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Everything posted by xero

  1. "The post you provided appears to be a question or statement from someone expressing confusion or frustration about why people would go to extreme lengths to falsify theories or make false claims, especially when they have locked posts. They also mention the biblical reference 1 Peter 3:16, which could potentially be related to their point, but it's not entirely clear how it connects. The subsequent response you provided offers insights into why some people might engage in such behavior and outlines potential advantages for readers in critically analyzing false claims. However, it's unclear whether the response directly addresses the poster's point or question. Without more context or information about the specific discussion or conversation in which this post was made, it can be challenging to determine the poster's precise point or intent. They may be expressing frustration with the prevalence of false information or seeking an explanation for why people engage in such behavior. If you have more context or specific questions about this post, please provide them, and I'll do my best to assist you further."
  2. dropping a deuce in a public stall, not flushing it, and crawling out from under the locked stall?
  3. I've used red light therapy. https://www.tinnitusformula.com/library/is-low-level-laser-therapy-for-tinnitus-really-effective/ https://www.amazon.com/Luxe-LLC-BioNase-Sinusitis-Therapy/dp/B08M9ZHQM2 I break these apart and stick them in my ears. I have another for my nose. Works good for allergies.
  4. Whoever this moron is, it doesn't know what a rebuttal is.
  5. @AraunaYou're right w/all you said above. My response to any of the "Nothing is Impossible for Jehovah" is rather all things that are possible, Jehovah can accomplish. It is not possible for Jehovah to make a square circle, because a circle is by definition not square. With regard to his "existence" in 3D land, Jehovah could animate a being to do and say what he would have him do or say (like Balaam or his ass) but he could never truncate his existence so as to be encapsulated by the kind of existence we humans experience.
  6. BTW a "discussion" has the idea of a give and take. It implies the willingness of those involved to alter their position. It suggests that the topic under "discussion" isn't settled in the minds of those "discussing" and a seeking after the truth in the process all the while not claiming to have laid hold on it yet.
  7. I can imagine Jehovah sticking his "hand" up a meat puppet and animating it and I can imagine him doing the same with a so-called spiritual body, but what it is that is Jehovah is always and forever beyond encompassing the understanding by any creature. We can get the fringes of his ways and we can have our senses filled as well, but we might as well be climbing on our roofs to get a closer look at the moon for "getting a better look at Jehovah".
  8. To me the big questions are what keep me up at night. "Why will the end come at any given time?" I used to think I knew the answer. Now it seems silly that I ever did.
  9. This is what I think of when we start talking about apostates. All the parties involved are a bunch of ineffectual, fat corgi's.
  10. My 1st instinct is to paste whatever they say here: https://wordcounter.net/character-count If it's too long then I know there's no point in trying to parse the letters into words.
  11. https://www.cpr.org/2022/12/28/thornton-jehovahs-witness-murder-suicide-update/
  12. In both cases there were women involved. One was married recently and they were having issues that no one knew about. The pool incident was just a depressed young man who felt rejected by another sister (not her fault because he was frankly a bit odd). Logically neither of these situations merited these responses, but having previous to becoming a JW known two other people who committed suicide, the idea that you can see it coming is incorrect. You never see it. Nothing ever rises to the level of "This behavior = a suicide". In fact both seemed cheerful the weeks previous, so after these I gave up the illusion that you can spot it. Sometimes it's just young men who have an impulse and then they act on it. I think that's more likely in these situations locally. When you get older you learn how to manage your emotions better.
  13. FYI - In my congregation we had two suicides, and our sister congregation had a couple who drove off to Florida and gassed themselves. One of the suicides was a fellow young elder and that was really hard and I didn't see it coming. The other one was a young man who took some sleeping pills and drowned himself. The couple I didn't know other than in passing and I got a mental vibe off them like there was something wrong with them before it happened. The young man who took some sleeping pills was a missed opportunity. I felt bad about him because he kept "making up" stuff to confess to and I tried to explain to him that the things he was doing weren't great, but didn't rise to the level of judicial intervention. At the time I was just really exhausted. I was working full time, pioneering, handling the school and I was just used up. I didn't have the band width to deal w/needy. Maybe I should have made room, but he had another brother who was doing OK and his parents and it's not like I was the only elder available. He wasn't even in my book study.
  14. Other sources say these were former members. I'd be interested to find out more from anyone local.
  15. I get his point, though in context it's clear that John's getting at Jesus divine, prehuman nature, not his taxonomic relation to Jehovah.
  16. If you translated the Bible word for word, especially the Greek scriptures which had no punctuation, you'd have to interpret what it meant. You can't escape context. The problem is that the word "god" is used in the bible in many ways and you have to look at the context to understand how it's being used. Take the word "evolution". It's been used in multiple ways, some of which I agree with and I can back up with real life examples (when it amounts to variation - micro) and some of which I can't back up or agree with (fish to philosopher - macro). "Do you believe in evolution?" Depends on what you mean by "evolution", could be yes, could be no. "Do you believe Jesus is god?" Depends on what you mean by "god", could be yes, could be no.
  17. @TrueTomHarleyDoesn't she realize how obsessively neurotic she appears? Even a worldly person would tell her she should get a life and that no one is listening. Can't apostates realize that they simply aren't needed any more? If anyone wants to find a catalog of errors w/regard to the WTBS or wants to find more apostate smut to get thrilled by, the internet is packed w/that crap. Now it's all just the background noise made by a degrading transformer.
  18. ...at the risk of being annoying, you never hear anyone say ... "Well!, At least we've got it all right w/regard to the trumpets in the book of Revelation and what each mean. The rest of Christendom is stumbling in the dark about all that."
  19. Spoken like an apostate chatbot. You're on permanent ignore as you have never said anything of value, nor will you ever.
  20. People who don't know what they are talking go on and on. They hope to rope-a-dope you into believing they actually said anything.
  21. "It" can't answer because "It" is legion, and there are many in "It". Seriously P, the closest I've seen to demon-possessed are these kinds of apostates and some pentecostals I've run into in the field.
  22. @WitnessIf you weren't full of crap you could go . This scripture means X. But you can't because you're as blind as any of the pharisees of Jesus' day who imagined they could see when they are blind.
  23. @Witnessthat link brought zero enlightenment. It's just bulls*t spewed from some other person who hasn't a clue other than "listen to MEEEEE!". So you admit you haven't the slightest clue as to the seven trumpets, but you show contempt for the spirit by spewing volumes of irrelevant BS. Yeah. Definitely fighting against Jehovah. You're done.
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