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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. … “ CAMBRIDGE, MA — The President of Harvard University, Claudine Gay, announced today that the university has installed Jew detectors at all entrances. "This is a step in the right direction," President Gay told reporters. "It might not be the last step. We are always looking for a final solution to the Jewish problem on campus." The move to install Jew detectors at all entrances comes amidst a wave of anti-semitic attacks on campus. The hope in using the detector system is that, once detected, Jewish students can be safely concentrated away in a location or camp where they will be free to be Jewish away from the other students. The detectors, which claim to be capable of detecting a Jew with 99.99% accuracy, are designed to pick up the most blatant Zionism, basic ethnic markers, and even the slightest trace of disgust over the targeted murder and kidnapping of children for the noble cause of freeing Palestine. "The Jew detector systems we have installed show our resolve in tackling bigotry and keeping everybody safe while maintaining our commitment to free expression and tolerance," Gay said in her announcement.” The Babylon Bee
  2. If in fact you actually deal with academia every day, you have my sympathies.
  3. When I helped design the Pittsburgh, PA Light Rail down Liberty Avenue in 1977, “The T”, there was a Phd. Registered Civil Engineer who used to hang out at my desk to chat, a much more highly educated man than me, named George. He would carry an armload of papers around with him, and often left them on my desk. I figured they were important so I set them aside, thinking he would miss them and return for them. He never did. He invited me to a Peter, Paul, and Mary Concert. He’s probably dead now, but the last I heard he was arguing religion with a vending machine in the hallway. I never knew if it was a snack or drink machine. It does not matter.
  4. No, Georgie, you are making up false premises entirely from your own imagination. … as you habitually do multiple times in almost every one of your posts. Read over your last six or eight posts. Or better still … “get out of the basement more”. As with everyone, too soon you will be DEAD, and none of this will matter …. or even be remembered. It does not matter.
  5. Georgie, it is clear you are confusing this collective audience with people somewhere else that may (and I am being generous here …) care about your irrational delusions. They are entertaining. They are sadly funny, in a cringeworthy sort of way. You are stuck in your Agenda like a prehistoric bug in amber. Forever frozen in time. I hope that before you die, you are able to break free.
  6. It’s impossible for me to care less about your library, Georgie …. as I stated, I was just trying to verify whether or not you were lying about that particular book being in your personal library … which I considered to be highly improbable.
  7. The clinical term for the belief that everyone is in agreement with oneself, despite evidence to the contrary, is "grandiosity" or "delusions of grandeur." It's often associated with certain mental health conditions like narcissistic personality disorder or bipolar disorder. - ChatGBT
  8. “The clinical term for someone who believes that every statement they make is profound is "grandiosity" or "grandiose delusions." This can be a symptom of certain mental health conditions such as narcissistic personality disorder or bipolar disorder during a manic episode.” - ChatGBT
  9. Just as an aside …. when George said my library, I understood it to be his personal library, which I knew PROBABLY was not true. I tried to verify. When JWI stated “my library”, I understood it correctly.
  10. When you see giant golden arrows embedded in burning military equipment globally …. text me.
  11. very simple …. The Bible says that Christ’s Kingdom will be established by destroying all competing governments at Armageddon. LOOK OUT THE WINDOW AND DESCRIBE WHAT YOU SEE WITH YOUR OWN EYES! … it’s THAT simple. Zero evidence that 1914 mattered to God.
  12. To me, this is not a math problem, this is a perception problem. I made my living doing calculations for 40 years, but it was always an adjunct to proving something that existed or would exist in the real world. Train tracks that lined up, bridges that didn’t collapse, sewers that would not overflow, refineries that worked efficiently, and sites that drained properly etc. etc. I have argued with other engineers about how much precision was necessary in calculations, as I always used six decimal places, to avoid creeping truncation errors, but the calculation was NOT THE END PRODUCT. The End Product was something important in the REAL world. So …. what’s important about one or two or 20 or 70 years …2600 or so years ago, on the other side of the planet, by peoples and nations … whole civilizations that don’t exist anymore? It is perceived that this is important because when you add up a whole bunch of numbers it either succeeds or fails in getting you to 1914, which without the slightest infinitesimal shred of REAL evidence is when Christ established his Kingdom … or something along those lines. It’s hard to keep up ‘cause the goalposts are constantly being moved. 100.000000% of hard facts say WWI, the “Great War” was a 1914 coincidence. Looking at real evidence, NOTHING supports the idea that Armageddon occurred, and Christ established ANYTHING in 1914. if the elements being intensely hot had melted, etc., SOMEONE would have noticed. The Bible actually describes EXACTLY what humans would see when Christ returns in Kingdom Power. The destruction of all competing governments! Armageddon. Please correct me if you have any evidence Armageddon has already occurred. Remember evidence? If your extensive calculations, checked and double checked, PROVE a chicken is spherical …. LOOK AT THE CHICKEN!
  13. … A farmer, a physicist, and a mathematician are tasked with designing a fence to enclose a flock of spherical chickens. The farmer suggests a simple circular fence, but the physicist argues that a cylindrical fence would be more efficient. The mathematician ponders for a moment and then says, "I have a solution. First, assume a spherical chicken..."
  14. I have tried to follow along with the discussions here, but it seems I am lost and not able to do so. I suspect that it is somewhat similar to quantum physicists from Cornell University in New York arguing with quantum physicists at Stanford University in California. Unless that is your intense area of interest, everyone else will just fade out. So if you will take a moment and indulge me, a single paragraph? To me the bottom line is “was God’s kingdom established, the return of Christ in any form whatsoever in 1914 or 1918, or 1915 or whatever the current flavor is.?” I assume that’s why these discussions are apparently important? It’s to prove or disprove some thing or another about THAT? Or what?
  15. “ …. pay no attention to the man (men) behind the curtain …” (Wizard of Oz) …. and anytime someone says “… no doubt …” it is a red rocket flare arcing high into the night sky!
  16. So … um … what’s a “pivotal year”, and how many of them have there been in history? I think of a “pivotal year” being something like 65,203,112 BCE when the dinosaurs were wiped out, with 95% of all other living things on Earth. ….. and with all the dates being bandied about, did anyone take into account “leap years” and other “adjustments”? I seem to remember something about the Popes screwing around with calendars, cancelling 7 months (?) and people being infuriated because they thought seven (?) months of their lives had been lost. If priests of Marduk in Babylon did similar things and didn’t leave records …. well ….. BLOOIE!
  17. Thank you … my sentiments exactly. That’s why I DON’T care, anymore about dates. 42 is all I need to know.
  18. With all the effort spent here and everywhere else to analyze these dates, and get it right … the point I have missed is “WHY?”. I think my experiences with “1975” destroyed my faith in reliance on such things, but perhaps I missed something. The logic and reasoning supporting “overlapping generations” was no help. ADD is a two edged sword, I have learned. Tens of thousands of people have been arguing for and against certain dates for at least a century. WHY is this THAT IMPORTANT?
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