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Everything posted by xero

  1. https://faithalone.org/journal-articles/romans-816-and-assurance/ Apparently others have struggled with the subjectivity of the anointed idea as well. (Ro. 8:16) Since there is no objective evidence that any individual is anointed today, I simply examine organizations as to the proximity these come to sticking to the bible. This organization fares better than most in my view and quite amazing insofar as it is global in extent. That said, the dragnet illustration w/regard to organizations still hold in my view. The organization too is part of the dragnet. Parallel accounts w/wheat and weeds, sheep and goats the same and even the question "Who really is the FDS?" Each organization claims as a body to be such. Jesus will be the judge. Until then the focus of a Christian is to identify which ORGANIZATION they deem to be faithful and discreet. If you have no organization, then you're not part of that body because you're either implicitly or explicitly are behaving as a "superfine apostle". How then can you forgive your brothers when you separate yourself from them because they didn't do everything the way you thought they should have? Anyway I ignore anyone's claims at anointing. Show me your behavior and shut up about how you have some psychological idea about whether or not you might be wearing an invisible crown. Show me your scriptures and your arguments and I'll make up my own mind. Oh, also use the same hypercritical analysis w/regard to the 1st century organization and you'd reject them too.
  2. I'd say you haven't left if you're still harping on about the GB/FDS.
  3. No comfort for the parents. I do see the victim mentality and entitlement mentality promoted more and more since the 1970's as creating a climate where unworthy people feel put-upon and entitled and give vent in violent ways. https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/11/self-esteem-creates-criminals-who-can-t-add/339495/ https://homepages.se.edu/cvonbergen/files/2013/01/Dark-Side-of-Self-esteem.pdf
  4. What I'm curious about is what it was about the people in the first century that was so incredibly convincing to people. It's not as if there weren't other individuals claiming this or that thing, moreover it was totally persecuted by the religious leaders and the Romans had no use for any of their nonsense either. It's also not as if people were thoroughly ensconced in rhetoric and logic and had at their mental disposal a myriad of apologetic arguments. I'm thinking that the gifts of the spirit must have been running rampant, at least enough so to convince a huge number of people in a short time, otherwise the whole thing might have easily been snuffed. We have to realize what an incredible departure the whole Christianity thing was and how powerful the testimony of the converts must have been.
  5. Not particularly well-veiled. The problem as I see it is that it emboldens those who are already tyrants and bullies. When these become elders, they encourage more of the same cult-like behavior. I'm suspicious of anyone who is inclined to think of himself or any other human more than it is necessary to think. It's the same with the obsessive interest in the historical lint of the organization. If you want to do this with the actual bible, bible history, biblical archaeology and apologetics, then great! But this poking around the septic tank of the organization is unhealthy and unwholesome.
  6. Jehovah uses whomever he chooses. Now what Jehovah makes of said individual in the long-term is up to him. I could care less about the sticks Jehovah uses as tools. (Mt. 23:17)
  7. ...that reminds me...if we're supposed to accept the kingdom like little children, does that also follow that every five minutes we can whine "how many more miles is it?"...and "are we there yet? I'm hungry!"...."I have to pee!"
  8. This is why one pub wisely said something to the effect that the reason we don't know how it's going to be or even how any of it is possible is because if we knew we might be put off by it in our messed up state. Better to just know who's doing the inviting and let it go at that.
  9. Have you ever wondered how many of our number are jealous socialist commies at heart? Good thing we're politically neutral while the some of the ones who aren't emotionally neutral (low-hour poor meeting attending publishers) imagine a socialist-commie kingdom govt while all the rest of us decent humble folk (folks who know how to take counsel and don't whine all the time) realize if we want figs and houses, we'll have to plant them ourselves and build them ourselves and not just get some kingdom govt. EBT cards and free-loader housing.
  10. You know if Jesus didn't want us to judge whether or not to bother with talking to some people he wouldn't have told us not to cast our pearls before swine. BUT I suppose SOME people are pig-whisperers.
  11. To me this is why I don't sweat it when someone says that I gave a "bad witness". I try not to, but it's going to happen and happen repeatedly. We all have patterns. I just keep trying and relax while doing so. Straining to me or OCD-like obsessive behavior like somehow I held the life of another person in my hands is spiritual narcissism in my view. The same kind of spiritual narcissism I see in apostates. If the GB screws up, so what? They'll figure out how they screwed up and do better next time. I doesn't change me or my responsibility to take charge and responsibility for my own actions or beliefs. You want to know who's engaging in idolatrous creature-worship? It's apostates. They imagine the organization is equal to Jehovah or Jesus and they aren't. We aren't Catholics with a holy see and a pope. Jehovah may be using the organization, but it's not infallible, nor do they have any urim and thummim. They have the bible, just like the rest of us. It isn't "disrespectful" to take note of that. The path to apostasy in my view is an over-reliance on human organizations as if these were Jehovah or Jesus. Organizations are necessary, but not sufficient. They can't point the way, but we individually have to make decisions. We CAN disagree and make our own conscientious decisions and we should. True that some of us in my view want to ride the coat-tails of others, but eventually they'll be bumped off by time and circumstance to stand on their own biblical legs.
  12. One thing to keep in mind both now, at Armageddon and even afterwards when the rebellion at the end of the 1000 years occurs is that none of us will ever know all the antecedents leading to a decision made by any given individual or even for that matter that of ourselves. We will never "know" that any individual "rejected the truth" of their own free will... we will simply have to trust that such is the case. We're fooling ourselves if we imagine that there will always be tangible external evidence which we can point to and say "See! They rejected the truth!" It comes down to "Do you trust Jehovah or not?"
  13. You're flat out wrong AND you have no common sense to boot. What is the dragnet, if not the disparate nominal Christian organizations? How CAN you NOT isolate yourself like the selfish do w/o an organization? How WOULD the Bible have been preserved w/o an organization to do so. Being part of an organization is critical and you have to make a choice. Pretend you aren't as corrupt and flawed as those you might sneer at, or work out your own salvation w/fear and trembling WITHIN an organization which YOU feel is supporting your efforts BETTER than the others.
  14. To me, people who spend their time thinking they have any control over anyone else's fate in this universe or that somehow when they look in the mirror, they inwardly smile to themselves at their own righteousness as they compare this false image with the other false image of their fellow humans who undoubtedly are less shiny because of having failed to "carry the one" spiritually speaking are fooling themselves. Go into your closet, pray to Jehovah and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
  15. It's just Dan. His parents were missionaries and he used to be a pioneer, then he got DF'ed and reinstated. I don't know what it was for, but he's really sharp. I remember when I got him the DVD "Legally Blonde" for a graduation gift from law school (he'd previously refused to see it)...but anyway, he's super legalistic about everything. He'd hassle me about how long I conducted the meetings for FS and complain about how he was pioneering that month and needed to get in more time. So...I called his whiney little complaint and since I was pioneering too, I dragged him out in the Texas summer sun and we worked this whole hilly street about a mile long until sweat was dripping off the end of his nose at the door. Since he and I were like oil and water personality-wise I figured I needed to spend as much time w/him as possible to get over how much he annoyed me. (you know like when people only do service enough to hate it?...you have to push on through).
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