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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in 2034 and its significance...   
    hate-OCD in action!  Ignore the above.  It is the same as all the other comments! 
  2. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in The Last Days... When?   
    Yea, People like you are here... so of course it does not look united. I can name a few very controversial people on here who are apostate and make us look disunited.... lol.... I wonder how you could not figure that out for yourself?  Either you are handicapped in some way or wish to ignore what is front of your eyes...... 
  3. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in The Last Days... When?   
    Obviously you won't read this, because it will take longer than 30 seconds.  I don't need to "try" to conform to your wishes, but to conform my words to truth in God's word.  Isn't that right?  But, in a rather larger nutshell, this is why I wouldn't spend time on Catholic forums or atheist forums.
    Unlike the Watchtower, which preaches that the warning call to come out of "Babylon" applies to all other religions, this call's history was directed to God's people under covenant.  (Jer 51:6) .   And why were God's people in Babylon to begin with?  False prophets, idolatry and rebellion against His decrees thrived among His people.  When His warning call sent through His messengers was unheeded, He removed His protection, and they were conquered by the enemy.  They were disciplined through this enemy’s power, but not all responded in repentance.  Their hearts became hardened; they loved the lies and the idolatry.   
    Today’s warning call is also to those under covenant with God, and has  been going on for quite a few years. 1 Cor 5:9-13 used for disfellowshipping purposes, applies to those under the New Covenant, and not to all JWs.  Elders have no permission to judge those under God's covenant. They have no permission to judge any JW.   The judges of the Body of Christ are the anointed.  Additionally, it states, God judges those outside - the Catholics, the atheist, and all.  Yet, because of their association with the Body, JWs receive this message as well. (Matt 25:31-46; John 13:20; Matt 7:21-23; 2 Thess 2:8; Rev 13:1,4,8; Isa 57:20)  The "harvest" is of the wheat, sons of God/anointed priests who are now under "Babylon" - a spiritual state of confusion where dark, failed untruths have no share in the light and purity of Jesus Christ. (Matt 13:38; 2 Cor 6:14; Eph 4:25)  They “live” with spiritual harlots who love their riches, power and dominion over Christ’s “kings of the earth”. Rev 1:5;5:9,10  Revelation concerns Christ’s kings, not rulers on the political scene. (Jer 2:20; 13:27; Ezek 16:25; Ps 106:39; Rev 13:11,12; 17:15,5)
     The Wt. holds the rod of discipline that has come against the anointed – Prov 10:13; Dan 2:33,34; Ps 2:9; Isa 8:9; Dan 8:25; Rev 9:9
    – a stinging army from the "north", the elder body/man of lawlessness which has trampled down the spiritual members of God's Temple.  (Amos 7:1; Joel 1:4,6,7,9; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Rev 11:1-3; Rev 9:3-6)   Why?  They have accepted the lies of false prophets, and the idolatry formed through the presence of these prophets’ earthly treasures – the organization.  They have allowed themselves to be trampled ; GOD’S TEMPLE  is in ruins.  In the organization the anointed living stones, must not become one body under Jesus Christ.  They must remain scattered according to your leadership – “not one stone upon a stone”.  (Matt 24:2,24-26)
    Always, God has sent His messengers to His people under covenant. (Ezek 3:17-19; Amos 3:7) When there is no distinction being made between the sins of the Wt and the sins of the world, it should be clear that the anointed must detach themselves from such iniquity, and the abomination standing in the holy place. (Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:3,4)   Except JWs see only the sins of the world, and excuse, or are oblivious to, their organization’s sins.
    The call is only indistinct to those who choose to remain asleep in darkness - who believe God does not measure the sins of His people. (Ezek 2:5; Zech 2:6,7; Rev 11:1)  If they choose lies over truth – where spiritual harlots breathe out lies to God’s holy people -  their hearts are hardened to the understanding of the message. (Isa 6:10; Matt 13:15; 2 Thess 2:9-12; Rev 16:13-16)  God does not abandon us to darkness, if we yearn to receive the light of life through His Son. (Jer 3:22; 14:7;24:7; Zech 2:8-13;  Eph 5:13-17)
    Salvation awaits those who reject the lies, the idolatry, the sins, and man of lawlessness  (Isa 48:20; Rev 18:4-8) Since Christ, this salvation has never been in the form of an earthly organization/corporation built in Satan’s realm, admitted to be a unique idea of men.  God and Jesus Christ are there to comfort the victims of captivity, sin, dominion, and the oppressive decrees of men.  Just as Babylon was destroyed, and only a remnant survived, it is the same today.  Only a remnant will return from “captivity” under the Harlot and her “Beast”.  (Rev 13:10) (Isa 41:11,10; Mal 3:6; Joel 3:1,2; Isa 43:5-9)
  4. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    Then you appear to disagree with the Watchtower publications on this point, where the 1,335 days end in the "happy" year: 1926.
