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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. …… I can understand that, my thumbs are halfway up the backside of my fore-legs.
  2. I have carefully read the preceding conspiracy theories, opinions, conjectures, observations, wild-ass guesses, and delusional paranoid nattering nabobs of negativity, and would like to offer an alternative explanations to the more prevalent fantasys being extolled and advocated here ......... .... words are often a mere shadow of their true meaning ....
  3. NAILS OR NAIL, HANDS OR WRISTS, AND OTHER SUCH SCRIPTURES. HOW DO CHRISTIANS KNOW WHAT IS TRUE ? The ONLY reason such considerations are important is judging the credibility of those who claim to have "special insight" about such things, and who in doing so enhance their own authority and perception of their alleged wisdom. other than that .... the IMPORTANT thing is that Christ did die for the forgiveness of our sins. Nail or Nails, Hands or Wrists .... who gives a cat's coughed-up fur balls? ..... the ONLY way to judge a religion is this: "Is it in the long term best interests of Civilization?" How THAT is judged is , Is it fair, honest, kind, and equitable ...peaceable, courageous, valiant and virtuous? And noble. .... and most important, Righteousness .... that is ... doing good because it is God's will to do good. It is not important if Jesus was stapled to a cardboard shipping container. .... not really.
  4. (Paul walks into a bar with four Centurions, hold up two fingers in a "V" shape, and says "Five Beers!".)
  5. Everything described about Paul was "unlikely". EVERYTHING! ...but those things DID happen. An analysis of times and distances and practical considerations could NOT hurt anyone that is not cemented into agenda driven thinking. By trying to tell a coherent story, often glaring misconceptions can be corrected, as either a scenario holds up under examination and extrapolation .... or it does not. ...like a good detective that builds many scenarios, to see what makes the most sense.
  6. Did the Apostle Paul Have A Dog? The other day, I was thinking about the wonderful relationship humans and canines have, and the thought occurred to me that the Apostle Paul may have been very, very lonely, all those days and nights walking along dusty roads all over Asia, and wherever his travels led him, and I tried to visualize what he did from day to day, night to night ... where he ate, where he slept, all manner of personal hygiene, how he handled sickness, sunburn, cut feet, avoiding ruffians, bullys and highwaymen seeking to rob and kill him. Perhaps along the way he acquired a dog to go along with him, and watch over him as he slept along the side of the road, in the grass, and dirt, the rain and mud. Then I started thinking about his ministry, how many Bible studies he might have had, and how he walked such great distances in such a short period of time, and I could not visualize hm making more than three speeches in any one town before moving on to the next town. Perhaps someone smarter than me can "reconstruct" a possible log of his daily activities .... might even make a really good novel ... THE ADVENTURES OF PAUL!", if the extrapolations totally agreed with everything that was stated in the Bible about his travels and there were no contradictions. I hope it would make sense under critical examination .... not something akin to "fighting WWII in three weeks" .... and if possible, somehow work into the plot that at least that Paul had for some time, the companionship of a dog.
  7. That one Scripture there DESTROYS the Trinity. Since I am a cartoon dog, I recognize other explanations .....
  8. From Wikipedia: " In popular culture The parsec was apparently used incorrectly as a measurement of time by Han Solo in A New Hope, the first Star Wars film, when he claimed to have "made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs". The claim was repeated in The Force Awakens, but was retconned in Solo: A Star Wars Story, by stating the Millennium Falcon traveled a shorter distance (as opposed to a quicker time) due to a more dangerous route through hyperspace.[22] It is also used ambiguously as a spatial unit in The Mandalorian.[23]"
  9. I remember back in the “old days”, the only thing you were asked was “ … can you do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs?”.
  10. Want to know what the Four Horsemen Represent? ….. since there is absolutely nothing any human can do about ANY of “all that”. …. I have decided it’s not worth the effort. Bacteria, viruses, hydrogen bombs, or the “wrath of God”…….. I need to pay attention to things I can do something about.
  11. I am hoping someone will CORRECT my presumptions and premises. Making up stuff like this is based on the assumption that we are fools, and CANNOT tell the difference. I will have to watch the original video, the transcript may also be agenda driven. You should only take advantage of a fool in a poker game, there it is morally acceptable to rip his heart out and eat it. .
  12. I would like to see the references to where he came to the screwball conclusion apparently someone heard a rumor. Where did that come from? I don’t really know but I highly suspect if that statement and read was completely made up out of it out of absolutely nothing except agenda driven imagination. If anybody knows different, please correct me.
  13. The story is probably apocryphal, but there is a story of Thomas and Jesus going to a hotel in Bethlehem, and they walked in the front door, Thomas put four large metal spikes on the counter and asked the desk clerk “Can you put us up for the night?“.
  14. All this stuff reminds me of the Jimmy Carter Administration, when you could only buy gas if it was an even numbered day and you had "even number" license plates, unless of course your vehicle had out of State tags, or it was Tuesday and you were an Eskimo, or your drivers' license was in braille.
  15. Matthew 18:15 states (In contemporary language ...) that a person has the right to face his accuser. That principle is enshrined in the U.S, Constitution, as well. The REAL principle is basic fairness. Either your Judicial Process are fair .... ... or they are Star Chambers. ... or "Room 101".
  16. The true Christians survived - so they did not just know - but they obeyed. Some of those prophecies apply to today - so it depends how we understand (know and OBEY. I agree fully with your reply, Arauna, but your reply completely avoided answering the question I asked. It was a good general comment one gives when their eyes are glazed over, before morning coffee.
  17. Of all the things that have been posted here, as comments or references…… How many was it necessary for the first century Christians to know ? 15% ?
  18. It seems to me that everyone here is in at least one of several disparate camps of certainty about how to interpret scriptures about this subject, and that within each of these camps there are serious questions about whether certain "facts" align, support or contradict other .... "facts" about the main conclusions in each camp. It sprains my small canine brain to try and make sense of it all ... it's like the SNL sketch "Dueling Banjos Brandos", but in this case it's "Dueling Scriptures". My guess is that whatever is going to happen .... if I have full and complete knowledge, or are completely and totally ignorant, it will be all the same .... there is NOTHING I, or we, can do about ANY of it. I do not have to have a Doctorate in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering to try and not be run over by a car. ....distractions will get you killed.
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