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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    Most people on here know exactly who I am. Why are you pretending that you do not know ?  
    Never mind Billy, you are serving Satan well, enjoy it whilst you can. 
  2. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    In secret you can, or with those whom you hope you can trust. (Micah 7:5,6) I see Jws on here in disagreement with the 1914 doctrine. Yet, they are still considered brothers.  It is a disfellowshipping factor, if one declares before the elder body that it is a lie.  As soon as one speaks up stating why it's a lie, they are cut off from the organization.  In this case, they are not considered a brother.  Hypocrisy is practiced not only among the leaders, but among JWs who say one thing in private and bury it before those in power.  If there is solid evidence that a lie is being taught, it is in the interests of all to bring that evidence to the table.  Otherwise, it shows the fear of men.  Unity should not compromise truth.  
    When following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, we put off falsehoods, and speak truth to our neighbor.  (Ps 15:2,3)  Otherwise one's heart has not made the distinction between  what is good and what is bad, - and believing as we stand before God in judgment, that we are among the righteous.   (John 7:18; Eph 4:25; Mal 3:18)
      1 Cor 10:21
  3. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    What a wicked accusation, to say that I stand against God.  I love Almighty God and His son Jesus Christ.
    But your problem is clearly seen here. You do not know the difference between Almighty God, and, the Watchtower / JW Org.  Unfortunately for you it shows where your loyalty lies. It would appear that your love is for the JW Org, not for God or Christ. 
    It brings us back to this; JWs have been brainwashed into thinking that a person can only be a True Christian if that person is a JW.  This is GB teachings. Back to the old record of : "Only JWs will be saved at Armageddon", and JWs believe it. 
  4. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in 2034 and its significance...   
    What a wicked accusation, to say that I stand against God.  I love Almighty God and His son Jesus Christ.
    But your problem is clearly seen here. You do not know the difference between Almighty God, and, the Watchtower / JW Org.  Unfortunately for you it shows where your loyalty lies. It would appear that your love is for the JW Org, not for God or Christ. 
    It brings us back to this; JWs have been brainwashed into thinking that a person can only be a True Christian if that person is a JW.  This is GB teachings. Back to the old record of : "Only JWs will be saved at Armageddon", and JWs believe it. 
  5. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    Who was in charge of offering sacrifices in the early temple arrangement?
    "The Levitical priests will never fail to have a man always before me to offer burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings, and to make sacrifices."  Jer 33:18
    "you yourselves, as living stones, a spiritual house, are being built to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."
    The anointed priests of the spiritual Temple of God (1 Cor 3:16; Eph 2:20-22) are responsible for the "daily sacrifice" of praise.  Look in your Insight Book, which explains the spiritual Temple, and who comprise it.  Forget what G. Loesch has said, that every JW comprises the Temple.  That is a ploy to hide the "man of lawlessness" within the organization.  The anointed have been cut off from offering their individual "sacrifices of praise" in truth, by your wicked slave. (Matt 24:48-51; Rev 13:5-7)  Their hired henchmen/elder body/"Gentiles have replaced the priesthood. (Rev 11:1,2) THAT is how the constant feature has been removed.   Your downfall is taking literal time periods and trying to make them fit - literally.  The dates in the time of Jesus Christ are symbolic.  (1 Cor 15:46)
    Dan.9:26 reads:
    "And after the sixty-two weeks, anointed shall be cut off (Rev 13:7,17) and shall have nothing for himself" (Isa 50:2; 63:4,5; Mal 2:7; Isa 41:28) (Isa 58:12; Ezek 13:5; 22:30; Isa 63:3; Rev 19:15).
    "And the people of the prince who is to come (2 Thess 2:4; Rev 11:2; 13:7) shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood (Isa 28:15; Rev 12:15; 9:2), and to the end there shall be war (Rev 12:7; Gen 3:15; Matt 24:6; Dan 11:36; Rev 17:14; 19:11,14; 16:13-16; 20:7,8).
