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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. …. Marker to hold this spot until I finish my nap ….
  2. When people are afraid of the government there is tranny, and the government is afraid of the people, there is freedom. Australia has been disarmed, and is galloping toward totalitarianism.
  3. I suspect, Dmitar, that you STILL HAVE NOT READ THE ARTICLE, or in calling someone a liar, you would have attached a screenshot of the article to disprove my contentions, and prove your contentions. You did not indicate you read that SPECIFIC 1st Issue article, and so now the question remains about who of the two of us is a fraud and a liar. I know the answer, as do you …. And a screenshot of the Article in the first issue of the Watchtower about “What is Truth” will document which one.
  4. Things are so absolutely nutty nowadays, that I’m beginning to wonder if Gog of Magog it’s not a specific personality, and the name Joe Biden comes immediately to mind. I wish I knew.
  5. WWOW! A secret database of “questionable material”, eh? …. and …. and a secret portal TOO! Well! I think we should round them all up, some foggy night, and take them all out into a nearby sports stadium, and with incantation, ceremony, and a lot of tiki torches and villagers howling “rhubarb RHUBARB ruburb (rhubarb rhubarb rurirurubarbarbarb …), cast them bodily into the End Zone. Perhaps we could get Batman to swoop down and sprinkle them with corona virus! The unanswered question that comes to MY mind is … “Does Elaine have a horse?”
  6. As usual, Dimitar, your understanding is agenda driven, and demonstratively faulty. Charles Taze Russel was not speaking favorably about Satan …. He was speaking favorably about TRUTH. Scanned copies of the first issue of the Watchtower are almost instantly available on the Internet. If memory serves, the article title is “What Is Truth?”. As usual, you gave your disassociative diatribe BEFORE you read the article, and as usual were wrong and blusterous. You could at least TRY to be funny. Occasionally that in itself is inadvertently funny. If sad and pathetic is what you were looking for ….. you NAILED it!
  7. In the very first issue of the watchtower magazine there was an article written by Russell under the initials CTR where and he stated with perfect logic and reasoning that if Satan himself tells you the truth, it’s still the truth. I suppose it’s like the Nazis used to torture people for medical experiments and produced an ethical problem because some of this research that they did turned out to produce extremely valuable medical information. do you not use it to save lives, because of its source? The development of the atomic bomb and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed perhaps a half-million people, men, women, children, and animals but the knowledge received from learning to work with radiation even though gained with the spending of the souls of these people has resulted in medical practices that in the last 70 years has saved hundreds of times of more people than were killed in war. …. . On all sides, by everyone involved. Using the combat experience gained in the battles on Okinawa and other Pacific islands it was estimated that the invasion of Japan to destroy their war capability would’ve cost 1 million Allied lives, and 4 million Japanese lives just in the military. The military made enough purple hearts to cover these expected combat casualties and they were not used, and these medals which celebrate that the enemy can’t shoot very well are still being used today for combat casualties, those that are wounded. So the fact that someone gets the truth from an apostate site, that is impossible to get from jw.org it’s not a bad thing…… It’s the only thing there is. Or, you could wallow in ignorance and base your life on prepared Pablum, and have it spoonfed to you like any baby. I see the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society as God’s people, in spite of themselves. Because all organized religion is a snare and a racket when they start accumulating real estate it appears there are no exceptions. But because the Ark of Jehovah’s Witnesses is riddled with holes does not mean it’s better outside where the sharks swim. It does provide some protection that you cannot get elsewhere, all things considered.
  8. …. Cool in the summertime, and protection against Covid-19 !
  9. I think the way “selection by God” is usually determined is what kind of costume they wear. The Popes are always bent over at a thirty degree angle because they are wearing 25 pounds of clothes, lots of gold, and a very tall 15 pound hat. I think those having God’s approval should wear striped bermuda shorts, and a welder’s helmet with a red clown nose. Considering the outfits the Jews used to wear in the Temple, it would be a step up!
  10. It’s sorta like when you buy something that has a three year warrantee, that costs $35, and it breaks under warrenty, and you find out you have to pack it up in the original box, provide proof of purchase, and the return shipping is $26. You might get “burned” once ….. perhaps even twice ….. but being a loyal “customer” is not about what is advertised, it’s about credibility, and true value. When you continually disparage comprehensive education, and misrepresent what you know to the customer ….. even if it is for the very best of noble reasons, your company will not fare well.
