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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Equivocation in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Well you did respond to it with Luke 17:36. I read the one about homosexuality, he challenged you on Romans 12:9 "cling to what is good/abhor what is bad" since you took his comment out of context to Tom he trapped you with the obvious homosexuality question. I notice if someone takes something out of context, he enables the other person to push the point, so I can see how he got you. His point to Tom was people who often are in apostasy will do bad things.
    There are some points to his comments if you really read them, it isn't choice, often times he is right, mainly when lines people up into their own understanding uses it to his advantage.
    So to what he said to Tom, Christians need to cling to what is good, and not what is bad.
    But you were confused on superior authority, you said to look at what you quoted and I did. I still don't see what was taken out of context from the images. And I don't see the misuse of Scripture for Romans 13.
    Telling people although worldly authority are superior and that God is superior isn't taking control or confusing people in the congregation. As to what I made comment to, we understand there are people of authority in the world, and there is Jehovah and Jesus who has authority as well.
    Nah, you're good, nothing to be sorry about, you can add on anything at anytime.
  2. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    From 1929 to 1962 the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW org took control of the consciences of the congregation members.
    They used the excuse that being the leaders of the org, God had given those leaders control over people. 
    In WW2 JWs could have done other work in the comunity but the Watchtower Leaders told the JWs they had to go to prison and not do any work at all.  Sorry that is just a quick explanation, back later. 
  3. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I'm sure you have made a Storm Trooper very happy today  but you don't seem to understand that from my viewpoint I didn't need to answer his questions.  SM was also pushing me to answer questons about homosexuality and immorality.  He was getting very domineering about it all..... Now if I had suffered from anxiety or depression i would have been very upset by SM's continuous pushing of questions. I don't think he knows how much harm he could do. But I was laughing at SM because i could not tkae him seriously. You seem to take SM very seriously. That is your choice. 
  4. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    The JW Org took that scripture out of context from 1929 until 1962.  The proof of it was shown in my comment. 
  5. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I'm sure you have made a Storm Trooper very happy today  but you don't seem to understand that from my viewpoint I didn't need to answer his questions.  SM was also pushing me to answer questons about homosexuality and immorality.  He was getting very domineering about it all..... Now if I had suffered from anxiety or depression i would have been very upset by SM's continuous pushing of questions. I don't think he knows how much harm he could do. But I was laughing at SM because i could not tkae him seriously. You seem to take SM very seriously. That is your choice. 
  6. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Equivocation in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    @Srecko Sostar @Patiently waiting for Truth I figured this might help you out a little. It isn't much, but you can start from there - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_New_Testament_verses_not_included_in_modern_English_translations
    @Space Merchant I got to say, that was a wild setup to entrap  people about Bible Errors questions. This is why when I found out about missing verses, I was not all-knowing about the omitted verses when I was challenged at one time. It took my a while to learn these things and understand why those verses were not found in the NWT and some other bibles.
  7. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Equivocation in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Bans issued, be it temporary or permanent always have a reason behind that, and only Admins and Co-Admins know the reason. And I doubt it may have been an IP ban. If I recall, Admin is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, Admin runs an forum, and anything that violates guidelines, the Admin deals with and or if someone reports it. In a situation like that you can't real defend yourself unless it is a temp ban and you can be given the opportunity to write an appeal. If Admin was a JW Elder, people like Witness and Srecko would not be here, even Space Merchant, and the other clubs would not exist.
    If he is here, there won't be any problem against him if he says his name. But from what I have been reading a lot of people think you are him, I mean, @JW Insider comment was very compelling and those screenshots, even Tom and Anna were compelling in their comments, but you being John doesn't really matter. I was only reminded of the Admin deleting John's Ebonics thread, and Admin explained why the thread was closed; parts of what was said in that thread can be searched.
    But like I said, it doesn't matter anymore.
  8. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    But probably one of the BIGGEST misuse of scripture (or lies) by the BIBLE STUDENTS & GB / JW Org has to be,
    Since the late 1800s Jehovah’s Witnesses, or Bible Students as they were known back then, have attempted many times to define and interpret ‘This Generation” mentioned in Jesus’ prophecy at Matthew 24:34.  Looking at the evidence, one would have to admit that they have become a false prophet in modern times. Matthew 7:15. They have chosen various dates and amended them numerous times using the same logic to justify the alterations.