    *** w51 7/15 pp. 437-438 par. 16 The 1,290 and 1,335 Days of Daniel’s Prophecy ***
    blessed is the one who comes to the 1,335 days. So reckoning this period on from the termination of the 1,290 days would mean from September, 1922, to May, 1926,—three years, eight and one-half months—at which time a large international convention of Jehovah’s people was in session at London, England. It was a season most blessed,
    And from 1977:
    *** go chap. 8 pp. 146-147 par. 57 Marked Days During the “Time of the End” ***
    Truly the year 1926 deserved to be marked as the happy climax of the close of the 1,335 days. Those of Daniel’s “people” who kept in expectation and reached the end of the 1,335 days were launched off into a happiness that has not diminished,
    And even more recently:
    *** w00 5/15 p. 14 par. 28 Pay Attention to God’s Prophetic Word for Our Day ***
    The 2,300 days of Daniel chapter 8 as well as the 1,290 and the 1,335 days of chapter 12 are all past—behind us in the stream of time.
    Of course, the "evidence on the ground" was quite different. The Yearbook (below) describes this period as one of the unhappiest times in WT history. The brothers and sisters were still reeling from the heartbreaking stumbling of so many brothers due to the failure of the 1925 prophecies from the "Millions" campaign and the failed predictions from the book The Harp of God, and the continuing departure of followers under Rutherford's direction. There were the additional failures of the expectations promoted in the book Comfort for the Jews, which had just come out in 1925 (rescinded in 1930/31), etc. 1926 also saw the beginning of heated arguments with Rutherford over why he still called for campaigns to sell Russell's "Studies in the Scriptures" to the public (from 1926-1931) even though Rutherford had begun to reject the majority of the content of those books.
    *** yb75 p. 146 Part 2—United States of America ***
    A. D. Schroeder states: “It was thought that then the remnant of Christ’s anointed followers would go to heaven to be part of the Kingdom and that the faithful men of old, such as Abraham, David and others, would be resurrected as princes to take over the government of the earth as part of God’s kingdom.”
    The year 1925 came and went. Jesus’ anointed followers were still on earth as a class. The faithful men of old times—Abraham, David and others—had not been resurrected to become princes in the earth. (Ps. 45:16) So, as Anna MacDonald recalls: “1925 was a sad year for many brothers. Some of them were stumbled; their hopes were dashed.
  5. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    I think I just happened to run across another post like the one you were speaking about above.
    The responder to that question was @1982 and he also came up with nothing prior to 1914 by anyone except from those comments related to the WT.
    Of course, there is still the question of the unnamed Canadian minister that C T Russell referred to in 1914. I haven't looked yet for more information about him. It may be that this was just one of those cases of someone declaring that "the end is nigh" and "it's going to happen before the end of this year or next at the latest."
    Something like that was always happening somewhere for the majority of years after 1844. Probably, something like that is still happening somewhere in the world nearly every year, even now. This very forum gives evidence of that.
  6. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    I respect your reasons for internet name and picture and for history of your family and friends.
    Because you put my credibility in question i don't see how story about your "fake" name and picture  and provided explanation should be used in order to continue harassing about where any of the other participants log in and give comments. If you are as serious as you claim, then please stop talking about who is where on other platforms and comment on the topic on this Forum. Stick to the topic if you can. If you can not, then continue with same "song". 
    The topics that can be found in this Open Club, are primarily related to JW and that is why I put them. If you consider yourself and act in life more and better than activism or an observer, great. If others can’t be as good as you, then don’t bother them because they can’t achieve your level of standards and performance. Respect others if you want others to respect you. We may disagree about the type of problem and the type of solution and the type of cause for both things. You’re obviously a capable “debater,” but, winning in words doesn’t mean you’re right and others are wrong.
    All your successes that you enumerate, we, who read them, cannot confirm or deny. It remains to believe or not to believe. So, be modest in your praises, and glorify others who you think are not as good as you, that is quality. 
