered by the millions.
    What is amazing to me about that last one (the Uyghurs) is that every story about supposedly MILLIONS of persons always finally boils down to less than 12 interviewees, and even those 12 seem to be copies of just a couple of different stories. You'll have "Bitter Winter" people like Massimo Introvigne claim he knows how bad it is, but he also is dependent on the same few individuals. Where else in the world could a million Muslims be slaughtered and yet you can find Muslims voluntarily leaving and returning by bus to these same "concentration camps"? How is that you can find Muslims in nearby India and Pakistan who approve of China's methods of handling Muslim fanatics. And how is it that thousands of random pictures from Muslims come out of this same province through Twitter, Flickr, etc., where the Muslims in the background are seen going on with their daily lives, and there is no flood of refugees to nearby countries.
    What country has sponsored and built more Muslim mosques and schools than any other country in the world? China.
    President Xi speaks out regularly against the prejudice that many Han Chinese have against non-Han, including Muslims. Xi constantly points to and celebrates the diversity of the Chinese people. He personally promotes celebrations of Muslim culture and Mongolian culture. Mongolians themselves have nearly lost their traditional language, yet the government has made sure that signs in Mongolia are bilingual. The signs in Xinjiang province (where most Uyghurs live) are also in their own language.
    Like Ancient Rome and Modern Russia, China only approves historically long-standing traditional religions, and does not trust new religions. In China, they are especially harsh with "new" religions whose backing and publications ultimately come from the United States. If they try to proselytize others with an anti-communist philosophy, they are going to have even more trouble. Falun Gong is rabidly (and openly) anti-communist, and many have been jailed for promoting an illegal religion. This policy has not been good at all for JWs there, and several have also been jailed for proselytizing or smuggling in the literature. Chinese Baptists and their missionaries have been jailed for the same, even though they have been around more than twice as long as JWs.
    The details of investigations about Chinese policies could go on for 100's of pages. (But this is a thread about Kazakhstan, so I'll only do one or two pages.) The Chinese track record on religion is not good. But it doesn't mean that fear-mongering is correct about supposed concentration camps and organ harvesting of mass disappearances of people. More than one person in the CIA has claimed that their job was, as one put it, to make up stories and promote the idea that "communists eat babies." I don't think there is any reason to believe that such stories are still promoted in one way or another. (A recent NYT "documentary" on the Uyghurs was found to have blatantly mistranslated official Chinese documents related to the programs in Xinjiang.) It doesn't mean that terrible things don't happen in China, but such stories are intended to make it look like communism is 1,000 times worse.
    The intent of that propaganda has been to make it easy for citizens of Western imperialist nations to easily accept warfare against communist nations whenever it's deemed to be useful for Western interests. Currently, terrorism is the war catalyst, but who knows when we'll need another red scare?
    When I see unsubstantiated claims along this line, I sense that it is part of warmongering, even though unintentional by those who repeat the claims.
  13. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Why are people so frightened of my questions ?
    @JW Insider Please help me out here. I'm sure you could provide an inteligent answer. 
    I expect no sense from Tom and Jerry above though. 
  14. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    A public talk titled "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living May Never Die" was first delivered on February 24, 1918 in Los Angeles, California. Five weeks later, on March 31, 1918 the title was changed to indicate absolute certainty: "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living Will Never Die." The public talk continued to be delivered under that same title until 1925.
    At a 1931 Bible Student assembly in Columbus, Ohio Rutherford proposed a new name for the organization, Jehovah's witnesses, to differentiate them from the proliferation of other groups that followed Russell's teachings.
    Joseph Franklin Rutherford, also known as Judge Rutherford, was the second president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) from 1917 until his death in 1942.
    OK, a few questions. 
    If I'm right what RUSSELL had built up was an Association of Bible Students possibly earthwide ? 
    So, what Rutherford had taken over was this Association of Bible Students. But Rutherford broke away from that and formed an Organisation naming it Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931.
    Now, this creates a question.  Who were the Millions now living that would never die ? 
    This was 1918. Pre-JW.  International Bible Student era.  So exactly who did Rutherford expect to 'never die' ? 
    (At this point it matter not that his prediction failed. More to the point of who he expected to live on).
    And when Rutherford's breakaway 'group' were named Jehovah's Witnesses, did his idea change from 'Millions' now living will never die, to, Only JWs now living will never die ?
    There must have come a time when the quantity of people expected to continue living decreased rapidly. Because Rutherford's JWs would have been far less than the original International Bible Students Association. 
    And when exactly was this Millions now living will never die idea, removed from the JW doctrines / teachings ? 
    There seems to be lots of discussion about RUSSELL on here, but not much about RUTHERFORD. However it was Rutherford that 'built' the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. 
    I'm interested in this big change of thought from the idea of, millions of individuals that would continue living, to the idea of, 'only Jehovah's Witnesses will continue living'.  So it would be goodto know exactly who Rutherford expected to 'continue living'. 
