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Leander H. McNelly

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  1. Is it any different when people think they can just get up and slander an organization? Create falsehood in order to further the agenda of ex-witnesses and remove those that defend the truth and scripture from that kind of misrepresentation? At one point, the mighty dollar needed to come to a decision that is afforded to all organization. Malice and immoral behavior is not considered free speech anymore. A topic being looked at in the USA without infringing on the constitution. Free speech is NOT the same as hate speech. What is hate speech. Look up the word "INCITE" and Violating copyright material is NOT free speech. That's why it is good this site closed its doors to further slander. Was it necessary? NO! all they needed to do is "prevent" the kind of festering malice and copyright, problem solved.
  2. Sarcasm, Well book writer, I quoted one of them, figure it out. I won't break copyright laws for you. 😉
  3. What is the true story about “Rwanda” ethnic cleansing started by the support of the Belgian Military and the post colonel political revolution of the Catholic Church? Can any witness, fake or not truly blame the Watchtower for witnesses being caught in the wake of politics and ethnic cleansing? That would mean, the watchtower was to blame for the atrocities that were conducted against witnesses in World War 2 by Nazi’s wanting to purge themselves from Jews. Not all witnesses were Jews but loyal Christians. No different with that of Rwanda. How disingenuous a witness would have to be to even consider blaming the Watchtower for the “actions” of others no matter how it might look? But, this is the life we live in since the Bethel Purge of the 80s. A long-lasting criticism of disgruntled members. The Catholic Church and Political Revolution in Rwanda, 1959–1962 “Aided by Belgian military and political officials, a Hutu-dominated one-party state replaced the former Tutsi oligarchy. The bloodshed, ethnic cleansing, and mass refugee movements profoundly destabilized Rwandan society and established the zero-sum ethnic logic that reaped such a terrible harvest in the postcolonial period, culminating with civil war and genocide in the early 1990s.” PAGE 121 In Context, more truthful research is recommended.
  4. You need to learn the difference between posting about humility when you have known. Therefore, you just nullified your post.
  5. Between what, their actions, spirituality. You seem to forget, God puts spiritual "leaders" for a reason. A reason you refuse to comprehend.
  6. Funny how I think along the same lines as you. You have nothing useful to say, just breaking wind and smelling up the place.
  7. How can you teach humility when someone questions their own Org? Teaching humility comes from understanding scripture in a knowledgeable, way. People here, especially "witnesses" continue to pick and choose what they like about scripture to apply to their lives, while they want to condemn parts of scripture they don't find palatable just because the message of encouragement comes from wise spiritual men. Witnesses need to understand, there is NO such thing as sitting on the fence. Either you do, or you don't. 🤔 Those that do, can teach, those that sit on the fence, have already chosen to go against our heavenly father.
  8. Yes, I believe that's what you think of yourself JTR, you are a legend in your own mind. I believe if you stop taking those pills with alcohol, things will truthfully become clear. 😁
  9. Then you are as confused as John butler! The endgame belongs to the owner that carries hatred in a supposed Christian site. But like I said, If Allen Smith desires to return to this forum without consequences that you people don't have to deal with, I'm sure he would return. I just don't think this site is important enough anymore, since he already proved the falsehoods by fake witnesses, here. 😌
  10. Then your understanding is incorrect. A summons is different from a writ. Both can be squashed if a person can show just cause. There is nothing "cowardly" for doing things under the law. That is a subverted interpretation of secular law. The fact, a "high court" found the superior court liable with due process that wasn't afforded to the Watchtower was a clear indication of that courts agenda. Therefore, the higher court overruled the low court in favor of the Watchtower. That case is still being argued and all cases will eventually end up in the steps of the Supreme Court. However, your PDF is incomplete. The Exhibits are exhibits from the plaintiff. They are trying to show just cause why the Watchtowers appeal should be denied. The plaintiff will also need to show why the superior court was overruled by the appellate court and why that Judge sought to deny the Watchtower due process in favor of the plaintiff. Once again, if people here don't understand secular laws, stay away from the topic.
  11. If you are referring to Allen Smith, why don't you ask the owner that keeps that person from having one account just like you, because he enjoys protecting your rights and denies the right of those willing to show the falseness of your misinformation campaign. So don't blame Allen, instead pick up the issue with your friend and defender. I am sure, Allen Smith would love to stick to one account, but there is too much hatred and animosity, while people suggest he go play in his own sandbox. Therefore, your conclusion is once again, more misinformation. 🤔
  12. Wow! You opposers really need to do proper research and stop lying about what the courts are doing. If you are referring to the San Diego case, Gerrit Lösch was summoned to appear NOT subpoenaed to appear. A summons can be rejected by anyone. Here you accuse Bro Jackson of lying in the ARC case, while you people lie through your teeth by posting misinformation. Stay off legal matters if you don’t understand the legal process. I don't know. Why don't you ask Srecko since he is the one distorting everything by combining Church and State as though the same laws are used by the State. I recall (killing) is not part of Christ Church, Do you agree with Srecko? What secular laws are you applying, the ones back then, when the watchtower was advising their members to safe guard their children as understood by the "leaked" BOE letters, or are you reciting the new laws? In which ex-witnesses love to post as misinformation.
  13. Breaking wind again. The ZERO creditability here is yours. However, I don't take medication for a mental problem nor do I drink myself silly in order to only see chickens. If you want to start insulting instead of proving your case why people should believe a witness in poor standing or a fake witness, then we can go that route and insult each other. However, I understand, at some point your friend and owner will intervene to protect disingenuous people like you and opposers. Why, because you are no different from an ex-witness and a regular blogger here. Your cartoons have not changed since the apostate site JWN, 😜
  14. Wow! You are now utterly confusing the retrospect of what "faith" one needs to be "spiritually" guided. You are not only distorting Bro Jackson's words but Jesus as well.
  15. Wow! The jokes on you, now that you are lying through your teeth. Just like "witness" lied about the GB living a rich life. You people need to start speaking in a normal tone and stop fabricating things just to post. Your point being? Or are you suggesting Srecko is too lazy to do his own research. I think we know the answer to that. 🤔 You are confusing Jesus words in what things should be accepted and not accepted by church leaders. If the Watchtower GB told me to pick up arms to defend them, then I would disobey just like Jesus told those in the spirit of Matthews words about the Pharisees in Matthew 23. Now I understand in your mind you equate the GB to the Pharisees, so does "witness" "John Butler" aka 4jah2me and disgruntled people like JTR. The point is, your opinion doesn't matter how you view the GB. It doesn't matter how conflicted supposed witnesses think about the GB, what matters, is how God thinks and views those spiritual men. For several years now, you have been talking nonsense and posting anything to make an argument. Try to show something for it. In the words of JTR, so far, you people are batting ZERO! In other words, mine, yours or anyone else's opinion here doesn't matter, God's does! Think about it, you said the government combines church and state and uses scripture to make up laws. How so, when governments allow for the killing of another in self-defense, in war. Start getting real!🤭
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