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Everything posted by xero

  1. FYI - If you ever have a loved one get hospitalized for some cardiac situation and the cardiologist prescribes colchicine to reduce fluid buildup around the pericardium, be aware of side effects the doctor's themselves may not be aware of. Colchicine has been used for hundreds of years for gout and recently has been used to reduce cardiac inflammation. It may also do other things if the patient stays on it too long. In my case my wife was on it for a few months, but in that time and unbeknownst to me because of her polymyalgia rheumatica situation I didn't realize it was damaging her nerves, her muscles and her brain. She lost thirty pounds in this time, couldn't eat, would vomit, became weak and incontinent, was in deep muscle pain and neither the rheumatologist nor the primary care physician made the connection. In fact it was ignored when I mentioned it to her primary care physician. So rather than watch my wife die, I took her off the colchicine and to deal with the pain I gave her 500 mg of acetominophen w/600 mg of N-Acetyl-Cysteine (3 x a Day) (an amino acid given to counter the potential liver damage from the acetominophen). I suspected the colchicine was the culprit. True the symptoms didn't come on quickly, but colchicine can build up in a person's system. She couldn't sit up in bed, I had to help her get on and off the commode and wipe her. I had to shower her. She didn't know at times what day of the week it was. After a week and a half off the colchicine, the muscle pain went away, but the extreme weakness and all the other things associated w/colchicine poisoning existed. I googled and tried to pack in every possible supplement associated w/assisting people w/alzheimers or traumatic brain injury or nerve damage. Alpha-GPC, CDP-choline, Co-Q10, NAD+, Vinpocetine, Phenylpiracetam, Noopept, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, L-Carnosine, Fish Oil, Sulbuitamine (just to list a few). I shelled all these and packed them into a protein shake (w/creatine, and hmb) and argued w/her to drink at least this once a day. I used red light therapy on her head as well. It's three months now and she's back to better than normal. (Although as soon as she really started to improve dramatically, her hair started to fall out - apparently hair will go dormant under stress and when the stress is gone, it sheds....right now she has "zombie-hair" but we can see it's growing back in. She's not taking everything that I packed into her shake every day now, but now I can actually leave the house w/o worry. Before this I couldn't leave 20 minutes w/o worrying that I'd find her on the bathroom floor. Anyway, just know that no one is as interested in your health or the health of your loved ones as you are. You're ultimately responsible. Doctors aren't necessarily geniuses.
  2. Reminds me of the time I came to a door that had two no soliciting signs. I rang the doorbell and asked them if they'd like to buy another no soliciting sign. The guy laughed and took the magazines.
  3. Well if this was right, then no masks are that useful. https://www.businessinsider.com/teen-got-covid-20-feet-five-minutes-indoors-study-2020-12
  4. It certainly is w/the cloth masks.
  5. Some people can't do the math. It's really quite simple - if you've been vaccinated, go about your life as normal. No need for a mask. I think it's a rather simple IQ test. If you're still wearing one after you're vaccinated because "How do I know if the other people are really vaccinated?", the answer is simple "It's none of your business". If you aren't vaccinated for various reasons, that's your problem - take whatever precautions you feel necessary. But if you are vaccinated, stop being weird and sticking your nose into other people's business. You might as well go full-on-neurotic-germaphobe then and never go out in public again because "Who knows whether these people washed their hands" or "I don't really know what's going on in that kitchen" or "Me ride a bus? Has this bus been subjected to gamma radiation to kill all the bugs?"
  6. https://www.academia.edu/36888818/PART_ONE_The_Tetragram_in_Hebrew_Sources_in_BCE_and_the_First_Century_CE?email_work_card=view-paper
  7. Even though we're not supposed to be political, I've noticed that I can still detect leanings in the friends. But then again, it's not as if god's kingdom isn't a government with a history behind it's development and an agenda for the future, but I do see some who cherry pick ideas here and there to support their wankish condemnations of others, often while doing so betraying more of the issues they'll eventually have to deal with than those these look w/either an envious or jaundiced eye down upon.
  8. Reading through various histories, what seems to be absent is what was actually done to convince illiterate people that Christianity was true. Lots of talk about conversions, but really light on the processes involved. https://www.history.com/news/inside-the-conversion-tactics-of-the-early-christian-church Found this. Interesting take. Of course Bart is an atheist. Now in all this it strikes me that perhaps the reason the trinity garbage got promoted was because it was harder to argue w/the hoi polloi about not worshiping multiple deities when Christianity appeared to have two - namely Jehovah and Jesus though Jesus was a lesser deity (elohim) (325 had nothing to do w/the Holy Spirit). Then too, the bad practice of not using God's name Jehovah further confused these issues. Of course, the Catholic Church also leveraged the gods of river, or corn or whatever by creating patron saints of this, that or the other thing. So then they could continue with the methadone of their polytheism weaning them off the real heroin of polytheism. On the other hand, the Bible has always admitted that there ARE other gods. So some might say that to admit that there exist other gods is polytheistic, though that's not really the case, as we worship Jehovah (who is elohim, but not in the same sense at all as other elohim) Just that these are either impotent or unreal or shouldn't be obeyed. The word elohim applies to more than Jehovah in the Bible - it includes other beings. So "Elohim" is just a form of nonphysical life.
