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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to xero in Vaccine time   
  2. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    The free will is whether you chose to obey or disobey. Whether it be obeying God or Man's laws. 
    The obvious thing is that every action has a reaction. You may choose to jump off of the top of a high building, but the reaction would be that you would go downward rapidly.  There are laws of many types, gravity is one of them. 
    But human 'perfection' relies on the human obeying God's laws in all ways. And we know that both the devil and Adam had the knowledge needed to make their own decisions. The Devil was an Angel and would have been well trained for the job of watching over this Earth and it's humans. Adam had been given direct instruction by God.  The free will was the choice to obey or disobey God. 
    We, even as imperfect humans, have the choice of obeying God (to the best of our ability) or deliberately disobeying God.
    This is my disagreement with the GB and many JWs. They so say 'dedicate' their lives to obey God through Christ, but can easily be seen to deliberately disobey God.  
  3. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    I agree with all you said.... except this last sentence.... It seems you have put yourself as a judge... be careful.... we are not here to judge others.  We cannot say someone did something deliberately unless we can prove it is premeditated..... and even them ----- people think about bad things before they do them without realizing they are really bad. 
    David premeditated the murder ....... and yet jehovah frogave him... so be careful how you judge!
  4. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in KAZAKHSTAN: Plagiarised "expert analysis", Jehovah's Witnesses to pay over 3 years' wages   
    By the way, the garbled opening statements in the video you posted made it pretty clear that the presenter himself was confused about what he was reading, where he at first indicated that the building would be in NYC, and might have ended up with mixed messages about whether the Pope or the Grand Iman were themselves in favor of the project. He mistakenly indicates that they, or at least the Pope, supposedly "decreed" this project.
    But here's what I meant about the relationship to "We Love Trump" style media outlets. This image is from the opening minute of the video you posted. They also appear to have re-used content from We Love Trump, and even imply that they are related to affiliate partners making money for "We Love Trump:"

  5. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in KAZAKHSTAN: Plagiarised "expert analysis", Jehovah's Witnesses to pay over 3 years' wages   
    I didn't mean to get into all the details of your claims. I only wanted to point out that the document signed by Pope Francis and Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb does not promote any kind of building projects or facilities.
    I noticed that point from the video you provided. It said that the building project was "the embodiment" of the document. I thought: --Hmmm, that sounds intriguing but doesn't sound like the signed document is necessarily concerned directly with any building projects.
    So I went to the site promoting the project https://www.forhumanfraternity.org/abrahamic-family-house/
    It gave the same impression saying only that:
    "The vision for the Abrahamic Family House originated after the signing of the Document on Human Fraternity by Pope Francis and Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb in February 2019."
    So if the idea originated only after the signing of the document, then it probably was not directly related. So I decided to look at the document and read what I could find of any translations available.
    The document itself concludes with no promotion of any kind of building projects. You can see this from the discussion of the document on the same site: https://www.forhumanfraternity.org/document-on-human-fraternity/
    The full text is evidently at this Vatican news link, where I read the entire document in English: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2019-02/pope-francis-uae-declaration-with-al-azhar-grand-imam.html
    If you find any documentation that's different from this, I'm interested of course. But hopefully not just from sources who get their news from the "I Love Trump" style media, like the video you shared. It should be based on the actual documentation and claims, not merely someone's commentary and opinions about what's in the document. This is what you did with the 2030 Agenda material, too, if you recall. You merely repeated what some commentators said about the document and then claimed that what they said was in the document. What they were claiming was not in that document either.
    People should always be careful about what they conclude from what they read and hear.
    I agree that something like this can be worrisome, and it is great fodder for speculation of the type we have been taught for decades as Witnesses. But we should be careful to distinguish between speculation and claims of fact. Personally, I'm always suspicious when grand-standing organizations make grand claims, and make grand plans for multi-million dollars buildings. The latest construction picture I have seen on Vatican News shows it's about 20% complete, and scheduled to be fully completed in 2022. Judging by other projects of this size, I expect it to be a couple of years late.