  11. I think Dimitar is trying to use flattery on me, but because from all outward appearances he has absolutely NO sense of humor, I suspect he would not recognize a cartoon canine court jester if it bit him on his butt cheeks.
  12. Protests are useless …. The WTB&Ts is now TOTALLY controlled by their accountants and lawyers. Nothing new …. This ALWAYS, without exception occurs when any religion starts accumulating Real Estate.
  13. Today’s DILBERT CARTOON perfectly illustrates the above two responses. ….. I have found that typically coincidental almost to the point of being spooky.
  14. Sometimes, people do the best they know how to do under very difficult circumstances and technically they’re doing everything wrong and in the wrong way. However, the fact remains that they are doing the best they know how to do and I suspect Jehovah God gives them credit for that. Whether God does or he does not is often a matter of perception on our part and that in itself can be subject to great error. I saw a movie last night that perfectly exemplifies a righteously inclined person doing the very best he knew how to do under impossible circumstances. It was called “The Book Of Eli“ starring Denzel Washington, and although you may have some serious objections about the movie, no people or animals were harmed in the production of the movie . None. For that perspective, I highly recommend seeing the movie. I deliberately avoided it for many years, but the ending makes the movie worthwhile.
  15. Unless you can give a solid example of something better, all your ruminations are an exercise in futility. You need to give a SPECIFIC solid example of something better, with a name, an address, and ZIP Code…… And possibly a telephone contact number. If you have this, I would be very very much interested in what you have to say, but if you do not have this, you’re wasting everyone’s time including your own and this is merely an exercise in futility. Perhaps you should get a hobby. Collecting torn corrugated cardboard would be more productive ……
  16. ….. Stereotypically …. It’s quite common.
  17. REALLY tough guys of the North have never seen fruits or vegetables …. and only cry when their children are born without teeth, for how will they eat?
  18. Ah yes …… Canada. America’s Hat. Where they build homes out of blocks of ice ….. carved from pack snow with a flat bone from a harpooned whale …. to keep warm! Where three generations overlap only because they are sleeping in an ice dome the size of a hippie VW Microbus, under 400 pounds of assorted seal and bear skins pulled on a sled also made of animal bones and sinew, by dogs as powerful as the Incredible Hulk.
  19. I think Dimitar should never have watched that movie “The Phantom”. Yes …. Incredibly bad acting, and horrible casting, and Lee Falk would have been embarressed. Even The Phantom’s brother, Mandrake the Magician would have slapped his forehead in a hypnotic gesture.
  20. This is nothing new in the evolution of civilizations. It ALWAYS HAPPENS when the willfully stupid get control. ….. and they Always do. when you are unfortunate enough to live through that time, your life is usually harder, and shorter.
  21. If memory serves, I bought five copies of “Dissent on the Margins” from Amazon.com. A “PayPal” account makes impulse purchases easy. I would suggest to Dmitar that he go to Amazon and read the book reviews …. There are 15 of them, and hope that “someday”, there will be a cure for high functioning total cluelessness.
  22. There is a lot that we do not know about Jesus and the apostles, I think somewhere it says something about if everything was written about Jesus the world cannot hold all the books…… Which may have been an exaggeration, an allusion, or something. We don’t know if Jesus was a framing carpenter, a finish carpenter, he worked on remodeling projects, or he built furniture etc., things like bookcases and chairs and sofas, and so forth. There’s even some suggestion that the word for “carpenter” is actually technician , And not carpenter, so he may have been a technician of some sort, perhaps even a blacksmith or something. There’s even some suggestion that even though most of the apostles were fishermen, they supplied fish to the local restaurants and these restaurants served both gentiles and Jews as well as fish and lobsters and clams. Both gentiles and Jews as well as fish and lobsters and clams. get it? It’s very heartwarming to think that there was no discrimination between the five.
  23. …….. And now for something completely different, although completely the same, about an army battling a seemingly far more powerful army. And in the interest of non sequitur discombobulation, something really completely different. Just round it out. Dissent on the Margins.pdfDissent 2.pdf
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