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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Probably the most beautiful religious song ever composed was not written by someone on the WTB&TS staff .... it was written by a Captain of a slaver ship hauling slaves from Africa to the United States, and after many extremely profitable trips what he saw finally got to him, and he repented, and took the slaves in the hold of his ship and returned them to Africa ( where they were for the most part re-captured and made slaves once again by the black indigenous slavers who originally captured them and brought them to the coast to be sold, or were caught up in the many tribal civil wars of the days ....). He then went to England and became an Anglican minister and composed "Amazing Grace", regretting the many atrocities he had caused, and the lives he had destroyed, the entire rest of his life ..... attributing the forgiveness of God to the value of Christ's sacrifice. Although he did not understand enough to realize who Jehovah and Christ Jesus really were, he came to understand the principles they stood for, but the previous collateral damage was immense and horrendous. I cannot believe that Jehovah God, and his Christ will not give him full credit, or if not full credit, at lease "a passing grade" when his life is examined. Just like at the Division of Motor Vehicles, when you get tested for a Driver's License, you do not have to make 100% on the test. Just one point above failing the test, and you still get a drivers license.
  2. After reading most of the missives, above, I strongly suspect that on Judgment Day, whenever that might be, individually or en masse, there are going to be a LOT of surprised people, both inside and outside of the "Truth" Meanwhile, down here, where the rubber meets the road, I also strongly suspect that our best chance for temporary happiness is to get one or more puppies. ..... good for about 12 to 18 years each .... and there is ALWAYS a plentiful supply!
  3. Yeah, I understand your reticence. Jesus obviously disliked tea. He probably liked Manichevitz double thick, extra sweet Blackberry Wine, the kind that sticks to your teeth, and has to wear off. ….. which brings up the question, was Jesus subject to dental cavities?
  4. The AKC sent me a MasterCard with my picture on it, and I thought since my Guardian is interested in such things, I would get him the latest MS flight simulator, yoke, throttles, pedals, and Oculus Headset, etc. I think the last VideoGame he played was “Duck Hunt” circa 1970s, (?) on a Vic 20, and that was because he liked to see my Mom laugh at him when he missed. ….. that was back when pixels were the size of legos.
  5. …. They had a credit card account at Home Depot.
  6. That’s a very good point. The sword cuts both ways. What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander.
  7. I wish HGP had been around when the subject was first discussed, it might’ve saved about 1 million words. But, willy-nilly, I still would like to have accurate information of exactly what went on during the court cases, so I suppose I’ll have to write the Russian embassy in Washington DC. I will do that later on this weekend.
  8. Another good question would be to ask is: Why would any sane person have 5 of 8 million Brothers write 48 million letters, each at international postage rates, to lobby the outcome of a Russian kangaroo court system, where the outcome was decided (obviously, to all sane people ….), BEFORE the trial started? If it was a bribe attempt, funneling $57,000,000 through the Universal Postal Union, which the Russian Government did get …. It was a complete failure, as nothing was achieved except to enrich the Russians. Show trials in Russia are just political theater to consolidate and enhance political power and authority, and perhaps …. just perhaps …. sucker someone into a useless and very expensive lobbying effort. In the USA, Congress does most of the political theater …. Usually tragic self-destructive comedy.
  9. On a related note, the CDC has noted that some COVID vaccinated can grow up to 7 feet, although most only have 2. AND … It’s not necessary to get vaccinated if you are a “Transvaccinated” person who self-identifies as being vaccinated.
  10. I remember when Russian roulette used to be an Olympic sport dominated of course mostly by Russians. The most famous of which was Ivan “double click“ Gabonivitch, Who only competed every other Olympic games due to healing and recuperation. Wow, what a sportsman! “Ol’ Doubleclick” …. Now THERE was a competitor!
  11. That’s what happens when you worship at the Church of Covid. It’s blasphemy to disparage the holy vaccine, or it’s Prophets. I can visualize a pro-abortion person chastising me for refusing “the shot”, with my reply being “My body,my choice!”, and see ifit short circuits their mind. …….. Probably just get an oblivious blank stare.
  12. It just occurred to me that this emphasis on vaccination in order to have a job or privileges or opportunity might just be, or eventually evolve to be, the “mark of the beast” spoken of in revelation. Just an idea, A throwaway comment, no more. Looking back at societal evolution, it’s been along time since we had a good witchhunt, Jew hunt, or similar madness.
  13. Um, a bit of a giveaway Tom. Sorry James. In any conflict between Nations, either on the battlefield, or in the cultures, or in this case, a Tribe (JWs), and a Nation (Russia), the first casualty is Truth. "Make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine." is apparently a casualty of this conflict .... shot in the back from "Friendly Fire". Not only that, the very concept of "making sure" is disparaged as an unnecessary unimportant chore, worthy of disdain. Very, very sad.
  14. Yeah …… good point ….. someone DOES have to pay for the space on this forum. I think we should try and help out by typing exclusively in lower case letters! ….. and no ellipses or double spaces between words, either!
  15. I am not hostile to what was done, or any side effects that were incidental, correctly labeled. I WOULD however, like to read the original un-edited Russian Court transcripts in English.…… something tangible. I think it is INCREDIBLY important not to base one’s understanding of those events on third-hand agenda driven very abbreviated summaries. As far as a massive witness given the world over about this ….. the legal and political battle was fought with “the army they had” …. and they lost, miserably.
  16. If you are piloting a sailboat to Australia from the United States, and you drown, the goal was to get to Australia, not serve as a shining example of the courage of man..
  17. Of course not, but that WOULD HAVE been an unintended consequence other than the clearly stated goal of the project, which was to influence the Russian Government to stop the persecution of the Brotherhood. It’s sorta like renaming the goals and moving the goal posts AFTER the footballl game is lost to the other team, and declaring that your efforts were a success, because you sold a lo of hot dogs and beer.
  18. I think this is all a diversion from the REAL question originally asked, and never answered by the guy that resurrected it from 2017. Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?
  19. If memory serves, You are getting the two letter writing campaigns mixed up. The politically motivated one was a complete failure. The personal one to the imprisoned Brothers a complete success.
  20. And just how would that be obvious that someone opened ANY of 48,000,000 "overseas" letters? Paper is just thin sheets of wood .... the winters are bitter cold ... and they had 11 boxcars full of "fuel at the proper time", and $57,000,000 to buy Vodka. but.... as a reasonable concession, I will give you that perhaps 1,000 letters were opened and read by low-level clerks and other functionaries, until the pattern and value .. as they value pattern and value, was established. What we really DO KNOW, is that 48,000,000 letters, had absolutely no effect whatsoever in influencing the Russian Court system, or politics. A complete waste of money and time .... for that purpose. Years ago, there was a movie "Bridge on the River Kwai" where the Japanese had captured British soldiers and put them to work building a bridge and rail line through the jungle, and the ranking officer remarked to his lower officers that he was glad his soldiers had work to do. Otherwise they would get into trouble. This is, in my opinion, a valuable thing to do, and besides, later, Commandos blew up the bridge.
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