    From what I can tell, the Document became ready for some fanfare signing in February 2019. The Pope and the head of the Al-Azhar University and Mosque (Cairo) met in Abu Dhabi to sign it in February 2019. By August 2019 the sleazy political leader of Abu Dhabi and the UAE, Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ), had the idea to use the fanfare surrounding the signing as leverage to promote a better reputation for himself in the world. After "consolidating" a large part of the trillions of dollars that is spread throughout his family, he'd give the land and commission the plans for the symbolic set of buildings. Then a typical large but "empty" organization was formed with a board of religious leaders, university presidents, egotists and marketing promoters (TV presenter/writer/producer) got involved. So it was also in August 2019 that they created an organization for themselves to share some credit for what MBZ was doing. Likely MBZ was behind this organzation as a way of giving it (and himself) credibility. They needed a Jewish leader to join and got one from the United States. Even the most famous leaders among Jews and Muslims are not typically recognized equally throughout the world, so the marketing guy, the TV producer, formed something called a Council of Muslim Elders to give the appearance of international recognition (also in August 2019). 
    This organization, HCHF, copied a lot of their promotional tactics and means of giving "titles" from United Nations practices.  Also, very typically, they will offer the grand-sounding "Award for Human Fraternity" with pomp and ceremony to the Pope and the "Grand Imam" (and others) to try to get photo opportunities with them. This makes it look like everyone of note is smiling with them and "their" project even if people like the Pope will actually be quoted only as saying they are "monitoring the project" which often means "eyeing it suspiciously." Then they can distance themselves from it if it goes "south" or use it to make themselves look better if it succeeds. 
  6. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    A perfect mind and a perfect body may have been the features that connect them. However, the experience of the two cannot be compared in any way. Jesus had an experience dating back long before Adam’s existence. Jesus had an experience of what was happening and how the event took place in the Garden of Eden and in heaven with the devil. Thus, it was incomparably easier for Jesus to resist Satan.
    How long can an imperfect man starve if a perfect Jesus could starve for 40 days without his mind being clouded? Could Jesus make the same decisions after 60 days of fasting?
    In the Desert, it was a kind of outwitting and tricks about words and bluffing about who is who and who can do what. But I think that part of his temptation was easier, to do right. I am of the opinion that the events after the Last Supper could have been a real test for Jesus, which was far more difficult and serious than those in the Desert. 
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    In this comment you have introduced a new term; physical protection from harm. This reminds me very much of one statement before court when Richard Ashe says that JW elders provide spiritual protection to members of the congregation, not physical protection (there has been talk of protecting children from CSA)
    If a delegated guardian angel has abused his position, the question is: Why has no one prevented him from doing so? Why no one came and told Eve and Adam; The snake is lying. And everyone heard it and watched it in the heaven. Where were all the First Princes, cherubims, seraphs and other angels? Did they sleep?
    Why didn't anyone react? Neither in a spiritual nor in a literal sense of protection for Adam and Eve? Or, no one in the Heaven want to violate satan' free will? But there was no problem to punish Adam and Eve for their free will? According to JW elder Richard Ashe deposition, if he had been there, he would have sent the elders to provide every "spiritual help" to deliver them from the wrong decision.
    Free choice? The explanations offered go in the direction that it could be concluded that it is very likely that free will means the wrong choice. In primitive terms, free will would be equated with the conclusion that a punishment would be obtained for a choice made beyond that choice prescribed by someone else. If there is no choice other than the one determined by law, then we have no reason to talk about free will in matters of such things.
    And even when people choose a color of shoes that others do not like, many will succumb to the will of others and choose a color that is more liked by the majority in the group or one who has an influence on the opinion of the group. Why do male JWs have a big problem with, say, a beard? Because their free will is not free, but is under attack by the will of the WTJWorg Administration. What kind of free will/choice do we want to talk about? About what kind of protection is about that people in general and unprotected JW members can count on?
