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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    I think you are a dreamer, but we've been down this road before and you will believe what you want to believe. 
    If i remember rightly in one case, the Elders refused to testify against a fellow Elder, using that clergy privilege as the excuse.
    Maybe Zalkin or the judge is being paid off by the GB and their Lawyers. 
    But tell me please.
    Australia had the Australian Royal Commission 
    Here in the UK we have had the Charity Commission and the IICSA.
    The Netherlands had an investigation and report. 
    So what is America doing ? Where is the investigation in the USA ?
    Canada, was trying to have a massive million dollar law suit, but I think it wasn't allowed. So what is Canada now doing ?
    Seems strange that the Watchtower / JW Org isn't being investigated in it's 'home land'. 
    ( @Witness mentioned something about the Org making payment to a politician some time back )
    The GB will do anything to keep their authority and power.  I think they are paying off someone in America to stop an investigation from happening. 
    But of course if you know different. If you know of an investigation into religion in the USA ??? 
  2. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    So, we could say that it is a matter of decision, In this case by JW elders, how much they want to be principled. The three Jews from the book of Daniel were so principled that they were thrown into the furnace of fire. Some are principled and refuse blood transfusions or military service. But WTJWorg lawyers are the ones asking the court that JW elders should have the same status as Catholic priests. It is not the court that grants them that status (perhaps court try to understand and make comparison between payed and not-payed "ministers" . The JW elders invoke the right not to speak before the Court what a JW member has admitted to them.
  3. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    Yes, we have discussed this on the forum before. I think this issue is taken to be viewed from the secular perspective only. They, the secular authorities, designate JW elders as having a clerical role as ministers (of religion). Therefore, under official circumstances, such as in a court of law, elders are viewed as "clergy". Whether they themselves, or the congregation view them as clergy in the traditional sense or not is irrelevant in these secular circumstances. (JWs view everyone who is baptized as minister, but obviously there is a distinction between roles and obligations, since elders also have the role of oversight and shepherding). I think in secular terms the word elder falls under the umbrella of clergy, despite the fact that our "clergy" do not hold matters confidential (as you and pudgy pointed out) to the same extent as a Catholic priest for example.

    Legislators obviously have not made an exception to who exactly should be viewed as clergy. They have not, as far as I know, added a clause which says JW elders should not be viewed as clergy because they are not the same as Catholic priests and do not view confidential disclosure in the traditional sense. By law, they fall under the same umbrella regardless of differences of application by the particular religion.

    If I remember right, the plaintiff in a recent lawsuit tried to use the difference of elders and clergy to his advantage by arguing that elders cannot be viewed as clergy because their brand of “confidentiality” includes a whole body of elders and the HQ. However, the judge deemed this irrelevant because he said it is a religions right of how they (JWs) apply their beliefs, and that it wasn't the courts business to tell a religion how to run their religious affairs, and then on that account make exceptions to secular rules. In the courts eyes an elder was clergy, period.

    In saying this, I personally believe the org. should refuse the designation of clergy by secular authorities as applying to them. But I am not sure if this is possible legally? It might not be.
    In any case, if it is possible, then I think they should do it. But law is so complex, rigid, and impersonal and doing something that is not according to the law can have bad repercussions down the road, even for an innocent party.

    The JWs have been trying to, actually imploring, legislators to change the law and make ALL clergy mandatory reporters (all over the world). This is what all victims want too. Perhaps this is the real answer to solving the problem…. 
    The law forbids him to use it.  
    I don't think the WT org. has the right to publish it or give anyone else the right. These papers involve specific cases, most of which have not even been proven, but are allegations (and these allegations would have to be proved as fact in court). To publish anything like this....well I am sure you can see this would be very wrong. Zalkin is not interested in publishing, (against the law anyway) as much as he is interested in wining specific cases. But unless a victim asks him to do so, he cannot open a case. So he has no choice but to keep the files locked up.
  4. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    Further about the situation with Zalkin.
    From one website:
    "He Zalkin) also has four years of redacted documents locked in a filing cabinet in his office. The judge’s protective order prevents him from saying how many documents he received or describing what they reveal about child abuse in Jehovah’s Witnesses congregations.