    The question that needs to be asked of every reader is this: If you can use the same scriptures to present your logic for contradicting theologies, are you not being deceitful and blasphemous? (Mark 7:15, 22) Indeed if you present a biblical idea as fact and it proves false, are you not a liar? – John 8:44.
    Changes to “This Generation”
    1875:”This Generation” began April 6th 1875.
    (The Midnight Cry and Herald of the Morning – see pp. 71-72 of linked file) 1878: “This Generation” began in 1878.
    (Herald of the Morning, 1878, July p. 5) 1879: “This Generation” began in 1840, would last 74 years and would end in 1914.
    (Herald of the Morning, 1879, January p.3) 1882: “This Generation” refers to Christ being present “before the regeneration” and began in the spring of 1878.
    (Zion’s Watch Tower, 1882, April p. 6; May p. 5) 1908: “This Generation” will end by October 1914.
    (Zion’s Watch Tower, 1908 January p.3) 1909: “This Generation” began in 1878 and will terminate in 1914.
    (Zion’s Watch Tower, 1909 February 15 p.57) 1909: “This Generation” may not end in 1914 but the “Gentile Times” will conclude in October 1914.
    (Zion’s Watch Tower, 1909 December 1 pp. 371-372; Zion’s Watchtower, 1912 July 15 pp. 221-223) 1912: “This Generation” may not end in 1914 but we still believe that the time could not be very far distant.
    (Zion’s Watch Tower, 1912 October 15 p. 327) 1916: Admission that 1874, 1878 and 1881 were chronological mistakes upon which they apportion blame to the Lord. However October 1 1914 is unmistakably the end of the Gentile Times.
    (Zion’s Watch Tower 1916 February 1 p. 38) 1950: ‘This Generation” began in 1914 and applied to the 20th century generation of people.
    (The Watchtower Sep 15 1950 p. 324) 1952: “This Generation” began in 1914, included overlapping generations of individuals, each generation spanning some 33 years each, and would end with Armageddon happening before some of those living in 1914 had died.
    (The Watchtower Sep 1 1952 pp. 542-543; Feb 15 1953 p.124 para. 35) 1953: “This Generation” has only a few years remaining.
    (The Watchtower Oct 15 1953 pp. 615-616) Italics added for emphasis. 1956: Jesus said that the generation that saw 1914 “will by no means pass away until all these things occur.”
    (The Watchtower Oct 15 1956 pp. 615-616) Italics added for emphasis. 1959: The world events since World War I of 1914-1918 have fulfilled those prophecies. The time has finally come for Jehovah God to clean up the earth and to bring permanent peace to man. The generation living in 1914 will see it.“
    (The Watchtower Sep 1 1959 p. 519) Italics added for emphasis. 1961: “This generation” that is still alive from A.D. 1914 is the generation Jesus said would see “all things occur,” including this world’s end. Deliverance for Jesus’ true followers into God’s new world is due within this generation!”
    (The Watchtower Mar 1 1961 p. 132) Italics added for emphasis. 1995: “This Generation” refers to both an unbelieving generation of Jews in the first century and to a wicked generation of people in modern times. Furthermore, the length of a “generation” is unimportant. Jehovah’s Witnesses must still consider Armageddon as being imminent and must remain “keeping separate from the evil contemporary generation and zealously doing God’s will.”
    (The Watchtower Nov 1 1995 pp. 10-21) 2008: “This Generation” refers to both the apostles in the first century and to anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses in modern times. The length of a “generation” remains unimportant. Jehovah’s Witnesses revised understanding “helps to intensify … feelings of urgency.”
    (The Watchtower Feb 15 2008 pp. 21-25). 2010: “This Generation” continues to refer to both the apostles in the first century and to anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses in modern times. However, although acknowledging that they cannot measure the exact length of “this generation”, its length has become important once again:  its modern length would begin with the generation of anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses who witnessed events in 1914 and would overlap with anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses who would see the start of the Great Tribulation.