    Protection, not general guidance. Because, people need to be "protected" from their wrong free will too.   
  8. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in WHO sex abuse allegations: Democratic Republic of the Congo   
    Stuff like this can spawn Child Sex Rings and Trafficking. Although they spotted this, the underbelly itself is like an unforeseen figure punching you in the dark from random directions. Those who fight it the right way can only minizine damage by trying to reach children and or stopping some instances, the unfortunate part is this stuff cannot stop, granted those working in said organizations, their intent, at times, is undetectable by those who cannot red Red Flags and the fact that they are not Religious based and are all over the place, it makes detection by some difficult.
    Even the FBI didn't see the actions of a child abuser who is branched in the Gymnastics Team for the US, hence, Sports/Academic Institutions/Clubs.
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in Judge orders stay of Jehovah's Witnesses constitutional claim on privacy of records   
    Probably anything in relation to what led you into grounds of Excommunication, in turn, that information, and or data is stored and it shows everyone else in the community who holds some office in the church to know what led to your Excommunication in the first place. This is nothing of a surprise to how Religious institutions, which are connected, operate.
    It could be a build up of things pertaining to you prior to Excommunication. Well the same can be said for everyone who's data is kept by majority of institutions, they have reasons to hold record and they are under a constitutional right to do so. If you want that to stop, they you'd have to give up your Freedom for Convenience, but that is a big sacrifice, mainly in the realm of government itself, granted, that is whom you have to take that up with. Gambling chips and cards with the Government is not worth it, we can already see that transpiring today.
    They aren't. But Grounds of Excommunication is seen differently by different people, be it they have experience or not, of which generation they come from also plays into that role, in your case, you were a JW a long time ago, what you did at the time, perhaps a different outcome today depending on which JW church you attend.
    This is liken to the Smoking example I told you about a while back and the reaction of some within a Religious Institution.
    Granted all of their elders in the church are different, I doubt church elders of old vs. others, even today have the same reaction.
    That being said, since we are speaking about Data, and you saying you adhere to Facebook, I tell you this now - Up your security, granted, if you have this view of Data, I hope you are aware that not doing anything now with any platform you are on now, your data will end up on the Black Market. Granted I've seen people selling Data in the Dark Web, that is the last place you want your information to me on. You've been warned. Look into 2-Factor too.
    In the JWs case, be it they have your data or not locked away, security needs to be upped on their part because even institutions can end up on the Black Market if not careful.
  10. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Space Merchant in WHO sex abuse allegations: Democratic Republic of the Congo   
    WHO sex abuse allegations: Agency staff members carried out rapes during Democratic Republic of the Congo Ebola response,The allegations, which include nine claims of rape, were said to have been perpetrated by 83 foreigners and nationals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including 21 WHO staff members.
    Twenty-one World Health Organisation (WHO) staff members were allegedly involved in sexual abuse during the agency's response to the Ebola crisis in central Africa, according to an official report.
    The allegations, which include nine of rape, were identified by a special panel commissioned by WHO to look into claims involving the UN's health agency in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
    It found a total of 83 perpetrators were involved in alleged sex abuse during the two-year response period, including the 21, in what has been called the biggest scandal of sexual wrongdoing linked to a UN institution in years.
    WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the report produced by the panel made for "harrowing reading".
    Apparently referring to the victims, he said: "I am sorry by what was done by people employed by the WHO to serve and protect you."
    He said the findings would require "wholesale reforms of our structure and culture" and all known sex abuse perpetrators would be banned from working for the WHO in future, with four people already fired.
    Western diplomatic sources who attended a closed-door briefing with WHO officials have said another two people have been placed on administrative leave.
    News agencies AP and Thomson Reuters Foundation, which worked with the New Humanitarian, published separate allegations claiming that aid workers from WHO and leading charities misused their position during the 2018-2020 Ebola crisis in the country.
    Among those accused was a WHO doctor and two other agency officials, who were said to have promised to buy land for a young woman who had got pregnant.