  9. We'll never stop needing to get together as far as I can see. A physical inspection of the sheep and how the sheep interact with each other in groups is essential to knowing if they are physically, spiritually and emotionally healthy. People can easily hide and even in meetings, but it's hard to hide in perpetuity if you're regular in meeting attendance IN PERSON.
  10. That is ASCII text. Converted to decimal is 114 226 131 151
  11. It doesn't surprise me. I've been for years meditating on the kinds of personalities necessary to generate a new religious group vs those required to grow the religious group vs those who wish to maintain the status quo. I realize that I don't have the kind of personality which would gather a group for any purpose. I've always had the attitude of "Go about your affairs. Pursue your interests. The ones whom you run into along the way who are motivated will join in the manner of their choosing." - Clearly we wouldn't have the Bible or any religious organizations if everyone were like me. I used to irritate this one sister who was a control freak about everything. Our circuit overseer's wife (Bro Rainer) was talking with my wife and she (Bro Rainer's wife) mentioned this diet "blood type diet" by Dr. D'Adamo. Anyway we both sortof got into it for a while and of course since we're all about knowing about blood I did a bunch of research and found while researching that the Japanese and Korean cultures are really big on blood types and personalities associated with them. (In Korea they made a movie entitled "My Boyfriend is type B") and so a bunch of people began to get into it. She, of course because the word "blood" was in the name of the diet was highly suspicious of the whole thing even after she realized it wasn't about eating blood pudding or blood sausages. Anyway when I mentioned the blood type and personality thing it sortof tickled me that she was so irritated by the whole thing (she said "There are more than four types of people in the world!"), I paused and asked her what blood type she was and she "Replied A" and I said "Ohhhhh! That makes sense now." and she says "What do you mean?" and I say "Well as it turns out, people with blood type A are more likely to get stressed out over perceived ambiguity or perceived disorder because their brains produce more cortisol in response to stress and the way this is manifested when they try to reduce these levels is by trying to control their environment as well as the people around them.....pause...you see" That annoyed her even more. I'll bet Klein was blood type A for sure.
  12. There's a Ted Talk I saw that suggests something along these lines as a sub current to all this ...."How does it feel to be wrong?...ans "It feels like being right." We never feel like we aren't being unreasonable or unbalanced if we think we're right, but we could be.
  13. One wonders if the videos the WTBS published allowed for comments and ratings what this would do for the I think Mr F is doing commercials for IKEA.
  14. I've been trying to read Edward Feser, but he's a terrible speaker, and he doesn't appear to understand the most important parts of his arguments.
  15. Speaking of retrospectives....I was reminiscing on a place I lived as a kid and found this This is the sort of thing a lot of people don't get about Mexican culture. They look for and see magic everywhere. What's interesting to me is that you have JW's who aren't that different from these people. I'm not sure what's worse - seeing God acting everywhere or never seeing his hand in anything at all. (This is what I grew up around. My parents hired a sitter for me and my sister before we went to school and they later told me that she was a curandera)
  16. I'm suspicious of people who actively dislike cats and preferring dogs over cats.
  17. I see a problem in isolating ones thoughts from those around us, however. On the one hand we could be exploring areas which are faith-building to us, but not touched on in any depth by the society and there are some who have controlling personalities who view with a jaundiced eye this sort of thing. I remember years ago when I took the Bible tapes the society produced and with the aid of the Aid Book and the societies other materials, I spliced the recordings of all the synoptic gospels into one long, but completely chronological account. Then when I was running or driving about I'd listen to these. The brother who was my book study conductor at the time submitted that this "de-canonized the scriptures". I ignored him of course. But if no one knows what we're thinking and reading and we have no parity with others with whom we share common beliefs we could easily become lopsided. We are also engaging in a hierarchical judging of sorts w/regard to our brothers and sisters, rating some more highly than others because these share our viewpoints on these matters. Quite frankly I'm not sure there's a perfect solution to any of this. I know from experience that there are things I think about that others would consider off, and even wrong, but I can't help thinking what I think when I think what I thing to be true. I can't "un-believe" or "un-think" or "un-see" things I've come to see. But because I don't feel comfortable in sharing does that say more about me or about them, or is this just the human condition that we'll always have to contend with on this side of armageddon? I don't know. It does feel a bit like sneaking around though. I've found myself even annoyed at times when listening to some brothers insert their own opinions which are simply one of many ways of applying a given scripture as if there was only one right way during meetings and madly scribbling my annoyances in detail in my personal notes (good thing no one has found them - instead it may simply be that others would see Bro X furiously taking notes and imagining these were notes of approval, when at times it's just the opposite, especially if it's when there's some idolatrous worship being given of organizations or men in certain positions as I've never held anyone in high regard as I know Jehovah could "raise up children to Abraham" from the dust of the ground and as Jesus said "no one is good, but God" so any hint of creature worship gets me pissed off. )
  18. Of course voting even from a secular perspective as an individual is statistically meaningless. You'd be better off becoming your own lobbyist, influencing through campaign funding efforts and the like, and even that is generally not worth the time unless you're going to try to make a living off being a parasite on the beast.
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