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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Of course, via America's most trusted news source .... The Onion.
  2. Senate Passes $50 Billion Bill To Combat Chinese Influence By Developing Own Panda WASHINGTON—Securing a rare bipartisan consensus as both parties acknowledged the growing influence of the nation’s biggest geopolitical rival, the U.S. Senate passed passed a bill Monday allocating $50 billion to compete directly with China by developing pandas on American soil. “If we continue to rely on China for these highly sought-after bears, we may one day wake up and discover we no longer have an adequate supply of giant pandas,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, explaining that if the United States failed to make a substantial investment in its panda infrastructure now, it might find itself forever at the mercy of a powerful Chinese monopoly. “But the days of depending on foreign pandas such as Tian Tian and Mei Xiang will soon be behind us. Over the next decade, our domestic panda program will produce bears that are larger, cuter, and can consume bamboo at twice the rate of their Chinese counterparts. Ask yourself, who should be deciding where these adorable animals are dispatched in nations across the globe? China or the United States? I think the answer is clear, and that’s what this bill represents.” Passage of the bill follows recent intelligence reports indicating China now has the ability, through its panda loan program, to shut down America’s entire network of zoos with a single command from Beijing.
  3. ....Sometimes .... things are not what they seem ....
  4. I notice that you did absolutely NOTHING to provide any reasonable person any evidence whatsoever that your supposed charity is anything BUT a scam. Nothing whatsoever.
  5. Point by point rebuttal: 1.) I think I AM funny ... it's just that dog humor is often unappreciated by youth. ( Most times, my jokes are just for me, anyway ...) 2.) Who cares who Dmitar really is, or his predecessors? A matter of momentary casual curiosity, forgotten in any other context. 3.) Referring to item No. 2, some people will downvote everything, completely irregardless of value, to TRY and be relevant ... without any success whatsoever. 4.) It's just you. ...... well, except that Joe Biden and his bat-crap crazy associates are successfully destroying civilization.
  6. What Lassie? Timmy fell into the well AGAIN ... and you want me to get a rope and come with you? Sigh ... why don't we just fill in the well and be done with it? Be sure to get Timmy out first?
  7. I can do better than THAT! Being a Cartoon Carnivore I can authoritatively state as an expert that Cartoon Herbivores such as artists' renditions of Cartoon Rabbits, that they can be caught in an elevated upside down box trap baited with a photograph of a carrot. ...... moral of the story is this: .... silly questions may be legitimately answered with silly answers.
  8. I think the whole thing is a scam. Convince me otherwise.
  9. Why would ANYONE choose a dog? .... because Gog of Magog probably has something to do with cats?
  10. Coprolite From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Corprolite) Jump to navigation Jump to search For fossilized feces in archaeological contexts, see Paleofeces. Part of a series on Paleontology Fossils Natural history Organs and processes Evolution of various taxa Evolution History of paleontology Branches of paleontology Paleontology Portal Category v t e A large coprolite of a carnivorous dinosaur found in Harding County, South Dakota, USA. Photo courtesy of the Poozeum A large Miocene coprolite from South Carolina, USA. A large coprolite (fossilized feces) from South Carolina, USA. Age: White River Oligocene; Location: Northwest Nebraska; Dimensions: Varies (25 mm X 20 mm); Weight: 8-10 g; Features: Many small inclusions and one has a complete toe bone from a small deer called a leptomeryx. A coprolite (also known as a coprolith) is fossilized feces. Coprolites are classified as trace fossils as opposed to body fossils, as they give evidence for the animal's behaviour (in this case, diet) rather than morphology. The name is derived from the Greek words κόπρος (kopros, meaning "dung") and λίθος (lithos, meaning "stone"). They were first described by William Buckland in 1829. Prior to this they were known as "fossil fir cones" and "bezoar stones". They serve a valuable purpose in paleontology because they provide direct evidence of the predation and diet of extinct organisms.