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César Chávez

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  1. Like
    César Chávez reacted to Arauna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Vocational training is the best.  Countries which still offer this kind of training do well in manufacturing  Germany has a tradition if this kind of training and has combined it with on-the-job training while going to night school..
    In south Africa we had many renowned vocational schools which were accepted al over the world (like the German model) .  Then the UN came in with their advice and  guidelines for generic degrees..... and they closed vocational colleges.  Joblessness sky-rocketed. 
    I recall when I lived in UK, there was also a system for this kind of vocational training.  I have forgotten the name of it now.  But one could train for all kinds of vocations. My daughter studied for a specific type of buyer in supply chain management.  She works in the City of London in banking now and earns substantially more than her husband who has a master decree in chemical engineering, and a few additional diplomas such as project management.
    If one chooses a career wisely one can still have a job in difficult times. My son did not choose a career in what he loved to do. He chose an essential vocation in manufacturing which is similar to an industrial engineer.
    Later he did a degree in Packaging in which one learnt about all the different bacteria, temperatures etc in food packaging.   Last year, when he wanted to leave dangerous South Africa,  he immediately got a job in NZ (his vocational training got him in - not the degree).
    There was a waiting list of half million people...... his prospective company requested the NZ government that  they needed him urgently and he was pushed to the front of the line. He is there already for 10 months and enjoying the working conditions. Not as stressfull as SA.
    Vocational training is tops.  I can attest to that. The GB has always pushed vocational training in place of degrees...... and they are absolutely correct on this. Generic degrees are useless - just a debt-ridden piece of paper that does not guarantee a job.
    And universities are hotbeds of foreign subversive propaganda these days.
  2. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to JW Insider in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I think you are being dishonest again. So, if you are, consider this to be a case of "reproving before all onlookers." (1 Tim 5:20)  I could be wrong, of course, so just think of it as merely trying to follow the qualities Paul spoke of:
    (Titus 1:8, 9) . . .a lover of goodness, sound in mind, righteous, loyal, self-controlled, 9 holding firmly to the faithful word as respects his art of teaching, so that he may be able both to encourage by the teaching that is wholesome and to reprove those who contradict.
    So to answer you: yes, I want to make a point here. Yes, the facts have discredited your assessment about Zondervan. As usual, you were "hoisted by your own petard," again. As usual, you love to project your mistakes onto other people. When proven wrong, you have never admitted it directly, but nearly always create a new diversion, or try to make yourself look better, often by twisting words.
    When you say, "As usual, this continues to be a mistaken stance you have shown for many years," technically, I agree. I have now exposed this same type of mistaken stance for many years.
    Then you bring up the book "All But Invisible," just as I thought you might, but I think you did this dishonestly.
    Then you said: "I believe my inference was about churches that are now allowing gays into their churches in the name of unity."
    I believe this is also dishonest, as your statements indicate that this was NOT what your inference was about, and I'll indicate why I think this below.
    I suppose some readers here might be wondering what this is all about. So I'll provide a quick review, if anyone is interested or concerned.
    First, Cesar Chavez (CC) said the following about Furuli's book.
    The implication is that Furuli should not have quoted from any books from Zondervan publishing, just because they also published the Satanic Bible. The problem with that claim is that the Satanic Bible was never published by Zondervan. It came out in the 1960s from another publisher (Dell), and HarperCollins sold books from that other publisher.
    Zondervan claims, I believe, to have published two-thirds of the best-selling Bibles. Zondervan was bought by HarperCollins in 1988, and associated since the early 1980s. Zondervan has become the Christian Publishing division of HarperCollins. In fact, if you were to write about this controversy, you would probably get a response like the following, as found on their site:

    But this controversy has been all over the web, and there might be tens of thousands of references to this idea about the "Satanic Bible," and probably THOUSANDS of them also make a point about Zondervan also publishing a book called "The Joy of Gay Sex."  As crazy as that first point was, I wondered why CC didn't bring that up, too. In a sense he already had, because CC provided the link http://www.holywordcafe.com/bible/resources/Zondervan.htm as shown above, which also says the following:
    Now Zondervan, the largest Christian house, is under fire again, for publishing a Bible translation with more gender-neutral language, and some Evangelical competitors think they see the influence of its secular parent, HarperCollins. "There is  of the Southern Baptist Convention. HarperCollins, he noted, also publishes books offensive to Evangelicals like "The New Joy of Gay Sex."   But Jane Friedman, chief executive of HarperCollins, which acquired Zondervan in 1987, said it operates with complete autonomy out of a separate headquarters in Grand Rapids , Mich.
