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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. 8 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    If you eliminate entrances, then apostates can’t place explosives at the entrances. If you eliminate parking lots, then apostates can’t shoot themselves in the parking lots.

    Your made-up drivel is patently insane.

    The quote above is what I ACTUALLY SAID.

    The quote below is ACTUALLY how you took it out of context.




    Now I will answer my own question “WHAT’S THAT?”.

    it’s your arrogant assumption that having windows at a Kingdom Hall is always a risk of being blown up …. ignoring the fact that my reply to Matthew9969 showed several Kingdom Halls, all with windows, and one with ENORMOUS windows etc., etc.


  2. 2 hours ago, George88 said:

    Remember to take your medication, old man. It is important to embrace your humanity and avoid degrading yourself as a dog, even though it's a better fit. I chose not to engage in the frivolous discussion, but I cannot ignore your misguided perception, even when expressed through your puppet, Matthew. Your tendency to twist situations to your own benefit is both predictable and misleading, leading only the most irrational individuals to believe you. Keep up the good work.

    You, as a proven liar, have made the nonsensical argument about eliminating an entrance that apostates couldn't leave a bomb on, which has resulted in incidents in Italy and other parts of the world to actually be factual, that you can't refute being wrong but want to deflect to other ignorance to hide the fact you are wrong.

    Quote  what I actually said in context, instead of your fantasy delusions. 

    Your made-up drivel is patently insane, Georgie.

    A fantasy construct of your own malicious, arrogant mind, with one (1) exception.

    I am an old man and i take medicine.

    Duh, Dick Tracy!

  3. 3 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Maybe they will do the sacrilgious and start building kingdom halls with windows?

    And Georgie …. I was not defending Matthew9969, until you falsely accused him.

    I knew where he was headed with the “windows” comment and was preparing a FACTUAL rebuttal.

    Your vicious unwarranted slander of Matthew9969 was just further proof that you make drivel up from your malicious imagination.


    Your made-up drivel is patently insane, Georgie.

  4. Your big problem, Georgie, is after you completely misunderstand the conversation, you make stuff up from NOTHING except your imagination, reformat the drivel into slander and with malicious intent post it.

    Your made-up drivel is patently insane.


  5. 14 minutes ago, George88 said:

    Could you clarify how you plan to debunk the claims made by journalists? Are you implying that they were deliberately being dishonest?

    Both those suppositions you made up completely, 100%,  from your own paranoia. 

    Your made-up drivel is patently insane.

    ( and your insults are not based in fact, clearly malicious, and pathetically lame.)


  6. 32 minutes ago, George88 said:

    You should also consider the one that happened in Italy in 2023 with a comparable situation. Therefore, let's not underestimate the possibilities of someone like Matthew are capable of doing.

    Not only is that accusation unfair, it is entirely without any foundation whatsoever,  is slanderous and malicious in nature.

    It is also mega-level paranoid.

    If you eliminate entrances, then apostates can’t place explosives at the entrances. If you eliminate parking lots, then apostates can’t shoot themselves in the parking lots.

    Your made-up drivel is patently insane.

  7. Your made-up drivel is patently insane.

    Not only is that accusation unfair, it is entirely without any foundation whatsoever,  is slanderous and malicious in nature.

    It is also mega-level paranoid.

  8. BTK59 …. You gave my statement of fact a “downvote”.

    If you know that I have written wrongly, it is your responsibility to correct me and set the matter straight. 

  9. I remember many years ago, a landmarks commission ruled that an old Civil War home in Mechanicsville Virginia could not  be torn down and replaced due to its historic value. So the developer proposed that this home be completely enclosed in a museum to protect it.

    The landmark commission approved this and they built the new building around the Civil War home.

    Soon after that, the Civil War home being totally enclosed inside another building, they destroyed the Civil War home and made the building an office building.


  10. It sounds very reasonable, whether true or not true. If true, then there is the “problem” of say, as an example only, one might disfellowshipped for openly celebrating your childrens’ birthdays in 2026, and a week later it’s a “conscience matter. Or the blood issue, same thing. 

    It’s macavellian to make arbitrary rules  and regulation just for the purpose of intimidation and fear, but it is a common practice everywhere, and sometimes is fully justified.

    To consolidate power and authority and fear for a school teacher is a good thing, and always necessary. My wife is a high school math teacher, in a school system that has abandoned that. Arbitrary rules heavily enforced and the fear it creates keeps the rug rats in line …. or used to.

    To consolidate power and authority and fear of clerical authorities with arbitrary rules and regulations is not permitted in a religion where absolute obedience to TRUTH is what is required, and how a Congregation should be run and disciplined is given by Jesus in Matthew the 18th Chapter, and by his example.

    Jesus didn’t even have a small suitcase, and certainly not multi-billions of dollars in real estate, or a private Jet. Or several.

    i really don’t have any standing to pontificate about this, as I asked to be disfellowshipped, except on the basis of common sense… which often is not all that common.


  11. “ Oh little town of Hiroshima

    How still we see thee lie

    Beneath those cold and bombed out hills

    The strontium clouds roll by.

    And in the twilight’s gleaming

    The bomb’s unearthly light

    The hopes and fears of all the years

    Were blown to hell tonight.”

    (… played by a five piece banjo band …)

  12. The TRUTH is the TRUTH.

    it does not matter from whom it comes.

    Your AGENDA for you determines what is true or not. 

    I have challenged you over thirty five times to disprove any of the facts I advance.

    You, George88, have choked and obfuscated EVERY TIME.

    I, on the other hand, have continuously demolished your “facts”, straight away, directly, and with real facts.

    ‘…. that’s why the irony of this is SO FUNNY!





  13.  the real reason I have never been banned from here is that I use established, checkable facts and biting satire  to insult ideas and bogus premeses, and the generator gets insulted.

    The real reason you have been banned here many times is that you insult people, and make up and use lies to try and support your being superior to everyone here.

    I consider myself a guest here.

    You act like you are the boss.

  14. Ahem … I could not help but notice, Oh 4-headed Vicar of Warwick who talks to his head #2 for support …. that YOU ARE STILL HERE!

    (… classic definition of a “nob” masochist.)



    WHY you remain here I cannot guess.



  15. 1 hour ago, BTK59 said:

    I agree @Miracle Pete You and @Pudgy, are a nob. However, you have the potential to become even more, as unrepentant fools have the ability to do and say anything. 

    AND THEN… and THEN!,  In the imagined context he had to hunt for as the 5th down definition on Wikipedia which “he”  finds SO OUTRAGEOUSLY OFFENSIVE, “he” uses THAT definition to insult others!


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