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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. ….. perhaps I haven’t been keeping up, but is there any “New Light” on the abyssments?
  2. I guess a good way to know is by being able to count how many outside people show up at the ZOOM meetings. I have noticed more “regulars” are showing up with sharper webcams, and green screens, or virtual backgrounds. I do wish they would adjust the camera angles so as not to emphasize neck waddles and nose hair.
  3. The story "To Serve Man" by Damon Knight was originally published in "Galaxy Science Fiction" magazine in November 1950, and an adaptation was made for the "Twilight Zone" on March 2, 1962, on CBS TV. "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy", by Douglas Adams was originally a BBC comedy radio show which first aired in 1978, and the Novel was published in 1979 No mention in either titles, radio show, or books was the date 1975.
  4. If you want to read a series of books just as good as "Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy", read the first book of a great series "Callahan's Cross Time Saloon" by Spider Robinson.
  5. I remember from about 1962 to 1965 in the Truth many people were telling each other stories about demons, ectoplasm phantoms, and other "ghost stories", which I did not believe, but it was clear that THEY believed them, as they told them with serious rapt attention to detail. ...always relating someone elses' experiences ... never their own .... but they told the stories as if they were there. I was warned repeatedly not to buy things at yard sales, or any used items, as they may be demon possessed, and owning any such item was inviting the demons into your home. I am glad I spent several years in the Scouts (... before it went to hell in a hand basket), before I developed an interest in the Truth, so I was used to campfire "ghost stories" ... but the fact that most Witnesses I knew gave at least lip service to these beliefs made me wonder whether or not there was something to it. Empirical "evidence" from such testimony slowly mounted in quantity and scope that it became clear that anything a Sister bought at a yard sale was demon possessed, but Brothers could freely buy tools and used cars without any fear whatsoever. Later on, in slow, painful lessons, I came to realize we can be our own worst enemy. .... and I often wonder about the specifics of the Apostle Paul's "thorn" in his side, and the fight he had within himself.
  6. When you hear tapping, tapping, gently rapping, tapping in your house late at night, it may be a Raven, or a Demon using Morse Code.
  7. It seems to me that the only reason people argue about the stake or the cross is to enhance their own credibility about other things, reasoning that if you can prove the stake concept is correct for the cross concept is correct you have more credibility. It doesn’t …… Unless of course you actually have photographs.
  8. Hmmmmm……. I always thought those tunnels were used for giant radioactive ant men to get to central Australia. ….. since the “other” stories about the tunnels have no proof, mine is EQUALLY valid. …… and Certainly worth what you paid for it. For $15.00 I will send you a genuine hand drawn map!
  9. That reminds me of the Steve Martin comedy routine where he starts out with a sly voice and a giant grin that goes from ear to ear…… … “And I’m gonna tell you how to make a MILLION dollars ….. and never pay taxes”. “And I’m gonna tell you how to make a million dollars and never pay taxes“. “Yes I’m going to tell you how to make A MILLION DOLLARS, and NEVER pay taxes.” FIRST ……… get a million dollars. ……….…….
  10. My guess was that Linda James was going along with the joke. My intent was to have people continue the "story", and see where it would end up. That assumes everybody "got it".
  11. I find that all this "1914 Overlapping Generation", "Gog of Magog", and "King of the North" stuff does nothing but distract me ...and even if it is all true, it SOUNDS phony, and destroys any credibility that I might otherwise perceive. I have resolved to put such things, and all similar things that have no practical, real life consequences ON THE GROUND, where the "rubber meets the road" on a mental "suspense list" shelf, and ignore it completely. Otherwise, I agree with GB Member Dan Sydlik, and will try to do the same.
  12. It does not have to be THAT funny to be mildly amusing, invoking mental imagry of the various sub-references.….. and besides, it was fun to write, and like Dilbert, most of my humor only I understand. ….. thanks for stopping by, and don’t forget to tip the waitresses.
  13. The Good part is Caleb and Sophia, and their Family do not need to eat, drink, or breathe, and are OK until plate tectonics subducts them. They of course have lumps on their heads the size of bananas, circled by a rotating disk of canaries and stars .... not unlike a halo.
  14. … reminds me of when I was a puppy, looking through a chain link fence at a cow next door, calmly chewing grass. She was dressed in a flowered cotton print sun dress with clashing high- heels, a large plastic snap together “pearl” necklace, and a Mexican sombrero, with large chicken feather. Obviously the work of some cult. At least the cult I prefer dresses better!
  15. Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff, known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole. A huge sinkhole approximately 85 feet wide, at the edges of Disneyworld's remote parking lot 9G opened up this morning at about 9:45 AM and swallowed up a New York Tour Bus chartered by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society for the Bethel Art Department's annual "Mousekateers Mashup", and disappeared out of sight into the limestone caverns that undermine most of Florida. The only survivor, an un-named member of the Society's Governing Body and driver of the bus, and reported creator of those lost to the sinkhole, leapt from the front door as the bus's rear wheels crashed through the asphalt and slid to oblivion, and suffered cuts from broken glass bottles he was carrying in his pockets. The bus slid to oblivion .... the driver staggered away across the parking lot. Investigations showed that "Caleb's Family" had not been seen for several years now, with the general assumption had been they had already been thrown under a bus somewhere in New York State. This is an on-going story and will be updated as more facts emerge.
  16. I have recently discovered that a good reply to the accusation that a person is wrong but obstinate, i.e. “you always have to get the last word in, don’t you?“ Is… ”Since you did not address my last point, and replied as you did, I DID get in the last word.”
  17. Perhaps someone else would be able to find the flaws in your logic, but for the life of me I cannot. I hope that someone will find the flaws in your logic, Or I will have to take a nap until it’s resolved satisfactorily.
  18. Not very likely, as hardening their equipment is a very serious and expensive design problem costing on a large scale, a great deal of money. and by the way .... if you have not hardened YOUR equipment, what you have is a desktop boat anchor. You can harden everything with large cardboard boxes, aluminum foil, 10 gauge wire, and a 5 foot copper grounding rod. Even then, it only works if the computer is unplugged with no connected wires wires of any kind outside the box.
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