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Mic Drop

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Posts posted by Mic Drop

  1. Greg Foss, Bitcoin Strategist & Partner at Bitcoin Opportunity Fund, and Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, discuss the impending collapse of the petrodollar and Foss’s view that oil and all energy will eventually be priced in Bitcoin. Foss discusses how Bitcoin is a credit default swap on sovereign debt and why he believes Bitcoin is the “most asymmetric investment opportunity of our lifetime.” They also discuss how CBDCs could actually support Bitcoin adoption. Foss and Makori spoke at the Bitcoin 2023 conference in Miami.

  2. I just had the first encounter in this idiotic new supposedly "greener" world where when I went up to the automatic cashier (since no actual cashiers exist here anymore) to pay for my 7 smaller items when I noticed there were no plastic bags. I asked where they were and was told that this is now the law in WA. (despite me buying one an hour earlier at a local dollar store?) ..... 

    There were also ZERO paper bags available.

    Now I have questions:

    Who voted for this in the State of Washington in the first place?

    How can we vote them out?

    Which new candidates also support Bitcoin?

    In reality I'm a single issue voter (Bitcoin) but, as you can now tell, this insanity has gone too far.

    Bag Thank You GIF by Fabiola Lara / Casa Girl


    And if you REALLY want to argue with me about "the EnVirOnmenT".... let's first discuss the tires we all drive on to get to Wal-mart in the first place and most of your clothing fabrics etc....

  3. Suddenly, the door to their cabin bursts open, and four armed men rush in. Ana Maria and Michael have no time to react as the men point their guns at them.

    "Hands up!" one of the men shouts. "You are under arrest for terrorism and sedition!"

    Ana Maria looks at the men in disbelief. "What are you talking about? We are not terrorists! We are fighting for freedom and justice!"

    "Shut up!" another man barks. "We have evidence that you are plotting to overthrow the government and establish a Bitcoin-based dictatorship!"

    "That's ridiculous!" Michael protests. "Bitcoin is a tool for decentralization and empowerment, not for tyranny and oppression!"

    "Silence!" a third man growls. "You are both going to pay for your crimes. We will take you to our headquarters and extract a confession from you."

    Ana Maria and Michael exchange a look of dread. They know what the government's interrogation methods are like. They know they will be tortured, brainwashed, and possibly killed.

    But they also know that they cannot give up their cause. They cannot betray their principles. They cannot let their comrades down.

    They take a deep breath and stand up slowly, their hands raised above their heads.

    "Fine," Ana Maria says, with a calm but defiant voice. "Take us away. But remember this: we are not alone. We are part of something bigger than ourselves. We are making a difference in this world. And we will never give up."

  4. Ana Maria and Michael rush to the satellite dish to investigate. They find that the signal is being jammed, most likely from a nearby location.

    "We have to act fast," Ana Maria says. "We can't let them take us down."

    Michael nods. "I'll check the security cameras and see if we can spot any intruders."

    Ana Maria takes out her walkie-talkie and calls for backup. She informs the other members of the enclave of the situation and tells them to be on high alert.

    As they wait for a response, Michael reviews the footage from the security cameras. He spots several figures dressed in black sneaking around the perimeter of the enclave.

    "We have company," Michael says, showing the footage to Ana Maria.

    Ana Maria studies the images carefully. "They look like professionals. This is not a random attack. They must have been tracking us for a while."

    "We have to assume that they know our weaknesses and our defenses," Michael says. "We can't underestimate them."

    Ana Maria nods. "I'll activate the emergency protocols. We'll go into lockdown mode and prepare for a possible assault."

    Michael nods. "I'll double-check the encryption and the firewalls. We'll make it as hard as possible for them to penetrate our systems."

    Ana Maria and Michael work quickly and efficiently. They activate the emergency protocols, which involve locking down all entrances and exits, sealing off critical infrastructure, and deploying defensive measures such as drones, cameras, and alarms.

    They also strengthen the encryption and the firewalls, making it virtually impossible for the hackers to breach their systems.

    Meanwhile, the other members of the enclave arrive at the satellite dish, armed with weapons and protective gear. They take up defensive positions and prepare for a possible attack.

    Ana Maria and Michael join them, each carrying a pistol and a radio. They scan the perimeter with binoculars and listen for any signs of intrusion.

    For several tense minutes, nothing happens. The enclave is quiet, except for the sound of the wind and the occasional bird.

    But then they hear a faint buzzing noise, coming from the direction of the valley. It sounds like a swarm of bees or a group of drones.

    Ana Maria raises her radio. "This is Ana Maria. Does anyone see anything unusual?"

    "I see a bunch of small flying objects," one of the members replies. "They're heading towards us."

    "I see them too," Michael says, pointing at the horizon. "They're drones. And they're armed."

    The drones get closer and closer, until they are hovering just above the enclave. They are small and fast, with rotating blades and blinking lights.

