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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Having lived through two periods of "price controls", it forced me to find ways to get around them. .... just remember three words, and you can get almost anything at the price you can afford. ..."stick 'em up!"
  2. NEWS ALERT | Brothers Sergey Britvin and Vadim Levchuk Released From Prison On December 30, 2021, Brothers Sergey Britvin and Vadim Levchuk were released from prison. Family and friends warmly greeted Sergey and Vadim upon their release. In total, they each spent three years and five months in detention.
  3. NEWS ALERT | Brothers Sergey Britvin and Vadim Levchuk Released From Prison On December 30, 2021, Brothers Sergey Britvin and Vadim Levchuk were released from prison. Family and friends warmly greeted Sergey and Vadim upon their release. In total, they each spent three years and five months in detention.
  4. nYAH nYAH NYAH NYAH! So Dmitar ... you don't get along with ANYBODY! Is that THEIR fault? "... methinks he doth protest too much ..." - Shakespear
  5. PERFECT! Perfect example of what I am talking about Dmitar. Warning people to be afraid of rabies in a a two dimensional cartoon Dog ..... in all seriousness. This is where a less calm person would be screaming obscene vulgarities about the utter insanity of your ....whatever it is. Me, I am just going to drink some cartoon dog water out of my cartoon dog dish, and go into the next panel, and bite Garfield the Cat.
  6. I think between wondering who, who, who ...who wrote the Book Of Love, and the Cowboy Code, Volume 2, there is a paragraph in one of them that says that it is entirely permissable, yea, almost a requirement that rudeness and obnoxiousness be shown a person that continuously asks irrelevant questions, based on false premises and agenda driven cluelessness. ... just sayin'.
  7. I think everybody here is missing the point of Life, The Universe, and Everything. Yes, the WTB&TS is guilty of hundreds of sins over a hundred and more years, but the fact is that in a Universe that is inhabited by big ugly bags of mostly water, and a Sovereign God that allows for it, they are the best bet we have for learning about how to be better people. Again and again and again I have asked all here to show me something better, and they have, with a million words, failed to do so. Details are important, and they have been sorely lacking. There is no love in what I know .... but I cannot deny the fact that, disregarding "Management", Jehovah's Witnesses are humanity's best bet. ... all the others are so very much worse.
  8. Since we have already established that you’re wrong about everything, it might be fun to address your points, point by point. 1.) I am very well coordinated as a non-intellectual animal. MUCH Better than being at odds with myself as a vegetable. I would choose an onion if I had a choice. 2.) I do not remember ever getting a straightforward question from a real dog, usually just Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark if they have asthma. 3.) you’re wrong about what real dog does or does not do ….. which is completely immaterial, as I’m a cartoon dog which has one distinct disadvantage when playing poker …….. a person can read the thought balloon above my head. If a real dog had good cards, he would probably wag his tail, making it impossible to bluff at cards. 4.) And to your last point, about me being a rude and obnoxious person pretending to be an animal ……… What’s your point?
  9. When you are a hammer, EVERYTHING looks like a nail. I do not “like” it that all living things poop and pee, but willy-nilly …. that’s the way it IS. But then again, trees pee oxygen and poop wood, which is very good. The whole of life eats and drinks, and pees and poops, with ZERO inconsistencies. I like That!
  10. Mr. Lifeson; Dmitar, although being able to read, does not correctly comprehend anything about anything, because his thinking processes are completely pre-programmed by a carefully crafted agenda which he is apparently duty bound to promote. It’s a very common phenomenon for soft hearted people, and the evil people whose livelihood depends on that good hearted naïveté. Life can only exist because it has something to eat … and for more than at least 200 million years there is inescapable HARD EVIDENCE that the God created Natural Order of all life is that there are two classes of animal life …. Predators …. And Prey. This is the case now, and has ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE. When you accept this, only then will you understand Genesis, and a thousand other things, correctly. Agenda driven thinking always subverts and corrupts logical thinking, and ALWAYS results in the wrong conclusions. …. And a comprehensive totally screwed up world viewpoint filled with “inconsistencies” .Regrettably, and with great embarrassment, I know this from experience.
  11. ... roughly similar to concluding that Syrian Tanks could defeat Israeli Tanks ... BECAUSE .... giraffes like caramel coated oranges. Another image I find has considerable humor.
  12. What makes you think, the death of Abel was acceptable to God? Is that what you understand from @Srecko Sostar, If yes, I would ask this person the same question. That cause was made from man's imperfection. When did God create imperfect beings? Why would anyone blame God for man's imperfection? As usual Dmitar, and to the best of my observation, without exception, you have misunderstood Mr. Lifeson's concerns, as you misunderstand EVERYTHING. Or, I could be wrong. I hope Mr. Lifeson will clarify what he meant.