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Great Tribulation. What is it?   
    Rambo sounds more immature or mentally ill, each day. I do wonder what meds he's taking. 
  8. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    But unfortunately your Leaders do not act as slaves of God through Christ. You know this to be true.
    The Child Sexual Abuse. The lies told in courtrooms by the GB's Lawyers. The false prophecies from your Leaders past and present.  You GB pretending to be the F&DS.  Your GB exalting themselves above the Anointed, and then telling the Anointed not to meet together, not to pray together and not to study God's word together. 
    And your GB put in writing in the Watchtower magazine, that if the Anointed were to meet together to do those things, then your GB say the Anointed would be working against the Holy Spirit. 
    And the Leaders of your organisation have brainwashed all JW into believing that 'only JWs will be saved' and that 'only JWs can be Christians'.  
    Your Leaders and many of the Elders are causses for stumbling, that does not being praise to Almighty God.  
    Look at the pictures they have put on the front of Watchtower magazines over the years, to frighten people into the Org. 
    And JWs do not preach. JWs distribute the words of your GB. Standing at a cart / trolly handing out thingswritten by your GB, is NOT preaching God;s words, it is handing out the words of men. 
    JWs have long been instructed NOT to give their own opinion on anything, but to always refer to 'the literature'. And when a 'Bible study' takes place, it is not from the Bible, it is from a GB written book. 
    I was a JW for many years, I know the proceedure. I am no longer a JW because I left the Org, yes I left the Org, I was not d/fed. I left because of the way Victims of CSA are mistreated. They are treated as collateral damage. Your GB does not care about them and your Elders have no conscience. 
    Most JWs have no idea what is going on behind the scenes of the Org. I keep refering to something Jesus said about 'first cleaning the inside of the bowl or dish, so that the whole thing would become clean'. But your Leaders only whitewash the outside of the JW Org to pretend it is clean. 
    Yes, Jesus is coming with the Angels, to judge us all. But He will judge in righteousness, whereas the Watchtower / JW Org / GB / Elders, do not do so. 
  9. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    Whether you use your real name or not, people can find you via IP and or otherwise. Your picture can also be used by others and or ads, even the degusting ones, granted some people's pictures were used, adults and children for nefarious things, I've already mentioned the Dark Web.
    You can only sort of escape that with your security is good.
    Regardless, if you have the ability to log in and make a comment, like/dislike something, you are tied to a platform via device, email, IP, etc.
    You can't post here, in this specific thread as a guest. That isn't out forums work and Admin made that clear, although I mentioned him, I didn't quote him.
    I don't know if you are saying something that is concise, or you stumbled upon your words and lost all sense.
    What does the Internet have to do with parallel universes and "3rd space-time reality"?
    You aren't making a whole lot of sense, perhaps to avoid talking about the cases in ARC. Understandable because you clearly take CSA seriously, as always on this forum, this is why I pointed out if you knew Red Flags but you did not, so you wouldn't be good at detecting abuse.
    Such is strange to a man who shows ignorance and dances in his own folly. On the contrary, all names and pictures have a meaning behind it, you were told this, Butler was told this, but I guess the strawberry cake that is placed at the Tableau des anges déchus is too good for the both of you.
    The name "Space Merchant" with a "Storm Trooper" picture has a reasoning by behind it, as I always allauded to it, even mentioned it briefly.
    Marchand de l'espace (Space Merchant)  derives from short stories of my mother when she was in her country, Haiti. She was a fan of super heroes as a child, and she created a name for herself, Space Merchant, which she made from a mix from her interest in The Green Lantern and Space Ghost since that and JSA was usually aired in Haiti to those who had access to a Television, created her own hero name. She  did this in order to not think about the badness, the killings, even threats of practitioners of Black Magic (Voudou) to her and others; this mentality helped her to stay sane because being in constant fear can take toll on people, thus assuming herself to be like that of a hero of some kind, and she, even as a child back then, helped people her age and, culturally older ones, while being pressed with all that stuff around her, as with her nearly losing her life a few times, granted, those of Black Magic often go for children and teenagers for their blood, that is why some are superstition and or do not give/take blood, the old generation and some of the new, onward today. So I take up that name, Space Merchant aside from what I am originally called BSGT_ Jean-Baptiste or simply Steph. I was even told it would be good to take up that name since I mentioned the story elsewhere. I referred to myself as Space Merchant prior to joining CSE whereas I was already an avid preacher of the gospel, as with being quite logical, and this earned me a lot in the debate space at CSE and in public. In the Truther community, although I am called SM there, people who are aware of me call me Space Merchant.