    Since CC had put this controversy in the context of doing "thorough research" I assumed he might know that BOTH of these two books are paired thousands of times by evangelicals and fundamentalists, often as a way of dismissing the NIV and other translations from encroaching upon their revered KJV translation. (As an aside, in 2013, the Watchtower Society also published a revised "Bible translation with more gender-neutral language.") 
    So after showing CC that Zondervan hadn't actually published the Satanic Bible as CC claimed, he then responded with the associated claim about homosexuals, just as one might have expected:
    The primary point I had tried to clarify was not "nothing" but that the original claim was wrong, false, and also pointless, as the Watchtower has also quoted from Zondervan publishers several times.
    But, I was also concerned that CC might have purposely left off the title of the book about homosexuality, not just because it's an uncomfortable title, but because I figured CC might later try to say he was referring to a different book if I pointed out that he was also wrong about the one mentioned in his web link. (You'd have to know more about CC's history to understand why I thought I needed to prepare for such deviousness.) So I responded carefully:
    To which CC responded:
    So now this is actually an admission that HC published the Satanic Bible, but CC insists that Zondervan published "gay sex." Of course, they didn't. So now knowing about the book "All But Invisible" and knowing that he might say this is what he was talking about all along, I figured it was OK to let him know I was talking about the original book CC had already sent a link about. I knew by the term "gay sex" that CC was not referring to Zondervan's books on homosexual acceptance in churches and their struggle against sin. So I was more clear:
    But CC, who can never fully admit a mistake, went for it anyway, claiming that he never knew what I was talking about and that this book "All But Invisible" was the one he meant all along. You can see him saying that in the opening quote from his last post on the topic.
    The problem with that is that "All But Invisible" is not a book about gay sex at all. Quite the opposite, it is about the experience of a person who although homosexual does not believe in gay sex, because he believes sex should only be part of a monogamous marriage. His form of Christianity is the source of his belief. He speaks of the loneliness, but also the understanding he has of other homosexuals going through the same experience.
    As this author repeats in several ways:

    So, back to you directly CC. That is why, in my opinion, you were not being honest. 
  3. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Anna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    To be honest I was surprised that you bothered replying and addressing some of the things he raised, but I admire you for it. I just don't have the patience for what seems like completely ridiculous ideas....but I did read your replies to him. 
    Lately I find myself not bothering to reply to others like Witness for example when she says that buying liquor (Morris) is a sign of not being sound in mind. I just can't be bothered to defend ridiculous statements any more....
    I would like to respond to more of what you say but I will have to wait till I can have my PC  back. Trying to do this on the phone is awful.
  4. Like
    César Chávez reacted to Arauna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    The generic degrees, to just produce degreed people, is the problem. One cannot get a decent job with them. (Generic degrees pushed by UN).  Degrees are no longer value for money. Integrity of universities is lost. Many department are funded by organizations which influence the "studies" and foreign governments such as China, Qatar etc are influencing policy etc.
    Lol. Since many of our teachings have changed...... why hang onto the past? Move on to the future!  The future is much more fun and gives us hope because the kingdom-government is our focus! 
    We have enough detractors or hate-OCDs to keep referring to our past..... you know....... like a nagging wife!  We need not go search out the past - the nagging wives bring it up all the time! 
  5. Like
    César Chávez reacted to Arauna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Of course ! And there are many chapters in the bible dealing with unselfish and principled Christian love. We must be prepared to give our lives for each other - like jesus.
    But Luke 21 and Math 24 deals with the time of END of Jewish system and the greater end. It talks about preaching in the entire inhabited earth! So this slave will feed fellow believers all over the earth with proper food at right time.  For this one needs a central dispensary which is efficient and quick!  
  6. Haha
    César Chávez reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    “How has your day been going?” I said to my dog. “Rulf!” it replied.
