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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Children (… and adults, giraffes and earthworms) die for literally tens of thousands of reasons. Do you think that a child who dies for sake of rightousness … trying to respect and obey God and Christ … even if wrong … will not be resurrected to eternal life? BOTH ABRAHAM AND ISAAC SET THE EXAMPLE.
  2. I think many people here would agree with the proposition that the Church of Covid for two years became the world’s fastest growing religion. Instead of a cross or a star of David it was the mask that identified its believers. My wife and I did not join that Church, did not wear masks except where required to get in a building, and did not take shots or boosters. The fanaticism was rampant, and my wife was fired from her teaching job as she refused to be part of a school Covid research project. She was treated like an anti- health dangerous criminal and cried a lot about it. I barely noticed. We did wear masks to the KH when it opened up again, not because it was reasonable or rational, because it wasn’t … but because it was almost no trouble, and we had gotten used to masks at the Golden Corral, as well as those silly blue plastic gloves on one hand. Covid is airborne. Covid on your hands is digestable. So … what if …. what if wearing masks actually INCREASED your risk of infection …. hmmmm? Do you blame the Governments, the Church of Covid, the School Boards, or … who? for increased unnecessary sicknesses and cripplings, and deaths? Ya gotta blame SOMEBODY! Or … you improvise, adapt, and overcome the basic limitation … if you can … that all living things are subject to: ”STUFF HAPPENS” Sometimes getting sucker punched kills you … sometimes you loose a few teeth … and sometimes it’s a swoosh and a miss. ”STUFF HAPPENS” That’s the way the real world works. If you are stupid, it tries to kill you. This is known as … ”normal” That’s why I like Indiana Jones Movies …. when the Nazis make their appearance, nobody has to explain the plot to me. We all take turns standing up for rightous principles, and we all take turns being unbelievably stupid. I cracked up when i learned the President’s wife, Jill Biden, a card carrying, mask wearing member of the Church of Covid, with three covid shots snd two booster shots, got covid TWICE! Like being crushed by a toppled cast iron statue in the lobby, I appreciate irony.
  3. The reason it is self-condemning is because it is no longer about the sacredness of blood … it’s about the sacredness of money.
  4. G88, I agree with everything you said from which the above quote was taken, except the above quote. You can “showcase” scientific progress OR you can “Abstain From Blood” I watched the events evolve incrementally, and know better. The policy was changed to not be sued into bankruptcy, AFTER losing many law suits about blood restrictions in courts of law … and a LOT of money. …. the tail wagged the dog, the same as the 1975 fiasco created the “Overlapping Generations” nonsense. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ At the current time JW Theology is being decided by the Society’s accountants, lawyers, and “helpers”. The Governing Body is paralyzed by fear of losing money and real estate.
  5. … just as an aside : Every day globally thousands of lives are saved through the use of atomic energy comprehension and use. I am one of them. Since 1945 perhaps 2 billion people.
  6. vaccinations? Covid “shots”? For the most part I agree with TTH, and I will not take blood or blood fractions “circa 1960” but you do make a good point MM. But then, people DO get Nobel Prizes for accidental discoveries, or conversely, like Barak Obama, who got a Nobel Prize for being black. By the end of 1945 about 220,000 people had been killed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, plus perhaps a million damaged for life. Life is experimental. “Stuff Happens”. The result is ALWAYS the same … you die. I think, MM, your not attending meetings BECAUSE of the blood issue is a rationalism born of an entirely different motivation, but then again, i don’t care. I recognize that for the long term best interests of the Japanese People, their defeat by atomic bombing was the best thing that could have happened to them. The tree of freedom has to be fed with the blood of tyrants and patriots … and innocent bystanders. …. that’s the way reality works. Life is experimental. “Stuff Happens”. The result is ALWAYS the same … you die. There are no exceptions.
  7. Of course my very favorite Latin Expression only translates well into English … ”Sempre ubi sub ubi !” “Always wear under wear !”
