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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Money ...... and politicians who pretend to be competent ... and an electorate so ignorant they recognize complete ignorance and feel a kinship toward it. .... like retarded conjoined twins. Besides, if everything is wiped out by an EMP the real need will not be the Internet, it will be for ammunition.
  2. Your question reminds me of the pharisees. They came to him and asked him if a women had had 7 husbands which one will she belong to in the resurrection. The difference is that my two questions have very real application, and very real consequences right NOW!
  3. JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied I carefully read Anna's list of JW core beliefs, and responded "Amen", although about some I have been thinking about all the extenuating circumstances that might affect the absoluteness of some of them. For Example, in U.S. Law there are many things that are felonies, but State Supreme Courts have ruled that although these felonies are lawfully prosecuted, the individual specifics make them AS APPLIED to certain cases make the application of those laws un-Constitutional, either by State, or Federal Constitutions. In other words, the specific circumstances of the crime determines whether or not those laws can be applied against a specific person, in a specific set of circumstances. ...... Lets suppose a family of five, where all the family members are Jehovah's Witnesses, and the mother has tired of taking care of her three young children, puts them in a car, and deliberately drives that car into a lake, and drowns them. It's first-degree premeditated murder. She is convicted in a court of law, and is sentenced to three life sentences with no possibility of parole. QUESTION # 1 : Is the husband, whose three children were murdered by his wife, expected to live his life alone, and never re-marry? QUESTION #2: If he does, say after a dozen years, remarry, will he be disfellowshipped?
  4. SCENARIO ONE: Let's assume that everyone reading these words has full and complete knowledge of the "King Of The North". SCENARIO TWO: Let's assume that everyone reading these words knows absolutely nothing about the "King Of The North", and visualizes either Santa Clause, or Superman in his Fortress of Solitude, or nothing at all. NOTHING we can do about it. Why not spend our time on something we CAN do something about? Could be Theocratic or secular ... complicated or simple ... anything at all! About the "King Of The North", whoever it is, and whatever occurs, we are completely powerless. For you it may be more valuable to sit down with a protractor and a calculator, and teach yourself coordinate geometry. For me, it might be more valuable to visit my Mom at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm. Infinite variety.
  5. Amen. By the way .... If you want instruction to be valuable, keep it short, like .... "What Lassie? ... Timmy's in the well, and you want me to bring a rope?"
  6. CATS! I am out of dog treats! Hold the Comedy until I get back .....
  7. Pretty much what I have written here, and the links I have provided over the years, are the details. The solid evidence is in the scriptures provided. I am not talking about your massive Scripture loaded Epistle. I am talking about ...ONLY talking about your claim that "Rachel" sent letters to everybody named, and that they READ them. I find that highly improbable. Please re-read my request for proof about 'them" reading "Rachel's" letters. If you need to, diagram the sentences to determine what was actually said.
  8. How about sharing with us the details? I generally don't read stuff more than two paragraphs (They taught us that at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm), but if you shared enough details to give credibility to your statement, I would read it all. Otherwise, I will give unsubstantiated statements like that considerations as a fantasy. It's easier for my statement about the 8 million letters to the Russian Federation, as my direct knowledge that nobody read THOSE letters is substantiated by a LACK of evidence of a reply, or that even one of the letters was read. To the best of my knowledge, ZERO commentary anywhere. If anyone has evidence that my statement about that is wrong, please correct me. If you have solid evidence to support YOUR statements, I would like to see it. Otherwise, the reasonable thing to do, in my dogged opinion, is to consider your statements about "Rachel's" letters wishful thinking ... a fantasy told and retold.
  9. Several years ago JWs worldwide sent about 8 million letters to the Russsian Federation, and to the best of anyones' knowledge, not a single one was read. The chances of "Rachel" having her letters read by any JW are less than that. ...especially if it was more than one paragraph long. That makes it LESS than Zero.
  10. No, they are using the pressurized water to try and push the oil back to the surface fire, so it doesn't spread out. One thing to consider is that even if all the oil "got away" it would be like dropping ONE DROP of oil in a bathtub full of water, then dipping a sewing needle in the water, and what sticks to the needle is the REAL environmental impact. Remember, at one time the entire Earth was covered with volcanoes, and extremely high pressure gas vents of methane and other poisons, at the same time Mars had an oxygen atmosphere, and oceans. All things change.