    WHO chief Mr Tedros made 14 trips to the DRC during the outbreak period and publicly commended the work of at least one of those who was accused by AP.
    Nearly 50 countries, including Britain, the US and Canada later issued a statement expressing their "deep concerns" about WHO's handling of sex abuse claims.
    AP has since obtained recordings of meetings during which WHO emergencies chief Dr Michael Ryan acknowledged that the DRC sex abuse allegations were likely to be "the tip of an iceberg" and were part of a problem that "does reflect a culture as well".
    A member of the Congolese Union of Media Women (UCOFEM), Julie Londo, applauded WHO for punishing staff members involved in the abuse allegations but said the agency needed to go further.
    She said: "WHO must also think about reparation for the women who were traumatised by the rapes and the dozens of children who were born with unwanted pregnancies as a result of the rapes.
    "There are a dozen girls in Butembo and Beni who had children with doctors during the Ebola epidemic, but today others are sent back by their families because they had children with foreigners...We will continue our fight to end these abuses."
    WHO has faced criticism from a variety of sources in recent years, with the US cutting ties with it over its relationship with China, and from others over its failure to fully investigate the origins of and response to COVID-19.
  11. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in KAZAKHSTAN: Plagiarised "expert analysis", Jehovah's Witnesses to pay over 3 years' wages   
    I had previously said, 
    I do see how some things are just anti-JW, but i also see when the Watchtower / GB  / JW Org have wrong direction too. It's a matter of being balanced. And as for all the other things you've mentioned, I just don't go there. It's not my business to dream up thoughts of what the 'world' is doing. 
    When things happen we will know, and if we are serving Almighty God through Christ, then we need not worry. 
    For those that try to preserve their life will lose it, but those that lose their life will gain it back again. 
  12. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    This means he had not eaten from it before - and Jehovah now took his opportunity away to eat it. 
    After the thousand years the bible indicates that those who pass the final test as perfect people (like Adam and Eve ) will get to eat the tree of life.  What is so hard to understand that.  Unless you read fallacies on other religious websites. I notice you quoted a Muslim website.
    Since I know this religions well and its absolute inconsistencies I think you should stay away from those!
  13. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    This is why it is a universal issue - because a spirit son was thinking bad thoughts before he acted upon them and then enticed eve to sin - just like he enticed Jesus - who did not bite.
    Jesus came down from the spirit realm and became lower than angels and in this form answered Satan by his actions.  Satan and his demons were condemned by jesus' faithful obedience to his death. He also saved imperfect men from the same fate.
    Satan acted like Judas - he had unfaithful thoughts and acted upon them. James 1 : 13 - 15 applied.
  14. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in KAZAKHSTAN: Plagiarised "expert analysis", Jehovah's Witnesses to pay over 3 years' wages   
    To be a little clearer, the fluffy document about hoping for peace between major religions had nothing to do with building any kind of facility in Abu Dhabi or anywhere else in the world.
  15. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in KAZAKHSTAN: Plagiarised "expert analysis", Jehovah's Witnesses to pay over 3 years' wages   
    Claims that reading Jehovah's Witness texts harms mental health has led to Jehovah's Witness communities being ordered to pay over 3 years' average wages to plaintiffs. A Justice Ministry "expert analysis" was used to make the claims, which succeeded despite 63 per cent of the "analysis" being plagiarised and an academic analysis finding it "cannot be accepted as comprehensive, complete, scientifically based, or in accordance with the normative demands presented to the specialists for investigation".