    I told Butler this already a while back in regards to this but was brief about it after he attempt to joke about why my name is such, mocked it even. The lost soul does not know when it comes to some people, even Islanders, there is a name behind everything and there is a reason as to why people choose or have such names, be it a title name, alias, etc. Unfortunately  some folks in the United Kingdom are unaware of this or being hypocritical, granted their history.
    Like she did to help others, I do the same, hence why I have been involved with children, and helped out elsewhere.
    Storm Trooper picture derives from 2 things. A child who I knew who liked Star Wars, his parents were Star Wars fans themselves, to this day (however not open about it as much because they lost their son). The child was an only child (their only child) and because of his interest in Star Wars, he drew the characters from it a lot, and favored Storm Troopers, he even called me a Storm Trooper. Unfortunately, this child passed away despite being a few months away from the being age 11, and what took his life was an infection, the Flu, for young children are more at risk for the Flu. Although he sleeps in death, and God through Christ Jesus will raise him soon, every since then I maintain a Storm Trooper picture everywhere, and it seems it is suitable for my name, more so, it is a constant reminder for that child, this is the reason I am not the type to forget things and often bring them up; granted as people age, they lost their memory in some cases.
    The other part of that originated with the picture is the fact I was called a Biblical Storm Trooper. This was when I was debating a lot, so much so, I can recall most of my debates, even my early ones when I was a newbie in the debate space, this is also what led me to many things connected to other people, The Speaker's Corner in London, Kel, UK Truthers, The Restorationists, Ezekiel the Goldfish (Sunrise Ezekiel), Kathgar The Arabic JW who survived a terror attack, The late [who some alleged to have disappeared] Souja of God (anointed), FAKT Russia, Steven Gern, Venti, The Truther Community, as is with those who are Anti-Agenda (dislike for opposition groups), etc.
    The Bible knowledge came from my Father of course, as is principle, the very reason I call out falsehood, aside from being a Truther.
    Although not mentioned, The Islander part should be obvious, my culture derives from it, mainly due to the fact we were Scripture heavy. This also led to my growing in knowledge at a very young age, even baptized at the island. As I grew, I saw first hand what sin can do to a man, for I mentioned my brother who got himself addicted to pornography, as is with a late friend of mine, who was persuaded to do pornographic films and eventually she took her life after what the adult industry and the bullying that followed; this resulted in groups like Anonymous going after cyber bullies, including the one regarding my late friend.
    At least I am aware that there is a reasoning behind everything, even names. This is why I called you a pretender. St least now this time you learn; compared to the latter who knows who he is, and pretends he is not said person because he fears the admin when many people called him out.
    You can mock all you want the name and picture, but the fact there is reasoning behind such, the name even the picture itself, I hold true to those convictions, and that is why I am how I am, even I speak like I do in this manner to people, mainly when it comes to call their bluff, as I did to you, as is, I don't flinch to people, even former JWs on the dark side of the moon.
    Kind of hypocritical to attest to Child Abuse Awareness if this is how you act and response, for if the thread was in regards to such, you didn't have to do all that shoehorning.
    As I told @ApostaBabe Linda James the story of Sarah, I hope this time you remember her name (for the mugshot of the pedophile should have been recognizable to someone who us posting about CSA in the UK). Therefore, choose your next response carefully, for, if you can't talk about CSA to drive interest in conversation and or additional solutions, they you simply made this thread for no reason.
    That being said, as are my convictions, unlike you, I am very serious about CSA, so much so, I believe I was among the few who spoke about CSA on a grounded level form of discussion, a couple times actually.
  10. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to BroRando in The Great Tribulation. What is it?   
    The weeds have been dying the second death since 1919... that's the Sudden Destruction... they scream and shout as they weep and gnash their teeth...  😁
    The second phase will soon begin in removing the goats... to join those on the outside, as they are being destroyed...  and that's the Good News of Jehovah's Kingdom.  Yippy Skippy!  
  11. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    There has been enough real honest proof on this forum, to prove the things I've written above are true 
    Although you hate what i write, you could at least be honest enough to admit that what i write is true. Otherwise you are guilty of the deliberate sin of lying.  
