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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. Two can play THIS WORD SALAD, Annie.

    In the perplexing realm of circular discourse, where words pirouette without purpose and sentences meander aimlessly, we find ourselves trapped in a linguistic labyrinth of unparalleled absurdity. Picture a discourse so circuitous that it makes a dizzying carousel seem like a straight line. As we embark on this linguistic rollercoaster, we must prepare to navigate the convoluted contours of verbosity.

    In the grand tapestry of talking in circles, the artistry lies in crafting sentences that orbit meaning without ever daring to land. Words, like mischievous acrobats, perform feats of linguistic gymnastics, contorting themselves into shapes unfamiliar to logic. It's a parade of paradoxes, where coherence is the elusive unicorn and clarity the rarest of gems.

    As we delve into the heart of this linguistic carnival, one may be tempted to believe that profundity resides in the obscurity of expression. Alas, it's a masquerade where the emperor wears robes woven from the threads of ambiguity, and the courtiers nod sagely, pretending to decipher the indecipherable. Verbose vortices suck meaning into their whirlpools, leaving behind a vacuum of understanding.

    Each sentence, a maze with no exit, beckons the listener to wander in perpetual confusion. It's a dance of diction where the music is composed of vague allusions and the choreography an intricate ballet of equivocation. Attempting to grasp the central theme is akin to chasing shadows, for just when you think you've caught hold of meaning, it slips through your fingers like ethereal mist.

    In this topsy-turvy world of circular dialogue, the destination remains elusive, and the journey becomes an endless loop of linguistic acrobatics. It's as if words have donned roller skates, careening wildly through the terrain of syntax, leaving punctuation in disarray and grammar in a state of disrepair. A sentence may start with the promise of lucidity, only to spiral into the abyss of convolution.

    To converse in circles is to revel in the absurdity of language, to embrace a carnival of confusion where coherence is sacrilege and simplicity a heretical notion. So, let us celebrate the linguistic mayhem, where words frolic in a field of lexical anarchy, and meaning is but a distant echo in the cacophony of circumlocution.

    Wah de do DAH!

  2. On 11/15/2023 at 4:12 PM, Pudgy said:

    … some things are “possible” …. but so improbable that only the clueless and the inexperienced, and the “slow” would consider them.

    They will usually defend their screwball agendas until their last angry breath.


    While you are “away” for a few days, Many Miles, be on the lookout for viable carrion to scrape up, and cook up, and actually eat.

    Try to choose something that is not covered and infested with flies, parasites, bacteria and ants.

    Even if you cook it the toxins will still be there … you know … the pee and poop from bacteria and  viruses. Toxins.

    Or … you could play Russian Roulette, which will give you about the same odds of survival, and only hurts for a microsecond.

  3. When you get home, if you could sketch a circuit diagram of what is really going on here, and photograph it with your smartphone, and attach it with an explanation, it would really help me. 

    I have several theories that I need to dismiss.

    One involves a mutiny proving mathmatically there was definitely  a second key to the refrigerator by counting scoops of strawberries.

  4. To prepare Roadkill Possum for long term storage you need to flatten it out and sun dry the meat. This is called “Himalayan Possum” for obvious reasons.

    After the Possum has been repeatedly flattened and sun-baked, store on hot asphalt until the buzzards get it.

    Their saliva and stomach acid is a natural disinfectant, and can eat through 3 decks of the USCSS Nostromo.

    …. and it’s only pronounced “Opossums” by drunk Irish.

  5. Premise three:  If I was Noah, and I was given permission to (technically) take any sort of food aboard the Ark, as a practical matter I would NEVER consider Carrion in any way, shape, or form … BECAUSE  is not a dependable food source ad to availability, or to packaging or storage … When a Lion kills an antelope, it’s good for that day, and for about 30 hours afterwards, depending on temperature, then it is “iffy”.  Then it starts to go bad VERY FAST.  

    That’s why in Smithfield Virginia they used to wait until cold weather below 40°F to do “hog killin’”, and load up the smokehouses to have meat for winter.

    Another thing … You may technically have “permission” to eat crappy, blood soaked, contaminated cancer and parasite laden food that died of disease or infection, but sane people don’t do that except as a very last resort.

    Premise four:  Noah was sane, and had an Ark FULL of excess live, healthy “prey”animals.

    You only need two of each animal … not seven.  And if the females are pregnant, the male animals may be surplus as well.

    MORE than enough fresh, wholesome food without having to feed straw or carrion to meat eaters.




    Spend your brain’s resources  trying to figure out how the Penguins walked to the Ark, or how the Kangaroos got to Australia!




  6. I’m just enjoying the show … watching windup sets of novelty plastic teeth chattering at each other, vibrating across the the table top,  occasionally taking breaks to re-wind the springs that keep the teeth chattering, and for comic effect the Alphonse/George88 doppelgänger sock puppet will burp out a green upvote.

    My wife asks “what’s so funny?”, and I try to tell her ….


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