  8. A standard technique for mass hypnosis. AND … if you translate that into Latin, it makes you appear very smart … and noble. “ Puto quid Georgius 88 significare conatur, perplexum esse linguae linguisticae peripetasmata, cum notionibus aethereis implicationis, et sonorum sonorum in labyrinthinorum corridora sermonis implicantis, ubi termini inter implicationem et explicitam labem in aenigmate. confluentem significatio. Nebulosus claviculis implicationis, cum natura sua fallax, ambiguitatem semanticam evocans, quae, in syntaxi facundiae velata, perpetuo in limine suggestionis regni manet suspensus, aeternaliter alludens ad inscrutabilem profunditatem interpretativae intricationis. Labyrinthus significationum implicatarum cum clausula locutionis linguisticae connexio, tabulam aenigmaticam efformans ubi subiectum, sicut phantasma, insinuationis perplexas corridores elusive navigans. Id aut eius agenda” Wah-de-do-dah!
  9. You don’t “catch things” unless you already know the difference. For example, the Robert A. Heinlein quote is accurate, but he actually died on May 8, 1988.
  10. My comments are more along the line of (paraphrased), “STUFF HAPPENS … get used to it!”.
  11. I think what George 88 is trying to convey is the intricate tapestry of linguistic expression, with the ethereal notions of implication, and nuanced resonance entwining within the labyrinthine corridors of discourse, where the boundaries between what is implied and what is explicit blur into an enigmatic confluence of meaning. The nebulous tendrils of implication, with their elusive nature, evoking semantic ambiguity that, while cloaked in the syntax of eloquence, remains perpetually suspended in the liminal realm of suggestion, eternally alluding to the unfathomable depths of interpretative intricacy. The labyrinth of implied meanings intertwining with the cadence of linguistic expression, forming an enigmatic tableau where the subject, like a phantom, elusively navigating the convoluted corridors of insinuation. That, or pushing his Agenda.
  12. When you do not put things quoted in quotes, it leaves the impression ( among OTHER things ..) that you can type 600 words a minute.
  13. Now THAT’S funny! … and now we wait for the sock puppet downvote ….
  14. … and I CANNOT shake the idea that “soulical” has something to do with a compressed spring. … I just realized I was thinking of the word “helical”, which conjured up the image of a spring.
  15. I looked up teleological this morning, in several places, and have forgotten it already.…. same problem I had for about eight years trying to remember Andy Kaufman’s name … I would always visualize Jim Carey. He played Andy Kaufman as well as George C. Scott played Patton.
  16. There is only one way to achieve “common ground” in considering Scriptural interpretation, and it looks like the NWT missed the opportunity …
  17. I have mentioned before my wholehearted belief in the “Rainbow Bridge” as a bonus for resurrected humans and the pets they loved, and who loved them. But I KNOW my rationality is not supported by Scripture, and presumes upon Jehovah God principles which he MAY find agreeable …. or not. I have mentioned that here many times. I have expounded on that here many times, and that it is my firm belief that the New System will … because “eye has not seen, and ear has not heard what God has in store for those that love him …”. The same reason I bought an exercise wheel for my pet hamsters. Not so they could get in shape, but to ENTERTAIN ME. My heart believes it whole-heartedly, but my brain gives me permission to rationalize that, knowing there is no evidence whatsoever to support that idea. Those who have “WDS” (Watchtower Derangement Syndrome) - “… the sword that cuts both ways …” do this all the time. WDS is that for those on the OUTSIDE the Watchtower is evil published large and has no redeeming value whatsoever, and WDS is that for those on the INSIDE the Watchtower is the word of God and every word is sacred and wise, and relevant. Watchtower Derangement Syndrome) - “… the sword that cuts both ways …” In all three cases Many Miles advice is directly applicable.
  18. There are millions of free books on Gutenberg.org…. Sometimes I can use a regular search engine ( I prefer Safari ) to find a free downloadable book using TITLE.pdf, or TITLE.epub. …. with a little effort I got 22 Jack Reacher books for free.
  19. I find your logic and reasoning irrefutable. Thank You! A whole two millenia thousand piece puzzle just clicked into place.
  20. What Truth, George88? The only thing you have contributed is vague, foggy general opinions without backup, applauded with upvotes by your sock puppet Alphonse.
  21. I find it stunning, George88, that you are completely unaware that you are perceived here to be the open club pompous Phineas T. Bluster.
  22. TTH: Using that same logic the Nazis had the right to rule mankind. …, or a Comet had the right to rule the Dinosaurs.
  23. Jehovah understood it all before it got started. This is evidenced by the following image called by physicists and mathematicians “The Thumbprint of God”. The equation that generated this image shows up in EVERYTHING!
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