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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. If somebody can sidetrack your conversation with a “throwaway comment“, it wasn’t much of a conversation to start with.
  2. That is a silly assumption that has no validity in reality, that I want to sidetrack the conversation. Interjection of a point, salient or not, or an attempt at humor, funny or not, is usually NOT an attempt to sidetrack a conversation. Perhaps it’s just a reaction to a conversation that’s based on false premises, or erroneous assumptions. Or perhaps any other number of reasons. Just plain silly. But even more than that, it’s just plain wrong. …… this is a common problem when people extensively say that they want to discuss facts but then they avoid discussing facts, and start discussing motive…… Which is assumed. And, in any discussion there comes a time to shut the hell up and listen to what the other person is saying, including where the conversation is going that you don’t want it to go. Often times we don’t really listen, because while the other person is speaking, we’re thinking about what we’re going to say next. (… as an aside this quite often happens amongst married folks, where the three second rule becomes very very important. The three second rule states that after the other person speaks, count for three full seconds before you give a reply. If you wait five seconds while intoning “….hmmmm“ while scratching your chin, it also helps you to appear wise.) The only way you can accurately discuss motive is to determine from the other person what their motive is by actually asking them what is their motive. What NOVEL IDEA! You can make all the assumptions in the world and by accident you might stumble across it, or if you were a very good detective you might be able to discern it but the probabilities are not good. May I make a suggestion…… Instead of asking five or six questions at a time, ask one question and see if anybody wants to answer it (I have ADD, and frequently will walk up to someone, or worse, several people already involved in a conversation of their choosing, and out of the blue start talking about what I want to talk about, usually quantum physics or scuba diving or optics and light propagation. That almost always NEVER works as intended.) …. but I digress ….. Perhaps people do and perhaps people don’t, and perhaps it’s a trick question like “do you still beat your wife?”, Which for most people it’s too much trouble to answer because it’s most times not a yes or a no answer. ….. then of course there are the questions that everybody in the group knows the answer and not really questions to be answered for new information, just to be beat into a purée like the traditional “beating the dead horse“. …… Not really worth the effort. A lot of conversations with agenda driven people are just too much work especially when nothing useful is to be gained by it. I am a firm believer in the freedom of speech, and you have the right to ask any question you want, to anybody you want…… But you do not have the right to be entertained if the other person does not want to entertain you. They have a perfect right, at their discretion, to completely ignore you and walk away, leaving you there to wave your hands and flap your lips in full expectation that they are going to entertain you with their answers …… And they have a perfect right to not do so. They do not need a reason at all. As a practical matter, singing to a pig is a waste of time, just ruins a person’s voice, and irritates the pig. Sometimes we are the singer…… And sometimes we are the pig.
  3. That is a LOT OF QUESTIONS. why anyone would go through the trouble of answering them is beyond me…… Because nobody ever changes their mind here…… Ever.
  4. "It just goes to show you. It's always something. If it's not one thing, it's another." - Roseanne Roseannadanna