    Two married couples who claim their mental health was harmed by reading Jehovah's Witness texts have won compensation from the Jehovah's Witnesses with the help of a Justice Ministry "expert analysis" of the texts. The "analysis" was completed in just eight days, and 63 per cent of it was found by a defence analysis to have been plagiarised from a 2008 Russian "analysis" with no reference to the source. The Kazakh Justice Ministry "analysis" claims to have found in 16 Jehovah's Witness publications "hidden commands for the full subjugation to and carrying out of all necessary recommendations and orders by elders". (This is a very long article and quite deep but some might find it interesting )  That bit in red is quite interesting because the Watchtower / GB / JW org, do teach the scripture at Hebrews 13 : 17 Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among youz and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over you as those who will render an account, so that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you. The GB, through the Watchtower magazine etc, have also told congregants to 'obey without question' some directions / decisions / orders given by Elders, even if those orders do not seem to make sense at the time given.  Although the 'investigation' is obviously anti-JW, the bit above can be seen to have some truth in it.  The Hebrews scripture would of course only be rightly used if the ones taking the lead were of the True Anointed remnant, who would be directed by Holy Spirit. Otherwise that scripture could be used by anyone taking the lead anywhere. 
  16. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Arauna in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    Sin didn't exist before the devil tempted Eve.  The angel that became the devil must have been the first to commit sin. 
    The snake would have been a harmless animal, as would all animals.  Adam had control over them all. 
    Berean Study Bible
    Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it.”
  17. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    Another "set" time?
    This is judgment, Adam and Eve faced judgment.  The "flaming blade of a sword" is the fire of God's Word.  "Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?"  Jer 23:29
    "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."  Heb 4:12
  18. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    Jesus, is the tree of life.  If Satan had his "eyes" on it, it was to bring about his enemy's destruction. (Gen 3:15) The anointed, are also referred to as "trees".  (Matt 7:17,20; John 6:57,58,63;17:2;6:44,45; Rev 2:7; Ps 1:3; Rev 22:2,14)  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+7%3A17%2C20%3B+John+6%3A57%2C58%2C63%3B17%3A2%3B6%3A44%2C45%3B+Rev+2%3A7%3B+Ps+1%3A3%3B+Rev+22%3A2%2C14&version=NIV
    The choice was given to Adam and Eve which "tree" to eat from, with the consequences for choosing the lies of Satan, instead of the "tree" of truth in the Word of God.  John 1:1  We also have that choice.  2 Thess 2:9,10
    Two Trees - Past and Present
  19. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in A. MORRIS AND MONEY   
    That's funny because the Leaders of the JWs used to say that the Org was the new Ark 
  20. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in KAZAKHSTAN: Plagiarised "expert analysis", Jehovah's Witnesses to pay over 3 years' wages   
    Claims that reading Jehovah's Witness texts harms mental health has led to Jehovah's Witness communities being ordered to pay over 3 years' average wages to plaintiffs. A Justice Ministry "expert analysis" was used to make the claims, which succeeded despite 63 per cent of the "analysis" being plagiarised and an academic analysis finding it "cannot be accepted as comprehensive, complete, scientifically based, or in accordance with the normative demands presented to the specialists for investigation".
    Two married couples who claim their mental health was harmed by reading Jehovah's Witness texts have won compensation from the Jehovah's Witnesses with the help of a Justice Ministry "expert analysis" of the texts. The "analysis" was completed in just eight days, and 63 per cent of it was found by a defence analysis to have been plagiarised from a 2008 Russian "analysis" with no reference to the source. The Kazakh Justice Ministry "analysis" claims to have found in 16 Jehovah's Witness publications "hidden commands for the full subjugation to and carrying out of all necessary recommendations and orders by elders". (This is a very long article and quite deep but some might find it interesting )  That bit in red is quite interesting because the Watchtower / GB / JW org, do teach the scripture at Hebrews 13 : 17 Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among youz and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over you as those who will render an account, so that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you. The GB, through the Watchtower magazine etc, have also told congregants to 'obey without question' some directions / decisions / orders given by Elders, even if those orders do not seem to make sense at the time given.  Although the 'investigation' is obviously anti-JW, the bit above can be seen to have some truth in it.  The Hebrews scripture would of course only be rightly used if the ones taking the lead were of the True Anointed remnant, who would be directed by Holy Spirit. Otherwise that scripture could be used by anyone taking the lead anywhere. 
  21. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Matthew9969 in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    So not agreeing with the governing body is a sin worthy of death?