    (The Watchtower Apr 15 2010 pp. 10-11 para. 13-14; Jan 15 2014 pp. 30-13 para. 14-16 ) “This Generation” is core to Jehovah’s Witnesses’ doctrine. Additionally, “The Faithful & Discreet Slave” is core to their doctrine. However, these very doctrines constantly change. If the understanding of these doctrines are “gifts” from Jehovah, why do they change? – James 1:16-18.
  9. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Equivocation in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I think it is pretty obvious, that around the world, different towns, cities, etc. there will be some minor instances of persecution, mainly from people who holds aggression when it comes to the Bible. For example, if we are preaching in a small town in Florida, in that small town we may face persecution, but at the same time, in that town, there are those wanting to know, even learn about the good news.
    So Jesus was very clear in his words, in fact, we even see similar examples that we can learn from from our early Christian counterparts.
    Jesus already knows what the future holds. The very reason why he said what he said to the apostles, which we can learn from today. Jesus is indicating that his disciples will not complete the preaching about God’s Kingdom before the glorified King Jesus Christ arrives as God’s judge. So we have a long way to go.
    So as followers of his, we are to carry out this work.
  10. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Equivocation in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    @Srecko Sostar I see why he asked you both those questions, it was based on not why us Jehovah's Witnesses use a translation that omits the verses in question, but rather, to make a distinction between people who knows about what is in the inspired text and what is not in the inspired text. So, since both you and @Patiently waiting for Truth are former Jehovah's Witnesses, even Witness - those were got ‘cha questions, this is why I said to @Patiently waiting for Truth he technically entrapped you both into Textual questions.
    Space Merchant said -
    NOTE: Jehovah's Witnesses were spoken of as committing various errors because of their New World Translation (NWT) of the Bible, and they teach that their action on this was because the errors were considered not inspired, hence 2 Timothy 3:16 (All scripture is given by inspiration of God). Not only they were spoken of as removing part of verses, but in their translation, removing a verse/passage entirely.
    The answer to that note is: Those who consider later additions in the Scriptures, the majority, to be true, but in reality, to a degree they’re in error/incorrect. This accusation is prominently from Triune Believers, Preachers, and of course, Property Preachers since they were mentioned here. Those images, which he said, he pulled from the apostate website known as JWfacts concerning the NWT. The only reason the NWT is talked down by them is because it was produced by Jehovah's Witnesses, reasons why the JWFacts images compare other translations to give the reader an idea, in their eyes, why Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong. In reality, most people we come into contact who knows the history about the Bible, are aware about omitted verses and understand as to why we didn’t include the verse in the NWT.
    His first question - 
    The answer to that is that we are not in the wrong, same with the majority. He said "Textual Analytics” and “Hermeneutics” so that plays a part in the questions asked and gives one an idea as to what he is attempting to do by asking you.
    John 7:53-8:11 isn’t inspired text - The Adulterous Woman (Pericope de Adultera) - John7:53–8:11 isn't Bible Canon/ is unauthentic, making it, viewed by most, as spurious and false; an exaggerated story. From what I’ve gathered, there are 267 Greek manuscripts, which are the earliest versions, and are considered the most important by Textual Analysts and or those who follow and are well-versed in Textual Criticism, would point out that none of those 267 contain this passage about the Adulterous Woman. Newer Bible translations that were compiled, and wrote after the more ancient manuscripts were discovered, either omit/remove the passage or add a note or reference along with the passage, stating it was not found in the more ancient manuscripts.
    Like this passage, this is the same case for Mark 15:28 and Luke 17:36. Verses, such as Matthew 18:11; 23:14; Luke 17:36 are missing in the NWT used by Jehovah’s Witnesses. These verses are, as pointed out, not in the Common Bible. The reason is because these verses do not belong in the Bible even though many older translations included them. The original manuscripts of the “New Testament” books (the Christian Greek Scriptures) are not available today for use by translators. No one has discovered a Bible book autographed, as it were, by the apostles Paul, John, or others. Yet it is evident that soon after the originals were written, copies began to be made for use by the early Christians. The later copies, those farthest from the originals, tended to have more mistakes, not to mention the weak evidence regarding these types of verses - which brings us to the verses in question.