[1] Coprolites may range in size from a few millimetres to over 60 centimetres. Coprolites, distinct from paleofeces, are fossilized animal dung. Like other fossils, coprolites have had much of their original composition replaced by mineral deposits such as silicates and calcium carbonates. Paleofeces, on the other hand, retain much of their original organic composition and can be reconstituted to determine their original chemical properties, though in practice the term coprolite is also used for ancient human faecal material in archaeological contexts.[2][3][4] Contents 1 Initial discovery 2 Research value 3 Recognizing coprolites 4 Coprolite mining 5 See also 6 Notes 7 References Initial discovery British fossil hunter Mary Anning noticed as early as 1824 that "bezoar stones" were often found in the abdominal region of ichthyosaur skeletons found in the Lias formation at Lyme Regis.[5] She also noted that if such stones were broken open they often contained fossilized fish bones and scales as well as sometimes bones from smaller ichthyosaurs. It was these observations by Anning that led the geologist William Buckland to propose in 1829 that the stones were fossilized feces and name them coprolites. Buckland also suspected that the spiral markings on the fossils indicated that ichthyosaurs had spiral ridges in their intestines similar to those of modern sharks, and that some of these coprolites were black with ink from swallowed belemnites.[6] Research value By examining coprolites, paleontologists are able to find information about the diet of the animal (if bones or other food remains are present), such as whether it was a herbivore or a carnivore, and the taphonomy of the coprolites, although the producer is rarely identified unambiguously,[7] especially with more ancient examples.[8] In some instances, knowledge about the anatomy of animal digestive tracts can be helpful in assigning a coprolite to the animal that produced it, one example being the finding that the Triassic dinosauriform Silesaurus may have been an insectivore, a suggestion which was based on the beak-like jaws of the animal and the high density of beetle remains found in associated coprolites.[9] Further, coprolites can be analyzed for certain minerals that are known to exist in trace amounts in certain species of plant that can still be detected millions of years later.[10] Conclusion by Pudgy the 2d Cartoon Dog Animals have been herbivores, Omnivores and Carnivores since the very beginning, BILLIONS of years ago, or at the very least, many hundreds of millions of years ago, and there is HARD evidence to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that this is true .... UNLESS, of course your neurons are agenda driven programmed to the contrary, or you are as deliberately and willfully stupid as ...uh... Coprolite.
  11. BroRando is Billy!!? That would make him Bro. Billy Rando? I used to know a Bro. Billy Rando in Tallequah, Oklahoma. Had one eye (I forget which) about an inch higher than the other, His perspective on life was TOTALLY screwed up, in every way possible. Same guy?
  12. In the interests of clarity, I can authoritatively tell you that all canine teeth were DESIGNED to eat meat ..... although I have been known to clean my teeth with an occasional raw carrot.
  13. You missed PGY ... "Pudgycoin" The digital currency you never have to check on, for those who do not know the difference!
  14. ...you are thinking about history. It is not news that the thief comes when not expected. You are in full expectation that it will come at an unknown time .... not that it is coming, or not coming at all. On a related note, I have been thinking about using news of the "Brandon" administration as fuel for a FTL (Faster Than Light) starship engine, for as we all know .... nothing travels faster than bad news.
  15. Correct. Then why fall under the same snare of a town crier? I have noticed over a long period of time a pronounced consistency about your posts, after noticing over a long period of time a pronounced consistency about your reactions to other peoples' posts. Your posts almost always end by asking one or several questions based on false premises, and Your reactions (almost exclusively down votes) are completely without a rational basis, and ignore the actual post, and are based on who is posting. You are a very skilled diversionist and intimidator, governed by your agenda. Excellent qualities and skill sets for a criminal defense attorney with a naive and unsophisticated jury. I think, (assuming you are not already a lawyer) you missed your calling in life.
  16. The American comedian W.C. Fields, on his death bed in the hospital, was observed reading the Bible just before he died, and was asked by a visitor about that, and his reply was " .... just looking for loopholes.".
