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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. On 7/25/2021 at 9:46 AM, JW Insider said:

    I figured that it was probably a bad sign that my computer touchpad was jumping the cursor all over the place,

    Probably because you ran out of touchpad space.

    I had that problem, and had to build a  table extension.

  2. 9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Besides, even with cloud storage, there are always some aggravating (if not devastating) hassles in moving from one machine to another.

    ...sigh ...... I know the feeling.

    It's worse when you only have four stubby fingers, and your thumbs are  half way up the back side of your front legs.

  3. I have no idea how the Society can claim "copyright infringement", as I have seen all the "DubTown"  animated videos on YouTube, and it is clear to me that it is blistering satire .....  which is considered "fair use" by the U.S. Copyright laws.

    And furthermore, what are they going to do when they find out who the REAL "Dubtown" author is?

    If I was them, I would drop it, otherwise it may be like the auto maker Henry Ford had to suffer when he sued a newspaper for libel, for calling him an ignorant dolt ( or words to that effect ...), and when they got to Court it was proven that he WAS, and the case was dismissed.

    The perfect defense for slander and libel accusations is if you are telling the TRUTH.

    That's what I saw, with cringing consternation, when I saw the "Dubtown" Videos.




    How something is worded often contains subtle nuances and references, and sub-references that escape almost everyone, except those whose thinking is not agenda driven.

    The problem is .... almost EVERYONES' thinking is agenda driven.

    Without getting into George Carlin's famous comment about sticking a needle in your finger, consider the very real difference between these two phrases, being  "waiting to engage", and being "engaged to wait".

    If you work for someone, and are on call 24/7/365. make sure that the phraseology is "engaged to wait", and not "waiting to engage".

    It makes a difference as to whether or not you are due payment for your services.

    In similar fashion, the nuances inherent in the way Scripture is phrased make a very real difference.

    However, if your perception is agenda driven, you will always be wrong.

    If you think you are a hammer ..... EVERYTHING looks like a nail.

    ..... and your theology and carpentry work will be crude, ugly, and unworkable.

  5. I think you are wrong about that Arauna, given the facts presented here, so far.

    Does the Society have a copyright right on the clearly amateur generic software work presented by BoRando?

    I think not!

    ( .... perhaps the dialog was a direct cut and paste from the Society to his script?)

    BroRando said that YouTube took it down, implying NOT of his own initiative.

    Did they bully YouTube into taking it down, or did they have a legitimate right to make that demand?


  6. 2 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    If he removes his energy the entire universe will collapse.

    Wrong again.

    The Physical Universe was designed to be self-sustaining.

    ...to run without a need for maintenance.

    All evidence points to this, in thousands of integrated facts usually described as Quantum Physics, and only agenda driven theologic fantasy suggests otherwise.

    It is theologic fantasy BECAUSE it contradicts all known facts that are real, with "facts" that are merely wishful religious fantasy, with no proof whatsoever.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Arauna said:
    36 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    Moloch truly surprised even Jehovah, and that he learned new things from that,

    No - he was not surprised, just bringing justice for the large numbers of of children murdered  in the name of false gods.

    You are wrong Arauna .... the Scripture clearly states that it never came into Jehovah's mind that they would do such a thing as sacrifice their own children, burning them to death.

    Be a sport ... look it up.

    Jehovah was surprised!

  8. 6 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    You are absolutely nuts if you think you can win anything!

    I agree, as Jehovah is invulnerable, and cannot be harmed in any way.

    He is not even in this physical Universe.

    I think you misunderstood that I was advocating rebellion against Jehovah God.

    I was not.

    I was trying to describe what would be the ONLY excuse for rebellion, which of course would be impossible.

  9. 10 hours ago, xero said:

    He was not dogmatic about this, but it's a thought I never considered. It would certainly make more sense that if you didn't believe that Jehovah created the universe and that you simply sprang into being or perhaps such was the case at least w/Jehovah, that you might actually believe you could take him.

    When I speculate as I often doggedly do, on the real Nature of Jehovah, I look to Cosmology, the Science, to try and use facts at hand to "reverse engineer" what may or may not be true.

    I accept as incontrovertible evidence that the way this Universe started was with the "Big Bang", about 14 billion years ago, and that time and space are one thing.... not two things ... because all gravity is local, and all time is local. It has been proved, over and over again that the speed of time is also local, and fluctuates according to the local gravity intensity and local "material" velocity.

    It is also clear to me that linear time, with an "arrow of time", going from the present to the future started at the "Big Bang".  Conversely, we know absolutely NOTHING about Physics before the "Big Bang", and that it will be impossible for us to EVER know about that.

    .....but I suspect to the point of certainty that anything before that was a "Universe" of a completely different sort, with time running at a completely different rate ... of there being no linear time whatsoever ... effectively "Time Happens All At Once".  

    No beginning and No end.

    There is an interesting Scripture describing Jehovah as "From Everlasting to Everlasting", which to my mind exactly describes this BBB (before the big bang) environment and scenario..

    EVERYTHING in this Universe dies because of entropy ... and there are no exceptions. Even in very deep time unimaginable protons decay.

    BBB is not subject to the laws of thermodynamics for one simple reason.

    No "arrow of time".

    And that I submit for your welcome analysis and criticism is WHY Jehovah can never die.

  10. 23 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    James 219  You believe that there is one God, do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder.t

    They believe - implies they know he is the creator - the only true god.

    Knowing...or rather BELIEVING that Jehovah is the only True God, as a stipulated fact is quite reasonable, all things considered.

    But .... does not Jehovah God comment on his own "evolution" when his name is declared and it is understood, again based on "best evidence", to mean "I Am", or "I Will Become", or "I Will Prove To Be What I Shall Prove To Be" ?

    ...and the fact that people sacrificed their sons and daughters to the fires of Moloch truly surprised even Jehovah, and that he learned new things from that,

    If the word for all  that does not imply "evolution" ...... what is the correct word?

  11. 2 hours ago, xero said:

    Not that the author believes this, but that the lie fostered was fostered by and believed by Satan (and that this could be the contribution to what any sane person would think was a foolish endeavor) was the heart of the rebellion.

    There is only ONE excuse for rebelling against your Sovereign.

    .....if you win!

  12. 12 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The scriptures mention "Ten men clinging to the robe of a JEW"  But who are the 'JEW' in question ?

    Of course i know it's not literal Jews,

    Of COURSE it's not literal Jews!

    The above scripture was mistranslated, slightly.

    After several "temporal incidents" it appears that the "Lost Tribes of Israel" turned up in Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania, where Velcro Fastening tapes were invented.

    If you have a Trekkie background, and look up Velcro in Wikipedia, it gives the key to understand the scripture as "Ten men Klingon to the robe of a Jew."

  13. Neither gold, or bitcoin will have any value in the aftermath of a nuclear war.

    The ONLY precious metal will be Lead.

    ...and besides, most of the USA's gold is in basement vaults in the banks in New York City, in case international transactions need to be made between governments, in gold.

    Whether it is radioactive or not, the gold in Fort Knox is only a symbol, which with the USA now 22 TRILLION dollars in debt, printing money with no backing whatsoever, it far exceeds the entire gold reserves of the entire Planet Earth, several times over.

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