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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. …. my guess is the white wire has two conductors which takes the electricity to and from the light bulb, and the black wire from the bulb to the switch shorts out the circuit back to the step down transformer, and the light goes dark. The transformer looks hefty enough with enough radiative surface to take an intermittant short circuit heat overload. That looks like 12v automotive light bulb with a bayonet pin, and a 120v to 12v step down doorbell transformer. I cannot tell if the light has one filament, or two. If it has two, there will be two contacts on the base and two circuits for (+) and (+), sometimes as two buttons, and sometimes as concentric conductors, separated by an insulating ceramic, and a common (-), or “ground”. A photo of the connections to the light bulb, sharp and clear, would be helpful. Also the connections on the primary and secondary side (4 wires) of the transformer. I have other theories that would depend on the transformer being 6v instead of 12v.
  2. The six-ton Gorilla in the room is not how many clean or unclean animals Noah, or Moses, or Fred Flintstone took on board the Ark … it’s how many unclean animals avoided being converted into Purina Lion Chow during the time the Ark was closed up. I mean …. WHY would Jehovah bring 3-1/2 times more “unclean” animals to the Ark than “clean” animals? They came TO the Ark by sevens … and went FROM the Ark by twos. My guess would be a lack of refrigeration, and that no animal was allowed … coff! … Carrion baggage.
  3. …. this is The Year 2023. All of the above has less relevance than an 85 year old Hippie arguing about Woodstock.
  4. if you’re going to quote someone, you should put what they actually said in quotation marks at the beginning, and at the end, and reference who it was that was speaking. This was not done for several of the above posts, and it’s very ambiguous as to who said what, and whether or not it was a quote, a paraphrase, or someone’s opinion.
  5. That’s why the disingenuous create “upvote clones” to feed their egos. Transparent and silly , but it makes them feel valuable.
  6. “Brazen Conduct” is one of those nebulous indefinite and non-defined terms that can in the hands of the inexperienced inflict TREMENDOUS damage to people with strong personalities. Often with BRAZEN disregard for reality, or consequences.
  7. Actually, I found the book “Shepherding The Flock Of God“ to be quite valuable. I found absolutely nothing wrong with it, having read every word from cover to cover, although the part dealing about brazen conduct was creepy and a catchall for anything the Elders didn’t like, like when you confronted them with overreach. ”Brazen Conduct”. (?) What I did not like is that it was top-secret. What I did not like is that sisters were not supposed to know of it’s existence, or touch it.. How would you feel if you were dragged into court for some traffic offense or some criminal offense and you wanted to know what you were charged with, and the court or the police said I’m sorry I’m not allowed to tell you what law you broke or to know in advance what they are, and you’re not allowed to know how the proceeding is going to go against you. SURPRISE!! And if you’re convicted it’s roughly the equivalent of being executed, Because you’ll be evicted from the Congregation from which is the source of life. Secrecy ALWAYS begets tyranny!
  8. As I recall that is the exact percentage of abuse of time off recalcitrant employees grift from their employers. Studies have shown that in order to have 3 day weekend, 20% of the time employees will call in sick on a Monday or a Friday.
  9. You are living in a total fantasy construct Georgie, of ignoring actual historical developments and events that really happened, for irrelevant and immaterial theoretical concerns of things that might have been, and should have been, but didn’t. Because your entire frame of reference is driven by agenda, and not reality … your entire perspective has little or no relationship with what is real.
  10. In 1998 comedian Paul Shanklin came out with this parody on the Yugo, because those evil SUVs were running over people nationwide and guzzling gas as if through a fire hose. Headlines would scream “Another SUV KILLS FAMILY ON INTERSTATE!”, etc. Liberal Snowflakes demanded they be BANNED! This takeoff on Elvis’ “In the Ghetto” was an audio on the Rush Limbaugh Show, which I listened to almost every day for 31 years. FullSizeRender.MOV I copied it off of YouTube with my 8 year old coal fired plywood iPhone….
  11. Hmmmm … Cornelius was accepted by God although he was not a Christian OR Jew? Hmmmm…. considering he was a Roman Soldier, that kinda gives “new legs” to “… render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s ” … doesn’t it?
  12. …. um …. the phrase is “theocratic warfare”, where you are allowed to lie if you believe the “enemy” does not need to be told the truth.…. and apparently that includes the Brotherhood when it is deemed we are not entitled to the truth …. the “Shepherding the Flock of God” Elders Handbook being the classic example.
  13. The first resort of an incompetent is an ad-hominem attack based only on their disregardable opinion. Every reply you give further destroys your credibility.
  14. … Being right covers a multitude of sins, a concept totally foreign to you. An argument based only on bluster and bluff, as yours was, can be safely disregarded. PLUS, If you read in Latin, everything sounds much more profound …..
  15. The point is, that you offered as proof and scholarly backup of your assertions complete gobbledegook that you yourself had not read …. AND it was so blurred and fuzzy it was impossible for anyone to read. Your “proof” was a bluster and a bluff that failed. Any smartphone has the ability to enlarge photos and take screenshots as I did. My phone is 8 years old and will do that, and did do that. Your credibility is ZERO because of the WAY you try to prove your points.
  16. if you are wandering around in the desert for 40 years, and it’s not that big a desert although with the people you have progress is slow, it helps if you know how to draw Maps, and have a Compass.
  17. … The “Make Sure…” book, in my not so humble opinion, was the finest and most valuable book the Society ever published! Just the essential 15% JW Core Beliefs …. the same thing that Sir Isaac Newton figured out 400 or so years ago, WITHOUT the 85% crapola.
  18. Yeah … I probably don’t have enough compassion for nonsense and bluster. I can read, but have problems reading unintelligible blur. When unintelligible blur is offered as backup proof of some premise, I have to shoot a red flare into the night sky so machine gunners on the surrounding hills can get a bead on the dude playing fuzzy word games. …… silly me.
  19. i have had that in my files for a very long time. the difference is, my copies are readable. Unreadable “proofs” are by definition utter nonsense, only bluster .
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