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Everything posted by xero

  1. "...you know much that is hidden oh Tom"
  2. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/to-boldly-split-infinitives I prefer split vs spilt infinitives.
  3. https://lmgtfy.app/?q=let+me+google+that+for+youhttps://lmgtfy.app/?q=let+me+google+that+for+youhttps://lmgtfy.app/?q=let+me+google+that+for+you I get all my climate change news from Tony Heller (sounds to me like the comedian Norm MacDonald)
  4. Now it's whatfinger news. drudge has gone apostate.
  5. You know what's great about ADD is that if someone is boring you can't even see or hear them. It's like a mute feature. If I hear anything at all it's like what adults sound like in the peanuts specials.
  6. I'd just put him on ignore. I've already got a lot of people on ignore. Occasionally I'll see what barking madness they're up to, but I'm not into banning people.
  7. He feels like a bot. But his web site appears to be well made. I don't spend a lot of time worrying about it.
  8. I never push. If someone is happy w/the slop they're eating then it's not their time. If someone chooses to argue and I discern some value to them in so doing I will, but if it becomes like most useless exchanges on the internet I leave. The angels are involved and Jehovah is involved and Jesus said "No one can come to the Father unless I draw him." So if they aren't being drawn at that moment, its just time to plant a seed here or there and let it be what it will. Neither you nor I nor anyone else's activity in person or on the internet is needful save to the one who is performing this activity, because the garden we are concerned with is our own. When we listen to the bible and our conscience and understand that we don't have it made and that we have to exert ourselves vigorously, at those moments we're on track. I'll admit to being off track a lot, but I try to get back on track (knowing I'll get off track again).
  9. Right. The same Jesus who drove out the money changers w/whips, called them offspring of vipers, that their father was the Devil and who suggested that congregations making a pretense at Christianity to get either cold or hot else he'd vomit them out of his mouth. The same Jesus who said I came to bring a sword. I do remember a certain Judas who felt he was in a position to criticize a woman for pouring a years labor's worth of perfume on Jesus feet. Later this snob did what all pretenders do. I will admit to resonating w/Caleb in his desire to help purge the promised land and Jael who nailed Sisera's head to the floor of her tent or Samuel hacking Agag to pieces in Gilgal.
  10. You have to follow your conscience, but don't hassle people who are following theirs is how I feel about it.
  11. But to me this is what some people who leave may experience. The darkness of the world could show them the light.
  12. Reading Tom's or Pudgy's replies to noise makers is like watching a movie w/all the really crappy parts cut out when you've got the noise makers on mute.
  13. I take it as axiomatic that we have a truncated account of the period of time prior to the flood even including the few centuries post flood. All anyone can do is speculate and perhaps use ancient people accounts as a possible source for speculation. You could look at the talmudic speculations on these. You could read Maimonides. I would start w/the CGS (Christian Greek Scriptures) and take anything Jesus affirmed or those closely associated w/him as having an interpretational vector on these things. Another thing is that we often see Jehovah allowing, though not prescribing behavior and know that a given act may not be desirable or it might be desirable, Jehovah at at least at the point of time when it's described as being done considered it(the act) significant enough in the scheme of things to intervene w/a voice from the heavens or a prophet affirming or denying it's action. Do you have any scriptures prescribing the disposition of the dead? Nope. Just that you're unclean if you touch a dead thing or person. So when we read that these followed certain burial practices it wasn't as far as we know (unless there are some as yet undiscovered scriptures outlining the proper burial of the dead) something Jehovah prescribed, just what these people did based on what they thought about Jehovah and what they thought of the dead and their future, if any.
  14. Agreed. Often people who are full of themselves (confusing this w/holy spirit) go on and on playing bible-ping pong or "I'll parse each sentence you make and see if I kind find a spelling error and congratulate myself when I do" are colossal bores. You see the same kind of pin-head analysis in a lot of forums. These are the Mensa members who've never accomplished anything in their lives except score high-enough on the sub-genius category (which is Mensa) so they can content themselves on their superiority despite their tangible real-world mediocre lives.
  15. I'm going to have to block this guy. He loves the sound of his own voice and quite frankly it's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. That makes seven now.
  16. Your responses are the only ones I read as the humor is welcome. I could easily imagine a syndicated cartoon featuring the character you play.
  17. Dmitar, you are bloviating right now. Why? What are you getting out of it?
  18. I suspect that any scripture which doesn't line up w/your views would be an instance of misuse. Never mind. Continue w/your obsession about people w/invisible beanies.
  19. Seems to me that Dmitar is begging for a bible study. I vote that Tom take it on.
  20. BTW Being one of Jehovah's Witnesses is a vector, not a location, a profession of desired direction, not an existential state, a continuous series of actions (all of which we are not the judge, but Jehovah is), not a trophy or a plaque on the wall or even being on a list in a database somewhere. To me, every real Christian should claim to that calling "I want to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses!". And yet it is important to note that one cannot do it alone nor should they. This means associating with groups of people some of whom we may heartily agree in all respects and some we may have issues with. Iron needs to sharpen iron. Without friction there isn't growth.
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