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Mic Drop

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  1. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to Pudgy in Amazon rainforest pays heavy price for Brazil's political crisis   
    You know, it all depends on what we’re used to.
    10,000 years ago the ocean levels were 400 feet lower than they are now. But everybody was used to it.
    At one time what is now the Sahara desert at the northern end of Africa's used to be lush jungle.
    It all depends on what we used to.
    Whatever it is things have adapted.
    Don’t worry about it.
    Be cool. Be happy.
    Don’t sweat the small stuff.
  2. Like
    Mic Drop reacted to Pudgy in Amazon rainforest pays heavy price for Brazil's political crisis   
    At the time of the last Solar System survey, the best bet for life would have been Mars .….. Mars, with its oceans and temperate climate and two moons, which at the same time the Earth was a cratered molten ball of volcanic lava, with a huge moon that circled very fast and close, dragging tsunamis of lava behind it continuously.
  3. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in The Price of Oil   
    Earth’s other precious liquid, oil, hit recent record highs this week ($128 USD per barrel), although they dipped a bit since. Rising oil prices will help authoritarian governments (Gulf States, China, Iran, USA, Kazakhstan, etc) stay in power and increase CO2 levels. It’s a lose-lose.

  4. Like
    Mic Drop got a reaction from TheWorldNewsOrg in The first crazy NFT headline we’ve seen in a while!   
    The creators of the perhaps the world’s most famous NFT collection, The Bored Ape Yacht Club, Yuga Labs, have just completed the purchase of IP for perhaps the second most famous NFT collection, The CryptoPunks!
    Yuga Labs’ first move as the CryptoPunk’s IP holder, is to grant full commercial rights to individual NFT holders:
    “With this acquisition Yuga Labs will own the CryptoPunks and Meebit brands and logos, and as they’ve done with their own BAYC collection, Yuga Labs will transfer IP, commercial and exclusive licensing rights to individual NFT holders”.
    Yuga’s decision to give BAYC IP to holders has prompted a number of exciting moves including the inception of numerous projects, even including ‘metaverse bands’ with Bored Apes as band members.
    On the flipside, Larva has come into conflict with its NFT holders over refusal to transfer commercial rights. Some holders even abandoned the project over the controversy.
    Yuga has since stressed that their absolute focus will still be the BAYC ecosystem, and they have no immediate plans to do anything but give IP to the CryptoPunk holders and see what they do with it!
  5. Like
    Mic Drop got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Did NATO push Ukraine Into War?   
  6. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to Space Merchant in Did NATO push Ukraine Into War?   
    This seems to be the case, granted the information known to us, as is, who is allied with Russia and who is allied with the US.
    At the end of the day, the actions of super powers effects the normal citizen.
  7. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to admin in Gold   
  8. Like
    Mic Drop reacted to LNN in Gold   
    Gold’s status as an inflation hedge is exaggerated - BlackRock
  9. Like
    Mic Drop reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Gold   
  10. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from Space Merchant in SQL DB - Point-In-Time Restore Exercise   
    Below is a script that should be ran step by step and not all at once.  It’ll help you understand backup methodology and the importance of knowing how to recover to a point-in-time.  This is something a DBA will seldom have to do, but when the time comes, they’ll have to deliver as part of their core job responsibilities.  Nothing is more fundamental to a DBA than the ability to recover to a PIT.  
    Prerequisites: You should be a local administrator in Windows and a SQL Server sysadmin
    Purpose: The purpose of this exercise to simulate a production database's catastrophic failure
    and the steps a database administrator will need to take to bring production back on line. To simulate
    work pressure of a real production down scenario, understand these steps and syntax, and time yourself on how
    quickly you are able to recover the business transactions, and validate that they were restored.

    --Create test database
    USE MASTER CREATE DATABASE [MyTestDB] GO --Create test table
    CREATE TABLE [MyTestDB]..[MyTable] (C1 INT) GO --Create full backup of test database
    BACKUP DATABASE [MyTestDB] TO DISK = 'C:\TEMP\MyTestDB.bak' GO --Create several new records to simulate business transactions
    USE MyTestDB; INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES (1) GO 5 --Backing up transaction log to harden the business transactions to a transaction log backup file on disk
    BACKUP LOG [MyTestDB] TO DISK = 'C:\TEMP\MyTestDB_Log.trn'; --Dropping database to simulate catastrophic database failure
    USE MASTER ALTER DATABASE [MyTestDB] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE; DROP DATABASE [MyTestDB]; GO --Restoring full database backup WITH NORECOVERY to simulate recovery process
    USE MASTER RESTORE DATABASE [MyTestDB] FROM DISK = 'C:\TEMP\MyTestDB.bak' WITH NORECOVERY --Restoring transaction log backup WITH RECOVERY to simulate restoring a transaction log backup to a point-in-time
    RESTORE LOG [MyTestDB] FROM DISK = 'C:\TEMP\MyTestDB_Log.trn' WITH RECOVERY GO --Validation that the 5 business transactions were restored
    SELECT * FROM [MyTestDB]..[MyTable]
  11. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from Space Merchant in Russia vs. Ukraine et al...   
    Live... from the UN
    Russia makes a move into Ukraine... as a "peacekeeper". 
    Putin see Kiev and the Ukraine as part of mother Russia historically and this move should have been done much earlier.
  12. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to Space Merchant in Australia has activated Big Brother   
    Christmas started early for them, so to speak. The Freedom vs. Compliance situation is only going to increase, the political heads and the people will be at it, and those who are not involved will be caught in the crossfire. People who attempted to go to the Convoy from the US side into Canada, were stopped.
    The problem with the freezing of accounts, as is the alternative to GoFundMe is that it enables the tracking of such people, to make matters even worse, we have Extreme Left leading Hackers who is supposedly helping to fight the Freedom Convoy.

