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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Here in the United States, during the turmoil of the 1960s when men were being drafted (inducted into slavery against their will) to defend the United States against real or imagined enemies in Vietnam amongst the hippie population there were many posters about, and I remember one of them something to the effect of “if you were accused of being a Christian, would they have enough evidence to convict you.” I think 447 days of incarceration is a pretty good “conviction”, And the Honorable part about it is that he was innocent of any real wrongdoing. He was framed by the Malice and mischief of truly evil people. I highly suspect that this Brother will look back on this experience as a shining point of his life …… For the rest of his life.
  2. Resigning as one of Jehovah's Witnesses is not something to be done without serious consideration and well established protocols. Therefore over the last hundred years of overlapping protocols, changing in form and formality, it has been established that in order to resign as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, one must appear before a tribunal of Elders in a Judicial Hearing, and before them exclaim three times " I quit!, I quit!, I quit!", and smear goose poop on their shoes.
  3. Mr. Magoo .wmv Every time I hear the phrase "Gog of Magog", I think of Jim Baccus and Mr. Magoo.
  4. I have always felt extreme sympathy for people who fear imprisonment to solitary confinement. The humans I know and identify with would consider solitary confinement a highly desired plus.
  5. Could be worse ..... could be a Chinese Oligarch who bought 200 Hunter Biden paintings .....
  6. Make sure you read the link above in blue ...... It appears the Russian Orthodox Church's vendetta against Jehovah's Witnesses is about to unravel ..... ....every once in a great while .... the innocent are set free, and even a blind pig finds an acorn.
  7. Russia’s Top Court Bans Prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses for Group Prayer Nov. 17, 2021 MT Russia’s Supreme Court has banned the criminal prosecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses for joint worship, potentially putting an end to the law enforcement practice of jailing believers for prayer sessions. The ruling could also affect the 152 convictions that have not yet entered into force or are being appealed, the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia organization said in a statement on its website Tuesday. news A Russian Jehovah’s Witness Vows to Keep Worshipping Despite Crackdown Read more Russia outlawed the nonconformist Christian denomination as “extremist” in 2017 and has since subjected thousands of worshippers to police raids, harassment and up to eight years of imprisonment. Russia’s Supreme Court binds law enforcement authorities to provide concrete evidence for the worshippers’ “criminal intent,” “extremist motives” and “prior collusion” — justifications for criminal prosecution that have been criticized as arbitrary. The organization said the ruling poses “new challenges” for authorities to open criminal cases, search residences or “detain a person simply because he or she professes the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses or meets with another at a worship service.” “Investigators will now have to justify the wording often used in indictment papers against Jehovah’s Witnesses,” it said. The Supreme Court’s plenum ruled that joint prayers among members of banned religious organizations “consisting exclusively in the exercise of their right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, including through individual or joint profession of religion… do not contain elements of extremism.” The Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia noted that the country’s courts are under the obligation to “consider” the Supreme Court ruling when considering appeals. The group said it “eagerly anticipates” how the Oct. 28 Supreme Court plenum ruling will affect the release of its members currently held in custody. In its original 2017 “extremist” ruling, the Russian Supreme Court accused the Jehovah’s Witnesses of “propaganda of exclusivity” and signs of violating public safety. The Soviet Union had exiled thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses, known for door-to-door preaching and an alternative interpretation of the Bible, to Siberia for anti-communist activities and their refusal to serve in the military. for our free weekly newsletter covering News and Business. The best of The Moscow Times, delivered to your inbox. Read more about: Jehovahs Witnesses
  8. Rush died on February 17 of this year. You may have noticed there was a major shift in the space-time continuum, and crazy people, bat-crap crazy people, insane crazy people, beyond the dreams of asylums everywhere, accelerated their take over of the world.
  9. I remember reading in the “Doggone News” about a hybrid mix of a lion and a rhinoceros, a “Lionocerous”, which had the body of a lion and a rhinoceros head. It’s fertility was never determined, because in hunting for food, it would pounce on its prey, and the heavy head made it do a complete front flip in the air, landing on its back, and getting its horn stuck into the ground.
