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Posts posted by Isabella

  1. Richie’s priorities were with his faith.

    “I don’t feel like I’m punishing myself,” he said in 1990. “Baseball is not in my plans. I didn’t go through all of this (retiring) just to go back (to baseball) later on. I feel I’ve made a decision I will stick with.”

    Richie, who later moved to Kentucky with his wife Loreece (they met while at Hug High) and just turned 55 years old (Sept. 5), never did go back to baseball.

    The question remains, even 30 years after The Decision, just how good Rob Richie would have been in Major League Baseball.

    “He might have hit a ton. Who knows?” former Detroit Tigers manager Sparky Anderson told the Detroit Free-Press in 1990. “The boy’s a winner and he’ll always be a winner for doing what he did. His religion is very important to him. He never put baseball above it. That takes a lot of courage.”

    The Free-Press in 1990 likened Richie to another famous baseball player who had a brief career. Archibald “Moonlight” Graham played just one game in the major leagues and retired to become a doctor. His story was fictionalized in W.P. Kinsella’s book, “Shoeless Joe” and portrayed by actor Burt Lancaster in the movie “Field of Dreams.”

    “If I’d only got to be a doctor for five minutes, now that would have been a tragedy,” Graham says in Kinsella’s book. “You have to keep things in perspective. I mean, I love the game. But it’s only that. A game.”


  2. En Jalisco, los Testigos de Jehová han cumplido un papel importante en materia de inclusión entre la población sorda. En el seno de esta comunidad han encontrado mayor inclusión de lo que el estado puede garantizar en educación, salud y cultura, pues desde hace 30 años a nivel nacional y hace 20 a nivel estatal trabajan con personas sordas y las acompañan de cerca.

    Actualmente en la entidad hay una comunidad de 500 personas sordas que se congregan con este grupo religioso, y de acuerdo con las cifras internas hay un crecimiento anual del 3%.

    Para Carlos Amadeus, de 17 años, unirse a los Testigos de Jehová impactó en su estilo de vida: se siente más feliz, se siente incluído.

    Leer más: https://gdl.telediario.mx/local/la-religion-incluyente-para-las-personas-sordas

  3. Danos esperanza y déjanos volver a ver a nuestro amado hijo", piden los padres del trabajador de la construcción fallecido.

    Afuera de este hogar aún hay botas llenas de cemento, adentro Margarito y Honorina Rodríguez le piden fuerza a Dios y le agradecen por la vida de su amado Marcos, un joven de 25 años que lamentablemente murió este jueves tras caer de un edificio en construcción en Brooklyn Navy Yard.

    "La pérdida de un hijo es lo más triste pero como uno tiene la esperanza uno dice, está bien mi hijo ya no está conmigo, ya no va a venir y le voy a dar un abrazo, ya no va a venir y me va a decir: 'mamá, ¿qué hace?', pero la esperanza de la resurrección es lo que ayuda a uno mucho", dijo Honorina Rodríguez, madre de Marcos.

    Leer más: https://www.ny1noticias.com/nyc/noticias/noticias/2020/09/04/jamas-me-imagine-no-volver-a-ver-a-mi-hijo--madre-de-joven-trabajador-de-la-construccion-muerto

  4. La Justicia de San Juan dispuso que una niña de 4 años diagnosticada con cáncer reciba todas las prácticas médicas que requiera, incluidas las transfusiones de sangre, pese a que su madre se opone a los tratamientos por sus creencias religiosas.

    El jefe subrogante del Primer Juzgado de Familia de la provincia, Esteban de la Torre, autorizó “la realización de prácticas médicas” a la menor de edad, que tiene serio riesgo vital, frente a la negativa de su progenitora que es miembro del culto de los Testigos de Jehová y se oponía a las intervenciones por razones de índole religiosa.

    En el fallo conocido hoy, el juez explicó que “se trata de una paciente, con alta sospecha de enfermedad oncológica, en riesgo vital y con altísimos posibilidades de requerir transfusiones”.

