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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. 6A88EA74-446B-48ED-8329-12027C498499.jpeg


    It’s not about David respecting the blood of his enemies, or any animals slaughtered for food, or our respecting the blood.

    It’s not REALLY about real blood. 

    God does not collect it into some big celestial swimming pool and swim in it.

    He considers all blood his personal property to teach us respect for the fact that He is the source of all life, but knows we cannot eat sunlight, so licenses the management of life to us.

    That’s why animals have no restrictions on blood. BECAUSE they are not being included in the Ransom. 

    The Mosaic law is not in force now, but the underlying principles still are.

    That’s what “Abstain from blood” means.


  2. 37 minutes ago, Many Miles said:

    Is that supposed to answer the question:

    If you had to name a primary medical issue leading to mortality related to blood, what would be your top five?

    As long as people in general exclude  scriptural principles, who cares?

  3. …. consider the time from the beginning of the first hemoglobin molecule metabolizing sugar and oxygen to Moses as preschool and kindergarten, but as soon as humanity learned to “do basic math”, figuratively speaking, bathe more or less regularly, and not poop in the middle of the tent it was time for God to introduce them to a new concept (for them) now that they had centuries of experience as a frame of reference to integrate with….

    Now it was time for some more abstract concepts …. about life and death … about responsibilities to God …. about respect for God in a violent and crude world, and to teach the Jews basic background information about how in the future the blood of one man was so valuable that God would accept such a simple thing to rescue the entire human race that respected that blood.

    Sorta like once you have the 12x12=144 table down pat …. going on to Algebra I.


  4. Elon Musk recently opined that what makes things funny is that they have a “revealed truth” in order to be funny. Something that everybody “knows”, but never thought about. I agree with this.

    The Babylon Bee is a religiously oriented web site that excoriates EVERYBODY, but one might suspect favors Jehovah’s Witnesses only because they seem to have the same clear vision of “Core Truths” that JWs have. 

    They have produced a series of five short YouTube video clips about “Californians Move To Texas” that has MANY subtle screamingly funny “revealed truths”.

    Well worth the time to watch at least three times each, if for no other reason than understanding  what makes something funny!


  5. Over the years I have immensely enjoyed the continuous religious satire of “The Babylon Bee”, as they have excoriated and sometimes figuratively disemboweled Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, and Mega churches, the idea of a burning hell, and doctrines galore.

    Today, it was Jehovah’s Witnesses turn, and it was painfully funny!

    I had to ask ChatGBT what a “J-Dub” was, because I thought it was an insulting term. Then I had to think about that answer until it made sense

    ChatGBT:  “The term "J-Dub" likely originated as a casual and abbreviated way for people to refer to Jehovah's Witnesses. It's a combination of the letter "J" from Jehovah and "Dub" from the "W" in Witnesses, creating a more informal and nickname-like expression. Informal language and slang often evolve naturally within communities, and this appears to be an example within the context of Jehovah's Witnesses.”  

    As a small boy I had an uncle always referred to as “DubaGee” and many years later I figured out it meant W. G. for William Garrison something, the W. being pronounced “DubbaYuu”

    With that insight, I find the ChatGBT EXPLANATION very reasonable.




  6. … I was just getting ready to reply something I thought was profound, wise, insightful and wrong.

    …. but then the idea occorred to methat we have never seen MM and the Big L in the same post….


  7. it may be an urban legend, but it is my understanding that the coyote in the last episode did get to catch and eat the Road Runner.

    The BIG question for me this morning is  …. “How does an A.I. develop a sense of humor?”.



  8. Speaking of ideas … it just occurred to me that if somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy there is a species of sentient Octopus Aliens with 8 legs, perhaps they were created like Adam and Eve without sin but ate of the forbidden lobster and were expelled from the Crystal Lagoon and the blessings of their Creator were removed from them, and the were condemned to shrivel up and die. But God had mercy on them and sent his Son to redeem them and reconcile with God. 

    Would that Redeemer be Jesus with two arms and legs, or have a different name and have eight arms and/ or legs?

    Hmmmmm … perhaps that’s a question best asked in “Questions From Readers”.

  9. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    This is true of Isaac Asimov, who died of AIDS from a blood transfusion. I discovered this in writing up a post about him. It wasn’t widely known—his family hushed it up. And it was not acquired until his later years. All the same, it’s not a nice way to go, it probably shaved a dozen or more years from his life, and who knows what he might have written in that time:


    Isaac Asimov wrote more than 400 books in his lifetime … he would write 8 hours a day, five days a week, sometimes six. 

    When my three children were younger, they each knew the Three Laws of Robotics by heart.





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