  13. I am speaking for myself only, but I enjoy spiritual discussions if in fact they really ARE spiritual discussions, and not the agenda driven mantras not far removed from how Catholics count beads on a rosary, and mumble "Hail Mary, full of grace....", etc., but I can tell you for a fact that almost nothing upsets me. What you consider what I dislike would get you fired as a 7 year old Dick Tracy detective, and I get upset rattling peoples' chains to see if they are awake.? HahahahaHAHahaha If you had a sense of humor you would know how easy and what fun that is.
  14. A careful analysis of how many times everybody has been wrong about "Gog of Magog", and using some reverse inductive analysis to determine the mean variation through linear regression proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that "Gog of Magog" is not a single individual, but a moribund consortium of Ferrets.
  15. This is a bit off-topic, but I have discovered a way to silence the sound. For reasons I will not mention I heard my Guardian making "motorboat" sounds with his lips and realized that the lips fluttering is what made the motorboat sound. The following suggestion however, only works for humans. Get a washcloth and cut it in half with scissors. Take each half and cut it into four strips (8 strips total). Take one strip, and separating the two posterior orbs, place the washcloth strip centered on the gas expulsion orifice. When you release the orbs the friction will hold the washcloth strip in place, all day, without any thought or maintenance whatsoever. Now, the orbs will not vibrate and not make the familiar sound so disconcerting and telling in an office or elevator. You may even credibly be able to blame someone else!
  16. I have quite often had those same thoughts, about Rutherford, about how hard it is to be virtuous, and also wonder why Jehovah puts up with any of us at all. From available records, it seems Rutherford was a drunk, a bully, and an all around exploiter of the Brotherhood, but the points you made are quite valid, and I know it takes a century to change a culture. He was such an AH that when he died of rectal cancer, the Bethel Family considered it poetic justice, and only two people attended his funeral, one of then Nathan H. Knoor. But then again, George S. Patton was just as big an AH, and believed in reincarnation, but with the soldiers that hated him, was instrumental in destroying the Nazis during WWII. ... it takes a hundred years and three generations and more to change a culture ... Unless you can drop two atomic bombs on them and really get their attention, a near impossibility. Ho Ho Ho!
  17. blo·vi·ate /ˈblōvēˌāt/ verb informal•US gerund or present participle: bloviating talk at length, especially in an inflated or empty way. When I tell jokes, most of the time I am just entertaining myself. I try to keep them pithy, and SHORT. Dimitar asks dozens of questions that no one EVER answers, as it is apparent he also asks them to entertain himself, as they are based on insulting false premises, and irrelevant assumptions. I apologise, for answering for him ... perhaps I should have waited for his own answer. of why he bloviates, which I had to look up, because I thought it had something to do with chronic intestinal gas being expelled at easily discernible volume.. ....very similar.
  18. I gave that comment a "sad" emoticon AND a "laugh" emoticon, because I would not wish that on anybody, AND it's funny, because it's a LOOOOooooong distance call .... except from Warwick, where it is a local call. On FTL phone it's about $26 million dollars a minute.
  19. .... just as a lark, remembering a comment I made frivolously several weeks ago, about the Kingdom Hall Parking Lots being refueling stations for flying saucers, or something to that effect, I Googled "Kingdom Hall Flying Saucer", and this popped up...... "The constellation of the seven stars forming the Pleiades appears to be the crowning center around which the known systems of the planets revolve.... It has been suggested, and with much weight, that one of the stars of that group is the dwelling place of Jehovah and the place of the highest heavens;.... The constellation of the Pleiades is a small one compared with others which scientific instruments disclose to the wondering eyes of man. But the greatness in size of other stars or planets is small when compared to the Pleiades in importance, because the Pleiades is the place of the eternal throne of God." ...... My first thought was wondering what the ellipses in the quote were leaving out, that it may have been taken completely out of an overall context. (I do not have the book "Reconciliation") Other than being completely false and embarrassingly wrong cosmology, any comments?
  20. More to a point .... how did the Kangaroos get from the Ark, to Australia?
  21. Wow ... I am glad you cleared THAT up! I was SOOoooo conflicted ... worrying about that. No, but since you brought it up, I will be sure to take my daily Matrix inspired "Red Pill" with my magazine cut out photo of Kibbles & Bits.
  22. The Cartoon Series "South Park" once had an episode where one Christmas Season in 1995, cartoon character Santa Clause and cartoon character Jesus got into a fist fight at the South Park Mall, surrounded by the cartoon children who were cheering on the fist fight. The kids ( of course!) were cheering for Santa to win! If the fight had been in a Kingdom Hall parking lot, I suspect Caleb and Sophia would have been cheering for Jesus to win, so there is that (?) Sympathies swung over to Jesus, as the spirit of Christmas was said to be all about presents, until one of the children mentioned that as a Jew, they got presents for eight days, and they all marched away singing a Hanukah song. ... of course, all that being said ... I was not rooting for either, as I have no cartoon dog in the fight.
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