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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. You have missed the whole point of the analogous comparison that fractional blood has not ceased being blood just because it was separated from whole blood, any more than a human arm and hand separated from a whole human body has ceased being defined as a HUMAN body part. Eating a fractional human body part is STILL CANNIBALISM. Any separate fraction of blood, if it EVER was whole blood … is still blood. That ONLY changes after it is metabolized.
  2. Quote from your source in Wikipedia: (Justice) Jackson warned that "[t]hose who begin coercive elimination of dissent soon find themselves exterminating dissenters. Compulsory unification of opinion achieves only the unanimity of the graveyard". … That’s why it takes 20 MAN YEARS (40,000 hours) of preaching to get ONE new Jehovah’s Witness that will stay his entire life. Having the Core Truths about God and man, there should be a line of people lined up trying to become Jehovah’s Witnesses. Instead, they are being chased away almost as fast as recruited.
  3. Rats! He’s onto us! Ixnay on the Ayen-Hay Ovington-Cay! (… releases the three legged Hicken-Cay)
  4. i would not characterize the pathetically transparent and lame diversion as a “red herring”. That is an insult to dead, spoiled fish.
  5. yeah …. like that silly requirement the Romans had in the Coliseum that you just put a pinch of incense on the alter to the Roman Emperor and you could go free … OR … you could refuse and you and your family would be torn apart and eaten by lions. Whadda sense of humor! When you make a statement “.. so help you God… “ it may be a formality to some civil clerk, but if you take an oath before God and man the presumption is that God will enforce it. There are times when the sands of the Arena are soaked with the blood of Christians who would not make the simple gesture of putting a pinch of incense on the Alter of the Emporer … and there are times when Church Leaders don’t get to go to Europe. If Oaths before God are meaningless … you get to go to Europe. See?
  6. You remind me of a line from the Rocky II movie where Sylvester Stallone as Rocky is in a Bank trying to get a job that doesn’t Involve getting himself punched in the face 600 times a night.
  7. Even the United States government realized in Court what you just stated, George 88, is not true. That’s why in 1972 they dropped it from the passport application.
  8. if I may make a request…… If you’re going to use SCRIPT, please make it a type size larger and bold. I have a lot of trouble reading it. Thanks!
  9. The link I posted gives the WTB&TS policy. Allegiance is a word derived from “All to the Liege”.
  10. George88: Try to stay focused. Then, if all else fails, READ THE LINK I POSTED. You obviously have not done so, or YOU WOULD KNOW.
  11. As a side note, perhaps (?) forms were printed locally? This is a “typo” currently worth about $1.6 million dollars. (!) From the Awake! magazine, relegating the curiosity to a minor curiosity:
  12. Good catch! I agree. The one you provided seems to be something issued by and on an ocean going vessel at a port of departure (?)
  13. A downvote from a doppelgänger sock puppet is not a coherent reply. Less relevant than if Dr. Banda was a dictator or a duck.
  14. George88: Instead of as a rebuttal asking dozens of questions that are meant as a diversion, why don’t you SIMPLY read the historical facts that are proven true, pick something out, and disagree with some SPECIFIC fact? The entire account of what happened about Malawi and Mexico is in the link here: Oh, by the way …. if you would like to make this web page instantly accessible for future reference from your iPhone Home Screen, with one click, here is how to do it …..
  15. You missed the ENTIRE point George 88! It’s NOT about travel! It’s about the JW leadership pledging allegiance to the Constitution of the United States for their Passport, while the Brothers and Sisters in Malawi are being tortured and killed by the thousands for obeying not making a similar political statement. to get THEIR “passport”. To not get raped, tortured and KILLED. https://jwfacts.com/watchtower/malawi-mexico-oath-allegiance.php This link has the COMPLETE STORY, and I found it to be fair, true, and accurate. I was paying attention.
  16. It all conforms to “The Law Of Unintended Consequences”, which very, very few people understand. I hope that Jehovah will forgive their well intended ignorance, and the Brothers and Sisters in Malawi and elsewhere will forgive their well intended ignorance. An Army does not fight with the leadership they need …. they fight with the leadership THEY HAVE. This has always been the case, and until Jesus Christ returns, always will be. There are no exceptions, and some are a lot worse. Get used to it. That’s the way it is.
  17. I remember the times. If you search “JW Malawi MCP Party Card”, you can get the details. A great testimony of honor in the face of years of evil persecution. If memory serves, anybody could buy the card for about 25 cents, often a half days pay there … and because there was only one political party in Malawi at the time, was roughly the same as a passport to keep you from being tortured and killed.
  18. There is NO Biblical injunction or prohibition against cannibalism … but for a moment, let’s assume God said “ABSTAIN FROM CANNIBALISM”, which all rational people would understand as “Don’t eat people”. OK, got it. But you are a Catholic in a Castle on the coast of Valencia, Spain in 1099, under siege by the Muslim Hoards, and the people and soldiers are starving, seemingly about to be totally overwhelmed by the Moors and slaughtered. The Catholic Bishop is a guy that normally never misses a meal, even in times like these, and for his entire life has preached “Abstain from cannibalism”, because in times like these, the issue does occasionally come up in real life. The people are dying of starvation, but can still run HIM through with a sword, so he tells them “Any soldier or citizen killed may be eaten, as long as it does not appear to be people.” No faces, fingers, toes, genitals, etc., but brains, livers, and appendages cut into steaks are ok. OH, and uh …. the Church leaves it up to your conscience to decide IF THESE FRACTIONAL PEOPLE ARE STILL “PEOPLE”, if the “fractions” are prepared and cooked so they are not recognizable. The same “problem” exists with blood. Separated fractional blood, if it EVER WAS blood, does not ever cease being blood because of fractionalization, any more than a separated arm and a hand is not still a human arm and hand …. even when separated from the whole body.
  19. When someone “downvotes” what is obviously satire, parody or a joke, without an explanation, they invariably are oblivious to other nuanced things.
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