    (information taken from https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/218007.Millions_Now_Living_Will_Never_Die_ )
    The thoughts are mine but I found this book online when looking for information. I would think about buying the book but then wonder if it is likened to 'hero worship' / idolatry. 
    Any thoughts ??? 
  15. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in "How can I explain 'the meek will inherit the earth' to my jw husband?"   
    Those who belong to Christ (his body members.. This must surely be a limited number ?  A body can only have a certain amout of members / parts.  Do you therefore believe that the 144,000 is the real number ?
    They bring with them from heaven, healing and blessing to all the Nations.- So who or what is the 'Nations' ?
    The teaching that there is a "heavenly hope" and an "earthly hope", is false.  How is this false if only a certain number will have access to Heaven ? 
    I thought it was the GB / Org that have started to teach that ALL JWs are part of the 'body of Christ'.  
    Now you seem to be teaching it.  If there is no distinction between 'heaveny' and 'earthly' ones, then tell us what (non body of Christ) humans become ?    The plot thickens. 
  16. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    I think Patiently Sitting on his Hands could find a scandal in a Witness phone directory.
  17. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    A public talk titled "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living May Never Die" was first delivered on February 24, 1918 in Los Angeles, California. Five weeks later, on March 31, 1918 the title was changed to indicate absolute certainty: "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living Will Never Die." The public talk continued to be delivered under that same title until 1925.
    At a 1931 Bible Student assembly in Columbus, Ohio Rutherford proposed a new name for the organization, Jehovah's witnesses, to differentiate them from the proliferation of other groups that followed Russell's teachings.
    Joseph Franklin Rutherford, also known as Judge Rutherford, was the second president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) from 1917 until his death in 1942.
    OK, a few questions. 
    If I'm right what RUSSELL had built up was an Association of Bible Students possibly earthwide ? 
    So, what Rutherford had taken over was this Association of Bible Students. But Rutherford broke away from that and formed an Organisation naming it Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931.
    Now, this creates a question.  Who were the Millions now living that would never die ? 
    This was 1918. Pre-JW.  International Bible Student era.  So exactly who did Rutherford expect to 'never die' ? 
    (At this point it matter not that his prediction failed. More to the point of who he expected to live on).
    And when Rutherford's breakaway 'group' were named Jehovah's Witnesses, did his idea change from 'Millions' now living will never die, to, Only JWs now living will never die ?
    There must have come a time when the quantity of people expected to continue living decreased rapidly. Because Rutherford's JWs would have been far less than the original International Bible Students Association. 
    And when exactly was this Millions now living will never die idea, removed from the JW doctrines / teachings ? 
    There seems to be lots of discussion about RUSSELL on here, but not much about RUTHERFORD. However it was Rutherford that 'built' the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. 
    I'm interested in this big change of thought from the idea of, millions of individuals that would continue living, to the idea of, 'only Jehovah's Witnesses will continue living'.  So it would be goodto know exactly who Rutherford expected to 'continue living'. 
    (information taken from https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/218007.Millions_Now_Living_Will_Never_Die_ )
    The thoughts are mine but I found this book online when looking for information. I would think about buying the book but then wonder if it is likened to 'hero worship' / idolatry. 
    Any thoughts ??? 
  18. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    A public talk titled "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living May Never Die" was first delivered on February 24, 1918 in Los Angeles, California. Five weeks later, on March 31, 1918 the title was changed to indicate absolute certainty: "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living Will Never Die." The public talk continued to be delivered under that same title until 1925.
    At a 1931 Bible Student assembly in Columbus, Ohio Rutherford proposed a new name for the organization, Jehovah's witnesses, to differentiate them from the proliferation of other groups that followed Russell's teachings.
    Joseph Franklin Rutherford, also known as Judge Rutherford, was the second president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) from 1917 until his death in 1942.
    OK, a few questions. 
    If I'm right what RUSSELL had built up was an Association of Bible Students possibly earthwide ? 
    So, what Rutherford had taken over was this Association of Bible Students. But Rutherford broke away from that and formed an Organisation naming it Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931.
    Now, this creates a question.  Who were the Millions now living that would never die ? 
    This was 1918. Pre-JW.  International Bible Student era.  So exactly who did Rutherford expect to 'never die' ? 
    (At this point it matter not that his prediction failed. More to the point of who he expected to live on).
    And when Rutherford's breakaway 'group' were named Jehovah's Witnesses, did his idea change from 'Millions' now living will never die, to, Only JWs now living will never die ?
    There must have come a time when the quantity of people expected to continue living decreased rapidly. Because Rutherford's JWs would have been far less than the original International Bible Students Association. 
    And when exactly was this Millions now living will never die idea, removed from the JW doctrines / teachings ? 
    There seems to be lots of discussion about RUSSELL on here, but not much about RUTHERFORD. However it was Rutherford that 'built' the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. 