    Maybe you have led a peaceful and happy life then, because my life was controlled when I was put into a Children's Home and sexually abused, beaten up, and emotionally abused. Oh yes I DO know what controll is. 
  12. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    Maybe you should re-read my comment above, about the JWs actions against God and Christ. 
    The Jews were once God's chosen people, but they sinned against God and killed His Son, Jesus Christ. 
    If ever the JW Org was God's chosen Org, then it has since sinned against God and 'killed' Christ anew. 
    The JW Org is immoral and it's Leaders have innocent blood on their hands. 
    Do you really think God and Christ will allow this ? 
  13. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    Many religions have 'spread the word of God' throughout this Earth.  I cannot say that any of them have done it properly.
    The JWs have spread Watchtower lies and given false dates and false promises. How can you pretend that it is 'true worship' ?   They lied about the 'Superior Authorities' mentioned in Romans. They lied about "Millions now living will never die", because they all died.  So many false dates for Armageddon just to frighten people into the Org.  They contiue to lie about the GB being the F&DS, and continue to tell the Anointed 'not to meet together for prayer or Bible Study. That is directly against the instruction from Jesus Christ.  They continue to baptise people into the Org and do not obey the instruction about baptism. 
    BUT YOU are frightened of the truth about your Org and it's Leaders, because you worship those 8 men who have power and control over you.
  14. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    Telling the truth about your GB, their lawyers, and the lies told in the Watchtower magazines, has nothing to do with hate or OCD. 
    Your words were :-
     When I read Revelation, I see doom and gloom for those not offering up pure worship to Jehovah and SURVIVAL for those who do worship in Spirit and truth,,
    You were talking about PURE worship. You yourself know that the GB, the Watchtower and JW Org are NOT PURE. 
    THat is not hate Arauna, it's truth. 
  15. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    Those not offering up pure worship to Almighty God must include the GB and their Lawyers then. And also include all those that serve the GB of the Watchtower / JW Org.  That service includes teaching others the GB's lies and mistakes, and putting dates on the things unknown........
    Those that worship in Spirit and truth must be the True Anointed ones. They are the only ones Anointed in Holy Spirit. 
    The best the rest of us can do is try to serve God properly through Jesus Christ.  
    The good news is beautiful and very encouraging, but that is scripture, it is not GB teachings nor Watchtower lies. 
  16. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    And the Watchtower / JW Org has the idolatry of Warwick and Ramapo, which can easily be destroyed.
  17. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in 2034 and its significance...   
    Oh dear another doom and gloom picture, to frighten people. It looks like something from a scary movie  
    And oh dear again. BR in back on the 1914 horse, but I think that horse died long ago. 
    And now 2034 is no longer THE year, but a beginning of something ? 
    And the 120 years of Noah ? Guessing again by putting thoughts into scriptures that God never put there. 
    BR, it seems you are a scare monger wanting attention for yourself. 
    Shame I'll never know, as I will be long dead before 2034 .  
  18. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from JW Insider in Judge orders stay of Jehovah's Witnesses constitutional claim on privacy of records   
    Here in England I used the Data Protection Act to get printed documents concerning ME, that of my Medical Records from my GP, and that of my personal information concerning my time (in the 1960's) in a Children's Home that was government run.
    I wanted more information concerning the employees and management of the Children's Home, and I was told to use the Freedom Of Information Act, to gain more information. However I was told that this extra information would not be mailed to me, and that I would have to visit an office and read through a large amount of files to be able to gain the information. Even then I would not be allowed to take photos or take notes on the files I read.  
  19. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Judge orders stay of Jehovah's Witnesses constitutional claim on privacy of records   
    Who gets to decide the constitutionality of privately held church records is at the centre of a court and privacy commission battle being waged by the Jehovah's Witnesses and two former members.
    A B.C. Supreme Court judge has ordered a stay of proceedings in a case in which the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada sought to challenge British Columbia's privacy laws, saying the matter is best decided by the privacy commission.
    The church had refused to turn over personal records sought by former Jehovah's Witnesses Gregory Westgarde and Gabriel-Liberty Wall.
    Justice Janet Winteringham gave her decision in Vancouver on Monday.
    It involves former members of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Coldstream and Grand Forks who wanted their personal records turned over to them after they left the church.
    The congregations refused the requests, claiming the records were confidential and that compelling production violated their constitutional rights.