    @Patiently waiting for Truth It is only strange at face value, but if you paid attention as to why he even brought up Textual Analytics, the answer would have been obvious, even if the parts were taken from another book to be “added” elsewhere, it is uninspired.
    Same thing with Revelation 1:11, which it was “changed” to make it seem as though Jesus Christ is God, in the NWT and some Bibles, you see the original compared to the changed verse, the image displays that perfectly.
    Space Merchant’s 2nd question is
    Also, they were spoken of as in error for verses like Acts 7:59, 60 and the verses in Matthew, it was even addressed here - [2] Why did the Jehovah's Witnesses make this change to the 2 verses?
    The answer to that is there wasn’t much of a change, like the first question. The argument was pushed by those who believe Jesus is God and since those images are from former Jehovah’s Witnesses, it looks as though they share that same view because of the word “God” which was added to the verse. The fact it is nowhere to be found in the NWT, resulted in the heavy criticism from Triune believers and ExJWs.
    Those 2 questions were relatively easy. Seeing that no one was going to answer that, I just decided to say something. I guess you can say I did a solid for both of you.
  11. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Equivocation in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    John Butler was removed and BANNED from this forum. He wa not able to return as john Butler because he was blocked completely. His name and his email were both blocked. He was never given a fair hearing, he was just disfellowshipped from this forum. That is how he knows this forum is run by JW Elders. Why else would he have been unfairly removed ?
    So, John Butler had to return under a different name, not by choice. And he had to refuse to say if he was john Butler under fear that he would be removed again. So, it was not John butler's choice and not his fault, it was the Elders that run this forum that were totally unfair. Now you decide if i am John Butler, for your own satisfaction. 
  12. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Equivocation in Hola, So I guess it is still same old, same old in this club, huh?   
    Officials: Waterford Jehovah Witness building damaged in blaze.  
    Aug. 10, 2021Updated: Aug. 10, 2021 5:42 p.m. WATERFORD — Local officials are investigating the cause of a fire late Monday at the Kingdom Hall Jehovah Witness building.
    Director of Fire Services Michael Howley said a neighbor first noticed the fire outside the structure, which is located at 57 Clark Lane, around 9 p.m. Monday.
  13. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Equivocation in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I don't believe we've taken Romans 13 out of context, we do follow laws, but remember, laws and everything pertaining to it varies in different States/Countries, for some actions in, let's say New York City, isn't the same in New Jersey or Florida, vs. some states in the United States vs what you have in the United Kingdom, for if I am not mistaken, variation of laws and rules in different parts of the UK.
    As for Romans 13:1-2 (I made this comment a while back on a different forums) - 
    An expression at Romans 13 : 1 designating human governmental authorities. That scripture has been variously rendered :  “Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God.” (NW) “Let every subject be obedient to the ruling authorities, for there is no authority not under God’s control, and under His control the existing authorities have been constituted.” We/Everyone must obey the state authorities, for no authority exists without God’s permission, and the existing authorities have been put there by God.
    Jehovah God, though not originating them (compare Mt 4 : 8, 9; 1Jo 5 : 19; Re 13 : 1, 2), has allowed man’s governmental authorities to come into existence, and they continue to exist by his permission. However, when he chooses to do so, Jehovah can remove, direct, or control such authorities in order to accomplish his will. The prophet Daniel declared regarding Jehovah :  “He is changing times and seasons, removing kings and setting up kings.” (Da 2 : 21) And Proverbs 21 : 1 says :  “A king’s heart is as streams of water in the hand of Jehovah. Everywhere that he delights to, he turns it.”— rf. Ne 2 : 3-6; Es 6 : 1-11.
