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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. Most everything is “beyond you” George, because you are hung up on your agenda, when the thread is about the appropriateness of JW customs, traditions, and POLICIES OF BAPTISMS.

    Why don’t you start your OWN thread, and see what kind of response you get?

    See how many people respond to your diversionary agenda defending the indefensible.







  2. 1 hour ago, BTK59 said:

    . It is essential to note that baptism does not shield anyone from exposure to such risks, nor does it guarantee anyone's safety.
    That is the distortion of Srecko's post, refute it if you can.

    …. since neither Srecko Sostar nor I made any such assertion …. not even CLOSE … there is no need to refute your false premise(s).



  3. Srecko Sostar’s premise was ONLY about baptisms at a very young age. 

    As usual, BTK et al, your train has jumped the tracks and headed off as wreckage into the woods. 

    Your agenda is interfering with your comprehension and attention span.

    ”WDS - The Sword That Cuts Both Ways”.

  4. As far as tattoos being preferred over body mutilation, I suppose it depends on the tattoo and the alternate mutilation. 

    I suspect some Japanese Sister might prefer a tramp stamp over having her toes amputated.

  5. For years I have been thinking about a large chest tattoo, about the size of a Hyundai steering wheel, A red heart edged in lace, with an arrow through it, with flowing script “Mammy! From Alabammy! Put on some Eggs and Hammy! And don’t Flim Flammy! - Mammy!”,  …. but it would require my nipples for punctuation…..

  6. I KNOW not to trust anybody, and I KNOW I need to be able to prove ideas, opinions and conclusions BEFORE I make them out loud,  but I was snowed by the really great photo 

    That is not an excuse. 

  7. Perhaps I have been sucker punched, but the last 2024 photo I posted came from the JW.org website. It’s a straight screenshot of the Feb. 2024 WT. 

    In my search for the April 29, May 5, 2017 WT issue to check, I screwed up. 

    My apologies … still checking …..



    THIS is what I found in the February 2017 Digital JW.org files Watchtower.  

    It looks like I have been bamboozled … again, my apologies to all. 

    Thanks Tom for the well deserved criticism.

  8. I found the reference … in the April 29-May 5, 2017 Watchtower on the JW. org website, but Tony Morris’ existence was already being erased, as the photoshop changes had already been done on the WT digital records.

    It also shows the new GB members, totaling 9, which are two new current  2023 additions.

    If anyone has a paper copy of that Watchtower of 6 years ago (I don’t), please photograph and post it here.

    You know … the book “1984” was supposed to be a warning … not a policy manual.

    Assuming a six-month lead time on Watchtowers, the original photo was taken in December, 2016. (just a guess).

    I have known for years WHY the Society stopped producing Watchtower Bound Volumes, really, and seeing TPT actively getting erased from history, again confirms it.


  9. Actually, that is already active in Iran and areas governed by Sharia Law. Enforcers carry around a wooden dowel and measure pubic hair of suspected apostates by wrapping the hair around the dowel.  If the hair goes once around the dowel, they get punished as apostates.

    Cartoon dogs do not have any such problems, considering we have whiskers out the sides of our noses.


  10. HahaHAHha!

    It looks like the Dilbert cartoon was spot on!

    Perhaps George88, you could explain the following photo which has been used in previous publications, where non-person Anthony (tight pants Tony) Morrison is shown at the GB table (really great photo, by the way…. lighting, composition, posing etc. ….) which is in the February 2024 Watchtower but a NEW Governing Body Member has been photoshopped in where the nuanced theme throughout is that the entire Brotherhood has the collective memory of a goldfish.



  11. I think everybody here knows that, only God can bestow the Holy Spirit, what we are really analyzing is the silly excuses that for 80+ years were given to discriminate against beards.

    It is a well known phenomenon that if you want to exercise control over people, keep them off balance with authoratative false premises, enforced  with arbitrary use of power, and peer pressure.

    Hypnosis by grinding them down into numbness with 18 paragraphs when one will do.


  12. 4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Taking away or giving someone Freedom is a kind of tyranny, because they (GB) have taken a place that does not belong to them. They are not placed by God in a position to take away or give someone freedom of choice.

    that is a very important point…… Here in the United States people think that the Constitution gives or takes away freedoms and liberties. It does not. What it does is guarantees by law the freedoms that we as people have naturally because we are humans, and God has allowed us these freedoms and liberties.

    The Constitution  identifies natural rights and protections, but it not create them or “give” them to us.

  13. Read the U.S. Declaration of Independence, in it’s entirety. 

    86% of the Colonies endured British tyranny as “the way things are”.  Only 14% were willing to put their lives on the line to defeat arbitrary tyranny.

    For them the issues were not trivial.


    Severe persecution of Brothers FOR 80+ Years for unscriptural reasons is NOT a trivial matter.

  14. We are all guests here.

    If you were a guest in my house, and acted belligerent, snotty, insulting, unpleasant, argumentative or snide …. or for any reason whatsoever, real or imaginary, I did not consider you presence welcome, you would find yourself out on the street zip quick.

    Complaining that I am not “fair” would have no audience or consideration. Complaining that my motives are “because I did not LIKE you” would be correct. 

    The owners and moderators here have every right to run the show any way they see fit.

    I used to have my rants deleted regularly … and I took no offense or umbrage … because it’s THEIR forum.

    They do not represent themselves as Agents of God.


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