  17. Ever gone to the tire store to have a tire replaced after it wore out, or you had a flat, and they had to take it off the wheel to replace it? Well, assuming the tire was "balanced" before it failed, the new tire has to be balanced, or it will start to vibrate and shake the car as the imbalance is aggravated by rotational speed. If you know NOTHING whatsoever about this and you hear your tire needs to be balanced, who knows what crazy ideas will come to mind? It is obvious that anyone making the statement " ... The Flood may have been caused by all of the other planets being on one side of the earth simultaneously. God may have inserted the “youngest” planet Neptune on the other side to act as a gravitational corrective to make sure it cannot happen again!", knows NOTHING about elementary physics or elementary astronomy. But that's OK, because the readership has for four generations been encouraged ... HEAVILY encouraged ... to know nothing about how the real world works, including elementary physics and astronomy, so in that context, the statement does not reek of outrageous absurdity. In that context, it is legitimate food (at the proper time ...) for serious consideration. I have seen this in the cartoon world, where Sylvester the Cat's son saw a Kangaroo, and told his dad he had seen a giant mouse! You may have seen that same cartoon. Some statements and observations are only valid in a cartoon world.
  18. You, with no understanding at all. Animals were taken aboard the Ark by twos ... AND BY SEVENS. During the voyage, some of THE SEVENs were allocated to serve as food for those collected by twos, and by sevens., and even by Noah's Family. When the Ark landed, there were NO ANIMALS outside the Ark for Noah and his family to eat, so Jehovah gave Noah and his family to eat the surviving subsets of seven unclean animals ON THE ARK. Mankind had been eating animals since they were thrown outside the garden of Eden ... or do you think Able was a shepherd and hunter because he needed a hobby? THINK ABOUT IT!! Why do you think God ordered the UNCLEAN animals collected by sevens, and the CLEAN animals collected ONLY by twos? BECAUSE Refrigerators had not yet been invented. When you read the biblical accounts, you are SUPPOSED to use some basic common sense, visualizing what is reasonable and what is a rubber-band stretch .... but as always ... agenda driven thinking ... parroting the screwball ideas one of the Society's Lawyers dreamed up in the 1930's and repeated for 80 years , short circuits rational thinking.
  19. Which dinosaurs are you interested in ... the elusive Nobodysaurus, known for its stealth using cloth deck shoes ... or the erudite multi-lingual Thesaurus?
  20. I consider a world-wide 2 year lock down an insignificant blip in the history of the world ... but hey ... that is just me. A minor inconvenience of passing note ... no more. I do not even wear a face diaper when I go out. REAL News is that which needs no Herald .... none whatsoever .... such as dropping a massive meteorite on the Yucatan Peninsula. ...
  21. There is the old story comparing how different a Mathematician and a Physicist think. There is a long hallway, and at one end is a naked Mathematician and a naked Physicist. At the other end is a very lonely, long legged naked blonde gal. The Mathematician and the Physicist are both alternately tasked with getting to the other end of the hallway, but are restricted by rules that state each time they try, they can only go HALF the remaining distance. The Mathematician exclaims " .... but that means I will NEVER get there!" The Physicist mutters "I can get close enough". Capitalism is like that.
  22. I do not own any guns, but have been told I have a "mean overbite". What news should I listen to?
  23. To paraphrase a common aphorism, Opinions are like bodily orifices .... everyone has at least five. Your opinion that this does NOT fall under the category as a town crier, is ONLY your completely entitled but unsubstantiated personal opinion. 1.) Even though I do not care, it is my personal opinion (again, for what it is worth ...) that this DOES count as a town crier. I will even rephrase and repeat that. 2.) It is my personal opinion that Arauna's comments does count as a town crier. Ok, I've called your bluff that that your opinion has any validity, and raised you two ... TWO opinions of my own. ... Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My! Of course, even the WTB&TS has acted as a town crier for over a hundred years, even though with all the good they have done, and it has been considerable, the FACTS show they have actually been, most of the time, crying wolf
  24. ( ... satire alert, for the clueless ...) ... and besides ... because of World War II the knowledge gained about radiation has saved more lives since then in medical treatments than all the life lost in the war, on all sides. .... It has been 75 years since August 6, 1945. ( ... that is NOT satire ... for the historically challenged.)
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