  10. Sometimes .... a mission that people undertake willingly .... are not led into battle by paragons of virtue and righteousness ... or even compassion and awareness. I firmly believe that .... given enough time ... virtue and righteousness in the minds and hearts of men will prevail but often through the efforts of men with serious flaws, requiring mountains of bodies and oceans of blood, and fields covered in hardships of ruined lives caused by error. This is what happens in the REAL world ..... and until we have perfect government .... THIS WILL ALWAYS BE TRUE. Get used to the idea, or go bat crap crazy with a screwed up version of reality. In the meantime .... the very best you can do is TRUST NO ONE ... and do your best not to become someones' cannon fodder. ....sometimes the mission is more important than ones' indignation.
  11. Isabella: Do you have any checkable references that this really happened? What are the details? What country, what time. And who was involved? Without those your comment has as much validity as saying that the governing body are just ugly mermaids.
  12. In order to understand what the Bible says, AND what it ALMOST says, one has to care deeply about understanding ALL things (whether we are good at it is a whole other discussion ... especially if we are highly educated ... but everything we know is wrong, or totally screwed up with liberal agenda claptrap). The more you understand about life and death, freedom or imprisonment, common sense (which is not all that common ...) human nature, and the very real and difficult problem of governing groups of people so that something RESEMBLING peace, Justice, equity and righteousness may prevail, the better you will be at understanding unexplained things in everyday life, and unexplained things in the Bible. Just as in detective work, philosophy and riding a bicycle, if you have no sense of balance, depth perception, or stamina, barring unforeseen circumstances which bite and bless us all, your trip through life will not fare well. I THINK I understand why Jehovah had Jewish human males circumcised. (But then, I seriously misunderstood when my Guardian said he was taking me to the Vet, to be "tutored".) "Back Then", Families, Tribes, and national groups needed a way to identify each other at a distance, and close up. Arguably, the only reason a person with access to soap and water, in their right mind would get circumcised is to obey some religious edict. For 400 years the Jews had soldiers stationed at the Jordan River, protecting their borders, and they had several ways of "checking your I.D,", as you could be a spy, or a terrorist, or whatever you asserted. There was of course the "Sibbolith/Shibbolith" test, but all other things seemingly OK, checking for circumcision was a pretty serious test. There is more, but I may address that later.
  13. There a groups of people in the Ukraine who made between $9,000 and $15,000 a day making up totally false “clickbait”, at two cents per “click”, during the Trump/Clinton Presidential campaign. ”Follow the money”, and everything becomes clear.
  14. …. I remember my Guardian telling me about his growing up during the Civil Rights protests during the early 1960’s where the white people sat in the front of the bus, and the black people sat in the back of the bus, and Senator Kennedy of Massachusette’s made an empassioned plea that All People be considered as “green”. After the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the front of the bus was reserved for light-green people.
  15. Ecclesiastes 12:12 ” To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is worrisome to the soul …. “. and: Ebedeah 14:26 ” … and at the end of all things, you will hear the music of many instruments, and a swine will break through the wall and will call out with a loud voice saying, “Ebedeah! Ebedeah! Ebedeah! … That’s All Folks!” “.
  16. My Guardian is an old man now, but sometimes late at night he tells me stories of when he was a young man, circa 1969, when he left Virginia to make his fame and fortune in Hollywood, California, during the "Hippie Years". Life was tough back then for a young man with few skills, but he broke his ankle, and had enough insurance money left over to buy a red Honda CB350 motorcycle. He was riding around on fire trails in the Hollywood Hills and found a pig, which he adopted, and they used to ride around together on his motorcycle. Wilshire Blvd, had depressed train tracks running down the middle of the street in certain areas, and about 2AM trains would creep through the area. He loved that pig, as they were riding down Wilshire Blvd, and in making a left turn My Guardian got his front tire caught in the train track groove, and he flipped his bike over and the hot muffler was on and burning his leg. His pig, by now missing a back leg, with only three legs pushed the bike off of his trapped leg, and saved it from serious injury, bonding them even closer. A pig that special you just don't want to eat all at once.
  17. Freedom is like a Salami ... you would go to war if they stole the whole Salami at once ... but they steal it from you slice, by slice, by slice ... none of which people are willing to go to war over. But over time .... Freedom .... like the Salami, has disappeared.
  18. I thought that in 1945 the International courts that were convened in Nuremberg Germany by Allied Forces firmly established the fact that it is illegal and immoral to force someone to take any medical treatment that they object to. They actually took some German soldiers, medical personnel out and hung them by the neck until dead because they did this.
  19. Hmmmmm……. I just have one question. What is a MSM?
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