    Ana Maria raises her pistol. "Take them down!"

    The members of the enclave aim their guns and start shooting at the drones. Some of the bullets hit their targets, causing them to spin out of control and crash into the ground.

    But others miss, and the drones keep coming, firing back with small missiles and laser beams.

    Ana Maria and Michael take cover behind a rock and try to pinpoint the source of the attack. They scan the valley with their binoculars and radios, looking for any signs of the enemy.

    But they see nothing, except for the wreckage of the drones and the smoke rising from the ground.

    Then they hear a voice, coming from a hidden speaker.

    "Greetings, Bitcoin Resistance. This is the Iron Fist. You have been a thorn in our side for too long. We have come to put an end to your insolence. Surrender now, and we may spare your lives."

    Ana Maria grits her teeth. "Never. We will fight to the end. For Bitcoin. For freedom. For humanity."

    Michael nods. "We stand together. We will not yield. For Bitcoin. For freedom. For humanity."

  5. Ana Maria and Michael continued to discuss their plans for the global campaign, unaware that they were being watched by an unknown intruder. Suddenly, the laptop screen flickered again, and a message appeared:

    "Hello, Ana Maria and Michael. I hope you don't mind me dropping in like this. My name is David, and I am a friend."

    Ana Maria and Michael looked at each other in confusion. They had never heard of this David before.

    "Who are you?" Ana Maria typed back.

    "I am a fellow Bitcoiner and a supporter of the Bitcoin Resistance," David replied. "I have been following your work for a while, and I am impressed by what you have achieved."

    "Thank you," Ana Maria typed. "But how did you find us?"

    "I have my ways," David replied cryptically. "But that's not important now. What is important is that I have some information that might interest you."

    "What kind of information?" Michael typed.

    "Sensitive information," David replied. "Information that could help your cause, but also put you in danger."

    "What do you mean?" Ana Maria typed.

    "I mean that there are powerful people who want to stop you, who see you as a threat to their interests, who will do anything to crush you," David replied. "And I mean that I have evidence of their plans, their operations, their identities."

    "Why are you telling us this?" Michael typed.

    "Because I believe in your cause, and because I trust you," David replied. "I also believe that you have the skills, the resources, and the courage to use this information wisely and effectively."

    "What do you want in return?" Ana Maria typed.

    "Nothing," David replied. "I only want to help. But I also want to remain anonymous, for my own safety and yours. You can call me anytime, using this secure line I have set up for you. Just be careful, and don't trust anyone you don't know."

    The laptop screen flickered again, and the message disappeared.

    Ana Maria and Michael looked at each other in silence, realizing the gravity of the situation.

    "We have to be careful," Ana Maria said. "This could be a trap."

    "Or it could be a chance," Michael said. "A chance to strike back, to expose our enemies, to gain the upper hand."

    "We have to decide quickly," Ana Maria said. "We don't have much time."

    Michael nodded. "I'll set up the encryption protocols and the firewalls. You call the other enclaves and the leaders. We need to have a meeting as soon as possible, to discuss this information and plan our next move."

    Ana Maria nodded. "Let's do it. And let's hope that David is telling the truth, and that he is a friend, not a foe."

  6. Ana Maria and Michael quickly realized that they were under attack. They rushed to unplug their devices, but it was too late. The intruder had already gained access to their system.

    Ana Maria's heart raced as she watched the cursor move on its own across the screen. She knew that their entire operation could be compromised if they didn't act fast.

    "Michael, we have to shut it down!" she shouted.

    Michael nodded, and they both pulled out their emergency kits. They had prepared for this scenario by installing kill switches in their devices and hiding backup drives in secret locations.

    As Ana Maria typed in the code to activate the kill switch, she felt a surge of adrenaline. She had trained for this moment for years, but she had never been in a real-world situation like this before.

    Suddenly, the screen went black, and the room fell silent. Ana Maria and Michael held their breath as they waited for any signs of activity.

    After a few tense minutes, Michael cautiously turned on one of their laptops. To their relief, it seemed to be working fine. They checked their other devices and found that they were still functional.

    Ana Maria let out a sigh of relief. "That was close," she said.

    Michael nodded. "We need to change all our passwords and encryption keys, and run a full security scan on our systems."

    "I know," Ana Maria said. "But first, we need to find out who did this and how they did it."

    Michael nodded again. "I'll start analyzing the logs and tracing the IP address. You should reach out to our contacts and warn them about the breach."

    Ana Maria nodded and started typing on her laptop. She sent out a series of encrypted messages to their allies, informing them of the attack and urging them to increase their security measures.

    As she worked, Ana Maria couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. She had always known that their mission was dangerous, but now it felt more real than ever. She wondered who their attacker was and what they wanted. She also wondered if they had any other enemies that they didn't know about.

    But she pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand. She knew that they had to stay vigilant and united if they wanted to survive in this harsh new world. She also knew that they had something that their enemies didn't have: hope. And as long as they had hope, they had a chance to make a difference.

