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Mic Drop

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Everything posted by Mic Drop

  1. Update: The UN and WHO are warning of an increase in Ebola, and cholera cases. The old Ebola vaccine is supposedly not effective against this strain circulating in the DRC.
  2. A Mexican mayor was shot & killed by gangsters along with 17 others in southwest Mexico. This is the “logic” of insurgency; taking out supposed collaborators to send a message. The government is not improving the situation. Situations like this have led to the collapse of Burkina Faso, Mali, Haiti, etc.
  3. Microplastics, which have stealthily become one of the restaurant industry’s secret seasonings, have been detected in breast milk for the first time. They have already been detected in placenta and in human blood.
  4. Cholera has returned to Haiti, where it has claimed at least two lives, and is suspected in several more. Armed gangsters have blocked off clean water & medical supplies from neighborhoods around Port-au-Prince, in a protest against petrol price hikes—that’s their pretext, anyway. This video from Haiti was shared last week. It depicts the unstable & heavily polluted mid-stages (?) of Collapse, coming to a neighborhood near you.
  5. Pakistan’s wet drought has damaged its harvest (and much else besides), and millions of people are going hungry there.
  6. Somalia, which has been dealing with a 40+ year megadrought, is on the brink of famine. Resurgent rebel violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is driving hunger in the northeast DRC. Pakistan’s wet drought has damaged its harvest (and much else besides), and millions of people are going hungry there.
  7. Wet Drought: a farming phenomenon wherein crops are ruined by too much water. Eastern Australia is bracing for a “wet drought” as a result of flash flooding projections. This will also reduce cattle numbers, which is Australia’s most profitable agricultural product. Sydney is experiencing its wettest year on record.
  8. Drought in the southwestern U.S. is leading to the collapse of the ranching industry. Cattle herds are down 36% this year alone, a result of the growing megadrought and cost of maintaining thousands of animals.
  9. There were new October heat records in Russia, North Korea, South Korea, in China, in Hong Kong, in Japan, in Cyprus, and in Türkiye. Also new heat records in parts of Canada, and in Utah, USA... Heat waves in Portugal are bringing clouds of dust from the Sahara. Mad Max by Monday?
  10. Putin’s ongoing struggles in Ukraine have left him grasping for some way to flip the script and impose a new strategic calculus in his failing War. Any hope of negotiations is off the table, leaving just one option left. Whose responsibility is it to prevent Nuclear War? What does life look like in occupied Ukraine? Some say it is “libertarian” and “post-apocalyptic” and “there is not a lot of hope left.” Someone is quoted as saying “money is now spent only on food.”Another person said, “it’s like we were thrown back thirty-five years [to the USSR, that is—and incidentally one year after Chernobyl].”
  11. Can confirm: North Korea may also be planning a nuclear test this month; they also test-fired another missile on Tuesday, this one over Japan—something they haven’t done since 2017. And then they tested two more missiles on Thursday (these did not go over Japan).
  12. Meanwhile, just a few horus ago, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant was disconnected from its external power source—leaving it dependent on emergency diesel generators, which reportedly have fuel for just 10 days. The countdown to a potential nuclear meltdown.
  13. His forecast is quite scary... the vaccination programs are worsening the overall pandemic....
  14. As Ukraine makes massive gains retaking occupied land in the south, and a bridge connecting Crimea to mainland Russia was damaged, Putin’s forces are moving nuclear equipment to Ukraine, in what many people fear could be a nuclear test—probably in the Black Sea, perhaps elsewhere.
  15. Iran’s protests continue, and a university in Tehran was under siege by “security forces” who allegedly shot at the dorms. The Iranian Parliamentary Speaker, himself a veteran of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, admitted that the protests could destabilize Iran.
  16. Update: Speaking of elections and Civil Wars, Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro, appeared to exceed expectations in the October 2 election, forcing a 1v1 runoff election set for Sunday, October 30. Fears remain that Bolsonaro may try to steal the election by legal pretext or even armed rebellion. Either outcome may result in insurgent violence, corruption, and financial/social Collapse.
  17. Bill Gates, formerly the world’s richest person-turned-world’s-“greatest”-philanthropist, is warning of another Civil War in the United States if political polarization is left unaddressed. “We’re going to have a hung election and a Civil War,” said Gates. The next U.S. presidential election will be November 5th, 2024. Betting markets place Trump & Biden as the most likely candidates.
  18. A suicide bomber in Kabul killed at least 43 people at a unisex private school 8 days ago, injuring dozens others. Some women have protested in defiance of the Taliban insurgency-turned-government, but they were sprayed and beaten. In the last year, Afghanistan has lost 10 years of economic growth.
  19. Meanwhile, in Thailand, a court ruled that the ex-military Prime Minister, who took power in a 2014 coup, is allowed to legally stay in office...as if they were ever going to decide any differently.
  20. The violent collapse of Burkina Faso is getting worse. Last week, their military leader was removed in a coup, but some of his forces were planning a counter-attack, allegedly with the support of French forces. Since the coup, the ex-leader has agreed to step down, and is reportedly hiding in Togo. Islamist insurgents have, for several years, deprived government forces of more than a third of the landlocked nation’s total land, and displaced over 1M people (over 5% of the total population).
  21. The mob violence claimed more lives in a stadium event than any other since 1964. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-63105945
  22. Anyone can generate a bitcoin private key. No one can generate your bitcoin private key. There are somewhere on the order of 10^77 possible Bitcoin private keys. Guessing the right private key is much worse than trying to find a single grain of sand on earth. It's equivalent to trying to find a single atom in the known, observable universe.
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