  13. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from Space Merchant in Australia has activated Big Brother   
    Deputy Prime Minister Freeland Invokes Emergency Powers Over Financial Accounts To Seize Business and Personnel Bank Account Funds Without A Warrant | Bitcoin/Crypto Assets Mentioned
  14. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from JW Insider in The average net worth of a 30 year old in the U.S. is -$1,043.   

  15. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to JW Insider in The average net worth of a 30 year old in the U.S. is -$1,043.   
    I happened across an excellent commentary of how the current "system of things" has been affected by Covid19. (linked below) The speaker hits on many of the most salient points and it stands as an excellent review from a perspective that sees a bit beyond just the medical issues. But about 20 minutes into the 30 minute video, I learned some interesting points: Americans owe 1.7 trillions in student loan debt. It was only 500 billion in 2006; up 1.2 trillion in just a decade and a half.
    He also says that In bankruptcy court, the only non-dischargable debt is student loan debt. [Therefore, I like the wording you used: "chained on to the individual."]
    What's worse, I think, is something he didn't say, but is fairly obvious. Students are still paying their $30,000 to $50,000+  per year, where part of what a student should be paying for is the ability to interact with professors and specialists in their chosen area of specialization. Instead, what they are often getting lately is a hands-off video stream of a professor who can't interact much at all with students. Might as well be video-taped lectures. No one-on-one in-depth guidance towards a specific area of pursuit. No semester abroad in France, UK, or China, or special internships. Only on-line access to the university library for what's been digitized, which is often a small percentage of what would have been available. 
  16. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from Space Merchant in The average net worth of a 30 year old in the U.S. is -$1,043.   

  17. Haha
  18. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to Pudgy in Australia has activated Big Brother   
    When people are afraid of the government there is tranny, and the government is afraid of the people, there is freedom.
    Australia has been disarmed, and is galloping toward totalitarianism.
  19. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to Pudgy in U.S. National Debt   
    This is nothing new in the evolution of civilizations. It ALWAYS HAPPENS when the willfully stupid get control. 
    ….. and they Always do.
    when you are unfortunate enough to live through that time, your life is usually harder, and shorter.
  20. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from Space Merchant in U.S. National Debt   
  21. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from Space Merchant in Chinese Coronavirus could be a bioweapon that escaped containment   
    It only took 2 years to find out Fauci was behind the funding of the virus....
    check out these damning details: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/hidden-military-documents-reveal-nih-intent-create-sars-cov-2-using-gain-function-research
  22. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to Amidstheroses in The PCR False Positive   
    Thank you for posting this, probably very hard to come by, video. My cousin, who first alerted me to the faulty PCR test, has spoken with much frustration about how it has been deceptively used and of Kary’s suspicious death/murder (?) just prior to this test becoming a household word during the Covid pandemic.
  23. Thanks
    Mic Drop reacted to Randy Lee Manning in The PCR False Positive   
    A "Chain Reaction Lab Technique" (not a "test") -- "used to amplify" -- "DNA Replication" -- "Can produce a billion copies" (of molecules)

    IN SHORT -- PCR CAN MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF ALMOST NOTHING!     Once upon a time, in the peaceful and quiet town of Normieville, the crooked Mayor and his minions devised a plot to increase their power and raise taxes -- the pretext being to "fight crime" and protect the public. With crime virtually non-existent in Normieville, this cunning operation required a fake "epidemic" of an invisible, though forensically discoverable crime and the "flood-the-zone" cooperation of The Normieville Times.

    The first manufactured case occurred at a Mini Mart store on Main Street. Like so many small shops, the Mini Mart had one of those little "Take-a-Penny / Leave-a-Penny" plastic trays at the checkout counter. Customers who were short only a penny or two could take them from the tray and balance out the transaction. Conversely, customer who receive a few pennies in change could drop them in the tray for someone else's convenience.

    One day, Nickie Normie checked out a few items and the tab came out to $8.01. So he handed the cashier $8 in cash along with a penny lifted from the common penny tray. Just before he could exit the store, a burly  police officer nabbed him by the arm.