    “It’s very frustrating to have seen what I’ve seen and to know what is going on in this institution and this organization,” he said. “It’s very frustrating when I’ve got a gag in my mouth. It’s pretty hard. We’re trying our best to expose this truth, and they’re doing everything they can to interfere with that effort, to block that effort.”
    Who put the gag in his mouth? The judge.
    And if you don't mind me saying, what has he seen, as he claims? And what does he know about the "institution"? In reality he knows nothing, only what he has heard or seen written down.  He is just saying words that will impress lay people, people who don't know much about JWs or the law. He himself knows, as a lawyer, he could never divulge information in these documents. He would lose his license immediately.
  5. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    When elders are told to remove their personal notes from files regarding child abuse, and to destroy them, that is a form of denial.
  6. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    There are SOooo many things that "look good on paper", that work well on paper, but in the REAL world, because all humans are flawed, some more than others, the "rules, regulations, protocols, and intentions" in the REAL world are. AS APPLIED, also deeply flawed.
    It's the nature of the beast.
    Those who don't get out of the basement much never realize this, and their inexperience, and lack of perception causes them to imagine a world where the way things SHOULD be is somehow attainable.
    It's not
    Get used to it.
    Or have a stroke.
    It's not so amazing that the dancing bear dances well ..... but that it can even dance at all.
    In the Catholic World View, a Priest is the intermediary between God and mankind, and if you confess to the priest, whatever you confess is, in theory, known only between you and God.
    The classic example of how this does NOT work is how, during World War II, in Germany, the Catholics were taking confessions of resistance fighters, and acting as an intelligence  network for whoever they thought would win the war, at any point in time.
    Usually the Nazis, as former Cardinal Pachelli, who before the war was the Vatican Secretary of State, and who signed the "Holy Concordat" between the Vatican and the Third Reich, aligning the two governments in common cause.
    So, a Catholic would confess to the Priest, and the info, if of tactical advantage to the Nazis, went to the Nazis.  Usually.
    Among Jehovah's Witnesses, if a Brother or Sister confesses to the Elders some transgression, Matthew 18:15, in my experience, and the experiences of every account I have ever heard of, is NEVER invoked when it is time for "the rubber to meet the road".
    Matthew 18 in general is completely ignored ...when it is needed the most.
    Not only that, but they share details with the ENTIRE body of elders, who share it with their wives, and other elders in other Congregations they know well ... and make written reports to Headquarters, reviewed by many there. Lawyers, Secretaries, Clerks, and IT people when it is digitized.
    Nothing new.  Nothing unusual. Same-Oh-Same-Oh.
    It's just that the dancing bear has two left feet, and a balance problem.
    Bears should not try and dance, but since the beginning of time, all figurative bears dress up in top hat and tails, and try to dance.
    Anywhere on this planet, in every time and place, this is true, to a greater or lesser extent.
    Recognizing REALITY, as it really is, is sad, discouraging, and then we die.
    As each of us march without pause to our own eventual deaths, the important thing is to stay sane.
    Sanity requires that we recognize that our "Spiritual Paradise" is not. It is, as applied, a very bad form of organization.
    Sanity requires that we recognize that all the others are so much worse.
    Matthew 18 is by far the most important book of the Bible, down here where the "rubber meets the road".
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    Laws and regulations about issue is available to see and you said well.
    Of course, when we speak about JW elders then it is notable to understand how we have to put clear picture on question; Do they, JW elders, clergy or not? If they are clergy then they have "right" to call themselves on Catholic Clergy privilege and ask for same "rights" as they do. 
    Is an elder in the JW congregation the same as a priest in the Catholic Church? Do they have the same role and obligations and status according to biblical principles? Do they belong to the same kind of hierarchy (Catholic hierarchy, "Apostolic" hierarchy) as WTJWorg lawyers have sought before the courts?
    I guess someone gave him that information and someone "forbade" him to use it. Or he got them on the condition that he shouldn’t use them. The source (WTJWorg) of the information would have the right to publish that information for the sake of “truth and justice”. But that wouldn't be of interest to the WTJWorg organization, would it? That would distort the image of a "spiritual paradise."