    "Desolations are decreed."  (Hos 4:6; Mal 2:8; Ezek 22:26; Dan 11:31; Rev 13:15,17,18; 12:2; 9:3-6,9-11) 
    Constant Feature
    You must not have heard A. Morris's talk on money.  According to him, God and Jesus only love you if you give to the organization.  He quoted John 14:23, and said:
    "God loves people who love to give. And that’s true.  So we want J. to love us.."
    "but if we say we love Jesus, and were not like Christendom with this proclamation for their love for Jesus, they really don’t even know the real Jesus, frankly till you get an accurate knowledge of the truth.  But if we’re in the truth, dedicated baptized servants of him, if we really love him we’re gonna observe his word.  Now that means not just carrying out the kingdom putting our time and energy into it, it also means money"
    Nowhere in Jesus' teachings, did he say to put value on money, but to give to the poor - those in need. Apparently, that excludes the GB and all leaders of the organization - leaches who suck the poor dry.   
  6. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in 2034 and its significance...   
    Do what you need to do to protect yourself from demonic onslaught... from here on out.. it will climax to a peak... if you want to steer up the nest... just mention 2034.
    If you think the demons where upset about 1914... when they hear about 2034...it will throw them in a violent tizzie....  but it seems you know who you are dealing with... keep opposing them for the saftey of others. 😄
    When they reject 1914 which is another red flag that they are not JW's... you can easily expose them.  Take Care and Stay Safe my dear Sister.... til the end!  (Matthew 24:13)
    It was a pleasure weilding the sword against them with you...
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in 2034 and its significance...   
    Patiently is a woman.  She is vindictive and a liar.  (OCD--Hate is right)  I seen her lies against you as SHE twists and turns... claiming to be a witness for a long time then telling WITNESS that when she wanted to be baptised but was told that she wasn't ready for baptism..  by her admission she claims she was baptised which was playing false to Holy Spirit... 
    Maybe we should call someone to investiagate her allegations of child abuse... so that the Perpetrator gets justice... so why is SHE sooo hestiant???  
    She's  awfully quiet against child abuse in general.  It makes me wonder if her claim is valid. If it happened at all...she would be listing and exposing the Children's Home.  
    What is the Children's Home's Name...  Where is it located??   She came on this site for one reason..  and that was to stumble others by her lies... that's why she is so nasty when I sent her the link about those stumbling others are bundled for Gehenna...   then she thought it was (Hellfire)
    Quess what, JW's know better.... there is no such thing as (Hellfire) Then her buddy WITNESS claims Jesus is GOD in John 1:1c... another slip of a Christendom member spewing lies...
  8. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in 2034 and its significance...   
    I never hear you complain about child abuse about the Catholics or Baptist....  sounds like a catholic home that grooms children for abuse? Where was it? What is the Home called???
    Don't we need to inform law enforcement about this? Parties involved? Plus the Perpetrator??  Was this person a family member? No?  Employee of the Children's Home? Do they get FUNDING? 
  9. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in 2034 and its significance...   
    If you had proof... they why withhold it?  Unless you are like your father who is the Father of the Lie?  Oh well... the fake victum who blames the GB which the GB has nothing to with the Chidren's Home... maybe you should provide names and place??
  10. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in 2034 and its significance...   
    You wanted me to change the subject by feeling all sorry for you.  It was a bad ploy to use on me and then you try to shame me for calling you out! lol.... I have suffered a lot in my life too - very nasty stuff but  it has made me kinder to the true underdogs and also less quick to judge others on face value!
    Good for you that you have a little sympathy for others......even if you acquired this quality only by your own suffering....  Your hardline stance against Jehovah does not seem to credit you as capable of deep love... your blanket and false accusations show you up for who you are!  You have been measured and your hate has made you to be found wanting, my dear!
  11. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    So many different ideas from different JWs on here.  It's kinda sad really. 
    But soon there will be a True Anointed remnant that speak truth from God through Christ. Only by inspiration from God's Holy Spirit will truth be spoken. 
