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Mic Drop

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Posts posted by Mic Drop

  1. As Ana Maria and Michael continue their discussion, the hacker on the other end of the line quickly gets to work. They use the information they've gathered to launch a coordinated cyber attack on the enclave's network.

    Within seconds, the enclave's systems are compromised. The hacker gains access to their files, their communications, and their Bitcoin wallets. They begin siphoning off funds, erasing data, and planting malware.

    Ana Maria and Michael are completely unaware of what is happening. They continue to talk, completely oblivious to the fact that their last refuge is being breached.

    It's only when the lights flicker and the satellite link goes down that they realize something is wrong. Michael rushes to the generator to check on it, while Ana Maria tries to reconnect to the Bitcoin network.

    As they work frantically to restore their systems, they begin to realize the extent of the damage. Their Bitcoin wallets have been drained, their files have been deleted, and their communications have been intercepted.

    They know that they have been compromised, but they don't know who or what is behind the attack. They try to trace the source, but the trail is too complex and too well-hidden.

    As they sit in silence, staring at their damaged screens, they realize that their last refuge has been breached. They have lost everything they've worked so hard to build. They are vulnerable, exposed, and alone.

    But they are not defeated. They know that they still have each other, and they still have the Bitcoin Resistance. They know that they can rebuild, regroup, and retaliate. They know that they are part of something bigger than themselves, something that cannot be destroyed by a single attack.

    And so, with grim determination, they begin to pick up the pieces. They begin to rebuild their network, their systems, and their morale. They begin to fight back, using every tool and every resource at their disposal.

    For they know that they are not just fighting for themselves, but for the future of humanity. They know that the Bitcoin Resistance is the last hope for a world on the brink of collapse. And they know that they will never give up, no matter what the cost.

  2. After a few moments, Ana Maria and Michael break the embrace and return their attention to the laptop. They continue to discuss their plans for the Bitcoin Resistance, unaware that their every move is being monitored.

    As they talk, the hacker on the other end of the line listens intently, jotting down notes and taking screenshots of their conversation. The hacker is a member of a rival faction, one that sees the Bitcoin Resistance as a threat to their own agenda.

    The hacker finishes gathering the information and disconnects from the enclave's system. They quickly analyze the data they've collected, looking for any weaknesses or vulnerabilities that they can exploit.

    Meanwhile, Ana Maria and Michael continue their work, completely unaware of the danger that is lurking in the shadows. They discuss their plans for expanding their network, improving their infrastructure, and recruiting new members.

    As they talk, a sense of optimism and hope fills the room. Despite the chaos and destruction that surrounds them, they believe that they can make a difference. They believe that they can build a better world, one where freedom, justice, and prosperity are not just empty promises, but tangible realities.

    Little do they know that their hopes and dreams are about to be shattered. Little do they know that their enemies are closing in, ready to strike at any moment. Little do they know that their last refuge is about to be breached.

  3. Chapter 2: The Intruder

    The intruder is a shadowy figure in a dark room. He wears a hoodie and gloves. He types furiously on a keyboard connected to several monitors. He is using advanced hacking tools and techniques to infiltrate the Bitcoin Resistance enclave's network.

    He has been monitoring their activities for weeks, collecting information, mapping their infrastructure, and studying their vulnerabilities. He knows their strengths and weaknesses. He knows their plans and secrets. He knows how to exploit them.

    He is a professional hacker, hired by a powerful and wealthy organization that sees the Bitcoin Resistance as a threat to its interests. He doesn't know the identity of his employers. He doesn't care. He only cares about completing his mission and getting paid.

    He has already compromised several other Bitcoin Resistance enclaves around the world. He has stolen their funds, disrupted their communications, and exposed their members to authorities and criminals. He has caused chaos and fear. He has shown that the Bitcoin Resistance is not invincible.

    He is now targeting the Swiss Alps enclave, the last refuge of the Bitcoin Resistance. He knows that it is the most well-defended and well-prepared of all the enclaves. He knows that it has the strongest encryption, the most sophisticated firewalls, and the most skilled defenders. He also knows that it has the most valuable assets, including a large stash of bitcoins, a treasure trove of sensitive information, and a network of contacts and allies.

    He is determined to break into the enclave's system and steal everything he can. He has already bypassed the outer defenses, the fake trails, and the decoy traps. He is now facing the final barrier, the inner sanctum, where Ana Maria and Michael are working.

    He takes a deep breath and starts typing again.

    He sends a series of commands to the enclave's servers, probing for weaknesses, looking for backdoors. He uses a combination of brute force, social engineering, and zero-day exploits. He is patient and persistent. He doesn't rush. He doesn't panic. He knows that one mistake can expose him and ruin his mission.

    He waits for the system to respond. He listens to the sounds of the keyboard and the monitor. He hears the hum of the generator and the crackle of the radio. He smells the scent of the wood and the air. He feels the chill of the mountain and the heat of the CPU.

    He smiles as he sees a tiny glitch in the screen.

    He has found a vulnerability.

    He pounces on it, unleashing a barrage of codes and scripts.