    There is Reasons for Christian Subjection
    There being no reason for Christians to set themselves in opposition to an arrangement that God has permitted, they have good reason to be in subjection to the superior authorities. Governmental rulers, though they may be corrupt personally, would not normally punish others for doing good, that is, for adhering to the law of the land, for every state/country have different laws; a few that are identical. But a person who engages in thievery, murder, or other lawless acts could expect an adverse judgment from the ruling authority. One guilty of deliberate murder, for instance, might be executed for his crime. Since God authorized capital punishment for murderers after the Flood (Genesis 9 : 6), the human authority, by executing the lawbreaker, would be acting as God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath upon the one practicing what is bad. Romans 13 : 2-4; Titus 3 : 1; 1 Peter 2 : 11-17.
    Christian subjection to the superior authorities is not based merely on their ability to punish evildoers. With a Christian, it becomes a matter of conscience. He is submissive to human authorities because he recognizes that this is in harmony with God’s will. (Romans 13 : 5; 1 Peter 2 : 13-15) Therefore, subjection to the superior authorities—to world based political authorities—could never be absolute. It would be impossible for a Christian to preserve a good conscience and do the divine will if he broke God’s law because that is what the political authority demanded. For this reason, subjection to superior authorities must always be viewed in the light of the apostles’ statement to the Jewish Sanhedrin - We must obey God as ruler rather than men.” Acts 5 : 29.
    Since the governmental authorities render valuable services to ensure the safety, security, and welfare of their subjects, they are entitled to taxes and tribute in compensation for their services. The governmental authorities can be termed God’s public servants in the sense that they provide beneficial services. (Romans 13 : 6, 7) At times such services have directly assisted God’s servants, as when King Cyrus made it possible for the Jews to return to Judah and Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. (2 Chronicles 36 : 22, 23; Ezra 1 : 1-4) Often the benefits are those shared by all from the proper functioning of the authorities. These would include the maintenance of a legal system to which persons can appeal for justice, protection from criminals and from illegal mobs, and so forth. Php. 1 : 7; Acts 21 : 30-32; 23 : 12-32.
    Of course, a ruler who misuses his authority is accountable to God. Wrote the apostle Paul -   “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written -   ‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah.’” - Roman 12 : 19; Ecclesiastes 5 : 8.
    As for the Locust bit, if I were you, I would check out the references, for it better helps to understand it. If I remember correctly, Witness argument was that the Locust did not represent the Anointed. If the thread you are talking about where SM and Witness were in a Kickboxing match about, those statements made vs what you mention now might be contradictive.
    As for your 2 points:
    That is just two examples of MISUSE of scripture (or lies) from the Watchtower / JW Org / GB / Leaders.
    I don't think there was a misuse of Scriptures, mainly if you read between the lines. So us being in subjection to the law has not changed, in fact, people we minister to recognizes that because they are aware of authorities and God's view of things.
    So, if you condemn other religions for misuse of scripture, why do you not also condemn JWs ?
    He isn't talking about Religion, he is talking about groups, and often times they preach that God creates evil, resulting in people blaming God for creating badness and or the death of loved ones, and other problems in the world. Verses often used for example would be Habakkuk 1:5-11. 
    We preach that God does not create evil, in fact, we often use James 1:13, to show people that God is not reasonable for these bad things.
    We also do not use forged or not inspired text, this is why SM essentially "entrapped" you with "Textual Criticism-sque" questions. In his eyes, he practically baited indirectly baited you into saying something about omitted verses, which allowed him to prove his point about omitted verses and former JWs.
    He didn't condemn us because he knows we already know the answer to both those questions, that is why no one said anything and just watched - it was a clever move. Just to help you and Srecko out, I'll answer both because for him, he knew both of you would avoid answering.
  14. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    After reviewing all of the above posts, I needed a way to consolidate and simplify the evidence and the conclusions drawn from that evidence.
    I was there and paying attention from 1962 onward ( The Green Bible Era ) so I can put it into a proper perspective from the WTB&TS's viewpoint with a simple illustration.
    " Eight old men find a metal drum in their backyard, labeled "DANGER-RADIOACTIVE", and it has the radiation trefoil stenciled on the side.  They roll it around for awhile, and someone says "We need to investigate this!", and they decide to open it.
    The open up the barrel and inside is a body, in an advanced state of decomposition, folded so the feet and head are at the opening, with a hangman's noose still around the neck.
    Conclusion No. 1 : Obviously a really bad case of Coronavirus.