    Zechariah 8:23
    Berean Study Bible
    This is what the LORD of Hosts says: “In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue will tightly grasp the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’ ”
    So, there will come a time when people seeking truth will know who this spiritual JEW is. 
  12. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    HOW will the United Nations find all of the anointed priests in the organization and remove the "constant feature", their "daily sacrifices" that a priest is to carry out?
     "you yourselves, as living stones, are being built into a spiritual house for a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."  1 Pet 2:5
    1 Cor 3:16,17 - "Don’t you yourselves know that you are God’s temple and that the Spirit of God lives in you?  17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is holy, and that is what you are."
    How is the temple/priesthood destroyed?  Only by those who know where the anointed are found.  
    "built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building, being put together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. 22 In him you are also being built together for God’s dwelling in the Spirit."  Eph 2:20-22
  13. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in The Great Tribulation. What is it?   
    Keep Crying and Murmuring... it suits you well.. Wear it...
    Neither be murmurers, as some of them murmured, only to perish by the destroyer.  
     Moreover, with whom did God become disgusted for 40 years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose dead bodies fell in the wilderness?
    So we see that they could not enter in because of lack of faith.
  14. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in 2034 and its significance...   
    Prove it.  That will simply expose you as a willfull liar.  (Revelation 22:15)  Down down down.... in a ring of fire, she burns burns burns, flames keep getting higher.....  😀
  15. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    It was you that called it hell fire Rambo, not me. You told me that i would burn and suffer.. Now you twist things and tell lies. This seems to be getting worse with JWs here. 
    It was me that reminded you that 'the dead are conscious of nothing at all'. 
    Satan uses you well. 
  16. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    Twisting things to suit your own purpose shows your dishonesty. You were talking about control, hence i gave you facts about control.  Now you twist it to pretend that i blame the GB. A very stupid comment from you and a total lack of feeling. But that it what it takes to be a JW isn't it ? Lack of true feelings for others. 
    Being a victim myself gives me empathy for other victims. I can understand the trauma, hence I have feelings for victims of CSA in the JW Org. Because the children did not ask to be part of that Org and those children trusted the Elders and others in those congregations. But those children were abused by the very people they trusted. And it is made worse because nobody cares. 
    Your very comment above shows the heart of a JW.
  17. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    It is very sad to see how JWs on here disagree with each other and disagree with the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org.
    Mr Rando and Sower of Seed are here supposedly representing the JW Org, whilst both contradicting Watchtower / GB teachings. 
    What are visitors to this forum supposed to think ?  It doesn't need Ex-JWs or Anti-JWs to discredit the unity of the JW Org. JWs themselves are doing it right here. 
    If this is a small example of the disunity in the JW Org Earthwide, then maybe the Org will disband completely one day.  Maybe the judging and cleaning up has started already. 
    It certainly gives me more faith in a True Anointed being brought forward to guide God's servants through Christ.  
    Reading the different viewpoints on this forum makes it clear that humans alone cannot do it. 
  18. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in 2034 and its significance...   
    She Can't!  She is working for the guy on the other side of the street.  The Devil... she is the daughter of lies... she's dieseased... don't get too close to her... 😈
    Witnes is not a JW either... he doesn't even like to mention JEHOVAH.. another one who bites the dust as he drifts off to Gehenna..  
    Remember... Patiently calls it (Hellfire)
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in 2034 and its significance...   
    There are so many forms of abuse in the organization.  Whatever was taught and dismissed, as errors in teachings, mislead people through spiritual abuse. They carry a full doctrine of lies and burden the people down with them, whether they know it or not. (Matt 11:28-30; Luke 11:46; Col 2:20-23)   Whatever physical pain and suffering is caused by the organization's sweeping sins under the rug, is emotional and physical abuse.  It's so easy for JWs to ignore the pains of others.  They cannot fathom that years of suffering by victims of abuse, have gone by in their organization - abuse committed to their own "brothers and sisters"; who, when they have had enough, leave, and are then,shunned.    It is a haven of "lawlessness", the transgressing of Christ's word, in many ways.