    Policeman: You're under arrest for probable cause of Grand Larceny!
    Nickie Normie: What?! I didn't steal anything!
    Policeman: I saw you take that penny from the tray. And you're on camera too.
    Nickie Normie: (laughing) Officer, that's the take-a-penny tray! That's what it's for. And besides, Grand Larceny has to be over $1000.
    Policeman: I'm well are of the law, punk! Yes, it may appear that you only took a penny; but when I get you down to the station, our new PCR test machine will tell us exactly how much you really stole.
    Nickie Normie: PCR test? What's that?
    Policeman: It stands for Penny Chain Reaction. PCR allows us to amplify the penny in question through what are known as cycles. It is the "Gold Standard" of forensic testing.
    Nickie Normie: Oh dear. Now I'm worried. I could have sworn that I only took one penny.

    At the station, the pilfered penny was handed off to a lab technician and placed in the PCR magic minting machine and amplified as Nicky Normie waited nervously in his cell. After one cycle, the original penny had doubled into 2 pennies, the next cycle brought the total to 4 cents; the next, 8 cents; the next, 16 cents; the next 32 cents; the next 64 cents -- $1.28 --- $2.56 -- $5.12 -- $10.24 -- $20.48 -- $40.96 --$81.92 -- $163. 84 and so on until the $1,000 milestone for Grand Larceny was reached --- 100,000 pennies!

    When Nickie was informed of the "test results," he broke down and sobbed.

    Nickie Normie: I've never stolen anything in my life. I'm such an honest person. I don't know what must have gotten into me.
    Detective Fauci: Nickie, as a first-time offender, I'm sure that the judge will take your history as a model citizen into consideration. And if you help us, we're willing to make a plea deal to reduce your sentence
    Nickie Normie: Sure. How can I help you?
    Detective Fauci: Give us the names of anyone else you may know that has taken pennies out of that or any other such tray -- or even picked up a penny off the ground.

    And so it began.         The Boss and his corrupt cops used PCR (Penny Chain Reaction) to dominate and enslave the perfectly law-abiding citizens of Normieville.         Originally invented to rapidly coin money, PCR was being used to make "criminals" out of the most upstanding people.     The next day, The Normieville Times blasted the news of the shocking theft across its front page. In a full page editorial titled "Follow the Science," the Editorial Board -- quoting the Chief of Police -- speculated that Nickie Normie's theft of $1000 was probably not an isolated case. The innocent citizens of Normieville were urged to "get tested" for their invisible crimes. From the editorial:

    "Protect yourself, protect your community! If you've ever shorted any cashiers of a penny, or lifted a penny from any of the many "Take-a-Penny" counter trays around town, we urge you to bring some pennies to the  Normieville police station and submit them to the Penny Chain Reaction test to find out if you are a thief. Follow the science!"

    The very next day, hundreds of honest normies voluntarily lined up at the Normieville police station to have their pennies tested. About 20% of them "tested positive" for $1,000 Grand Larceny. Again the headlines screamed:

    "Record Crime Wave Sweeps Through Normiedom! Hundreds Arrested!"

    The frightened citizens rushed out to buy guns, alarm systems and guard dogs. Those who refused to have their pennies PCR tested were socially ostracized. No one was safe from suspicion -- not even those who tested negative because another PCR could always expose them as crooks at a later date. More tests led to more PCR positives ("cases") -- which led to more arrests -- which led to more shocking headlines -- which led to more tests.

    In such a state of trauma-induced "mass formation psychosis," the Mayor's calls for higher taxes, a larger and more intrusive police force, and a "Great Reset" of the local economy were welcomed by the demented denizens of Normiedom -- who, by now, were willing to subject themselves and innocent others to any indignity in order to end the "crime wave" epidemic. The "common good" was what The Normieville Times referred to the mass psychosis as.             The PCR "test" turns nothing into something, keeping the normies afraid and compliant.  
    The allegorical account of the Normiedom PCR Crime Wave -- admittedly amusing and exaggerated as it may be -- is really not all that far off from the mass madness -- fueled by PCR and also phony "antigen tests" --  which we are witnessing with Stupid-19. Just drive by your local "Testing Facility" and behold the healthy masked-up boobs waiting in line, in the cold, to get nose-raped for a false positive from a technique which was developed for the sole purpose of facilitating research through "amplification" of genetic material.

    But don't take my word for it. Hear it from Kary Mullis (1:40 video below) the outspoken Nobel Prize winning genius and a legend in the field of biochemistry. Mullis invented the revolutionary PCR technique --- and oh so conveniently died (of "pneumonia") just three months before Stupid-19 was kicked off by abusing his PCR.

    And please share this allegory with the frightened and bewildered normies in your life.   "You can find almost anything in anybody." https://www.realhistorychan.com/pcr-allegory.html
  24. Upvote
    Mic Drop reacted to Isabella in Do I need to have a Bitcoin wallet before using an ATM to purchase Bitcoin?   
    Do I need to have a Bitcoin wallet before using an ATM to purchase Bitcoin?
  25. Upvote
    Mic Drop got a reaction from admin in Canadian member of Parliament credits ‘The Bitcoin Standard’ after giving a speech on “what is money”   
    Never knew the history behind the green colored chairs of Parliament and the Magna Carta
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