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Mic Drop

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    Mic Drop reacted to Cionweest in Dendera zodiac   
    By the way, if you're into stuff like this, you might wanna check out https://thepythagoras.com/. They have some neat articles about ancient civilizations and their contributions to science and math. It’s really interesting how much we owe to these early thinkers.
  2. Like
    Mic Drop reacted to The Librarian in Dendera zodiac   
    The sculptured Dendera zodiac (or Denderah zodiac) is a widely known Egyptian bas-relief from the ceiling of the pronaos (or portico) of a chapel dedicated to Osiris in the Hathor temple at Dendera, containing images of Taurus (the bull) and Libra (the scales). This chapel was begun in the late Ptolemaic period; its pronaos was added by the emperor Tiberius. This led Jean-François Champollion to date the relief to the Greco-Roman period, but most of his contemporaries believed it to be of the New Kingdom.
    The relief, which John H. Rogers characterised as "the only complete map that we have of an ancient sky", has been conjectured to represent the basis on which later astronomy systems were based. It is now on display at the Musée du Louvre, Paris. D 38 Hall 12 bis In Egyptian mythology.
    Astrology had a big place in the art of divination from the second millennium BC when the Babylonian priests established the zodiac.
    This term comes from a Greek word that means circle of animals. 
    The signs do not correspond to the constellations, which earned them their original name.
    The cult of the stars was particularly dominant in Babylon.
    The servants of God took a strong stand against the cult of the stars. 
    They shared the view of the Scriptures, seeing them as mere material bodies that do not dominate man but rather serve as lighting and benchmarks.
    The faithful King Joshua "put out of business the foreign-god priests [...], those making sacrificial smoke to Ba´al, to the sun and to the moon and to the constellations of the zodiac." (2 Kings 23:5). This expression comes from the Hebrew word mazzalôth, plural, which appears only once in the Bible.
    The signs of the zodiac were introduced in the cathedrals of Christendom, and in Paris can be seen on the portal and left around Mary in the huge central rose of Notre-Dame de Paris and Burgundy the facade of the Basilica of Vezelay. 
    See more here
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    Mic Drop reacted to Cionweest in Dendera zodiac   
    The Dendera Zodiac is such an amazing piece of history. Imagine ancient Egyptians looking up at the same stars we do now and creating this detailed map. It's mind-blowing!
    So, what do I think about it? I think it's a fascinating blend of art and astronomy. Those ancient folks really knew their stuff. The way they incorporated their gods and mythologies into the constellations is just brilliant. And it's not just about the stars, it’s a glimpse into how they viewed the universe and their place in it.
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    Mic Drop reacted to alain in Algorand Partners With FIFA World Cup   
    Are you  excited for the upcoming Euro Cup?
  5. Confused
    Mic Drop reacted to Pudgy in Is Light a Wave or a Particle?   
    Recent experiments have proved the concept of “advanced” and “retarded” light, which means that each photon emitted from any source, at any frequency is FIRST triggered by the return  signal which goes backwards in time FROM whatever WILL ABSORB IT, at the other end., be it nanometers away, or at the edge of the Universe.
    The “trigger”, signal is called the “Advanced Photon”
    You know that as you approach the speed of light, time slows down. AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT, time stops.
    ON A PHOTON …. time is completely stopped, so a trillion years travel time does not affect it at all.
    Travel time of a photon from point “A” to point “B” may take 30 billion years, and the return photon (the “Advanced Photon”) Photon that allows it to release may take negative 30 billion years, but to EITHER photon it’s almost instantaneous, except for a few nanoseconds where the photon traveling backwards in time arrives at the local source BEFORE the light leaves the local source.
    The local photon generated (… say from a candle …) is called the “retarded photon”.
    Cool, huh?
  6. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to JW Insider in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    @BTK59 ( @George88 ) ( @BillyTheKid-55 ) ( @Allen Smith ) ( @AllenSmith35 ), etc., etc., etc., etc. --
    and @Pudgy ( @James Thomas Rook Jr. ),
    I once got in trouble from an Admin here for revealing that @TrueTomHarley was from Rochester, based on the assumption that I had used a moderator's ability to read I.P. addresses. I got out of trouble by showing that TTH had himself made posts claiming he was from Rochester.