    Leer más: https://www.clarin.com/sociedad/testigo-jehova-nego-hija-reciba-transfusion-justicia-fallo_0_0vHJFFmvN.html

  5. jw-suspect-at-front-door-left-profile___28130930178.jpg


    Screen Shot 2020-07-28 at 7.30.43 PM.png

    MIDDLETOWN, NJ — Update, Tuesday evening: Middletown Police Chief R. Craig Weber announced an arrest in this case. Arrested on Tuesday is Natalee A. Hamilton, 34, of Middletown. Hamilton is charged with four counts of criminal mischief, three counts of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, and one count of resisting arrest.

    As of Tuesday evening, she is at the Monmouth County Jail in Freehold.

    "This series of crimes committed against houses of worship is deeply disturbing, especially as it occurred during the pandemic when so many people have relied upon their faith for comfort and support in these very difficult times," said Chief Weber. "I would like to acknowledge and commend our Detective Bureau for their dedication and outstanding investigative efforts in identifying and apprehending the individual responsible for these crimes."

    Middletown Police say a number of churches in the Township have been vandalized this summer, and the same suspect, a woman, is thought to be behind all the crimes.

    Churches that have been targeted include Westminster Presbyterian Church, at 94 Tindall Road, New Monmouth Baptist Church at 4 Cherry Tree Farm Road and Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at 743 Leonardville Road.


  6. Acourt in Russia has convicted and fined a Jehovah's Witnesses follower amid growing global concern over a campaign of persecution in the country against adherents of the religion.

    Russia's Supreme Court ruled the religion as an extremist organization in April 2017 and since then, the group has complained that authorities have raided more than 1,000 properties of its followers. There are 372 believers under criminal investigation and 43 people are in prison—including 10 who have been convicted of extremism.

    Yevgeniy Spirin, 34, had spent 160 days in pretrial detention and had been under house arrest from July 5, 2019, before his sentence was handed down on Tuesday on charges of organizing the activities of an extremist organization.

    The Furmanovsky City Court in the Ivanovo Region convicted Spirin and fined him 500,000 Russian rubles ($6,920). Spokesman for the Jehovah's Witnesses, Jarrod Lopes, said the conviction was "in complete disregard for the religious freedom enshrined in Russia's Constitution."


  7. Allisson Lozz: ¿por qué decidió llegar virgen al matrimonio?

    Allisson Lozz tenía un futuro prometedor en el mundo de la actuación, sin embargo decidió retirarse en el 2010 para dedicarse a su familia y la religión.

    Allison Lozz se dio a conocer en el mundo del espectáculo desde que era una niña. Comenzó su carrera a los 10 años como participante de la primera edición de “Código F.A.M.A.”, reality show musical producido por Televisa para captar talentos infantiles. Con el paso de los años se convirtió en una de las figuras más reconocidas de la televisión al protagonizar “Alegrijes y rebujos”, “Misión SOS”, “Al diablo con los guapos” y “En nombre del amor”. Sin embargo, en 2010 decidió retirarse de las telenovelas para dedicarse a la religión y su familia.

    La actriz mexicana siempre mostró un gran talento y carisma frente a las cámaras, desde pequeña dejaba entrever su comodidad en los escenarios y su profesionalismo que la convirtieron en una de las actrices más destacas de las telenovelas mexicanas.

    En su etapa infantil protagonizó “Alegrijes y rebujos”, en 2003. Luego, obtuvo su primer protagónico en la recordada telenovela “Misión S.O.S.” (2004) donde compartió créditos con Diego Boneta. De ahí, vinieron más telenovelas como “Rebelde” (2005), “Las Dos Caras de Ana” (2006) y “Al Diablo con los Guapos” (2007).

    A los 16 años, ganó mayor popularidad cuando protagonizó la exitosa telenovela “En nombre del amor”, donde encarnó a ‘Paloma Espinoza de Los Monteros Díaz’. En 2010, con un futuro prometedor como actriz y cantante, Allisson dijo adiós a las telenovelas para dedicarse en cuerpo y alma a su familia y a la religión.