  7. Upvote
    César Chávez reacted to Arauna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    So true. Only the triassic ones or those in a bubble do.  Why look back when you can look forward?  New ones look at present teachings. The only past they look at is the old history if Israel and some even find that too much.... but necessary. 
    How can one compare history and teachings from 150 years ago (when they were shooting up the wild west and people took months to go into the interior with wagons and there were slaves in the south) to present times?  Lol..... I myself read old publications but remain aware of its historical context - it is useful but still old.
    WARNING! Higher education is not what it was EVEN 10 years ago.  One lives in a bubble if one does not know about the violence, emotional triggers, injustices and loss of free speech on campuses....(there are just too many negatives to mention here).. It is critical times - hard to deal with. Why put your child in that hotbed of propaganda where money from countries like Qatar and China is buying the  opinions of the professors ? ....... You pay for this together with LQBTQ indoctrination and sit with large debt for the rest of your life!  
  8. Sad
    César Chávez reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    “The current GB is misguided and has lost its way?’
    All they have to do is be there when the fat lady sings, and feeding the flock as best they can. No one else is doing so or has anything to show for efforts (or lack thereof).
    The fat lady may not be singing just yet, but she is seriously clearing her throat. We can’t wait too much longer for the ‘true anointed’ to manifest itself out of nowhere.
  9. Like
    César Chávez reacted to Arauna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Jehovah never tests anyone with evil and does not predetermine someone to be evil. Jehovah is perfect and cannot do evil or produce evil.  It is therefore clear that an individual or a group of individuals could turn evil and could form part of an evil slave in the last days by opposing their brothers on earth. 
    Jehovah would never determine that some would turn evil. It is by their own choices that they become evil. So an evil slave could potentially exist - just as God foresaw that someone close to jesus could betray him. 
    However, jehovah has always looked after his people and appointed people to look after them. The bible is full of examples such as judges, prophets, apostles and a body in Jerusalem which guided the fledgling congregation.
    The scriptures are clear that there would be a slave to feed his people in the last days.
  10. Like
    César Chávez reacted to Arauna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    So we must now look to Ignatius? Instead of the bible? Remember, already in the time of apostle John the Greek influence and apostate ideas had already infiltrated the congregations.  Jesus gave warning about the weeds.  Math 19. The most insidious weeds were the Greek philosophy and oratory traditions which was literally everywhere!  There were gymnasiums etc. in Palestine. 
    Matthew 24 is about the last days of the Jewish system but it says that the preaching work will be done in the last days in " entire world" then the end will come..... so it refers to our time. 
    It afterward talks about a slave..... so this is obviously only a feature of the last days of the entire earthly system....... and it asks a question: who is the FDS?  It obviously means that it is important for each individual to recognize who this FDS is.
  11. Like
    César Chávez reacted to Arauna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    In this world nothing is perfect because humans tend to overstep boundaries - even Moses did so.
    But if we are really prepared to give our life for another (spirit of christ), then reading our bible and sticking close to jehovah would be our main goal - and spreading the core teachings of the bible, such as the kingdom government. This saves lives. No other actions are worth a reward from jehovah more than these. To humbly serve others.
    Literal rebellion against any other human (turn the other cheek ), or earthly institution would not come up in our mind......BUT: this would not in any way mean that we tolerate any form of ' yeast'. Our conscience will help us to quickly quelch any form of wickedness or even speak up against evil,  when needed,  in a kind and loving way. This is possible within our small sphere of influence..... 
    If this was the prevailing attitude (which is closer to perfection) in the entire organization, from top to bottom, everything would run better. But people are always overstepping boundaries due to imperfection. They go overboard or extend their influence.
    Because : if you read the quoted scriptures above (several people referred to scriptures) about humility, not being contentious, then a TRUE Christian with a genuine humble spirit will self-regulate. 
    Granted, self-control regarding bad inclinations is the hardest part of being a Christian..... and to my thinking receives too little attention.  We will do NOTHING out of egotism which can hurt our brothers or sisters and not overstep the invisible boundaries but stay in JEhovahs love. (The governing body and Feruli included).
    If everyone had this spirit not even elders would be necessary. But jehovah in his wisdom knew that we are dust and set a precedent in first century Jerusalem and also gave us elders and ministerial servants........ because we as humans need some form of  facilitation. 
