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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. I am well aware that there are some here with no sense of humor, or sense of satire, who will say to themselves “what the hell is he talking about?”, But I’m hoping enough will … to make the points I’m trying to make.
  2. The practical value of the above method is particularly valuable to insomniacs, as you can guitar pick yourself into a coma.
  3. There are several iOS (Apple iPhone) Apps available that can provide dates for past astronomical events based on GPS coordinates. Apps like SkySafari, Star Walk, and Night Sky offer features that allow you to input your location and view past astronomical events such as eclipses, planetary alignments, and meteor showers. These apps typically have databases of historical astronomical data that can be accessed based on your location and desired time frame. Make a hand drawn chart. Pick six dates and separate the numbers in groups of 1 or 2. Ignore numbers over 65. Annotate the chart’s title with this sequence … example: ”52 27 3 61 63 12 Rearrange the first five numbers from lowest to highest …. example: 3 27 52 61 63 and (12) Examination of whatever numbers YOU CALCULATED (… don’t use the numbers shown), you will notice they make, or infer really great Lottery Numbers Results may vary. Remember, in the words of the Prophet and guitar picker Desert Pete (paraphrased) “You’ve got to prime the pump, ya gotta have faith and believe! Ya gotta prime the pump, if that money you’d receive!” Results may vary.
  4. After 12 pages of discussion/argument about this, I have lost track which side is “winning” the argument. But either way, what is the end product of WHY this is apparently so important? What practical value will knowing the correct answer have? It seems to me that being able to PROVE MATHEMATICALLY that Christ began ruling in 1914 or 1918, and Armageddon occurred then is useless …. as there is not a single piece of evidence on planet Earth that supports that supposition. None whatsoever. World War I and 1914 was, based on everything that is real, was only a coincidence.
  5. (… looks at bulging pressure gauge …) Yep, (checks watch …) two more days ought to do it!
  6. If you ever put Georgie on the spot, asking for him to prove his assertions, he ALWAYS chokes, and launches ad hominem attacks, and irrelevant diversions.
  7. Just how am I “protected”? … and what the hell does that even mean? Your hatred and jealousy of me has distorted your thinking. You see things so very clearly that DO NOT EXIST. HERE IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE:
  8. The bottom line of all this bickering and insults, and “dueling experts”, accompanied by frantic toothless banjo solos is this: Armageddon did NOT occur in 1874, 1888, 1914, 1915, 1925 … or 1975. I did not occur before the end of the millennium, in 2000. So …. does it REALLY matter about 539, or 537, or 607 etc.? What BOTH sides are trying to support … DIDN’T HAPPEN. There is not the slightest shred of evidence to support ANYTHING other than a “Great War” between nations … happened in 1914.
  9. …. I was wondering how long it would take for others to lose patience with Wally. ….. probably two more days ought to be.enough to reach critical mass.
  10. Armageddon did not happen in 1914. No possible way to ignore that. THAT makes WWI ONLY A COINCIDENCE.
  11. All of the above discussions, and every detail of the above discussions by all sides are totally irrelevant. World War One and Two, remember? Anytime you can incinerate 90,000 people in an instant by making a star over their city makes all other previous human combat irrelevant. The fact that it was about 2600 years ago and the only evidence is a siege ramp of hand thrown stones up to the inner walls of Ninevah, or Massda, or one wall in Jerusalem makes the whole thing ONLY, and I repeat ONLY … an intellectual exercise. Armageddon didn’t happen in 1914. WWI was a COINCIDENCE. Nothing argued here will change that. Nothing!
  12. That last sentence reminds me of a sympathetic person of younger age with a poor memory who doesn’t think about what is actually being stated.
  13. Somebody famous, I think it was Robert A. Heinlein, who said “if it cannot be expressed in numbers…… It is opinion.“. The more I think about that, the more I realize it’s true. …. just because it is opinion does not mean that it is not true, but the level of suspicion is much higher.
  14. That is because universally you see quite clearly things that do not exist. The things which DO actually exist your stated agenda prohibits you from seeing. Your incomprehension is self-inflicted.
  15. REPLY TO GEORGE88 If you're asking if you are wrong with everything you post, then I agree with you, lol! 🔄 Answer: No. You are seeing things which do not exist. If you're asking if JWI is wrong along with you in your assumption about AI, then I agree with you. 🔄 Answer: No. You are seeing things which do not exist. If you're asking if people in the closed club have nothing better to do than distort the truth, then I agree with you. 🔄 Answer: No. You are seeing things which do not exist. If you're suggesting that disaffected witnesses and excommunicated individuals share similar views to apostates, then I agree with you. 🔄 Answer: No. You are seeing things which do not exist. If you think that misrepresenting facts to assert false claims about chronology because you don't understand how tointerpret history correctly, then I agree with you. 🔄 Answer: No. You are seeing things which do not exist. Can we agree on that? 🔄 Answer: No. You are seeing things which do not exist.
  16. Who are you agreeing with? I have NEVER opined on this issue, ever … because I don’t care at all about fuzzy stuff that may or may not have happened 2600 or so years ago. It’s IMPOSSIBLE for me to be wrong, because I am not promoting ANY date. I have never “manipulated any calculations”. It’s very, very simple. Your agenda driven hatred of me has completely warped your thinking processes. You see clearly things which do not exist.
  17. … at least Joe Biden has a good excuse for forgetting what he’s talking about … he’s in his 80’s and demonstrably senile …. … when you reply “Exactly.” that means you agreed, Georgie. Woops! …. let’s make sure I quoted you in context …..
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