    En ese año, Lozz dio una entrevista en video a TVNotas en donde reiteró la importancia que para ella significaba llegar virgen al matrimonio. “Siempre lo he tenido en mi mente y corazón, así fue educada y así llegué”, dijo en ese momento.

    Desde entonces la retirada actriz es una feliz ama de casa que se desvive por atender a sus dos hijas y a su esposo. Ahora son lo más importante de su vida.




  8. Barcelona, 24 jul (EFE).- Los Testigos Cristianos de Jehová niegan que el hombre de 71 años acusado de abusar sexualmente de la hija menor de su compañero de piso, para quien el fiscal pide 30 años de prisión y 20.000 euros de indemnización, sea un responsable de la congregación, de la que lo expulsaron tras conocerse los hechos.

    El acusado, Saturnino B., a quien se juzgó el pasado 29 de junio, afronta 3 años de cárcel por haber agredido sexualmente y de forma continuada a la hija de catorce años de su compañero de vivienda, a quien tenía alquilada una habitación, en los años 2017 y 2018.

    En su escrito de acusación, el fiscal indica que el imputado, de origen filipino, "ostentaba un importante cargo en la Iglesia de los Testigos de Jehová, cuya religión practicaba la menor y sus padres".

    Sin embargo, un portavoz de los Testigos Cristianos de Jehová ha dicho a Efe que el acusado no fue nunca un "responsable" de la organización ni un alto cargo de la misma, sino que era simplemente un "siervo ministerial", lo cual no comporta capacidad decisoria alguna en la labor pastoral y de enseñanza.

    "Tan solo atendía labores de servicio y apoyo a la congregación y a sus ministros de culto, como limpieza y otras tareas semejantes", explican.

    Saturnino B., además, fue expulsado de la congregación en agosto de 2018, poco después de conocerse los hechos que se le imputan, "por comportamiento impropio de un cristiano".

    Leer más: https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20200724/482484368990/testigos-de-jehova-expulsaron-en-2018-al-presunto-agresor-sexual-de-una-menor.html



  9. FGFqPB3C3PGdrcDW9hicdh-970-80.jpg

    This sky map shows the path that Comet NEOWISE will take across the evening sky in late July and early August.  (Image credit: SkySafari app)

    Comet NEOWISE (aka C/2020 F3) was discovered on March 27 by astronomers during the NEOWISE mission, which used NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) space telescope to look for near-Earth objects, like asteroids and comets. The comet made its closest approach to the sun (called perihelion) on July 3. At the time, it swept to within 29.4 million miles (44.1 million kilometers) of the sun, or inside the orbit of Mercury, the innermost planet. 

    Shortly thereafter, the comet blossomed. It did not attain the status of a "great" comet (exceptionally brilliant comets with bright, long tails), but it still put on a formidable show which more than satisfied those who saw it. Although it has been moving away from the sun ever since, it was steadily approaching the Earth. On Wednesday evening, July 22, NEOWISE passed as close to the Earth as it will come (called perigee), 64.3 million miles (103.5 million km) away.


  10. The United Kingdom remains deeply concerned about the situation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Russian Federation. As we said on 12 March, the ruling of the Russian Supreme Court in July 2017, which rejected the appeal against the decision to categorise Jehovah’s Witnesses as “extremists”, criminalised the peaceful worship of 175,000 Russian citizens and contravened the right to religious freedom that is enshrined in the Russian Constitution, and in multiple OSCE commitments.

    It is with deep regret that we learned that on 13 July, 110 homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses were simultaneously searched by Russian authorities in the cities of Voronezh and Stary Oskol. Thirteen Jehovah’s Witnesses were detained at the time and two individuals were reportedly beaten during a home search.

    The total number of homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses that have been searched by Russian law enforcement authorities now stands at over 1,000. As we noted in March, home raids are often conducted in the early hours of the morning by large numbers of masked and armed police.