    It is considered very bad forum etiquette to reveal information or attempt to reveal personal information about a forum participant that isn't something they bring up about themselves. If it is specifically to reveal something negative, it is clearly malicious. Because it also goes against the rules of the forum, BTK59 and his cohorts might end up getting banned. I don't want to see BTK banned, for all the reasons I've stated before: 
    Banning is meaningless on a forum like this one, because anyone can come back under a different name. Banning is a form of shunning, which can have serious and unintended psychological consequences. Banning can involve erasing all of a person's writing here, into which they may have put a lot of time and research. Banning a person who shows signs of maliciousness and viciousness and paranoia usually will motivate the person to come back only to seek vengeance on everyone they think was involved in their "excommunication" or "disfellowshipping" from the forum. In practice that has meant attacks on persons who were not even interested in the matter.  So, for these reasons, I recommend the following so that BTK and cohorts are not banned. I recommend that the posts related to the malicious attempt to expose personal legal issues and troubles be removed.
    I will remove all related posts within 24 hours, unless both parties to this matter request that they remain. 
  7. Like
    Mic Drop got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in This is what a black hole ripping apart a star looks like   
    The best explanation and scale representation of a black Ive ever seen. Enjoy!
  8. Thanks
    Mic Drop reacted to BTK59 in Khazars   
    It appears to me that this is a key aspect of the 2030 initiative ideology. While the Rothschilds were indeed influential individuals who were able to sway governments, much like present-day billionaires, the true impetus for change stems from the omnipotent forces (Satan) shaping our world. In this case, there is a false God of this world.
    However, what drives action within a political framework? Power!
    What is unfolding before our eyes in today's world? The relentless struggle for power. The overwhelming tide of people rising. We cannot underestimate the direct and sinister influence of Satan in all of this.
    However, it is up to individuals to decide how they choose to worship God. Satanism, as a form of religion, cannot be regarded as a true religion. Consequently, just as ancient practices of child sacrifice had a place in God's world, such sacrifices would never be accepted by the True God of our universe.
    Despite the promising 2030 initiative for those involved, it is unfortunately disintegrating due to the actions of certain individuals in positions of authority. A recent incident serves as a glaring example, involving a conflict between peaceful Muslims and a Jewish representative that unfolded just this week.
    Saudi Arabia was among the countries that agreed to the initiative signed by approximately 179 nations in or around 1994. However, this initiative is now being undermined by the devil himself, who is sowing discord among the delegates due to the ongoing Jewish-Hamas (Palestine) conflict. Fostering antisemitism.
    What kind of sacrifice does Satan accept with the death of babies and children in places like Gaza, Ukraine, and other conflicts around the world, whether in the past or present, that God wouldn't?
    Whatever personal experiences we may have had with well-known individuals, true Christians understand that current events were foretold long ago, and nothing can prevent them from unfolding. What we are witnessing is the result of Satan's wrath upon humanity, as was predicted.
    A true religion will not involve itself in the politics of this world, as it is aware of the many detrimental factors associated with such engagement. It understands the true intentions of Satan for this world and wisely chooses to stay unaffected by them.
  9. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to JW Insider in Khazars   
    This idea that Satan can put Jews in power implies that God doesn't want Jews in power. But that would also imply that God only wants "Christians" including Hitler, Biden, Pol Pot, Chiang Kai-Shek, etc. 
  10. Thanks
    Mic Drop reacted to JW Insider in Khazars   
    @Mic Drop,
    I don't buy it. I watched the movie. It has all the hallmarks of the anti-semitic tropes that began to rise precipitously on social media during the last few years - pre-current-Gaza-war. And it has similarities to the same anti-semitic tropes that began to rise in Europe in the 900's to 1100's. It was back in the 500s AD/CE that many Khazars failed to take or keep land they fought for around what's now Ukraine and southern Russia. Khazars with a view to regaining power were still being driven out into the 900's. And therefore they migrated to what's now called Eastern Europe. It's also true that many of their groups converted to Judaism after settling in Eastern Europe. It's possibly also true that they could be hired as mercenaries even after their own designs on empire had dwindled. 