  22. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Matthew9969 in A. MORRIS AND MONEY   
    I don't remember Noah demanding financial donations to build the ark and legal assistance for his sons.
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    Some folks on here are soooo like the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org in pretending they know more than others. 
    If a person says that Jesus DID know, then it would appear they are calling Jesus a liar. 
    I keep coming back to the point that even if a person knew which year the scriptures work out to, that does not take into account the fact that the time will be 'cut short', and no one knows by how much it will be cut short. 
  24. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in A. MORRIS AND MONEY   
    We are all being judged by the words of Jesus Christ as Morris said, who then bent his words into a tight ball of yarn for his benefit.  John 14:23  Our spiritual perception can be dulled by our own desires. It requires spiritual perception to understand the sins of God’s people today.
     Jesus said, “Don’t collect for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But collect for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal.”  Matt 6:19,20
    Idolaters set their mind/focus on earthly things, which is the whole concept of the Watchtower’s existence.
    “More than that, I now regard all things as liabilities compared to the far greater value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things—indeed, I regard them as dung!—that I may gain Christ, 9 and be found in him, not because I have my own righteousness derived from the law, but because I have the righteousness that comes by way of Christ’s faithfulness—a righteousness from God that is in fact based on Christ’s faithfulness.
    Be imitators of me, brothers and sisters, and watch carefully those who are living this way, just as you have us as an example. 18 For many live, about whom I have often told you, and now, with tears, I tell you that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is the belly, they exult in their shame, and they think about earthly things. Phil 3 
    We have Jesus and the apostles as our pattern to follow in this matter.  JWs choose the pattern set by the GB without examining the scriptures, as you yourself have done.  God doesn’t choose that corrupt example, and His tolerance only goes so far. 
    The Lord said,
    “Go up and down through the streets of Jerusalem.
    Look around and see for yourselves.
    Search through its public squares.
    See if any of you can find a single person
    who deals honestly and tries to be truthful.
    If you can, then I will not punish this city.
    2 These people make promises in the name of the Lord.
    But the fact is, what they swear to is really a lie.”
    “These people have denied what the Lord says.  – the words of Jesus Christ.
    They have said, ‘That is not so!
    No harm will come to us.
    We will not experience war and famine.
    13 The prophets will prove to be full of wind.
    The Lord has not spoken through them.
    So, let what they say happen to them.’”
    “Proclaim this message among the descendants of Jacob.
    Make it known throughout Judah.
    21 Tell them: ‘Hear this,
    you foolish people who have no understanding,
    who have eyes but do not discern,
    who have ears but do not perceive:
    22 ‘You should fear me!’ says the Lord.
    ‘You should tremble in awe before me!
    Something horrible and shocking
    is going on in the land of Judah:
    31 The prophets prophesy lies.
    The priests exercise power by their own authority.
    And my people love to have it this way.
    But they will not be able to help you when the time of judgment comes! Jer 5
  25. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in A. MORRIS AND MONEY   
    But the GB did write in the Watchtower magazine that the Anointed would not want to meet together for prayer or Bible study, and the GB wrote that the Anointed would be 'working against the Holy spirit' if they did meet together for such things. The GB put that in writing so it cannot be denied. 
    As for divorce and adultery, I've seem plenty of it in the congregations I've been in, here in England. 
    And again, as for corrupting justice, we only need to look at the CSA judicial decisions and court cases. And the hiding of known pedophiles in congregations of JWs. Some of those pedophiles were (and maybe still are) Elders and because they were hidden in congregations they managed to sexually abuse more than one child continuously.  Unless your think all of the Victims Earthwide are telling lies. 
    And you will remember that up until 2013 ( i think it was that year) ALL of the Anointed were classed as the Faithful and Discreet Slave, but that tittle was suddenly taken from them by the GB. So did the GB exhalt themselves or belittle the reast of the  Anointed ? 
    Aurana, we are all imperfect, but those with more power and responsibility (the GB) need to be more careful with how they use it all. 
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