    We repeat our concern that the increasing number of searches, as well as use of simultaneous large-scale home raids, creates the impression of an organised campaign of persecution against Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    So-called “evidence” used against those investigated and prosecuted includes regular aspects of communal religious life. We again remind the Russian Federation of our extensive commitments on freedom of religion or belief, including from Vienna 1989, as well as Kyiv 2013, where States committed to:

    Fully implement their commitments to ensure the right of all individuals to profess and practice religion or belief, either alone or in community with others, and in public or private, and to manifest their religion or belief through teaching, practice, worship and observance, including through transparent and non-discriminatory laws, regulations, practices and policies;

    For three years now, the delegation of the Russian Federation has assured the Permanent Council that individual Jehovah’s Witnesses are able to practice their religion at home, as no permission is required to pray in Russia. However, we have witnessed time and again that any manifestation of their faith by Jehovah’s Witnesses can result in the search of their homes, lengthy detention, criminal prosecution and imprisonment.

    We again call on the Russian Federation to end the persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and to uphold the commitments on the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief for all individuals across the Russian Federation.






    ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- A powerful earthquake off Alaska’s southern coast shook sparsely populated coastal communities late Tuesday and prompted some residents to briefly flee to higher ground because of tsunami fears.

    There were no immediate reports of damage in the Alaska Peninsula and the tsunami warning was canceled after the magnitude 7.8 quake offshore created a wave of a less than a foot (30 centimeters).

    The earthquake struck Tuesday at 10:12 p.m. local time and was centered in waters 65 miles (105 kilometers) south-southeast of the tiny community of Perryville, at a depth of 17 miles (28 km), according to the U.S. Geological Survey.


  12. The Truth and Transparency Foundation — the nonprofit group behind the controversial MormonLeaks website — has settled a copyright infringement lawsuit with the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    The settlement comes after the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the publisher for the religious group, sued the nonprofit, alleging it violated copyright when it published Jehovah’s Witnesses’ educational videos on its FaithLeaks website.

    The lawsuit alleged that the Truth and Transparency Foundation, run by Ryan McKnight and Ethan Dodge, published 74 copyright videos on its website. A post detailing the leak described the videos as content shown exclusively during annual conventions. Those who attempted to distribute or upload the videos were met with threats of a lawsuit if they didn’t take the videos down, the post says, which has included the Truth and Transparency Foundation in the past.

    The nonprofit had said it intended to fight the lawsuit, asserting the release of the videos is covered under a constitutional right to free speech. But after fundraising efforts came up short, the group settled the lawsuit instead.


  13. Over the weekend, Twitter disabled a video retweeted by President Donald Trump following a copyright claim by the band Linkin Park. The video, which Reuters described as "campaign-style," featured music from the band and was originally posted by White House social media director Dan Scavino. According to Reuters, the video was taken down after Twitter received a Digital Millennium Copyright Act notice from Machine Shop Entertainment — a company started by Linkin Park.

    Linkin Park made a statement on Twitter, saying, "Linkin Park did not and does not endorse Trump, nor authorize his organization to use any of our music. A cease and desist has been issued."


    In the wake of the event, fans began to resurface old tweets from the late Chester Bennington, Linkin Park's frontman, as reported by the Daily Dot. Bennington, who died by suicide in 2017, previously spoke out against Trump, calling him a "greater threat to the USA than terrorism" multiple times on Twitter. 


  14. En primer lugar, el informe ofrece un análisis detallado y preciso de las actividades de Alexander Dvorkin, un activista ruso que durante aproximadamente treinta años ha liderado campañas contra movimientos religiosos que ha calificado de “sectas». Tal y como se documenta en el informe, su contribución fue decisiva en lo que respecta a la preparación de la represión de los testigos de Jehová en Rusia, y el mismo ha atacado a muchas otras minorías religiosas. La USCIRF le solicita al Gobierno estadounidense que «censure públicamente a Alexander Dvorkin y [a su organización], el Centro de Información y Consulta de San Ireneo de Lyon (SILIC), por su continua campaña de desinformación contra las minorías religiosas».

    Leer más: https://es.bitterwinter.org/la-uscirf-expone-a-los-expertos-europeos/

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