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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1.  The "No True Scotsman" fallacy is a term coined by philosopher Antony Flew. It occurs when someone redefines a category to exclude counterexamples in order to defend a generalization or stereotype. The name comes from an example where a man claims, "No true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge," but when presented with a Scotsman who does, he responds, "Well, no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge." It highlights the logical flaw of moving the goalposts to maintain a belief. 

    Constantly moving the goalposts is the invisible trap.

    Twenty years and more of “stay alive ‘till ‘75” becomes “overlapping generations”.



  2. Your observation is based on the non credibility of Rolf Furuli … unless he has Polaroid photos of the storage areas aboard the Ark.

    Arthur C. Clarke's three laws are:

    1. "When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong."

    2. "The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible."

    3. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."




  3. Comedian W.C. Fields passed away at age 66, at the Las Encinas Sanitarium in Pasadena, California. The sanitarium, a type of health facility, served as the location of his death on December 25, 1946, from complications of pneumonia.

    On his deathbed he was visited by a friend who when he walked into the room, caught  W.C. reading the Bible. W.C. looked embarrassed, and shut the Bible, explaining “… just looking for loopholes …”.

    There are several versions of that story, and true or not, it is certainly “in character” with all we know about him.

    That’s why I go with the Society’s original stance on the sacredness and jealous regard for the value of blood, which God says specifically, it all belongs to Him.

    ….. also ameliorated by what I believe is a “Natural Law” by Shakespeare … “Cowards die a thousand deaths, but the Valiant die but once.”, (paraphrased) and of course the “Cowboy Code”, of which there are several versions.

    The fear of death 💀 is short term thinking.

  4. What were you understand today is absolutely no value whatsoever, no matter how much modern technology and insight we have on that modern technology.

    The only thing that really matters is what the apostles meant when they explained  about blood, and what the disciples understood when they heard it, reflecting what God understood when he set the laws, rules, regulations or procedures or powers in place.

    Since God has clearly stated that he is very jealous for all blood, and that all blood belongs to him, I personally would not like to be in the position of being a thief of God’s personal possessions.

    I’d rather die first.

  5. Sigh … well, I’ve thought of three ways to do it, without diodes, none involving strawberries ….

    The feedback of the globe subjected to constant voltage changes to achieve equilibrium probably created torque and at 60hz bumped it up to rotational speed. Diodes would create a simulated DC  CURRENT to create the electromagnet, but it would stop and start at 60hz, possibly creating a bump effect. (?)



  6. That would make me crazy, having the answer right in front of me and not taking the equipment apart to find the answer.

    I still think there are no diodes, but the white wire has two conductors.  (?)

  7. I can answer all your above questions thusly:

    Without thinking you came out with the statement about the value and availability of “carrion”.

    Since then you have twisted logic and reasoning every which way but loose to defend your original mistaken position.

    A common mistake. Repeated every day in every area of human interaction.

    I am mortified that I have done the same sort of thing when I was just learning the Truth.

  8.  Well ….  I have ENDURED a plethora ( def. “plethora”: Whole damn potload) of silly defenses of carrion to get to the point that Cornelius was neither Christian or Jew … and he was a Roman Soldier … and he was approved by God.

    …. so, I guess it was worth it.

    But now… I have to rethink my whole perspective on the boundaries of relative allegiances and subjection, political neutrality, and WHY Jehovah God allows war, and NEVER considered warfare murder.


  9. 14 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    I don't know if C.T.Russell made use of the principle in this particular scripture . . . 

    (1 Corinthians 7:20-24) . . .In whatever state each one was called, let him remain in it. 21  Were you called when a slave? Do not let it concern you; but if you can become free, then seize the opportunity. . .  24  In whatever state each one was called, brothers, let him remain in it before God.

    But he didn't think a Christian had to necessarily break his military conscription "contract" on becoming a follower. But he did think that if called to active front-line duty as a soldier the Christian should just "shoot over the heads" of those in the opposing trench. Perhaps he didn't have a very realistic view of what war could be like, but other religions and religious leaders made the same suggestion (I'm told). 



  10. 25 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    I think a much BIGGER question needs to be asked.

    If Cornelius was a worshipper of Jehovah God, and his worship was acceptable to God, as stated specifically that it was …and he was a Roman Soldier …. what does that say about “… render unto Caesar …”.?

    To me, the conclusion is inescapable and profound, and logical … but even so, I am afraid to even utter the words.

    Perhaps this is why NOWHERE in the Bible is warfare by any side against any people for any reason considered … by God … to be murder.…

    ... if it was how could there ever be peace?


  11. I think a much BIGGER question needs to be asked.

    If Cornelius was a worshipper of Jehovah God, and his worship was acceptable to God, as stated specifically that it was …and he was a Roman Soldier …. what does that say about “… render unto Caesar …”.?

    To me, the conclusion is inescapable and profound, and logical … but even so, I am afraid to even utter the words.

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