    I'm interested in this big change of thought from the idea of, millions of individuals that would continue living, to the idea of, 'only Jehovah's Witnesses will continue living'.  So it would be goodto know exactly who Rutherford expected to 'continue living'. 
    (information taken from https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/218007.Millions_Now_Living_Will_Never_Die_ )
    The thoughts are mine but I found this book online when looking for information. I would think about buying the book but then wonder if it is likened to 'hero worship' / idolatry. 
    Any thoughts ??? 
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    Agree, of course. But you have to agree with the experiential statement that a principle can be changed, as we see in the example of WTJWorg, who changes the principle on the basis of “new light” and new, clarified interpretations of old doctrines. The very change of doctrine leads to a change of principles, in one way or another.  
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Vaccine time   
    Good information.  It's crazy though. I think things like this have happened here in UK, where the Police are told to do things that are not even written in law.  So much bluff and so many lies. 
  21. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in A. MORRIS AND MONEY   
    That's funny because the Leaders of the JWs used to say that the Org was the new Ark 
  22. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in A. MORRIS AND MONEY   
    But the GB did write in the Watchtower magazine that the Anointed would not want to meet together for prayer or Bible study, and the GB wrote that the Anointed would be 'working against the Holy spirit' if they did meet together for such things. The GB put that in writing so it cannot be denied. 
    As for divorce and adultery, I've seem plenty of it in the congregations I've been in, here in England. 
    And again, as for corrupting justice, we only need to look at the CSA judicial decisions and court cases. And the hiding of known pedophiles in congregations of JWs. Some of those pedophiles were (and maybe still are) Elders and because they were hidden in congregations they managed to sexually abuse more than one child continuously.  Unless your think all of the Victims Earthwide are telling lies. 
    And you will remember that up until 2013 ( i think it was that year) ALL of the Anointed were classed as the Faithful and Discreet Slave, but that tittle was suddenly taken from them by the GB. So did the GB exhalt themselves or belittle the reast of the  Anointed ? 
    Aurana, we are all imperfect, but those with more power and responsibility (the GB) need to be more careful with how they use it all. 
  23. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in KAZAKHSTAN: Plagiarised "expert analysis", Jehovah's Witnesses to pay over 3 years' wages   
    I had previously said, 
    I do see how some things are just anti-JW, but i also see when the Watchtower / GB  / JW Org have wrong direction too. It's a matter of being balanced. And as for all the other things you've mentioned, I just don't go there. It's not my business to dream up thoughts of what the 'world' is doing. 
    When things happen we will know, and if we are serving Almighty God through Christ, then we need not worry. 
    For those that try to preserve their life will lose it, but those that lose their life will gain it back again. 
  24. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in KAZAKHSTAN: Plagiarised "expert analysis", Jehovah's Witnesses to pay over 3 years' wages   
    Claims that reading Jehovah's Witness texts harms mental health has led to Jehovah's Witness communities being ordered to pay over 3 years' average wages to plaintiffs. A Justice Ministry "expert analysis" was used to make the claims, which succeeded despite 63 per cent of the "analysis" being plagiarised and an academic analysis finding it "cannot be accepted as comprehensive, complete, scientifically based, or in accordance with the normative demands presented to the specialists for investigation".
    Two married couples who claim their mental health was harmed by reading Jehovah's Witness texts have won compensation from the Jehovah's Witnesses with the help of a Justice Ministry "expert analysis" of the texts. The "analysis" was completed in just eight days, and 63 per cent of it was found by a defence analysis to have been plagiarised from a 2008 Russian "analysis" with no reference to the source. The Kazakh Justice Ministry "analysis" claims to have found in 16 Jehovah's Witness publications "hidden commands for the full subjugation to and carrying out of all necessary recommendations and orders by elders". (This is a very long article and quite deep but some might find it interesting )  That bit in red is quite interesting because the Watchtower / GB / JW org, do teach the scripture at Hebrews 13 : 17 Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among youz and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over you as those who will render an account, so that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you. The GB, through the Watchtower magazine etc, have also told congregants to 'obey without question' some directions / decisions / orders given by Elders, even if those orders do not seem to make sense at the time given.  Although the 'investigation' is obviously anti-JW, the bit above can be seen to have some truth in it.  The Hebrews scripture would of course only be rightly used if the ones taking the lead were of the True Anointed remnant, who would be directed by Holy Spirit. Otherwise that scripture could be used by anyone taking the lead anywhere. 
  25. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    He gave rules to Adam. Told Adam what he could do and what he should not do. 
    And we have 'rules', 'laws' and principles in the Bible, which is inspired of God.  But we have the free will to follow those 'guidelines' or not to. 
    Very good point.  I know a JW who's wife died because she did not have a blood transfusion, whereas now she could have some fractions from blood.  So maybe that man should have made the decision by using Bible scripture not by obeying humans.  It's one more reason I'm no longer a JW, because i want to be guided by God through Christ, not by men. 
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