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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. If you are "wisdom personified" I will pass ...... Even dogs, disgusting as we are, know not to be hateful, insulting, vindictive and malicious. Willy-Nilly, most people LIKE dogs, because we are naturally happy! Your misery screams out ahead of you like a runaway locomotive approaching a bridge-out.
  2. I have a distinct advantage, as I have no clothes, and therefore no pockets, and I do not have to make a grab for my wallet when SkyPilots try to induce me into having a panic attack. I do have a very nice collar I wear to the Meetings .....
  3. The same way you tip a cow? (... sneak up on them at night and push them over.)
  4. cEEZAR Do you not realize that by not making specific objections to JWI's account of life at Bethel, that you have validated it? ALL of it. Thanks for the validating! .... don't forget to tip your waitresses. Note, Question to the great washed masses: What ASCII code produces this ... r⃗ ?
  5. ..... unless of course you are a man having a conversation with a woman .... then you are ALWAYS wrong. The reason men play the Lottery more than women is that they think the odds are better at winning. ...... and the reason that men die almost a decade before women is ..... ... they want to.
  6. Of course, neither Dogs or Jehovah's Witnesses vote. For Dogs it is because of the failed French Poodle rebellion of 1870, and we have had to eat from dishes on the ground, since then.
  7. In Finland the government considers any suppression of the right to vote to be a violation of basic human decency and God-given rights of dignity and self determination. As such as they threatened Jehovah’s Witnesses with revocation of the charity status if they were involved with anything and violated basic human rights. Jehovah’s Witness charity status entitles them by law to siphon off tax money in relationship to how many parishioners they have and in this case it’s about $12 million a year. The Society does not want to lose that money, so they have made a dispensation for Finnish Jehovah’s Witnesses, and there’s no congregational sanctions of any sort if a Witness wants to vote in Finnish elections. I know of one brother locally who the Elders called him up and ask if he had voted because they saw he was a registered voter. He related the incident above and they had nothing to say.
  8. .... most dogs have an IQ of about 120, but remember that you have to divide that by seven.
  9. ... oh and don't forget, if you think you feel a stroke coming on, just double up on those fertility pills ....
  10. Sen-yor Chavez ... if I may pose a relevant question .... It seems that from what I have been reading in the past few months here on the Archive, that EVERYBODY without exception is mentally ill .... except you? My Guardian is ASD .... he even labels my dog water bowl and food bowl with a tape label maker, which I have noticed is also labeled with a yellow tape "Label Maker" on the label maker. And on the label of the label maker's label that says "Label Maker", is a tiny label that says "Label",
  11. Correctly handling the "Word of Truth", is the same as correctly handling a saw, a hammer, a level, or any other tool. WORDS are the tools with which we think. If we use tools in a wrong way, what we build will be crap. If we use words in a wrong way, what we think will be crap. My considered dogged opinion is that Sen-yor Chavez is on the verge of hysterical panic.
  12. FINLAND - Jehovah's Witness Leaders Suspected of Fundraising Crime News If you have a religion in Finland and want to raise money for a religion, you need a permission to do so. Permission must be applied for from the state. Jehovah's Witnesses have raised money in the Watchtower without permission, which is against the fundraising law. Religions in Finland are allowed to raise money without permission with collection (in practice this means passing of a collection plate at the religious event). Because Jehovah's Witnesses do not practice that kind of collection, they should have applied permission to raise money. Collecting money with a bank account number is prohibited without permission. The case is all over the newspapers in Finland. Google translator: The whole article: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fi&tl=en&u=https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000007917890.html And the question of "why Jehovah's Witnesses have not applied for permission to raise money?": in order to obtain permission, a statement of religion financial policies is required. Possibly they didn't want open their financial policies.
  13. 01010100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00100000 01100110 01110101 01101110 01101110 01111001 00100001
  14. Cartoon Ducks can pronounce the word despicable, but they cannot pronounce the letter T.
  15. My mistake .... It seems EVERYBODY except sEN-OR Chavez are ignorant, maggots, deaf, dumb, stupid, worthless critics, hypocrites, scum, uneducated, clueless, and animals ..... except sEN-OR Chaves. I stand corrected.
  16. .... it's hard to insult someone who has whiskers growing out the side of his nose, and thumbs on his legs ....
  17. Um..... this is all so confusing ..... It seems EVERYBODY except Senor Chavez is ignorant, scum, uneducated, clueless, stupid and animals. ........ What are the odds of THAT?
  18. Dogs are slaves. It beats starving to death, infested with ticks, fleas and parasites of every sort. I suspect the same is true with most humans with limited mental capacity, parenting, and resources.
  19. I remember back in the Old Testament how Jehovah tolerated a GREAT DEAL of error with his people .... until it reached a certain unrecoverable breaking point. Jehovah is our God, not because he needs to be worshiped, but that by doing so we all get on the same channel, and his favorite project (that we know about) prospers and does well. If we had pet hamsters or gerbils, we would not cut off their heads because they constantly poop and pee in their enclosures. (... insert many other profound related observations below: )
  20. Of course, I promote the illustrated book, “The Pokey Little Puppy”, one of the most popular books in the world, since 1942.
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