  8. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    Creating, collecting, using and storing records / documentation is not a problem in itself. The problem arises when one wants to deny the existence of documents. When it is used incorrectly or prohibits the use of documentation (public review or legal inspection of records according to regulations and legal acts). When it is not said how much documentation there is and what their content is. When it is not said what is the purpose of collecting and creating documents, and what is the future of records. And similar.
  9. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Well the Watchtower Leaders have been trying to move Armageddon since the late 1800's but it hasn't worked. 
  10. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Ha Ha   You got the first bit right for sure. BUT neither God/Christ nor the Bible 'speaks' to the GB in a special way.
    They have proven that by their many 'mistakes' and false promises. Come on Tom admit it. The GB have nothing except a lot of puffed up pride and self serving bragging. They even stand on top of the Anointed ones and tell those Anointed ones not to meet together. 
    Does the Bible tell your GB to order the Body of Christ not to be as one ? Hypocrisy  
  11. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Jehovah's Witnesses 'failed to act' over sex abuse claims   
    So, 'appeals court'. That means that the GB and / or their Lawyers do not want justice to be done. They do not want to follow Christ's footsteps in showing mercy.  They do not want to 'go the extra mile'. The GB.
    And this 'American' law, encouraging Pedophilia. This case proves that the congregation Elders knew that the man was a Pedophile, but they did NOT warn the congregation. 
    Any JW that can live with this obviously has no Christian conscience.  We are back to 'Collateral Damage',  and all for the sake of the idol, the JW Org and it's GB 
  12. Upvote
  13. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Witnesses 'failed to act' over sex abuse claims   
    So, 'appeals court'. That means that the GB and / or their Lawyers do not want justice to be done. They do not want to follow Christ's footsteps in showing mercy.  They do not want to 'go the extra mile'. The GB.
    And this 'American' law, encouraging Pedophilia. This case proves that the congregation Elders knew that the man was a Pedophile, but they did NOT warn the congregation. 
    Any JW that can live with this obviously has no Christian conscience.  We are back to 'Collateral Damage',  and all for the sake of the idol, the JW Org and it's GB 
  14. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    An exercise in futility.
    "Let him not trust in futile things, deceiving himself, For futility will be his reward."  Job 15:31
  15. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Well the Watchtower Leaders have been trying to move Armageddon since the late 1800's but it hasn't worked. 
  16. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Witnesses 'failed to act' over sex abuse claims   
    Now, three years later, an appeals court has eroded her courtroom victory even further by ruling that the leadership of the Jehovah’s Witnesses had no duty to warn congregants that a confessed child molester was one of their own. As a result, judges eliminated the punitive damages in the case. Conti still stands to receive $2.8 million.
    And GB welcomed that by both hands? How about WTJWorg publications and Bible verses on issue that, in fact, including same principle. GB and JW people are so concern about warning "wicked people about Armagedon" but failed to warn own people, own members about evil persons inside congregation. What absurdity! What hypocrisy! What a shameful behavior!
    Can You Do More to Warn Others?   
    Jesus’ example is noteworthy in that he never considered himself to be off duty. He preached to everyone he encountered, be it a tax collector he passed on the road or a woman he met at a well during a midday pause. (Luke 19:1-5; John 4:5-10, 21-24) Even when he set aside time to relax, Jesus ungrudgingly abandoned his plans in order to teach others. Compassion for his neighbors caused him to offer more than a token witness. (Mark 6:30-34) How is Jesus’ sense of urgency being imitated today? - https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/w20131015/do-more-to-warn-others/
    The Time for a Watchman like Ezekiel
    This anointed class has acted on what Jehovah said to Ezekiel with these words: “Son of man, a watchman is what I have made you to the house of Israel, and you must hear from my mouth speech and you must warn them from me. When I say to someone wicked, ‘You will positively die,’ and you do not actually warn him and speak in order to warn the wicked one from his wicked way to preserve him alive, he being wicked, in his error he will die, but his blood I shall ask back from your own hand.”—Ezek. 3:17, 18. -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1981088?q=duty+to+warn&p=doc
  17. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Witnesses 'failed to act' over sex abuse claims   
    When someone destroys evidence (documentation) from which misconduct/incorrect treatment can be seen, then destroying evidence is tantamount to concealing/hiding evidence. Because, both, destroying and hiding evidence does not contribute to improving the CSA prevention and punishment of those who break the law. It just means more harm to crime victims. Past, present and future victims.