    But I think the film takes advantage of the fact that so few historical records have ever been considered reliable by the West when it comes to these regions. So it's easy to fill the vacuum with some very old antisemitic claims, fables, rumors, etc.. 
    The mention of Eisenhower in the movie was kind of a giveaway, too. It's like, Oh NO! The United States had a Jew in power once. How on earth could THAT have happened? Could it be . . . SATAN??"
    Trying to tie a connection back to Babylonian Child Sacrifice Black Magick, Secret Satanism, and Baal worship has long been a trope for those who need to think that no Jews like the Rothschilds and Eisenhowers (????) etc would not have been able to get into power in otherwise "Christian" nations without help from Satan.   
    Does child sacrifice actually work to gain power?? Does drinking blood? Does pedophilia??? (also mentioned in the movie) Yes, it's an evil world and many people have evil ideologies based on greed and lust and ego. But how exactly does child sacrifice or pedophilia or drinking blood produce a more powerful nation or cabal of some kind? To me that's a giveaway that the authors know that the appeal will be to people who don't really care about actual historical evidence.
    Also, the author(s) of the video proved that they have not done much homework, but are just trying to fill that supposed knowledge gap by grasping at old paranoid and prejudicial premises. (BTW, my mother and grandmother, in 1941 and 1942, sat next to Dwight Eisenhower's mother at an assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Eisenhower family had been involved in a couple of "Christian" religions and a couple of them associated with IBSA and JWs for many years.)
  11. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from JW Insider in John F. Kennedy Assassination   
  12. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from JW Insider in John F. Kennedy Assassination   
  13. Haha
    Mic Drop reacted to Pudgy in How Walt Disney Made the Bambi Cartoon   
    …. With the cooperation of the Japanese of Tokyo, Japan the following Bambi movie was made.
    When I was working in Portland, Oregon in 1981, I saw this advertised, and saw this in a theater playing this and “Rust never Sleeps” as a double feature.
  14. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from Pudgy in How Walt Disney Made the Bambi Cartoon   
  15. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to Srecko Sostar in California's New Death Tax   
    There is no real estate tax in Croatia, yet. They have been putting it off for decades. So the owner of the property does not pay any taxes to the state because of reason he own something, house or any other real estate.
    In the case of inheritance of real estate from parents to children, no tax is paid (spouse, descendants and ancestors who form an upright line and adopted children and adoptive parents who are in that relationship with the deceased or donor). In other cases, 3% of the market value is paid.
  16. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from JW Insider in California's New Death Tax   
    The ads promoting 19 didn't mention that it would put elderly heirs on the pavement because of massive tax increases nor did they say the funding came from real estate agents.
  17. Like
    Mic Drop got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in California's New Death Tax   
    The real estate industry pushed this through to give an extra incentive for people to sell their homes. With low taxes, you keep the home. With high taxes, you are more likely to sell.
    Kevin Mullins authored... democrat
  18. Like
    Mic Drop got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in California's New Death Tax   
    The ads promoting 19 didn't mention that it would put elderly heirs on the pavement because of massive tax increases nor did they say the funding came from real estate agents.
  19. Like
  20. Thanks
    Mic Drop got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Mormon whistleblower: Church’s investment firm masquerades as charity | 60 Minutes   
    Mormon David Nielsen left his job at Ensign Peak Advisors, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ investment firm, and filed an IRS whistleblower complaint. He speaks with Sharyn Alfonsi.
  21. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from JW Insider in 'The Strangest Secret' by Earl Nightingale   
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    Mic Drop got a reaction from George88 in The Geneva Bible and Ephesians 6:11-12   
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    Mic Drop got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in How to fix a door   
  25. Haha
    Mic Drop reacted to Pudgy in Latest Amazon Promo Codes   
    I’m looking for a discount code on a 2,000 watt ultraviolet deck mounted laser for my boat.
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