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Everything posted by xero

  1. I have no problem w/being wrong. In fact I'm wrong about something I think I'm right about even as I type this. I'm not concerned about being wrong as much as I'm concerned about doing right according to my conscience. Looking backwards at anyone including ones' self can be as out of focus as the projections one may have for the future of either. I probably posted this before, but this ted talk bears listening to again.
  2. Good point! It could be like a game, where you only answer w/scriptures and if the person on the other end can't get the point, then it's like holy spirit doesn't want them to understand. You do that when you start getting people bloviating or showing off or looking like they just want to start something. I used to ask people at the door whether they really wanted to know (when they asked a question in a cranky way) or whether they're just trying to start something. (Of course we haven't been to anyone's door around here in a while)
  3. Where there is no wood, the fire goes out,And where there is no slanderer, quarreling ceases.+ - Proverbs 26:20 2 A stupid person takes no pleasure in understanding;He would rather disclose what is in his heart.+ - Proverbs 18:2
  4. 9 Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended,+ for the taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones.+ - Ecc. 7:9
  5. What makes you think there's a special "Anointed" vs "Non-Anointed" class distinction made in any of the counsel given in the CGS? The existential distinction that some claimed such that they were "superfine apostles" was disputed by Paul as hot air. Were these "Anointed"? Who cares? What matters is behavior. Like the scriptures say, "A live dog is better than a dead lion", the same is true and Jesus made that point when he gave the illustration about the "Neighborly Samaritan". If Jesus were alive on earth today he might choose to shock someone out of their complacency by replacing "Samaritan" with "Apostate". Jehovah is the judge and of course he's delegated to Jesus the actual instantiation of the judgement (which has yet to take place) so our only concern should be w/our own fidelity to Jehovah. Some may differ or question our integrity, but that's going to happen. This persistent and obsessive concern some have w/who is or isn't wearing an invisible magic beanie is beyond me. To me it shows the person needs to address the man in the mirror and let others do the same.
  6. My thoughts on Jehovah w/regard to omniscience is that he designed the universe(material and immaterial) in his "head" prior to creating his son and did so in such a manner such that no matter what path free will might take, it would be perfect. Rather than inspecting quality into the creation, he designed it so that like a biological system engaging in apoptosis (cell death of "sinful" senescent cells), evil is removed and can leave no indelible marks.
  7. These people are the ones who get into this question: https://answersingenesis.org/animal-behavior/what-animals-eat/creations-original-diet-and-the-changes-at-the-fall/
  8. https://www.academia.edu/33873583/Did_Jesus_Je_HoVaH_salvation_know_God_s_name?email_work_card=thumbnail
  9. I wonder why people spend so much time imagining anything they do has to do w/anyone else's salvation other than themselves. (you can't save anyone, you can't save yourself either) You goal should be to exercise yourself vigorously to get yourself through the door and make sure you're doing all you can to highlight the kingdom as the solution for all the woes we're facing. Anything else is a distraction. All the noise just looks to me like a lack of faith.
  10. So where can I get a T-Shirt or bumper-sticker, plus do you have any coupon codes I can use for some sick merch?
  11. You don't know what you're talking about. Fake x-ians spend a lot of time trying to look shiny. No one is shiny.
  12. How about "dungy" as in "dungy idols". To be true to the emotional content and derision present in scripture it should have been "sh*tty idols". It isn't as if these were smeared w/dung. It was a judgment. It's totally appropriate.
  13. "Lived experience" is crap. Those are just anecdotes and these mean nothing. You don't go from some anecdote or some gas you might have at the moment and conclude anything about the external world based on those kinds of things. My "lived experience" is that apostates are massively annoying trolls who instead of trying to better their own lives just hang around people who are doing their best to do what's right and yelling "Boo!, boo!". No one cares what apostates have to say, even people who don't like JW's despise apostates.
  14. One thing for certain. Noisy doesn't know anything about crime, crime stats and the causes of and correlates of crime. I do. I took every CJ class offered. Other things (beyond absentee fathers) which increase the likelihood of violent offending is low IQ and higher male hormone levels . Interestingly, when the IQ drops to 70 the rate of offending goes down. The sweet spot appears to be an IQ of 85.https://law.jrank.org/pages/1363/Intelligence-Crime-Measuring-size-IQ-crime-correlation.html
  15. I'm talking about the police response. I'm not talking about the rate of offending which is highest in the black population, likely due to the ruination of the family at the hands of leftist policies going back to the Johnson administration which incentivized single parent families.
  16. False. The crime stats are such that white people are more likely to get shot under the same circumstances and this due to the ferguson effect.
  17. I applaud that. I don't applaud the chronic personal sniping and whining. That don't get it done.
  18. On the other hand I read in Scott Adams' book "Loser Think" that thinking you can read the minds of people is loser think. I try not to do that. I don't hate people I don't know and hate never met. Nor do I (beyond the bloodless agape) "love" people I've never met. I feel good about the brotherhood and I've had this confirmed where ever I've traveled. I don't know the governing body personally, as individuals, but I have respect for them, but at the same time, I recognize they are ordinary humans being used in extraordinary ways, but I don't look at them as being in control because I don't believe they are. If some imagine that, it's their problem, not mine, but I also don't know if any do imagine that. The bible tells me to stare intently at the chief agent and perfecter of my faith, which is Jesus and this is what I try to do. Those who look away at people or the people Jehovah uses whether these be sacred or secular authorities, the scriptures still make clear what our individual responsibilities are and we act wisely when we focus on these things under our control rather than on the past, or what we imagine the past to be, or the future which is also not ours to foretell or control. All we have is now and whether we choose to believe and obey Jehovah when he tells us "This is my Son, listen to him." or not. I think we might all feel a bit more peace if we did these this. But...we're all going to miss the mark, including me and that's to be expected too. Just keep getting up and trying again.
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