    Conclusion No. 2:  Clearly a case of "Overlapping Cadavers"
    Conclusion No. 3: He probably deserved to die, as he had a beard. "
  15. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Thanks,  I found the same on reddit:
    “The locusts of Joel Chapter 2 no longer refer to Jehovah's Witnesses and events surrounding 1919. The locusts in Revelation chapter 22 however still do refer to the anointed, but are now no longer connected with the prophecy on Joel. Joel 2 now refers to the "Babylonians", the coalition of nations that will try to destroy God's people. The context of Joel chapter 2 points the time period of fulfilment to Jehovah's Day in the Great Tribulation and how God will save his people.”
    JWs, see “Live with Jehovah’s Day in Mind” (pg 172,173; par 12, 2006), which refers to that day’s present “truth”, concerning Revelation and Joel’s locusts defined as “God’s people”.  How is it, that the organization’s leaders just recently realize that the locusts in the book of Joel are out to destroy God’s people?  Joel 2:25,27-32   Locusts have never been portrayed as a good thing in the scriptures.  In Revelation, why would God consider His own people as a devastating plague?  
  16. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    But of course it was ok for the Watchtower / JW org / GB to misuse the scripture at Romans 13
    The understanding of the “Superior Authorities” of Romans 13:1 is a teaching where Watchtower doctrine has see-sawed back and forth in clear violation of the principle of the light getting brighter.
    Up to 1929 1929 to 1962 1962 onwards “Evil as these Gentile governments have been, they were permitted or “ordained of God” for a wise purpose. (Rom. 13:1)” Studies In the Scriptures Series I - The Divine Plan of the Ages p.250 “The Superior Authorities are the Most High God Jehovah and his exalted Son Jesus Christ.” This Means Everlasting Life (1950) p.197 “The Expression “superior authorities” means the political governments or authorities.” Life everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God (1966) p.189 Romans 13:1-2 is simple to understand, describing the Christian obligation to follow the laws of the country. This is how it is interpreted by most Christian religions and how Russell explained the Scripture.
    Then we have the Locusts. (Copied from a quote by @Witness back 2019 )
    “The locusts of Joel Chapter 2 no longer refer to Jehovah's Witnesses and events surrounding 1919. The locusts in Revelation chapter 22 however still do refer to the anointed, but are now no longer connected with the prophecy on Joel. Joel 2 now refers to the "Babylonians", the coalition of nations that will try to destroy God's people. The context of Joel chapter 2 points the time period of fulfilment to Jehovah's Day in the Great Tribulation and how God will save his people.”
    That is just two examples of MISUSE of scripture (or lies) from the Watchtower / JW Org / GB / Leaders.
    So, if you condemn other religions for misuse of scripture, why do you not also condemn JWs ?
    The misuse of scripture by church or organisation leaders is a stumbling block to others. Luke 17 : 1&2. 
  17. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?   
    This is your own judgement against them. So it seems that you no longer see them as people but just one specific group who would be a 'complete waste of time'. 
    It's good that Jesus and the disciples did not view people in that way. 
    I Corinthians 6 : 9 
     'Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, 10  thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom. 11  And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean; you have been sanctified; you have been declared righteous in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God'
    That is what some of them were. So how and why did they change ? If they had been treated as being a waste of time, then they would not have learnt about God and Christ, and they would not have changed. 
  18. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?   
    Wow. It seems that you think that God or Christ have given you authority to judge me.
    You and Space Merchant seem to be of the same personality. You both seem to enjoy twisting topics just to get attention for yourselves. You both seem to demand that I answer your questions. But you are both just like the Pharisees. Your questions are not genuine. Your questions are aimed at belittling people. 
    However my point still stands. How do you as individuals treat homosexuals ? 
    Also there seems to be the point that even though that daughter is an EX-JW her parents have not shunned her. 
    Whereas some on here seem to think they have the authority to condemn people to death. Running ahead of God and Christ. Which of you think you have the right to do this ? 
  19. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    But of course it was ok for the Watchtower / JW org / GB to misuse the scripture at Romans 13
    The understanding of the “Superior Authorities” of Romans 13:1 is a teaching where Watchtower doctrine has see-sawed back and forth in clear violation of the principle of the light getting brighter.