  5. Dead, or very seriously wrinkled. Every day, I try to smush a large bug ... then Ah has da edge!
  6. Yeah ... that boat sailed a LONG time ago, and scaremongering is now painfully obvious, except to the terminally dull. Besides .... the Scripture clearly warns against EXACTLY what BroRando is doing, referring to such ones as false prophets. Painfully obvious, and painfully transparent. At least, it appears he is not collecting money for his Yosemite Sam act. If he is ... I hope he is getting it in Pudgycoin. Remember the Pudgycoin motto! - "Pudgycoin, the digital currency for those who can't tell the difference!" (tm)
  7. "It just goes to show you. It's always something. If it's not one thing, it's another." - Roseanne Roseannadanna
  8. There are SOooo many things that "look good on paper", that work well on paper, but in the REAL world, because all humans are flawed, some more than others, the "rules, regulations, protocols, and intentions" in the REAL world are. AS APPLIED, also deeply flawed. It's the nature of the beast. Those who don't get out of the basement much never realize this, and their inexperience, and lack of perception causes them to imagine a world where the way things SHOULD be is somehow attainable. It's not Get used to it. Or have a stroke. It's not so amazing that the dancing bear dances well ..... but that it can even dance at all. In the Catholic World View, a Priest is the intermediary between God and mankind, and if you confess to the priest, whatever you confess is, in theory, known only between you and God. The classic example of how this does NOT work is how, during World War II, in Germany, the Catholics were taking confessions of resistance fighters, and acting as an intelligence network for whoever they thought would win the war, at any point in time. Usually the Nazis, as former Cardinal Pachelli, who before the war was the Vatican Secretary of State, and who signed the "Holy Concordat" between the Vatican and the Third Reich, aligning the two governments in common cause. So, a Catholic would confess to the Priest, and the info, if of tactical advantage to the Nazis, went to the Nazis. Usually. Among Jehovah's Witnesses, if a Brother or Sister confesses to the Elders some transgression, Matthew 18:15, in my experience, and the experiences of every account I have ever heard of, is NEVER invoked when it is time for "the rubber to meet the road". Matthew 18 in general is completely ignored ...when it is needed the most. Not only that, but they share details with the ENTIRE body of elders, who share it with their wives, and other elders in other Congregations they know well ... and make written reports to Headquarters, reviewed by many there. Lawyers, Secretaries, Clerks, and IT people when it is digitized. Nothing new. Nothing unusual. Same-Oh-Same-Oh. It's just that the dancing bear has two left feet, and a balance problem. Bears should not try and dance, but since the beginning of time, all figurative bears dress up in top hat and tails, and try to dance. Anywhere on this planet, in every time and place, this is true, to a greater or lesser extent. Recognizing REALITY, as it really is, is sad, discouraging, and then we die. As each of us march without pause to our own eventual deaths, the important thing is to stay sane. Sanity requires that we recognize that our "Spiritual Paradise" is not. It is, as applied, a very bad form of organization. Sanity requires that we recognize that all the others are so much worse. Matthew 18 is by far the most important book of the Bible, down here where the "rubber meets the road".
  9. JWI, and Others: Perhaps you can help me with some considerations and observations I have about the aboriginal population of Australia. It is somewhat bothersome to me but it appears from what I currently understand the aboriginal population is approximately 50,000 to 65,000 years old. Perhaps not for the obvious reason it’s bothersome but it does seem to dovetail With a hypothesis that I have developed that humans consist of two groups…… Those that evolved over many hundreds of thousands of years, or millions of years directly from the primordial soup so often spoke about, and about 6000 years ago perhaps Jehovah reflected on what he was observing and decided to make created beings with a spiritual component that did not seem to be developing naturally. The facts that I am able to accumulate seem to indicate two parallel projects that are going on. This would also solve the problem of who Cain was afraid of when he was exiled by Jehovah God into the land of exiles, and also who he married. Or at least had children with, because I doubt local “sky-pilots” were invented back then. So, when I “learned“ that the aboriginal population of Australia had a record of “irrefutable proof” that their civilization was 50,000 to 65,000 years old as indicated by a DNA analysis and other means, it was an “Aha!” Moment for me. I would welcome any analysis observations or commentary that would support my theory, or destroy it. ”Traditions” don’t count. At least my working theory is based on the facts as we know them, as well as scripture as we know them…… Hopefully both being accurately translated over and correctly understood.
  10. The Pyramids during the beginning times, the “Time of the Giants” were ill thought of by such ones, as they were nocturnal and on moonless nights would step on them. This was before sandals were invented.
  11. At the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm, in the Tennessee Valley, the Congregation had an Elder there whose garden was at the base of the mountain, and unless the sun was directly overhead, not much light would get to the vegetables. He was a fine, theocratic Brother, and took as literal the Scripture at Mark 11:23 about the mountain being relocated, and prayed constantly that God would remove this mountain that shaded his garden most of the day. After having casually prayed for the mountain to be moved many times, late one night he really "poured it on", with prayer and supplication, almost praying himself into a coma, beseeching God that in the morning, that cursed mountain would no longer be keeping his garden from growing. Finally, he got to sleep, and when he woke up, the first thing he did was look out the bedroom window to see if that awful mountain was still there. The mountain was still there. He turned away in disgust at that mountain, and muttered to himself, "It figures!". The moral of the story is this: There is a difference between faith in God doing something for you, and faith that something can be done. .... perhaps at an earlier time in history people could work with quantum probabilities, where absolute faith equaled telekinesis. (Re-read the Scripture in Mark again to see what it is NOT saying...) .... after all ... to this very day we still do not know how the Great Pyramids of Egypt were constructed.