  7. Ana Maria and Michael quickly realized that their communication system had been hacked. They tried to trace the source of the intrusion, but it was too late. The hacker had already gained access to their data and devices.

    Ana Maria cursed under her breath. "Who the hell could have done this?"

    Michael shook his head. "I don't know. It could be anyone. A government agency, a criminal syndicate, a rival faction..."

    Ana Maria clenched her fists. "We have to find out. We can't afford to have our plans and identities compromised."

    Michael nodded. "Agreed. I'll deploy our countermeasures and run a deep scan of our network. You should check with our contacts and see if anyone else has been targeted."

    Ana Maria nodded back. "Right. I'll send out a warning to all the other enclaves and see if we can coordinate a response. We can't let this attack go unanswered."

    As Ana Maria was typing on her laptop, Michael suddenly froze.

    "What's wrong?" Ana Maria asked, noticing his expression.

    Michael stared at his screen in horror. "Oh no... they've found us..."

    "Who?" Ana Maria demanded.

    "The attacker... they're erasing our data... our backups... everything..."

    Ana Maria's heart sank. "We have to shut down the system... now... before they can take over..."

    Michael nodded frantically. "I'm on it... shutting down all the servers... disconnecting the antennas... deleting the keys..."

    Ana Maria pulled out a small device from her pocket. It was a USB stick with a special code engraved on it. She hesitated for a moment, then inserted it into her laptop and typed a command.

    A message popped up on her screen. "Are you sure you want to activate the Last Resort?"

    Ana Maria took a deep breath and clicked "Yes".

    Suddenly, a loud beep echoed in the cabin. Ana Maria and Michael looked at each other in alarm.

    "What the hell was that?" Michael said.

    Ana Maria's eyes widened. "The EMP... we activated the electromagnetic pulse..."

    Michael gasped. "You mean... we just nuked our own system?"

    Ana Maria nodded gravely. "And everything within a mile radius... including our devices... and the hacker's..."

    They both stared at their dead screens and realized what they had just done. They had destroyed their own communication system, their own infrastructure, and their own refuge.

    But they had also prevented their enemy from stealing their data, their identities, and their lives.

    They had made the ultimate sacrifice for their cause.

    They had become the Last Refuge.

  8. As Ana Maria and Michael embrace each other, they hear a loud noise outside. They quickly break apart and rush to the window to see what's going on. They see a group of armed men approaching their enclave, shouting and waving their weapons.

    Ana Maria's heart sinks. She knows what this means. They have been discovered. Someone has sold them out. Someone has betrayed them.

    She turns to Michael. "We have to evacuate. Now."

    Michael nods. He grabs his laptop and starts typing furiously. He activates the enclave's emergency protocol, which erases all data and shuts down all systems except for the most essential ones. He also triggers a signal that will alert other enclaves and activate their backup plans.

    Ana Maria grabs a backpack and fills it with some clothes, a gun, and a USB drive. She also takes a map and a compass. She knows the area well, having explored it many times before. She has a plan to lead her people to a safe location, but it will be dangerous and difficult.

    She looks at Michael. "Are you ready?"

    Michael nods. "Let's go."

    They leave the cabin and enter the main building, where the other members of the enclave are gathering. They look scared and confused, but also determined and united. They know what they have to do.

    Ana Maria addresses them. "We have to leave this place. It's not safe anymore. We will head to the cave system that we have mapped out. It's about five kilometers from here. We have supplies and equipment there. We can stay there for a while and regroup."

    The members nod in agreement. They grab their backpacks and follow Ana Maria and Michael outside. They see the armed men getting closer and closer. They hear their shouts and their shots. They run as fast as they can, trying to avoid the bullets and the traps that they have set up.

    They reach the edge of the valley and start climbing up the steep slope. They use ropes and hooks to help them, but it's still hard and exhausting. They feel the weight of their backpacks and the fear in their hearts. They also feel the hope that keeps them going, the belief that they can make a difference, that they can create a new world, that they can find a last refuge.

    As they reach the top of the slope, they hear a loud explosion. They turn around and see a mushroom cloud rising from the valley. They know what it means. Their enclave has been destroyed. Their friends and comrades are gone. They feel a pang of sorrow and rage. They also feel a determination and a resolve.

    Ana Maria looks at Michael. "We have to keep going. We have to find a way to fight back. We have to keep the flame of freedom and justice alive."

    Michael nods. "We will. We must."

    They turn to their people. "Are you with us?"

    The members nod. They see the strength and the courage in Ana Maria and Michael's eyes. They see the vision and the passion in their hearts. They know that they have found a leader and a cause worth fighting for.

    They follow Ana Maria and Michael into the wilderness, into the unknown, into the future. They know that they may never return, but they also know that they may never surrender. They know that they are the Bitcoin Resistance.

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