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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. 7 hours ago, Dmitar said:


    Then you have a "hellhound" @Pudgy come from behind to express some meaningless rant like a puppy loving court jester. 


    I will have to apologize for thinking of you as a mean, vindictive, miserable, unhappy and all around nasty person with delusions of grandeur.

    After that nice compliment (after all, I AM a cartoon puppy and have openly acknowledged that what I do is rant …), and what I am LOOKING FOR is to be a puppy loving court jester, I have a warm fuzzy feeling about you that borderlines true affection.

    Even my close relative Snoopy, from “Peanuts” does his best to happy dance across a field of sunflowers!

    Some cartoon characters age, and some do not. I think Mickey Mouse is somewhere around 75 years old, and he looks as young as he did in “Steamboat Willie”. 

    Have you ever noticed that no matter which way his head is turned, his two circular ears always face the camera?

    ….and Mickey’s dog is Pluto, which runs around on four legs, and Mickey has a friend taller than he is, who is also a dog, who walks around on TWO legs.  I think that’s just Goofy!

  2. 24 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Even me when I point out that The Beach Boys hit  ‘Little Smurfer Girl’ of the 60s predicted it all.

    “So they knew!”

    I always thought of Dmitar as a goateed, pointed ears evil inter-dimensional twin of SpongeBob SquarePants, in a red Star Fleet Security uniform.

    Usually, not making it to the first commercial …..

  3. 5 hours ago, Jehovahs Elijah said:
    Did Gertoux publish 3170bc Flood before JW, during JW, or after being exJW (if he is).
    Serious analysis and deduction here about character change required by religion for some not others. We all know that Prince Nelson made songs like 2000 ZERO party over so party like it's 1999 and that JWs not only played the song at weddings but also by JW bands. But we also know he wrote songs before becoming a JW as his mother that said We can flukk until the dawn, flukk away til cherry's gone (Erotic City).
    Supposing forgiveness upon baptism the question is raised whether Gertoux published 3170bc Flood before baptism or after baptism by WT. Meanwhile i was tagged in murmur and muttering of apostasy for knowing any chronology beyond the WT. One elderette Sister said in 1971 what do you want a Yogi Bear button. Incidently William Whiston of 1766 said Septuagint means LXXII (72) and interestingly was it 70 men or 72 men because 70 absent days of the star Sothis is at Memphis, but Alexandria has 72 absent days for the star, just as Jerusalem has 74 days absence. Likewise Ramses Flood of 3090bc is 180 leap days from 2370bc and requires for Egypt the Cainan (Cain or fallen Son) refers to 130 years of Chaldea or chaldron being collapsed post-Peleg for 1st dynasty and post Shelah for 3rd dynasty and so is actually Chaldean astronomers personified as one Son, The Son (of God) but failed and fallen as is also Canaan. We also find that the city Ur with birth of Reu also begins in year 130. And most fail to see that in many writings (most writings) that Ur or City is presumed to be Babel itself.

    3170bc Flood Gertoux.jpg

    3170bc Flood Gertoux.jpg

    I have seriously considered your entire posting above and have calculated it would take 14 pages to fully address everything you mentioned, and my current rate is $.20 per word, with a $5,000 retainer.

    Barring that, even if you have a PayPal account to transfer funds, I will address one point did you make for free.

    One elderette Sister said in 1971 what do you want a Yogi Bear button.”.  I assume that was a question although you did not have a question mark.


    As an aside, I was in Hollywood, California in 1971 and met that Sister, who lived up in a Hill House on Pacific View Trail, overlooking Hollywood, Los Angeles, and the Pacific Ocean.  She had many buttons from Jellystone Park …. Yogi Bear, BooBoo, Doggy Daddy, and others. She would wear them when tap dancing with her Walker with the rubber stoppers removed.

    Alas, when I was offered one, I politely refused, as I was not wearing a collar at the time. 

  4. Oooh! Ooooh! Oooh! 

    ( … sits on haunches and waves front paw for attention!) I have one simple question for Dmitar.

    Of the several hundred, perhaps thousands of questions Dmitar has asked, most calling for Essay length responses, how many have actually been answered?

    I don’t recall any.

    Unless he pays ten cents a word for reply’s, with a $5,000 advance retainer, I suspect this trend is what I shall label “Dmitar Normal”.

    Canines, as some may know, are a big fan of nuanced satire.


  5. 4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    You mean Pastor Russell. How can a court of Montana charge a died man over 106 years?

    Montana is a “red state” one of the few that does not allow dead Democrats to vote … and vote often. To make up for this they allow the prosecution of dead Democrats, even those from other States. 
    Dead people under indictment for crimes have never complained.

    Pastor Russell was a known Democrat during a time when the WTB&TS bought War Bonds, JW precursors fought in WW1, and voted Democrat, mostly.

    This all ended when Donald J. Trump became the 9th member of the Governing Body.



  6. 20 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I’ll take this as a response similar to that of the elder I love to tease.

