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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. You’re reading comprehension is woefully deficient. What part of “I don’t care” did you not understand? Even a rational, provable correct answer has absolutely NO PRACTICAL VALUE . (…. sheesh! …. what do you do with someone who AGREES with your question, but does not answer it …?)
  2. … At least, knowing the exact speed of light, you can properly calibrate a LIGO.
  3. If you translate from the original Babylonian language it can mean one of two things: 1) “Overlapping generations? Yeah!”, or 2) “ Who gives a crap? Yeah!”. IF YOU HAD THE CORRECT ANSWER AND COULD PROVE IT, OF WHAT PRACTICAL VALUE WOULD IT BE NOW?
  4. Refer to JWI’s last post and my previous posts. By the way, the speed of light in linear statute miles per second is approximately 186,282.397 miles per second. NOT 186,000 miles per second.
  5. So …. to sum it up in one very short conclusion …. what can be said with certainty about all this that is true? What’s the bottom line?
  6. I know what you are thinking … The Flintstones could not have existed at the same time as the dinosaurs because of the mass extinctions 65 million years ago! Well … two species survived, “Thesaurus Cartooni”, and “Nobodysaurus Cartooni”. If all the other reasonings are valid without hard proof …. um …. well …. you know.
  7. Did I ever mention that I have a Polaroid picture of Fred Flintstone? I know it’s authentic, it’s dated and signed!
  8. I really, really miss having an intense interest in such things. I stopped when I realized if you assume EVERYBODY is a quack, especially about things that have NO PRACTICAL VALUE … the reward is peace and contentment. Sleeping beside me on the sofa as I write this are three happy dogs. …. it’s more than enough.
  9. “Transparent Aluminum” was a fictional material introduced in the movie “Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home”, which formula (at that time was also fictional), traded for some large plexiglass sheets to make a whale carrier. Transparent aluminum, today, also known as aluminum oxynitride (AlON), is made through a process called hot isostatic pressing (HIP). In this process, aluminum oxide (alumina) powder is subjected to high temperature and pressure in the presence of nitrogen gas. This causes the aluminum oxide to react with nitrogen, forming aluminum oxynitride, which has transparent properties. The resulting material is then cooled and shaped into the desired form. Transparent aluminum is valued for its high strength, transparency, and resistance to damage from extreme environments.
  10. The reason we are making fun of your image, Georgie is that although you purport ( suggest?, represent?, “other?”) it to be an image of Jesus, that idea is very funny. It’s OBVIOUSLY a fuzzy image taken from a great distance in the 1970s on outdated tri-x pan Kodak film exposed at ASA 2400, and developed in Acufine developer when it should have been developed in two step Diafine developer, resulting in a thin negative. Because of that, it was then enhanced with Kodak chromium intensifier, or the image would not be printable. It was then enlarged on an Omega B22 enlarger on Kodak variable contrast paper with a magenta #3 filter. The image you provided is very valuable as it is quite obviously the FIRST recorded image of a ManBearPig eating a Chihuahua. EASILY worth $150,000 to the right buyer.
  11. Wiener Schnitzel and Beef Franks sounds like “overlapping” Tube Steaks to me!
  12. As of todays date, there is no such thing as synthetic blood. There is COW’S blood, highly filtered, with additives, mislabeled “Artificial Human Blood”.
  13. Father Guido Sarducci is played by a comedian Don Novello, who wrote a book of letters he sent to many famous people… and their replies. It’s worth the price. ”The Lazlo Letters”
  14. For $35,000 you can have my slice of burnt pizza with Nathan H. Knoor!
  15. WDS Watchtower Derangement Syndrome. ”The sword that cuts both ways” (tm) There are those agenda driven people who despise the “Watchtower People” and can see absolutely nothing right about any of it. There are those agenda driven people who worship everything “Watchtower” and will defend it no matter what the facts are. Both are very, very wrong …. but they tend to bloviate here. ”
  16. The Governments give money to the Watchtower FOR CHARITY ….. not to finance building projects or lifestyle.
  17. The POINT was that the Congregation was specifically told by Jesus how to handle problems in Matthew 18, and to the point in Matthew 18:15 … and they refuse to do it that way. THAT …. is the point!
  18. Neurotic agenda driven envy always results in ignoring facts, and deranged obsessions. He AWAYS MISSES THE POINT(S). It’s called “obsessive cluelessness”. The WDS sword cuts both ways … and it cuts deep.
  19. It’s really, really sad in a way to see such neurotic insecurity and envy on display. But, I suppose Wally McNasty will ALWAYS be Wally McNasty, and distort reality at every opportunity. It is funny in a way, sorta like watching a guy with big ears and no teeth hook his lower lip over his nose.
  20. On a related note, yesterday was Groundhog Day, and Joe Biden tried to shake hands with his shadow.
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