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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. The only thing missing is the maniac laughter and the drool.
  2. The next time the WTB&TS rephrases the Bible, all dates will be converted to Stardates, like in Star Trek.
  3. You REALLY need to take a “Reading Comprehension” course, Georgie. What part of “… for the record…” did you not understand?
  4. … not to worry …. I am fully gruntled. AND your absurd premises of shifting blame for continuous nastiness was transparent YEARS sgo, Georgie.
  5. … reminds me of many years ago I was riding back on Interstate 95 from a Witness party in Towson, Maryland with three other Brothers, all listening to Beach Boy surfing songs on the tape player, singing along and slapping the dashboard and seats, and a Brother in the back seat screamed out “HOW LONG ARE ARE YOU GOING TO PERSECUTE ME, LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT! Was that you?
  6. I am just a guest here, with no more power or authority than you. If you have been banned a dozen times, it’s ENTIRELY ON YOU. …. get used to that. It’s not worth having a massive stroke over.
  7. BTK59 … you are definitely overthinking everything. By a LOT! Reads like a SERIOUS hug deficiency. Your obsession with me is futile. I am NOT going to hug you! It is obvious you do not understand “The Rules” here, or even know the secret handshake to not get banned. 1. Participants must recite their arguments in iambic pentameter to enhance the elegance of discourse. 2. Every point made must be accompanied by interpretive dance to emphasize its gravity. 3. Rebuttal arguments must be delivered while wearing an oversized prop hat for added credibility. 4. Participants must incorporate at least one random word from the Klingon language to showcase linguistic prowess. 5. Points can be countered with the power of interpretive mime, as long as it's conducted in complete silence. 6. If a debater quotes Shakespeare, opponents must reply in rhyming couplets for the remainder of the debate. 7. The use of airhorn sound effects is permitted only during particularly compelling arguments. 8. A gong will be struck to signal the end of a participant's turn, creating an air of ritualistic finality. 9. A designated "metaphor meter" will gauge the complexity of metaphors used, awarding extra points for obscurity. 10. During the final statements, participants must whisper their conclusions to convey an air of introspective wisdom. …. if you do all those things, you will get a hug from JWI, our leader, happy hoodadoo, and power lifter …. and (AND!) you can wear the coveted wooden-plaque-on-a-chain that says “I Am NOT Wrapped Too Tight!.
  8. Yeah! ( The Vicar of Warwick is NOT going to be pleased …)
  9. If you find yourself in a “Lion’s Den”, and you are able to do so, the simplest solution is to go somewhere else. Like Winston Churchill, I like a man who grins when he fights. …. don’t much care for whiners.
  10. And now to help scrub the glaze off of your eyes …. something completely different! Guess which ancient Catholic world leader read this…. John 3:16 - "For God so loved... you know, the thing, that He gave His only... well, anyway." Revelation 13:18 - "Let he who hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred... six hundred million billion... six hundred sixty hundred ...sixty billion... hundred million... and... and... six." John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was trunalimunumaprzure" Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. End of quote, repeat the line." Genesis 1:1 - "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. Believe me, I was there. I used to drive an 18-wheeler through the Garden of Eden." Matthew 23:23 - "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you dog-faced pony soldiers!" Judges 3:21 - "Ehud reached with his left hand, drew the sword from his right thigh and plunged it into the king's belly. And then he said, 'Listen, fat!'" Exodus 3:10 - "So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Mexico." Matthew 6:15 - "But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, then you ain't black." Matthew 19:14 - "Let the little children come unto me, because, well, I got hairy legs that turned blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach into the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and watch the hair come back up again." Hint: adapted from the Babylon Bee.
  11. “A billion words” will not change reality, but for 95% of the human race, they can be hypnotized into thinking they are a chicken. Real chickens are made of real matter You can eat a REAL chicken. ( 9 billion in the USA annually). …. don’t get ‘em mixed up.