  18. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Reject Blood Transfusions?   
    @Srecko Sostar @Pudgy For a better understanding of what is mentioned, here is one of my old quotes and the link. Matthew at the time assume this to be not true, mocked me for it even, but Truthers are often mocked for such things just like recent events concerning Australia and Afghanistan.
    Like I told @Patiently waiting for Truth there are many things around the globe not being talked about at 100% in relation to all things, and soon, when people are backed into a corner, some things that are unclean and evil will not be contain properly.
    As a side note, the media says this project was shut down, they essentially pulled a Don Lemon.
    Sounds crazy and unbelieve - to some yes. Stuff like this should not be ignored or played around with.
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Witnesses 'failed to act' over sex abuse claims   
    I don't remember saying anything like that. But one course for elders (video can be found on YT) provided instructions for destroying private elders ’notes and destroying documentation that could compromise WTJWorg Corporation and other companies and allow lawsuits and damages for the JW Organization.
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in Jehovah's Witnesses 'failed to act' over sex abuse claims   
    They do, the only reason it is problematic in the UK because most of the time, even if reported it is dropped. Mainly when it comes to status. I am aware of CSA in the other countries, I was the one who also gave you insight a while back, hence the Congo; I said this to Tom as well
    These people still run rampant in the UK, no harm to them at all. It is speculated by some Truthers in the UK that even those of political status are involved, reasons we target Prince Andrew and those like him.
    This is why whatever the media gives you, there is more to it. There are reasons why child abuse is always reported by media for various schools and churches, but never specific persons. Some are afraid to give insight because they fear death, it is that bad. CSA also goes into a deeper aspect to Spiritism in some parts of the UK.
    I wasn't referring to women in this regard, I was talking about women who sell off their children, child prostitution. Sadly, some children do this willingly because they were taught that this was the correct thing to do, granted there is a level of child abuse whereas you can't do anything or even the law, hence in some cases you can end up in harm's way, mainly if not paying attention to red flags.
    Child abuse in the churches of JWs was always problematic because with all religious institutions, it is an open place for anyone to enter. Pedophiles can enter these places of worship and abusers can easily manipulate people and the children inside to gain religious office or a position. Should the person be found out to be an abuser in some cases, manipulation is amplified and the abuser can at times exploits the people around him or her to remain. JWs in this sense are hardwire by Scripture regarding Forgiveness of Sin, in fact, all Christians apply Forgiveness of Sin, therefore the abuser can find a crack in the faith's armor here (someone made a thread about this a while back). When exploited , abusers who hold even a position in the church, Elders or Pastors, if successful can be reinstated, pretending that they repented for their sins only to commit the same acts again, granted the others are already exploited it puts them in a loop, thus becoming a puppet to the abuser, resulting in more children becoming effect.
    That being said, as long as abusers exploits forgiveness of sin after manipulating people, they can easily return to a religious institution, it is a bit different with educational institutions or that of business, for those reinstated, likewise with Facebook, YouTube, and others, in regards to YouTube, someone had been reinstated recently, got his channel back after some of us fought this guy in an attempt for him to be terminated.
    That being said, granted no JW has went back to their churches since, abusers go by other means to seek children, even going to other institutions who complied to commit their acts.
    Didn't you or Srecko said before it was destroyed?
    That being said, institutions usually have records, in some cases, incomplete at times, mainly if some cases were alleged and may or may not have happened. In regards to the law such information should be accurate, and should it be released by them or the law, it has to be done in a way that it doesn't spawn vigilantes or modern day blood avengers, for there were many instances of this in the past. Even in the Law/Justice system they have records of their own members, if alleged they wouldn't be quick to bring forth in an unprepared manner.