     "Because lawlessness will multiply, the love of many will grow cold." 
    "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."  Phil 2:34
    How can they do this, when their leaders set the example of self-gratification?
  20. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in The Last Days... When?   
    You're not a WITNESS!  You have been REMOVED.  GET OVER IT... YOU ARE NOT COMING BACK... EVER!!!
  21. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in The Great Tribulation. What is it?   
    It's called JOY!  I find it a Wonderful thing, that those dying the second death are oblivious to it. Another one bites the dust! And another one! And another one!  You can't see what I SEE because it takes Faith.  

    Ezekiel 9:5
    And to the others he said in my hearing: “Go through the city after him and strike. Do not let your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion.
    Ezekiel 8:18
    So I will act in rage. My eye will not feel sorry; nor will I feel compassion. Even though they cry out loudly in my ears, I will not hear them.”
  22. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in 2034 and its significance...   
    Twisting things to suit your own purpose shows your dishonesty. You were talking about control, hence i gave you facts about control.  Now you twist it to pretend that i blame the GB. A very stupid comment from you and a total lack of feeling. But that it what it takes to be a JW isn't it ? Lack of true feelings for others. 
    Being a victim myself gives me empathy for other victims. I can understand the trauma, hence I have feelings for victims of CSA in the JW Org. Because the children did not ask to be part of that Org and those children trusted the Elders and others in those congregations. But those children were abused by the very people they trusted. And it is made worse because nobody cares. 
    Your very comment above shows the heart of a JW.
  23. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    But unfortunately your Leaders do not act as slaves of God through Christ. You know this to be true.
    The Child Sexual Abuse. The lies told in courtrooms by the GB's Lawyers. The false prophecies from your Leaders past and present.  You GB pretending to be the F&DS.  Your GB exalting themselves above the Anointed, and then telling the Anointed not to meet together, not to pray together and not to study God's word together. 
    And your GB put in writing in the Watchtower magazine, that if the Anointed were to meet together to do those things, then your GB say the Anointed would be working against the Holy Spirit. 
    And the Leaders of your organisation have brainwashed all JW into believing that 'only JWs will be saved' and that 'only JWs can be Christians'.  
    Your Leaders and many of the Elders are causses for stumbling, that does not being praise to Almighty God.  
    Look at the pictures they have put on the front of Watchtower magazines over the years, to frighten people into the Org. 
    And JWs do not preach. JWs distribute the words of your GB. Standing at a cart / trolly handing out thingswritten by your GB, is NOT preaching God;s words, it is handing out the words of men. 
    JWs have long been instructed NOT to give their own opinion on anything, but to always refer to 'the literature'. And when a 'Bible study' takes place, it is not from the Bible, it is from a GB written book. 
    I was a JW for many years, I know the proceedure. I am no longer a JW because I left the Org, yes I left the Org, I was not d/fed. I left because of the way Victims of CSA are mistreated. They are treated as collateral damage. Your GB does not care about them and your Elders have no conscience. 
    Most JWs have no idea what is going on behind the scenes of the Org. I keep refering to something Jesus said about 'first cleaning the inside of the bowl or dish, so that the whole thing would become clean'. But your Leaders only whitewash the outside of the JW Org to pretend it is clean. 
    Yes, Jesus is coming with the Angels, to judge us all. But He will judge in righteousness, whereas the Watchtower / JW Org / GB / Elders, do not do so. 
  24. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in The Last Days... When?   
    Arauna, JWs here on this forum are not in unity, imagine the disunity earth wide.  Mr Rando and Sower of Seed both differ from each other and from the Watchtower / GB teachings, but they both seem to be JWs. 
  25. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in 2034 and its significance...   
    Who do you blame for that?  The GB? - most probable you will..... someone has to suffer because of what happened to you, HEH?  Your own poison is worse than the abuse you suffered.  You will never be healed from what happened to you because of your poison.  You were a victim .... but remain one......because you bring pain to other innocent people....
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