  11. ...perhaps (if they exist at all, about which the evidence is minimal ...) they have already BEEN through all the things we are in expectation of ....
  12. ...which brings up "DOGCOIN". Sorta like "BitCoin", but with a happy Puppy on the face of each coin! If you invest now at $1.00 per coin, each one printed on the face of a dog biscuit that tastes like cardboard, it will quickly grow to be worth THOUSANDS of times that! The potential is infinite and everlasting! ...after all ... If Everyone in the banking and investment community believes in "BitCoin", you can believe in "DOGCOIN"! ....wherever fine Pet Supplies are sold.
  13. I am not looking for perfection. I would not have judged Jesus. Your premises are flawed, and painted with the wrong color with an overly broad brush. Until the ONE SENTENCE (if memory serves) in the February 2017 Watchtower, the leadership of the Society was quite content to LET, by inference HEAVILY implied and repeated over, and over, and over ........ and over and over and over ... that they WERE inspired and infallible., and make such presumptuous and cringe worthy (paraphrased) statements as "Jehovah and Christ Jesus trusts us, so therefore you can trust us" .... makes me want to hold my hand tightly over my wallet. ... uh ... if I had a wallet .....
  14. I will stipulate that among Jehovah's Witnesses the basic core truths are infinitely valuable, as well as the discipline afforded by advice of the Governing Body as to virtue, morality and righteous principles. The 20% of teachings you mention may have been understood incorrectly .... because they taught things that were wrong, self-aggrandizing, silly, and grossly inconsistent, stupid, or just plain creepy. This makes their credibility crash and burn. It's like the son who gets good advice from his father from time to time, but most of the time the father is a drunk, a bully, and proclaims that the Planet Mars and Mars Candy Bars have a common heritage, and produces charts and graphs, and millions of words to "prove" it. Can you imagine Jesus on the Mount of Olives, with his Disciples all around him, when asked when his Kingdom would be established, holding up a Bro. David Splaine "Overlapping Generations" chart and lecturing from that? My guess is that the actual percentages are closer to 15% being right and 85% wrong. In warfare, this is known as a massacre.
  15. I find that good mental health (...well, as much as I can manage ...) is to relegate those things that are invisible with no evidence to a shelf that says "Wait and See", and then .... wait and see. How does the sealing of the 144,000 relate to anything in our contemporary experience? 1914? 1975? 2034? 2060? If I had PERFECT and COMPLETE Knowledge, its all beyond my "pay grade", and I can do absolutely NOTHING about any of it. ....neither can you. Have patience, Grasshopper. Soon enough you will know, and arguing or sweating about it will not change anything. Nothing whatsoever. ....and in the meantime, you can have a calm mind, and a peaceful heart.
  16. Here's a thought from the 1st chapter of Ezekial .... makes ya wanna go "Hmmmmmm?" ... 15 As I was watching the living creatures, I saw one wheel on the earth beside each of the living creatures with four faces.+ 16 The wheels and their structure appeared to glow like chrysʹo·lite, and the four of them looked alike. Their appearance and structure looked as though a wheel were within a wheel.* 17 When they moved, they could go in any of the four directions without turning as they went. (see above illustration ....)
  17. You REALLY need to see that TED video! Probably me, more than you ... and it is only 17 minutes long. The picture you have is a landscape photograph.
  18. Thank you xero, for your TED TALK video. I really needed to see that. One of many points was about creativity. …… I would rate that video three wags.
  19. I don't understand it myself, so perhaps we could get Governing Body Member Bro. David Splaine, or Bro. Rando to explain about the "Overlapping Generations".
  20. Just THINK of the opportunities we will have if Extraterrestrial life forms visit Earth, and want to study the Bible with us!
  21. How would solid, incontrovertible evidence of Extraterrestrial Aliens affect your Theology? For the last several months there have been more and more "credible" reports of UFOs being reported on the news, and the U.S. Military is admitting that UFO's exist, and have photography of many incidents, some of which have been released. Trump declassified ALL UFO records held by the government. If this all proves to be true ..... ........ how will that affect your theological view of the Universe?
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