    A world- wide organization needs some form of coordination and fiscal management as well as policy management.  Neglect of management direction brought the tolerance of child molestation accusations.  
    If they manage too much they are called dictators.... if they manage to little they are called incompetent and degenerate regarding  morals.... the pharisees and self-appointed judges of our time are everywhere! 
    Is it just a form of public rebellion?  Or has he seen specific abuses of people by the GB? (Not mistakes, but abuses of trust which can be proved....)
    In my secular working life I have seen CEOs of global corporations move from one corporation to another.  Many have good degrees and without a doubt  walk around like gods ......with everyone in fear of them, pandering to them to obtain a favourable eye..... following every instruction to the letter...... or lose their jobs.
    When these CEOs have made many arbitrary decisions, which bring the company almost to ruin, they usually leave just in time so someone else can pick up the pieces. They do NOT navigate companies through hard financial times perfectly because their chrystal balls are usually defective.  (I worked for the 4th largest logistics company in the world in 2008).  Yet, these CEO's CVs read like a dream, they were CEOs of several companies, maybe a fortune 500 company, and are celebrated, get millions of dollars  in bonuses, get astounding salaries, chauffeurs, trips with business air seats etc....... despite all the wrong decisions and attitudes.
    They are truly a mini-government, fat cats with perks that will make the Sun king blush.
    In contrast, simple men take a world-wide responsibility and in the process get a lot of respect (not worship). They have small personal perks which can never ever be measured up against a secular company.
    They cannot change jobs when they have messed up or made a mistake. THey are more accountable than CEOs because they have to fix up their own mistakes and face the music........and eager worldly criticism.... AND on top of that are accountable to Jehovah.
    Most people expect NO mistakes (always highlight even small mistakes) and they are always accused (by opposers) of setting themselves up as gods. People judge them so easily....... even though they are navigating us through highly  critical financial times and even critical spiritual times.  Did Jesus not predict that many would leave the faith and turn against brothers? I am sure there is  more is to come..... when brazen opposers stand up in the congregation and betray brothers. 
    I can only encourage brothers to not be 'swayed' by these winds that bring cross-winds and storms before the end... Steadily stay the course.... eyes humbly focussed on the promised  target  - everlasting life. 
  12. Like
    César Chávez reacted to Space Merchant in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Unfortunately you missed the point, Ann, sadly for you, the term in question has nothing to do with the realm of modesty and or culture (granted you are a few months late of said subject). The term itself derives of the shifting of a male's mentality to the opposite sex, molding them, likewise with girls. Even going as far as to alter and or change the reproduction system, which is on the extreme end (Srecko knows what I am talking about, hence is wild remark in the past).
    The term "putting a boy in a dress" in detail means to make it okay for males to dress up as girls and or women, even encouraging that boys can date and or have a mate that is of the same sex. This idea is prompted in most schools and pushed in media, such as books, games, what have you, i.e. Vogue educating children on brazen conduct such as sodomy and other gross practices. This term and it's terminology is not supported by all, hence why parents have and will continue to take action, sometimes in a confronting fashion. Moreover, this new ideology in society is prompted heavily and evidently, you will have, no scratch that, you have dozens upon dozens of "Desmonds" running around.
    That being said, now that you understand what is being conveyed, tell me, does this disturb you?
    Now, hence the term, it is jarring.
  13. Upvote
    César Chávez reacted to Arauna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Editors get involved with a printed book and then the printing process itself gets 4 proofs which are read and re-read and corrections made. ( I worked as a publicist for many years).  It is truly a blessing to have different eyes on a paper. 
    As I said before- you throw this word around like candy. Mr Feruli himself agrees that all the core teachings are correct..... The ones I think of is the teaching of mortality of the soul, the name jehovah, jesus who really died for our sins, we are no longer under mosaic law, the kingdom government, the preaching work,..... and much more. We have an abundance of spiritual food, videos, movies, songs and videos for the young ones! 
    Why MUST some people have a platform to prove themselves!  It comes from ego and ambition!   Some are never thankful and count their blessings! The glass is half empty if they cannot have a "spiritual " say......
    The core teachings are there! So what can you add?
  14. Upvote
    César Chávez reacted to Arauna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Those words are the key - past tense. All new sillabuses now teach absolutely shocking things which is downright pornea. It also depends on the school board and the state. 
