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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. If you take away all the video clips, and the music, what in the world is he saying is the reason they left Mormanism? Is it because the guy was gay and the woman was a lesbian? It seemed to me a compilation of irrelevancies. Without SPECIFICITY, it’s all narrative noise. In fact, if you are not “gender dysphoric” (whatever that meant in their case …(?) …), if you did not know better, it might be considered a commercial for LDS.
  2. The only reason my posts are irrelevant TO YOU is you are clueless as to parallism of ideas. That’s why your strained responses of irrelevancy are so stupid. A common problem for those with NO sense of humor. They think biting satire is irrelevant.
  3. Pesky facts! The “arguements” are only irrelevant if you get called out on making specious ones.
  4. .. Perhaps you see something that I missed, but The Babylon Bee did not depict Bro. Jackson’s goatee, real or fictional. I know it’s silly asking you for SPECIFICS, as in the past you have NEVER been able to supply any … but perhaps this time you CAN?
  5. It appears Jehovah has a sense of humor. Look at the Hippopotamus!
  6. Pudgy thinks: You do not have the SLIGHTEST CLUE, what that satire was really saying….. or that it was a SATIRE! Oh Really? Well, I think wearing a hat should be a Capital Offense for Christian men. Only women should have to wear hats! … as long as the Whack-A- Moles don’t start wearing those silly turned-around-backwards baseball caps.
  7. .. LOUISVILLE, KY — The angels of Heaven rejoiced today at the addition of another member of God's kingdom, as a local unbeliever converted to Christianity after seeing Christians bickering with each other online. The man, who had spent his entire life attempting to resist the call of the Holy Spirit, finally succumbed to the all-powerful drawing of God when he witnessed two professing believers viciously attacking each other on social media. "This is what I want my life to be like," said Ethan Gregory after following the extended argument online. "The way they were insulting each other, the anger I could sense radiating from their comments…it's really a compelling case to be a Christian. I can't run away from God. I want to be just like these guys. Count me in!" "I was blind, but now I see!" The Christians Gregory had seen online were mercilessly attacking each other over whether or not men should be allowed to wear hats in church. "Scripture is clear on this subject! You clearly have never read a Bible in your LIFE!" commented one man. "I have freedom in Christ! That discussion in the Bible was for specific people in a specific period! You're being super legalistic here, bro!" replied another man. In all, the men posted 347 comments and replies to each other over the course of three hours, ignoring their other life responsibilities and sealing the deal for Ethan Gregory to surrender his heart to Jesus. "It was an awe-inspiring display," Gregory said, tearfully. "I've never seen the principles of Christ's teachings exemplified any better."
  8. I know that it is just semantics, but it’s a very important point…… As an example the US Constitution does not give you any rights at all …… NONE ….. What it does is provide a protection, if followed by honorable man, for the rights that you already have by virtue of the fact that they are inalienable.. Necessary because we are so fragile, of all the creatures on earth. It takes 20 years or more to mature. We are not empowered to wear a beard. It’s part of a man’s genetic make up to naturally go a beard, the same way a man naturally grows arms, or toenails. Jehovah God when he created Homo Sapiens, or Homo Theocraticus, and almost all human species genetic variants, gave males the ability to go a beard. It comes with testosterone. Precision definitions of words will give you precision thinking. If you use the wrong words for things, you’re thinking processes are doomed.
  9. If it’s so OBVIOUS how the image of Bro. Jackson is manipulated … tell me in what ways THIS ONE was manipulated. You NEVER SUPPLY SPECIFICS which relegates your opinions to …. your opinions. Here…..
  10. No, I have no challenge at all. I am the one who assumes it’s 100% true. AND I’m not asking anyone else to…. AND it’s only a best guess, anyway …. You are the one who will disbelieve every photo until you see him in person. ….. forgot about that?
  11. Combined with GB Update No. 2023-8, and the fact that I have no “fur” in the game, my best guess is that this is 100% TRUE.
  12. If your assertions are provably correct, and not based on irrational hatred, malice and neurotic insecurity, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for someone to dismantle you emotionally. When they attack, it’s just another “day at the office”, playing Whack-A-Mole during coffee breaks in the lunchroom. BUT, if you cannot PROVE what you are asserting, because objectively it is not in actual fact true …. WITH SPECIFICS …. intellectual Whack-A-Mole will bite you where the sun don’t shine.
  13. Hopefully, the publishing of Governing Body Update 2023-8 on December 15, 2023 about beards will help heal some great injustices that have taken place over the last 80 plus years in the Congregations, and usher in an era of much needed and long overdue reforms. I am glad to have lived long enough to see it happen, where Liberty is proclaimed throughout the Earth. In his second inaugural address, delivered on March 4, 1865, during the final stages of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln emphasized unity and reconciliation. He famously stated, "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds." The address reflected Lincoln's commitment to healing the nation and rebuilding after a divisive conflict. May we do the same. When I saw the picture of Bro. Jackson with the goatee, I did not think it was fake. I thought it looked good, and set a good example that Update No. 8 greatly needed to overcome 80 plus years of, as was admitted, unscriptural policy.
  14. You’re Right! I enlarged the picture. It’s clearly a FAKE!
  15. A Bethelite documented how Bro. Jackson came to the decision to wear a beard. It was actually his GB Helper’s idea!
  16. It’s “old news”, possibly 4 or 5 years old … There will be a Governing Body update #2105-8 to all Branch Offices and Congregations worldwide sometime after about 80+ years. All the Elders will be … um … scratching their beards.
  17. Well …. I am just glad that in Finland the WTB&TS decided that the $12,000,000 government tax subsidy was so important that now … in Finland … there are (theoretically) no Congregational sanctions against Brothers and Sisters voting for issues they believe in (This has all been extensively discussed here previously at great length …), because Finland considers voting a fundamental human right that must never be abridged, or punished. Had the society not done this they would have been “deregistered”, AND forfeited all that moolah! Be careful when someone in AUTHORITY tells you how to view something that may cause the civilization you depend on to succeed or fail, taking you with it either way. How many times have “they” been right …. and how many times have “they” been wrong? The answer is important! If “they” are wrong … , “they” pay NO Price whatsoever … not even an apology for screwing up your lives. Follow the money, and you learn WHY things really happen.
  18. Papa Goldfish to Mama Goldfish, in their Golden Years “ You know, babe, we have had a good life in this pond, plenty of food, clean water, and seen the birth of our 22,000 children. We should celebrate!” ” A life without celebration is like sleeping upside down on the surface.”
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