    He bypasses the last firewall and gains access to the enclave's mainframe.

    He is in.

    He feels a rush of adrenaline and triumph.

    He is about to download the Bitcoin Resistance's secrets and steal their bitcoins.

    He doesn't know that he has just triggered a trap.

  4. Chapter 1: The Last Refuge

    The year is 2030. The world is in chaos. Hyperinflation has rendered most currencies worthless. Governments have collapsed or turned authoritarian. Wars, riots, and famines have ravaged the planet. Millions of people have died or become refugees.

    But not everyone has given up hope. In small enclaves around the world, a network of rebels has emerged. They call themselves the Bitcoin Resistance. They use the decentralized cryptocurrency as a means of exchange, communication, and coordination. They believe that Bitcoin can restore freedom, justice, and prosperity to humanity.

    One of these enclaves is located in a hidden valley in the Swiss Alps. It is home to about a hundred people, mostly hackers, engineers, and activists. They have built a self-sufficient community with solar panels, hydroponics, and 3D printers. They have also set up a satellite dish and a radio tower to connect to the Bitcoin network and broadcast their message to the world.

    The leader of this enclave is Ana Maria, a 39-year-old former journalist and human rights activist. She was one of the first to recognize the potential of Bitcoin as a tool for social change. She has dedicated her life to spreading the word and helping others join the resistance. She is smart, brave, and charismatic, but also haunted by the memories of her past. She lost her family, friends, and colleagues in the turmoil that engulfed her home country of Venezuela.

    Ana Maria's right-hand man is Michael, a 52-year-old former software engineer and Bitcoin developer. He is the technical genius behind the enclave's infrastructure and security. He is also one of the oldest and most experienced Bitcoiners in the world. He has seen the rise and fall of many projects and protocols in the space. He is loyal, reliable, and pragmatic, but also cynical and weary of the endless struggle.

    On a cold and clear morning in April, Ana Maria and Michael are sitting in their makeshift office in a wooden cabin. They are looking at a laptop screen that shows a map of the world with dots representing other Bitcoin Resistance enclaves. They are trying to coordinate a global campaign to raise awareness and funds for their cause.

    "Look at this," Ana Maria says, pointing at a dot in Australia. "They have just completed their solar farm project. They can now power their entire enclave with renewable energy."

    "That's impressive," Michael says. "How did they manage to do that without attracting attention?"

    "They used drones to transport the materials and equipment. They also disguised them as birdhouses and rocks."


    "What about this one?" Ana Maria asks, moving her finger to a dot in Japan. "They have just launched their own satellite into orbit. They can now communicate with other enclaves without relying on the internet."

    "Wow," Michael says. "That's ambitious."

    "They used a rocket that they built themselves from scrap metal and spare parts. They also hacked into a military base and used their launch pad."


    "And this one?" Ana Maria says, zooming in on a dot in Brazil. "They have just rescued a group of refugees from a concentration camp. They are now providing them with food, shelter, and medical care."

    "That's admirable," Michael says. "How did they pull that off?"

    "They used a helicopter that they stole from a drug lord. They also armed themselves with guns and explosives."


    Ana Maria smiles at Michael. "You see? We are not alone. We are part of something bigger than ourselves. We are making a difference in this world."

    Michael nods at Ana Maria. "You're right. We are not alone. We are part of something bigger than ourselves. We are making a difference in this world."

    They look into each other's eyes for a moment, then hug each other warmly.

    They don't notice that their laptop screen has flickered briefly.

    They don't know that someone has hacked into their system.

    They don't realize that they are being watched.

    The next day, Ana Maria and Michael meet with the rest of the community to discuss their plans. They know they have to be cautious and prepare for any potential attacks from the outside world. They also know they need to expand their network and recruit more members to their cause.

    "We have received some new leads from our contacts in South America," Ana Maria says, addressing the group. "There are several groups of dissidents who are interested in joining us. We need to send a team to meet with them and assess their potential."

    "I can lead the team," Michael offers. "I have some experience in covert operations."

    "Good," Ana Maria says. "But we need to make sure you have enough resources and support. We can't afford any mistakes."

    "I understand," Michael says. "I'll take some of our best people with me. We'll use encrypted communication and avoid any surveillance. We'll also bring some Bitcoin to offer as a sign of trust."

    "Be careful," Ana Maria says. "We don't want to endanger anyone. And remember, our goal is not to overthrow governments or start a war. Our goal is to empower people and provide them with alternatives to the broken system."

    "I know," Michael says. "But sometimes we have to fight for what we believe in. And Bitcoin is our weapon of choice."

    The community members nod in agreement. They know that Bitcoin is not just a currency, but a philosophy. It represents freedom, decentralization, and innovation. It is a tool that can challenge the existing power structures and empower the marginalized.

    Ana Maria looks at Michael with admiration and gratitude. She knows he is a valuable asset to their cause, but also a friend and a partner.

    "Thank you, Michael," she says. "You are a true Bitcoiner and a true rebel. We are lucky to have you on our side."