    The new sex education is pushed by the UN together with atheism.
    In UK the Muslims were up in arms and demonstrated in front of schools.  The school was cordoned off and they were not allowed near the campus. High court intervention.
    I have seen local school meetings in USA where parents have tried to stand up for morals...... it is getting harder and harder. Most parents are not aware because the children do these courses online.
    I do keep up with what is going on at universities and schools. And what is going on is shocking!  No freedom of thought or speech. I would not like to be student on campus now where common sense is no longer accepted and one has to deal with militant atheists, pro-abortionists,  militant LGBTQ and ANTIFA hooligans thrown in the mix.
    I totally agree. I was in Africa at the time and in the truth for two years. It seems some people here push one narrative and others another. It is a matter of perception and who you knew at the time.... and the tales.
    It may come as a shock to you all..... but how will we keep unity in the faith (one message) if anyone can stand on the stage and add scriptures and give their own interpretations? 
    There must be some measurng stick? At home one can speculate, or speculate with all your friends.... but in a public space .... stick to the outline.... is this not better?
    We have a lot of freedom..... to speak..... why must one push your own visions on stage?  That is exactly how the 1975 saga ran away with itself and got extra legs!
    I am always chatting and speculating with friends.... but we should be aware that we can push ourselves too much!  Knowledge puffs up  - but love builds up. 1 cor 8:1....  Stick to the love part then one can never go wrong!
    If you do not agree with my question, then please give a solution and not just critisize!  It is easy to critisize if you do not have a workable solution.
  15. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Thank you @JW Insider   This gets better every minute. 
    A complete lack of spirituality shown in both instances. 
    But @Space Merchant might question the use of the large visual aid with the number of months left to 1975. He seems to think that JW Org didn't 'predict' it as Armageddon.
      39 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said: I think if you guys want to see changes, it would take several million signatures from all countries you are located in, or a massive letter writing campaign like you  did with Russia.
    I think it would take all congregants to leave the CCJW completely and certainly to stop all contributions. 
    But I think all congregants (once lock down has ended) should stop attending Kingdom Hall meetings. They would do better for themselves to pray directly to God through Christ to ask for the CCJW to be completely cleansed and for a true Anointed to be set in place to act as Servants to the Org, not dictators of it. 
    Perhaps God is waiting for such things to happen. Perhaps God wants to see the seriousness and wholehearted dedication from HIS people. I would imagine what God can see right now is the congregants 'turning a blind eye' to many sins within the CCJW and just using it as a social club. 
  16. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Quote ' The thing to "note" is, when did higher education "guarantee" success? '
    BUT the GB quite happily use Lawyers in many court cases. They would have had higher education. 
    And i would imagine that many of the 'top brass' in HQ / Bethel had more than a basic education. 
    Who did the planning for that massive building project at Warwick ?
    But TTH rabbits on and so does Aurana, both totally unbalanced on the subject.  It is a matter of balance. 
  17. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I presume you have every paper copy of every magazine from 1966 through 1975, to prove your point. 
    Other wise you have no proof. That one article proves nothing. The CCJW back track all the time. 
  18. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Quote @Anna 
    Again, there has to be organizational leadership in order for an organization to function, and there even has to be spiritual leadership, leading by example. But is it right for one man, or group of men, to have exclusive monopoly on the INTERPRETATION of scripture, but more importantly should this group have the right to insist that everyone accepts only their interpretation, and if not, they may be denied membership, or if they are already members it will be counted as "treason" and they will be ex-communicated (in our society we no longer chop peoples heads off) and ordered to live like outcasts, outlaws, banished and shunned by the whole community as they know it, including relatives. It sounds to me like something from my movie. Is this the model Jesus had in mind? I repeat, as a group, the GB are untouchable because they have enough support from "subjects". Remove that support and they are "nothing". But didn't Jesus say we should support one another, and come to the aid of our brothers?
    Can we examine this paragraph please. 
    1. Organisational leadership. Over practical things yes. 
    2. Spiritual leadership. This can only be done by those who are guided directly by God, through Christ, through Holy spirit. It creates a problem when men decide for themselves that THEY are God's spokespersons. 
    3. Monopoly on interpretation of scripture. The problem seems to have been that 'men' have given false interpretations. And those 'men' have made themselves false prophets. 