  12. …. From George88: @BTK59 “Pudgy appears to be seeking another altercation, but it would be wise to let it pass. Do not squander your valuable time. These individuals enjoy feigning kindness despite being anything but.” Kindness is in the eye of the beholder. I will, and have, risked traffic accidents to get a turtle off a road. I capture spiders in the house and take them outside. However, I do spray cockroaches with 91% alcohol without remorse.
  13. What is see is that you, Georgie, as the self appointed “Vicar of Warwick” are trying to support anything that will lead people to agree with the supposition about which EVERYBODY ON THE PLANET WAS WRONG ABOUT that God’s Kingdom by Christ was established circa 1914. A theory of a billion words, but without any factual basis whatsoever. No real evidence of any type, by anyone, anywhere supports that idea. WWI was a coincidence … no more. NO EVIDENCE … zero, zip, nada, goose eggs to the contrary. I can look out my window and SEE that the Great Tribulation has NOT occurred. I can look out my window and SEE that Armageddon has not occurred. I can look out my window and SEE that God’s Kingdom does NOT rule. (… I trust Jehovah has his reasons …) I can easily see, as a non-scholar that doesn’t really give a damn, that JWI’s data is better than YOUR data, and easily see that YOUR rhetoric is evasive, deliberately misleading and MOST IMPORTANTLY, entirely Agenda driven. It’s like watching two guys in a movie arguing about what size tires work best on a 1971 Corvette Convertible pulling a U-Haul trailer at various speeds up to 120 miles an hour …. when the car was destroyed in a collision with reality 37 years ago. It really, really, REALLY does not matter. I can easily see with droopy eyelids and ADD that JWI’s data, arguments, and presentation makes more sense than yours. ….. but I can look out the window, or stand in my yard, and see it doesn’t matter. But that’s OK … I have notebooks full of drawings and data and calculations, teaching myself Celestial Navigation with a Sextant and a Chronometer on the open ocean, and I have no reasonable expectation of ever being on a boat or ocean again before I die. I think you are entirely wrapped too tight as the self-appointed Vicar of Warwick.
  14. It is my nature not to complain unless SOMEONE ELSE is also by extension being wronged, or I am hemorrhaging. There are some exceptions.. Please quote ONE EXAMPLE where I have “defended the indefensible”. … try not to choke by deflection or projection.
  15. You know George88, et al, ad nauseum, as much as you choke when asked a simple, direct question that would require a simple, direct answer conflicting with your agenda, you may want to get a portable oxygen tank, and some of that aquarium type air hose for your nose. I hate Zombie Movies, so I find it disconcerting, yet strangely entertaining, to watch THIS one. … and don’t fall asleep while eating a ham sandwich!
  16. This is GREAT STUFF! I am so tempted to copy it verbatim as dialog for a comedy screenplay “The Vicar of Warwick”.
  17. Well …. it’s not a capital offense …. ….. for the first two.
  18. I have a Mad Magazine trained sense of humor, so Wally McNasty’s negative nattering nabobbing as the Vicar of Warwick I find curiously interesting. His obsession with me makes his pantheon of sock puppets jealous, and as a clone corp of imaginary minions it is truely funny as they spasm with downvotes. Creepy …. but funny.
  19. Throughout all of History, 70% of all war casualties have been civilian “collateral damage”. The facts are this: Based on all the statistical analysis of real life experiences from the war between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan, the atomic bombing of Japan cost over time about 400,000 Japanese lives, and ending the Pacific War, saving 1,000,000 American lives, and 4,000,000 Japanese lives. Additionally, it so far has ushered in a period of 70 years of “long peace” free from World Wars. …. and atomic energy is being used globally in many thousands of hospitals and health care providers, since 1945 probably saving ten times more lives than all lives lost ON ALL SIDES since then. PERHAPS this is why Jehovah God NEVER stated the warfare was murder. (??).
  20. I am confused with the protocol. Should JWI’s answers be accompanied by groveling, or genuflecting?
  21. ( … the only reasonable explanation would be that a Time Traveler had gone back in time, before Mt. Vesuvius blew up. … Perhaps as a tourist, or spectator ….) … jus’ sayin’.
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