    We discussed about ARC, if I remember correctly JWs were at 1% compared to others. the highest was Catholics, however, not everyone takes ARC into full account, mainly the case studies, they tend to pick what they want to talk about and ignore the rest. One of the reasons why on study regarding JWs people barely talked about. You brought up ARC before.
    That being said, Australia CSA is increasing like crazy due to what is taking place now, which, in this sense, makes ARC look small in comparison. the abuse stems from both sex and violence and suppression to the point a child can take his or her own life. That will eventually hit the UK and the US.
    Most records can be incomplete.
    Because at the time Bible Students early on were unequipped and unaware of child abuse. Granted how early they started, CSA may not have been a problem among them granted all Christian faiths that came out of the Great Awakening or Christian revival  had good intentions at first.
    On their side in regards to what exactly? There churches are closed, so it is reduced. If I remember, I was the one who brought for solutions from child abuse prevention, but both you and Srecko shut it down and did not apply. Those solutions aided many people, even children I deal with. In another thread you were told what you are doing concerning CSA, some of us here take action, I even said this to you regarding the Redress.
    My thread can be found in my quotation here, in order to save a child, you have to reach one:
    That being said, better to take action then to armchair the situation. Reaching a child enables him or her to detect an abuser, likewise with an adult who can see red flags. Be it in an institution or online.
    As for YouTube, the person we terminated from the platform is known as EDP445, YouTube assume he was repentful so they brought him back. There is another, whom, ironically, 3 ExJWs defended because the abuser was a woman, a call back to my FBI remark; women get off free by some, even by law in some cases.
  21. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Well the Watchtower Leaders have been trying to move Armageddon since the late 1800's but it hasn't worked. 
  22. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    ..... something performed or practiced in order to develop, improve, or display a specific capability or skill
    ....regular or repeated use of a faculty or bodily organ
    - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/exercise
    To believe or to show faith, to show trust .... is what Jesus has rewarded many times. He performed miracles on people who showed faith, not faith that developed after months or years of exercise, but faith as the current state of mind and heart. 
    Truly I say to you that whoever tells this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but has faith that what he says is going to happen, he will have it happen. Mk 11:23 nwt
    Or, people in WTJWorg have years of training how to move mountain?  
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    That's a real tough one for a people who put their faith in the GB, faith in the elders to lead them,  faith in their doctrines, and faith in the organization.  How far can one's spiritual faith stretch, before nothing is left to "exercise" toward Jesus Christ and the Father?
    Their term, "exercise faith" sounds a little mechanical, doesn't it?  It sounds like work, and for JWs, it is almost impossible "exercising faith" toward Jesus Christ. It appears to be a mental exercise only,  that really cannot reach the heart.  If it did, they would listen to what the scriptures are telling them, and they would leave the organization.  Their heart would motivate them to do what Jesus tells them.
    Their Bible uses this term "exercise faith" in John 3:18; 14:1; 2 Cor 4:13; John 7:5; 16:9; Rom 10:4,10; Mark 5:36; John 11:26; 6:29; 1 Pet 2:6; John 6:40; 1:12; 11:25; Gal 3:22; Rom 10:9...and the list goes on.
    The ESV, NKJV, NIV, LEB and I'm sure many more,  use "believe/s", which  indicates action that can reach the heart.  
  24. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Essentially, knowledge means familiarity with facts acquired by personal experience, observation, or study.......Source of Knowledge. Jehovah is actually the basic Source of knowledge. Life, of course, is from him and life is essential for one’s having any knowledge. (Ps 36:9; Ac 17:25, 28) Furthermore, God created all things, so human knowledge is based on a study of God’s handiwork. (Re 4:11; Ps 19:1, 2) God also inspired his written Word, from which man can learn the divine will and purposes. (2Ti 3:16, 17) Thus the focal point of all true knowledge is Jehovah, and a person seeking it ought to have a fear of God that makes him careful not to incur Jehovah’s displeasure. Such fear is the beginning of knowledge. ................Unless a person exercises faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son, he cannot grasp the real meaning of the Scriptures and see how God’s purposes are working out in harmony with what He has foretold. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200002643
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Jehovah's Witnesses 'failed to act' over sex abuse claims   
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