    4. Their interpretation. To me this is a dictatorship. And if you add the fact that 'their interpretation' of scripture will differ to suit their own needs, then it becomes an insult to God and Christ. 
    5. Treason / D/fed. To my mind this confirms the dictatorship.  Wrongful use of excommunicating 
    6. Live like Outcasts / Shunned by all JWs.  This is one reason I think JWs should be issued with a 'Rule book' which they should be allowed to read BEFORE getting baptised. As a person that is 'suffering' such I would like to read it in the rules to see what it actually says, and to see what scriptures it is based on.  
    7. Is this the model Jesus had in mind ?  Having the 'mind of Christ'.  This is where I mention time and time again, about lack of spirituality. 
    8. the GB are untouchable because they have enough support from "subjects" Wrong, It is not support it is fear. Just look at what you have mentioned above, it proves fear.  It reminds me of the German Army. I don't think those men wanted to kill so many people, but they were frightened not to. To some outsiders it would look as if they were supporting Hitler, but in reality the soldiers were frightened of him. So it is with the GB, they may look to be supported, but the brothers and sisters live in fear of being disfellowshipped which is like death to them. 
    9.  Remove that support and they are "nothing. I've been saying this for a long time. If congregants  stopped their donations completely, and stopped attending KH meetings, then the GB 'might' start to have a re-think. Doubtful though as their hearts seem to have hardened against their own people, just like the Jewish religious leaders.  
    10. Come to the aid of our brothers. The GB have stopped acting like brothers. They have exalted themselves above all of God's servants. Congregants are now frightened of the Elders and more so of the GB. The GB have made up 'rules of men' and 'traditions of men'. 
    11. But didn't Jesus say we should support one another, Re-read your paragraph. Do you see any support from the GB ? Or do you see heavy loads put on congregants shoulders and the GB not lifting one finger to help ? 
    There are Anointed ones Earthwide. Almighty God will use them when HE is ready to use them. Either the CCJW will be cleansed and re-organised, or, God, through Christ,will form another organisation. 
  19. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Srecko Sostar in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I think Cesar just skiped magazines from previous period, from, let say 1968 onward :)). 
  20. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Srecko Sostar in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    This is funny. Let tell us please, when and how will WT stop to promote "overlapping generation" scheme (very connected to "the end of World" ideology as was the 1975 too), and start to point to some individuals in organization who were over zeal in their attempts, how to explain and prolong life to "Generation of 1914" failed doctrine ?  
  21. Haha
    César Chávez reacted to JW Insider in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Binged two seasons last year. Might get back to it after a couple projects in the summer. I think you're right about the historical accuracy of the main characters. Dailyhistory.org says that it . . .
    . . . does a very good job at incorporating many cultural elements that would have been contemporary at the time, including those involving the behavior of the characters and types of equipment they had during campaigns. Unlike many earlier historical dramas, this one looks more closely at the historical background of the characters, trying to imbue them in a cultural and historical context that would have been familiar to them but still entertaining to 21st-century viewers.
    It never occurred to me, although it did make me remember how we used to read or watch this kind of history and wonder who might have been the FDS, if any, during that time period. That idea was based on the old definition of the FDS: any of the anointed remnant who were alive at any given time anywhere on earth. We used to say that there were always some anointed at all times, somewhere on the earth, who could be considered the faithful and discreet slave. Of course if there were even 100 additional anointed every year from 70 to 1870, at strategic locations around the world, that  would be 180,000 without even including the thousands mentioned in Acts, and without counting the upwards of 100,000 counted among Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses since 1870. So we dropped anything too specific about that old FDS theory. (I supposed that this old theory that there were always some FDS on earth at any given time, could have also been resolved with 18 overlapping centenarians.)
    Good point. In fact, strictly speaking, Jesus is the only governor of the household of faith, or God's house. (Hebrews 3:5-8, 1 Peter 2:4-10) Of course, I don't wish to pile on with my own FDS view again, since we've discussed it ad nauseum, and in this case I would only be saying most of what Furuli is now saying. This should probably be a good time for those who wish, to look for ways to rebut Furuli's specific perspectives. 