  12. …… be sure to take the “red pill”. What is “Project Ambrosia”, that inspires hatred and resistance?
  13. No, Pwft, I do not know your 3D identity, nor do I care, for several reasons: 1.) I am not interested in individual people’s lives, only with ideas and concepts. If in the 3D world you were a Merpus (half man, half octopus) I might have more than casual interest. 2.) It is a violation of basic “in-house” protocol and convention to try and spoil a good running joke. 3.) Let’s assume that I knew you were really whoever JWInsider is in the 3D world. Unless it is a clear and present danger to NOT KNOW …. The reason we all have “screen names” is to HAVE a degree of anonymity. It does not take a genius to know in the 3D world, that a suit, hat, and glasses it’s Clark Kent, who is a fake identity for Superman. …. In this 2D world, some things are better left unsaid. if only to preserve a running gag. I felt sorry for the man who had no shoes … until I met a man with no sense of humor.
  14. ..... although, I can tell you from experience, if you snap at and catch a Bumblebee, it WILL be a life changing experience!
  15. At least, as you can plainly see, as almost all dogs are, I am VERY cute! .... and VERY "low maintenance".
  16. ...sez the faceless Pwft, who seems to disparage the possibility in others, whoever they might be, the fact that he himself is hiding behind an alias .... without a face. When you can be irritated by a cartoon dog, because he does not discuss "spiritual matters" in a manner to your liking ... who is it that really needs a shrink? Lighten up .... you will live longer, and be a LOT happier.
  17. I am jealous. You are funnier naturally than I work hard to be. Your serious text is funnier than my best cartoon thought balloons! I cannot think of a snappy retort to your "How much are the GB paying you?", without "spilling the beans".
  18. Yes, that’s it. I’m trying to make people believe I am really a dog. You got me on that one. You got me on that one ….. what did it take, two months for you to figure that one out? Bbbbbb ….. BrouhahaHAHAHAhaha! ( … rubs front paws together, as if puttin’ on hand lotion, while snarling with exposed fangs !)
  19. Others have commented on this before, but nowhere in the Bible, not even one time does Jehovah God prohibit or restrict cannibalism. That’s right ……. but if you’re already dead, presumably of war wounds. People are more important than worms and bugs.
  20. Probably the same reason that when Donald Duck and his three nephews Hewey, Dewey and Lewey sit down for a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner, somehow the conversation always turns to the moral and legal considerations of cannibalism. All in that almost unintelligible cartoon duck voice, of course.
  21. I believe it was Linus, of the comic strip "Peanuts", running for Class President, who in his school auditorium got up on the stage, and behind the podium yelled out how if he was elected President by the student body, he would "... tear down their altars and the false idols from the high places!", to which Charlie Brown commented that the school Principal 's face had just turned white. Of course Linus was in expectation of the Great Pumpkin, who would rise from the pumpkin patch, and bring toys to all the good little boys and girls. You know .... it it's not one thing ..... it's another. ...it's always somethin'.
  22. A rough parallel is dogs .... The Disney Character Pluto is Mickey Mouse's dog, and he walks on four legs and has a tail as thin as a clothes line, a collar, and makes normal dog sounds. Another Disney Character is a dog, wears clothes, and a vest, and walks around on two legs, and can talk just as good as Mickey Mouse. ....and that's just Goofy! So, which one is lying? I suspect rules are different if you live in a two-dimensional world, of paper. ..... tell me about it !
  23. It appears the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse is Universal Dementia. This always occurs when, as in the case of Australia, an entire population is disarmed. Dementia is the only refuge of the powerless.
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