    I told him frankly that I was fearful of giving any possible future hard-hitting message of doom, but that it might help if I had some practice. Therefore, would he mind if I was the one to announce it whenever he was to give a public talk?

    He took a moment to process, then hurled back, “You’re a piece of work!”

    Hard hitting messages of doom historically have been Great for recruiting …. But after years and years of false alarms, it has become blase’, and besides Bitcoin, it’s getting more and more difficult ……..



  7. 47 minutes ago, xero said:

    You know what's great about ADD is that if someone is boring you can't even see or hear them. It's like a mute feature. If I hear anything at all it's like what adults sound like in the peanuts specials.

    I am very pleased with my ADD, especially after my medication, which is a big plus In ANY CONTEXT.

    After my meds kick in I can run around the top of the chain-link fence of my property, And mow the entire one acre lawn with my teeth.

    It also gives me an advanced perspective on Dmitar’s posts.


  8. 1 hour ago, Arauna said:

    I have never said I know the year - I have said that certain signs on the UN is going into fulfillment......  The bible says lift up your head when you see these things happening!  It is not false hope.  For people who really do not care a fig - life will go on as normal....with NO false hopes...... just like before the flood when the water came and swept them all away!

    Things that I can do ABSOLUTELY nothing about …. Like when Armageddon comes, I care Absolutely nothing about.

    It’s like being a Fig …… either you fall down and rot anyway ….. or you get consumed.

    As every fig knows, it’s easy being a martyr …… when you have no arms or legs

  9. Whatever bitcoin is doing, the United States should imitate that, because bitcoin is constantly increasing in imaginary value, which all the United States currency also is made up of thin air with no basis in fact, is subject to massive inflation which lowers its valuation.

    I think that the comedian Steve Martin made passing reference to this in the 70s mentioning holding up a poster of Ferrah  Fawcett with one hand.



  10. 1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I'll just sit on the edge of this school playground and watch the children fight. :)  It's good for a laugh. 

    As I lay here on the floor on a coiled rope carpet of many colors, with my chin resting on my dog dish and staring across to the iPhone resting at an angle against the wall, I often visualize Dmitar as a very small person continually waving his arms and saying “you want to fight, you want to fight?…… I can beat any man in the room!“, And then I realize that each morning someone probably uses him to soak up a coffee spill.

  11. You know, I am a great admirer of William Jefferson Clinton, former President of the United States to the extent of his skill at lying better than anybody else I’ve ever seen, with a smile, and with an intelligence that is far beyond my own.

    I have listened to him at great length during lengthy speeches and dissertations and known from facts that he was lying …… but with a sense of awe and wonder of how well he was doing it.

    If you didn’t know better, the hypnotic affect was captivating and pervasive.

    …. not since ex-president Bill Clinton have I seen such a skilled “lawyer” as the screen persona DMITAR, who drags you into his slanderous fantasies and misrepresentation of everything you can imagine with such skill that you are inclined to defend yourself, where no defense is necessary…… Just to exercise common courtesy in a debate.

    He can take a narrative that is totally false and spin it so it seems to have some legitimate value … a truly amazing thing to watch, like a trout’s admiration of a fishing lure with bright colors.

    …… but besides being slanderous and libelous, and borderline dangerous the most chilling thing about having a conversation with Dimitar is the fact that he is almost always, if not actually always wrong about the positions he takes.

    ….. as a cartoon dog I am completely immune to his slander, and his libel, but even so I don’t have to like it, and I don’t.

    On various discussion forums I understand you can block certain people, but I do not believe in doing that, as dangerous people are able to hide in darkness if that’s done. 

    Therefore I have decided to completely ignore Dimitar, and his various quasi-evil manifestations with other screen names, even as I mentioned earlier that’s probably a safe bet that he can be completely ignored …… And should be.

    …… And should be.

    It should be interesting to observe the sound of one hand clapping.






  12. …… sigh ……. (Puts paws over eyes and shakes head in resigned dispair).

    The robots were sent by humans from Earth, on rockets, to explore and take photos and soil and other samples, and radio that information back to NASA and the ESA, etc.

    Currently Mars is inhabited by NINE Robots, depending on whether or not you count the subsidiary helicopter drones, etc.……. and so far …. No humans.

    ….. sheeeesh!

    This is a LOT OF WORK!


  13. As long as we are only talking about VALUATION, and not actual money that can be spent on goods and services, I might note that PudgyCoin, (PGC) whose major investments involve buying corrugated cardboard and hosing it down and reselling it (by weight), has according to the founder's estimation increased more than all the others put together.

    If you had invested $3,000 in PGC on January 1, 2021, by the end of December 2021, it would be worth a whole damn potload of money!


    I am not sure how much that is as everything is done on the honor system, investments are permanent, and no records are kept.

    I would go more into it, but until a Cryptocurrency is redeemed for real goods and services, or U.S. Dollars, it is a sunk investment having no value whatsoever ... exists in the imagination of the trader, and the pilot of my Lear Jet has just advised me to fasten my seat belt, as we are about to land on my Super-Yacht.


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