    Up to 1929 1929 to 1962 1962 onwards “Evil as these Gentile governments have been, they were permitted or “ordained of God” for a wise purpose. (Rom. 13:1)” Studies In the Scriptures Series I - The Divine Plan of the Ages p.250 “The Superior Authorities are the Most High God Jehovah and his exalted Son Jesus Christ.” This Means Everlasting Life (1950) p.197 “The Expression “superior authorities” means the political governments or authorities.” Life everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God (1966) p.189 Romans 13:1-2 is simple to understand, describing the Christian obligation to follow the laws of the country. This is how it is interpreted by most Christian religions and how Russell explained the Scripture.
    Then we have the Locusts. (Copied from a quote by @Witness back 2019 )
    “The locusts of Joel Chapter 2 no longer refer to Jehovah's Witnesses and events surrounding 1919. The locusts in Revelation chapter 22 however still do refer to the anointed, but are now no longer connected with the prophecy on Joel. Joel 2 now refers to the "Babylonians", the coalition of nations that will try to destroy God's people. The context of Joel chapter 2 points the time period of fulfilment to Jehovah's Day in the Great Tribulation and how God will save his people.”
    That is just two examples of MISUSE of scripture (or lies) from the Watchtower / JW Org / GB / Leaders.
    So, if you condemn other religions for misuse of scripture, why do you not also condemn JWs ?
    The misuse of scripture by church or organisation leaders is a stumbling block to others. Luke 17 : 1&2. 
  20. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Whoa! I almost said something so dumb that PSomH could call ME a dodo and I would have little defense. 
    My quick impression was that if was Jason who agreed, but was embarrassed, etc, leading me to almost ask: I never thought he was a Witness—is he? But after reading the remark 200 time, I see it is you who agree but is embarrassed. 
    I dunno. Yeah, I see your point, it is a little odd there, but it is just an appeal to testimonial. After all, if they quoted Bro Splane, people would say, “Well, of course, he would say that.
    There is a Russian professor they could have used to, Gordienko? I think, who says: When the authorities make accusations against the Witnesses, the do not realize they are making accusations against the Bible itself.’ He has the advantage of being dead, so the Russian authorities cannot arrest him.
  21. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    It's good to know that all of us on here that are trying to be Christians in line with God's word through Jesus Christ, including myself, will all forgive each other the '77 times' each day. 
    10.45pm here in England. Warmest Christian love to all. Goodnight. 
  22. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Berean Literal Bible   Acts 15 : 28 & 29 
    "For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us, to lay upon you no further burden, except these necessary things: to abstain from things sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. Keeping yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell."
    The rest is up to a person's own conscience, because as you've mentioned the law of the land is different in different countries, and then the law itself is different in different cases.  
    But not according to the GB / Watchtower dictators, who love to have control over people. 
    (I haven't seen @Anna's list of Core beliefs, shame, but probably because she has blocked me) 
  23. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Questions From Readers ● Second Peter 3:10 says: “Jehovah’s day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a hissing noise, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be discovered.”   
    Are you really that bored ?  I know nothing about  Global Thermonuclear War.  but it sounds like it would kill the good with the bad people.
    I believe that God and Christ know exactly what they are doing and THEY know the exact time to intervene.  The Earth will remain forever and those humans that have been shown mercy will live on it forever. 
  24. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in TRUTH TRUTHER TRUE. THE WORDS LOSE THEIR MEANING IN OVER USE.   
    Twisting my words yet again. 
    Where did I call Truthers liars ?
    Where did I call Jewish leaders liars ?
    Yes I will close this topic also, because you SM just want to stir up trouble for no reason. 
  25. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in TRUTH TRUTHER TRUE. THE WORDS LOSE THEIR MEANING IN OVER USE.   
    Space Merchant wants 'free advertising'. He wants me to do 'research' to advertise his 'community'. 
    I'm not falling for it. He has called himself a Truther for so long, it is obvious that he has wanted people to ask him what they are.  
    Maybe @Space Merchant should make a new topic where he can advertise his 'community'. 
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