    Michael smiles at Ana Maria. He knows that she is the real leader of the Bitcoin Resistance, the heart and soul of their community. He also knows that he would do anything to protect her and their cause.

    They hug each other, knowing that they are facing a long and difficult road ahead. But they also know that they are not alone. They are part of a global movement that is growing stronger every day. They are part of something bigger than themselves. They are making a difference in this world.

  5. We now have:

    1. $1 trillion in deposits withdrawn from US banks

    2. Gold set to break above $2000/oz

    3. Multiple countries using Chinese Yuan for trade

    4. Bitcoin up 50% in one month

    5. US Dollar used in 59% of world’s reserves, down from 72%


    Is the US Dollar under attack?

  6. Saudi Arabia the past 7 days

    1) Saudi Arabia to adopt economic strategy without US dependence, following decline in relations under Biden Administration, FT reports.

    2) Saudi Arabia, Russia, UAE, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, and Algeria to cut oil production output until the end of 2023.

    3) Saudi Arabia partners with China to build a Chinese oil refinery for 83.7 billion yuan ($12.2 billion).

    4) Saudi Arabia enters trade alliance with China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and four Central Asian nations to step further away from reliance on the US dollar.

    5) Saudi Arabia partners with India to create an investment bridge emphasizing greater economic interconnectedness.


  7. Weekly Recap

    1) Saudi Arabia enters trade alliance with China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and four Central Asian nations to step further away from reliance on the US dollar.

    2) China and France complete first LNG gas trade using Chinese Yuan, ending reliance on the US dollar for energy trades.

    3) China and Brazil to settle trades in their own currencies, ditching the US dollar.

    4) Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) are developing a new currency, State Duma Deputy Chairman says.

    5) Saudi Arabia partners with China to build a Chinese oil refinery for 83.7 billion yuan ($12.2 billion).

    6) Kenya signs deal with Saudi Arabia and UAE to buy oil with Kenyan shillings instead of US dollars.

    7) President of Kenya tells citizens to get rid of US dollars.

    8) Association of Southeast Asian Nations considers dropping the US dollar, euro, yen, and British pound for local currency financial settlements.

    9) El Salvador President officially signs bill eliminating all taxes on income, property, and capital gains for technology innovations.

    10) US Senator Elizabeth Warren launches "anti-crypto" re-election campaign.

    11) India to settle trade in Indian rupees with certain countries instead of US dollars, Commerce Secretary says.

    12) Chinese yuan surpasses the euro to become Brazil's second-largest currency in foreign reserves.

    13) US government to sell 41,500 #Bitcoin  ($1.18 billion) connected to Silk Road, in four batches this year.

    14) Hong Kong regulators to assist #crypto firms with banking in effort to become a digital asset hub.

    15) #Binance and CEO sued by US CFTC over alleged regulatory violations

    16) US Social Security funds are projected to run out by 2033, Reuters reports.

    17) 5 major banks raided by French authorities in €100 billion fraud investigation

    18) Former President Trump says President Biden is directly responsible for the bank failures and creating an economic catastrophe that will only get worse.

    19) MicroStrategy purchases an additional 6,455 #Bitcoin ($150 million).

    20) President Biden says the banking crisis is "not over yet."

  8. Hordes of small and mid-size banks are now in trouble, and that is really bad news because those institutions issue most of the mortgages, auto loans and credit cards that our economy runs on.  The other day, I asked my viewers to “imagine what our country will look like if the banking system implodes and the economy plunges into a depression”, because if our banks continue to collapse that is precisely where we are headed. JPMorgan Chase & Co analysts estimate that the “most vulnerable” U.S. banks are likely to have lost a total of about $1 trillion in deposits since last year, with half of the outflows occurring in March following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.

    There are more than 4,000 banks in the United States right now, and the vast majority of them are rapidly losing deposits. As a result, U.S. banks are being forced to turn to the Fed for help at a very frightening rate… Banks have been flocking to emergency lending facilities set up after the failures of SVB and Signature.

    Data released Thursday showed that institutions took a daily average of $116.1 billion of loans from the central bank’s discount window, the highest since the financial crisis, and have taken out $53.7 billion from the Bank Term Funding Program. Meanwhile, the banking crisis in Europe has taken another very alarming turn. Deutsche Bank shares fell on Friday following a spike in credit default swaps Thursday night, as concerns about the stability of European banks persisted. The Frankfurt-listed stock was down 14% at one point during the session but trimmed losses to close 8.6% lower on Friday afternoon. The German lender’s Frankfurt-listed shares retreated for a third consecutive day and have now lost more than a fifth of their value so far this month. The emergency rescue of Credit Suisse by UBS , in the wake of the collapse of U.S.-based Silicon Valley Bank, has triggered contagion concern among investors, which was deepened by further monetary policy tightening from the U.S. Federal Reserve on Wednesday. But what is going to happen to our economy when the flow of mortgages, auto loans and credit cards is greatly restricted? Our country is already being torn to shreds like a 20 dollar suit, and economic conditions are still relatively stable. So what is going to happen when we do fall into a very deep economic depression? These are such perilous times, and they are only going to get more difficult in the months ahead.

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