    Church elders John Vabuolas and Paul Sidhu have proceedings underway before B.C.’s privacy commissioner on the matter, and Winteringham wrote in her decision that the court challenge versus B.C.'s attorney general be stayed pending the outcome of the privacy inquiries.
    Vabuolas is an elder in the Grand Forks congregation, where Gabriel-Liberty Wall requested disclosure of his personal information in March 2020. Wall was baptized in February 2012, moved to the Grand Forks congregation in 2014, and formally resigned from the church in 2017.
    Sidhu is an elder in the Coldstream congregation, where Gregory Westgarde requested his records in October 2020. About August 2009, Westgarde "made known to the elders he no longer wished to be known as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses."
    Sidhu described Westgarde’s departure from the church as "unequivocal," despite a trio of elders offering spiritual guidance.
    "Based on our internal canon law, a brief summary of this decision, our efforts, and (Mr. Westgarde’s) response was placed in a confidential file under lock and key," Sidhu wrote in a deposition.
    According to the litigants, "As a part of their spiritual duties, elders may create records about their congregants, particularly as it relates to their religious standing as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The plaintiffs allege B.C.’s privacy legislation does not recognize or respect the confidentiality of these records created in relation to the elders’ spiritual duties and as such violates their constitutional rights."
    The Watchtower sought to stay the privacy inquiries and let the court decide the matter, but the judge disagreed, staying the civil suit against the attorney general's ministry, pending the outcome of the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner hearings.
    The elders maintained that PIPA "violates their constitutional rights of religious freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of association because the legislation fails to protect confidential religious communications and records."
    It seems to be all about power and control, but I would have thought a person should be entitled to have their records as why would the Elders still need them anyway ? 
    Yes I know it's all about diferent laws in different places.  Perhaps I should ask for my personal information here in UK, and see what result i get  
  20. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from BroRando in 2034 and its significance...   
    Oh dear another doom and gloom picture, to frighten people. It looks like something from a scary movie  
    And oh dear again. BR in back on the 1914 horse, but I think that horse died long ago. 
    And now 2034 is no longer THE year, but a beginning of something ? 
    And the 120 years of Noah ? Guessing again by putting thoughts into scriptures that God never put there. 
    BR, it seems you are a scare monger wanting attention for yourself. 
    Shame I'll never know, as I will be long dead before 2034 .  
  21. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in 2034 and its significance...   
    There has been enough real honest proof on this forum, to prove the things I've written above are true 
    Although you hate what i write, you could at least be honest enough to admit that what i write is true. Otherwise you are guilty of the deliberate sin of lying.  
    Maybe you have led a peaceful and happy life then, because my life was controlled when I was put into a Children's Home and sexually abused, beaten up, and emotionally abused. Oh yes I DO know what controll is. 
  22. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    It seems as if Truthers, or at least one Truther,  should be called a Snooper 
    definition of snoopers by The Free Dictionary
    https://www.thefreedictionary.com › snoopers   To pry into the private affairs of others, especially by prowling about.   I didn't know @Space Merchant was so bored that he spent his time snooping on people's internet activity.    Maybe I have to confess that i have around five Facebook pages. One is directed at Leaving the JW Org.  I may even have a Youtube account but i would think it is inactive.     I do see FB as a 'platform' of sorts and it is very useful to use to 'Preach the Good News of the Kingdom' whilst remaining outside of the JW domination. It's nice to be able to tell people that we ARE in the Last Days, without having to put silly dates or years on it. It's nice to be albe to show people that a Christian can be balanced.   
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    He is an interesting character. I presenting myself with real name (some would say that is a risk, because bad people can use photo and name for evil purpose) on this Forum and elsewhere if i leave comment or put "like". He have idea how visiting internet places, let say 1, 5 or 35 of millions that exists, means how person is "all over the place". Perhaps, guess internet only, and not all over geographic places, all over time places/points, or all over parallel universe, or in some third space-time reality.
    On contrary he representing himself with false name and an icon/figure that is strange. From some SF movie or what. Who can guarantee that he don't  visiting 100 platforms under 100 false names?
  24. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in 2034 and its significance...   
    Hate-OCD again. Blanket Accusations and more blanket empty accusations  - without substance. 
  25. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in 2034 and its significance...   
    You obviously did not understand what you were reading because this is a false accusation... MMMM Millions now living may never die but may live through Armageddon.
    You do not know what control is. Like a typical spoilt  child which attacks without thinking.... tut tut... You have NOOO clue what  true control control is.  
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