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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. I am confused. PWfT says: How will you know? Will they have an endorsement on their Driver's Licenses? Will they have a star on the end of a stick they can wave around, and with a "Bippity Bobbety Boo!" make some sort of magic happen? Will they be driven around in a limousine, with bodyguards in dark sunglasses? Try to visualize BEING a Thermos bottle, that can keep things hot .... or keep things cold. How do you know? PWfT .... for your convenience I have made a list of TEN things that will identify a TA. .... all you have to do is fill in the blanks. 1.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 4.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 5.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 6.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 7.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 8.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 9.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 10.) _____________________________________________________________________________ . .
  2. Since I have VERY limited vocalization abilities, and can only type with my thumbs, which are half-way up my front legs ( go figure! ), and realizing that NOBODY alive knows how to REALLY pronounce the name of the one and only Almighty God, what works for me is to use the address "Almighty and only True God, Jehovah", and figure as much as Jehovah put up with humans in the past, perhaps even today it is intent, over formality, that counts. It's like when my Guardian talks to me ... " Pudgy! blah blah Blah blah blah Pudgy blah blah blah blah BLAH blah blah Pudgy". I think there should be a rule, that if you pick at the nits, you have to eat them.
  3. “Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true.” - Homer Simpson
  4. Thank you Cesar, for these quoted scriptures. The points you make are VERY valid, and the quoted scriptures specifically backs them up. It sure conflicts with the natural tendency of humans to go on "witch hunts" I am sure one day my Guardian would like to actually become the man I think he is. It is the natural tendency for all dogs to forgive all humans. Perhaps that is why, it is generally said, that "All dogs go to Heaven".
  5. I agree with Cesar ... at night when I am curled up in front of my dog house, looking at the moonless clear night sky, I too find it offensive that I have to endure the sight of all that trash floating around out "there". .... of course, this is just the opinion of someone who has hairs growing out the side of his nose, which obscures my vision. ..... perhaps Cesar has a similar problem.
  6. Without even opening the Video posted, I can tell the speaker is wrong. .... he has a beard.
  7. "Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true." -- Homer Simpson
  8. Everyone knows that Baptists and Catholics have an extremely "flexible" religion as to badness .... what with all the in which witch burnings, inquisitions and what-not .... and that the JWs give lip service to being above all of that. When dog bites man ... it's not big news. When man bites dog .... it is !
  9. But I will agree that instead of the REAL James Bond, Sean Connery .... watching Roger Moore as James Bond certainly rots the mind.
  10. You know ... if watching James Bond flix are immoral. perhaps reading about a man would slaughter people all day long, in hand-to hand combat, year after year, in great quantities, then cut off the ends of their penises, and present them to his wife in a big box, is equally something that reading about is immoral. A man also guilty of premeditated 1st degree murder, and adultery. ... and of course, I am taking about King David
  11. What! So here we have a case of you literally "picking a bone" with me ! Shameful! I shall report you to the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm!
  12. At the current time, no one on planet Earth is either ! Oh, except perhaps to take some mice out of mousetraps at periodic intervals. I do go to "Bones Anonymous " meetings ...... ...anyway ... it's OK, 'cause I am a "Service Dog".
  13. I understand from the Hamster and Gerbil Underground that they have a contract out on you.
  14. I personally do not mind if you are here. or anywhere at all. I just come here, expecting you to stroke out in mid typed sentence.
  15. ...so did Quisling, former Prime Minister of Norway during the Nazi Occupation, EVEN when he was executed by firing squad by the Norwegian people. ...and to be fair ... if anyone attacks you. it's not really you that they are attackng ... its your goofball ideas. philosophy, and general hatefulness toward them.
  16. From your own perspective, quoted above, you greatly esteem being a witness to the Watchtower, and consider those that are not to be witnesses of Satan. I suspect those you accuse are just trying to "get by" .... hoping to someday achieve the goal of being Witnesses to Jehovah. ....there IS a difference.
  17. Then both of you have my profound sympathies. ... I expect you will certainly miss the irony of your statement.
  18. ... and you, Ceser, are ALSO wrong about wolves not needing a veterinarian. We have coyotes where I live and they are a miserable lot ... full of ticks, fleas, intestinal and heart worms and parasites, and dozens of others; infections of every sort, crippled, on the verge of starvation, their skin and fur with open sores, mange and other diseases. Even Rabies. How does it feel to be wrong about EVERYTHING, because of malicious bitterness?
  19. Well ... the Brothers in Russia were arrested and convicted and are now serving sentences for being terrorists/extremists, and the enemys of civilization ... none of which are true. Witnesses are the most sheeplike persons on Earth, although that is not an exclusive club. Years ago we studied the differences between a reproach (accusation), and a reproof (conviction) .... but that must have been before your time, Seezer, as it is apparent you do not know the real life difference. Even with the Brother's convictions in Russia, they are still in reality free from any reproach or accusation by virtuous men who know the difference. You destroy any credibility you might have had with wild accusations at EVERYBODY, and calling virtuous Brothers with a viewpoint that does not agree with yours sons and daughters of Satan. ..... such is the stuff witch hunts are made of.
  20. You are living in a fantasy world. How many times do wolves get to a veterinarian?
  21. That is true ..... but I do recognize hateful, unhappy bitterness and malicious insulting insecurity in humans. Your misery screams out ahead of you like a runaway locomotive approaching a bridge-out.
  22. It has been said about Sailboats ( a memed "money pit" .... a hole in the water into which you have to continually throw money ...), that the two happiest days in a man's life is the day he buys his Sailboat .... and the day he sells it.
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