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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. 18 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    More effective than any wall Trump ever could have dreamt up. And free, too.

    I dunno ....

    If I was living in Guatamala, Honduras or Mexico, and I heard that Brandon was giving out $145,000 for each child that was temporarily separated from me when I illegally came to the United States, and then fly me to Florida all expenses paid, I would get a bowling ball bag with toothbrush and a change of clothes, get to the Mexican/USA border, stopping only at the Mexican equivalent of Home Depot to buy two 40 foot ladders and some duct tape, and 100 ft. of rope ......

    The inmates are running the asylum ... it would be immoral not to.

  2. I happened to see an interview of the best selling authors Lee Child, and Stephen King on the same interview by a third person, and they both cited as THE major influence on their writing was the book “The Stars My Destination“, by Alfred Bester, which extremely impressed me as well.

    I read the book 60 or so years ago, and the writing and writing style still impresses me.


  3. 35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Cheapest on ebay UK is 46 GBP and that might be an old one.  To read the words of an Ex JW.  :)  I think there is enough info' on here and in the news.

    If it were 10 GBP I might be interested but I haven't even read Josephus or 'The Early Church' yet. 

    For about 12 years I followed the price of the book “Lord Love A Duck“, and it was $400 a copy and up, but one day I found a used bookstore where I got a copy for $26.

    ….. an interesting read …. I now see why they made a movie from the book ……. One more box checked off on my bucket list.


  4. On 11/25/2021 at 4:39 PM, BroRando said:

    As the Last Days come to their end, there is no escaping for your kind.  But you are already melting.  Look! Jehovah has struck his oppossers!


    Zechariah 14:12

    “And this is the scourge with which Jehovah will scourge all the peoples who wage war against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot away while they stand on their feet, their eyes will rot away in their sockets, and their tongues will rot away in their mouths.

    Psalm 37:13

    But Jehovah will laugh at him, For He knows that his day will come.

    ….. Sounds like radiation poisoning to me.


    sounds like radiation poisoning to me.


    …… Add that to the scripture it says the elements being intensely hot will melt and I think somebody somewhere has missed something.

  5. The thought just occurred to me that concerning Gog of Magog, since there is absolutely NOTHING I can do about Gog of Magog, perhaps my time as a dog could be better spent sitting on a log with Kermit the frog, being agog over eggnog.


                          (Log and Frog not shown for clarity)

  6. 22 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Do the “believers” of any denomination have the knowledge that God by His knowledge created a planet that has volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, climate changes that go from great hot to ice ages and so on? And that people will die from something at some point (with or without knowledge of it)?

    .... and more to the point .... were the Dinosaurs really the first rulers of the planet?  And what was it about the Dinosaurs that warranted dropping a big rock on the Yucatan Peninsula and having a mass extinction event .... or two .... or three?

    And does Bob the Dinosaur REALLY live behind the sofa, and the only reason  we don't know about it is he and his family are Nobodysaurauses?

  7. Even people with limited or non-existent qualities of virtue, honor, good judgement, or propriety have the natural right of self defense.

    When the Nazis tried to take over the Earth 75 years ago, they were met on the battlefield by every manner of defending soldier that has ever been on a battlefield. Liars, thieves, bullies, adulterers, fornicators, drug dealers, drunks, crazy people, men who went to war as an excuse to kill, or rape and pillage, or any other despicable human quality ...as well as those who met the enemy for the most noble and patriotic or wholesome reasons that there ever could be.

    When two despicable, immoral, bigoted racist people meet in mortal conflict, the fact that one is scum of the earth, and the other is a low down pig is immaterial.

    The only thing that matters is ... who is the aggressor and who is the defender?

    Laws of tribes, peoples, and nations vary ... but all things that live ..... if they can manage it .... have the NATURAL right to defend themselves .... if they choose to exercise that natural right.

    A Jury of 18 heard the testimony, and a jury of 12 selected decided Rittenhouse was attacked FIRST, and defended himself as any reasonable man would have done.

    .... and irregardless of his moral character, philosophy, politics or choice of "friends" ... he had an absolute natural RIGHT to do so.


  8. 6 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Thank you for your history lesson, I'd love to see the source material your knowledge is based upon. You two definatley have way more time on your hands than I do

    Actually, everyone has the same amount of time .... some start earlier ... some die earlier.

    But barring that, other things being equal, we all choose how to, and how not to ... spend our time.

  9. I also am talking about police response ....

    "Rev" Jesse Jackson is a Black political activist, at one time the most influential in America ... and suspected clergyman, and certified con-man once ran for President of the United States.

    During the 2008 Presidential election about Obama he stated he would "Like to cut his nuts out".

    He grew up in Greenville South Carolina, admitting that when he was a young man working in a hotel restaurant, he used to spit in white peoples' food, and once stated (a matter of record that can be looked up) something to the effect that

    " .... if I am walking down the street at night, and I hear footsteps behind me, and I turn around and see that it is a white man .... I breathe a sigh of relief ...".

    I still don't understand why humans do not drink out of a bowl.

  10. 5 hours ago, xero said:

    False. The crime stats are such that white people are more likely to get shot under the same circumstances and this due to the ferguson effect. 

    I think the above statement is blatantly false, because in the USA, white people comprise 87% of the population, and black, brown and people of color compose 13% of the population.

    The reason black, brown, and people of color get shot, arrested, and imprisoned more often is because THEY COMMIT 60% OF ALL VIOLENT FELONY CRIME.

    If you remember how to setup a simple proportional algebraic equation you can calculate the actual violent felony crime rate committed by blacks, browns, and “coloreds”, in comparison to the violent felony crime rate of white people.

    During WWII, there were many, many millions of good and wholesome Germans, but those on the battlefield, wearing Nazi uniforms, were many, many, MANY times more likely to get shot.

    Like the standup comedian Ron White often said on stage, pausing for effect, sipping from a glass of whisky: “In Texas … if you kill somebody…..(pause)…… we’ll kill you Back!”.


  11. On 11/21/2021 at 9:15 AM, BroRando said:

    The weeds of apostate christians who have left our brother will have all died the death befroe 2055.

    In order not to have ZERO credibility, you may want to share your calculations with us (".... show your work, as the math teacher used to direct in 7th grade ...".

    If one doe not have to show ones' work, I predict the year 2525 ... if man is still alive, they may find ....


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