    I've often said the same thing here about how we try to be the best at fitting the first century congregation into a 21st century environment. It appears we are successful. But, as you imply, what if the one thing that makes us think we have the first century situation in hand is that we have what we think of as modern-day apostles? And what if we should not? It's so hard to imagine the organization or any religious organization without effective leadership, especially to help guide a worldwide preaching activity. I admit that it's hard to imagine any kind of religion our size without apostle-like figures who are probably looked up to by those around them as if they are the Paul, the Apollos, the Cephas, and the James of our day.
    Is Jesus looking for a worldwide congregation where somehow all the teaching is already handled through the obvious content of the scriptures, and those taking the lead in each individual congregation are only taking the lead in teaching by example, offering encouragement, binding up the brokenhearted, doing good and charitable works, feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, showing hospitality? Even if this were the case, congregations become complex, and there is always someone with an idea toward a new doctrine, or who wants his ego stroked by getting people to support his side, making the biggest decisions. Also, we know that many of the world's religions have devolved into social clubs on the one hand with doctrines as loose as boats without rudders in a stormy sea. On the other hand some are so fundamentally rigid in their beliefs that doctrinal discussion can result in violence. It seems that a "true religion" even today, requires human leadership of an apostle-like variety. Is this just a lack of faith in what could be a solution that matches Jesus' words: None of you shall be called Leaders (much less, a Body of Governors) for one is your Leader, and all of you are brothers. Is it possible for everyone is a large religion to all treat everyone as superior to themselves. (Furuli praises a visit from F.W.Franz where his wife met him and thought he treated her as superior to himself.)
    (Philippians 2:1-4) . . .If, then, there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any spiritual fellowship, if any tender affection and compassion, 2 make my joy full by being of the same mind and having the same love, being completely united, having the one thought in mind. 3 Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with humility consider others superior to you, 4 as you look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others.
    After a few years in Bethel and among elders and publishers of many different responsibilities and positions, I find it nearly impossible to imagine a unity (being of the same mind and having the same love, being completely united) where even the Governing Body consider you and me and Tom and Furuli and Melinda and Allen superior to them in all humility. Perhaps I don't have the faith that something like this is workable.
  22. Like
    César Chávez reacted to Space Merchant in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    @César Chávez Agreed, that is what I was saying elsewhere. There was a collective of some kind in the early Christian churches. Even for those that broke away to formulate what currently mainstream Christendom, they have some kind of Religious order and or structure as well.
  23. Like
    César Chávez reacted to Arauna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Maybe years ago one could go to university without making crippling debt and also being indoctrinated in a spiritually crippling way.
    Today, one has to self-censor at all universities (freedom of inquiry and freedom of speech is curtailed by political correctness) and there is no longer a guest for truth in the humanities.  One sends a child into the class and they come out with LGBTQ indoctrination due to the fact that they have to select one of these courses.... no matter what they are studying. I have watched several interviews with students..... they are not learning to think any longer.  It is truly better to learn a vocation..
    There are some sciences that are still good but most have to follow the Darwinian dogma.
  24. Like
    César Chávez reacted to Arauna in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    They usually are not strong on law....... it is more about 'feelings' to them. 
    Laws are in place for a reason. Theft of intellectual property is a major problem. China has been stealing US patents for decades. 
    Sometimes these people act outside the law and should learn a legal  lesson or two. 
  25. Like
    César Chávez reacted to Space Merchant in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    The problem I see is sometimes people tend to use opinions as well as feelings to overshadow facts. There is nothing wrong with professing such, however, one cannot and should not being ignoring or purposely be ignorant of the facts. In this case, as we can see, many people are ignoring the whole concept of copyright laws even though it is presented in front of them.
    The irony of it all, regarding this faith, even some of it's former members are pointing this out as we speak, but like the whole Nov. park situation, they will threaten those of their own community if they speak the truth regarding copyright issues. So basically, pertaining to JWs, ExJWs will speak their peace in this regard only to receive members of their own community that speak otherwise, and you have ExJWs vs. ExJWs.
    This is something that is common nearly in every faith community regarding former members, a notion of infighting.
    That being said, the facts in the matter stand tall and true, as can be seen in this thread, as is with awaiting for more development regarding this situation. Therefore, those going around the facts essential dug their own grave in this regard, especially since the material in question is 100% registered, which will be something very difficult to challenge.
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