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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. 51 minutes ago, George88 said:

    I believe that would be the most enlightening part of the headline published in 1914. Nonetheless, feel free to peruse the entire front page if it appeals to those who wish to scrutinize 1914 by distorting Russell's words similar to the manipulation observed in most things Watchtower.

    You yourself have supplied purportedly as backup evidence of your points completely unreadable garbage. Ever heard of the concept “check your work”?




  2. Using that same logic you can fry up a large pan of severed human fingers, noses and ears, annnnddd … once cooked they are not human fingers, noses and ears anymore. Especially if you pull the meat off with a fork, add some herbs and spices, and serve with a tasty salad, perhaps some fava beans and a nice Chianti. 

    In a tiny simple nutshell, that shows the current absurd state of our position on eating cannibalized human body parts.

    (…. satire alert for the agenda driven)


  3. 17 minutes ago, Many Miles said:

    - They found that a product that JWs of today can accept without fear of reprisal does provide decent nutrition; transfusion of cryosupernatant plasma and cryoprecipitate.

    - They also found a product that JWs of today cannot accept without fear of reprisal does not provide any nutrition at all; transfusion of red cells.

    The book “1984” was supposed to be a warning …. not an instruction manual.

  4. Well … I will have to admit that I have never thought much about refusing blood for minor children and babies, only that when the issue came up for myself several times in the past it was the right thing for me to do, and because of it I defaulted to a much better quality surgeon that performed (to the best of my knowledge) perfectly, with no blood or blood fractions.

    The first heart surgeon I called “Manny the Used Car Surgeon”, as he suggested he could operate on me using blood, but he would tell my family and congregation he didn’t.

    He said this was standard for him.

    I told him no blood or blood fractions under any circumstances and he looked at me like he didn’t understand English and said “Well, I’m NOT going to operate without blood!” I said “Well, that’s OK … I respect your conscience, but I expect you to respect mine”.  And I went by ambulance to a Heart Center 15 miles away, with six EMTs very busy keeping me alive, to where they WOULD operate without blood or blood fractions.

    I woke up “20 years younger”.

    Sometimes, yer flips yer coin, and yer takes yer chances. That was in 2010. I could just as well have bled out in 2010.

    There is nothing that has ever lived that has not, or will not die …. including infants and children. Thousands die every minute.

    Get used to the idea.

    Don’t be such a Snowflake.

    It’s the ONLY GAME IN TOWN.

    Suck it up and keep going as best you can.

    Cowards die a thousand deaths, the Valiant die but once.

    …. and Jehovah can reverse that!

  5. 4 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    With the “Bruen” decision of 2022 the United States Supreme court  FINALLY got it right about the 2nd Amendment “.. the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. Partisan agendas had corrupted this simple edict of law since 1791.  For over 200 years this had been a hot topic of discussion, and thousands of unconstitutional legislations that subjected men to tyranny and imprisonment. In over 200 years this issue has flip-flopped thousands of times from one irrational excess to another.

    In similar manner the scriptures, as a theme that runs throughout the Bible, shows through little snippets the respect God demands for blood … which he holds to belong to him, representing the life of all living things … which HE is the source of.

    The last thing the Bible has to say about this is the simple directive “abstain from blood”, but it sums up a common theme that runs through the whole Old and New Testament.

    Carrion with the blood could be given or sold to non-Jews, but not eaten by Jews.

    They were expected to be a holy people.

    If you along a roadway find someone who has been chopped to pieces … perhaps some fingers or pieces of a torso or skull, can you legitimately make the claim these fractions of a body are no longer human?


    A dead fractional human, but even a fingerprint is a human fingerprint. Even a single hair is a HUMAN remains. I have opened graves where the only thing left was hair, and metal coffin handles.

    We treated those woodland graves with deep respect,  and relocated them as if they were 100% intact.(We were building a housing subdivision).

    Once blood is created in an air-breathing animal, it belongs to Jehovah God, and we are allowed to use as food the body that made it. 

    If you disassemble a firearm and acid off the serial number it does not cease being a firearm.  If it was EVER A GUN, it does not lose that identity by being fractionated.

    Neither does blood.



    Either you get it, or you don’t.

    The Society got it right the first time.…. then, to appease the accountants and lawyers, completely screwed it up.

    That’s what the love of money does.



  6. With the “Bruen” decision of 2022 the United States Supreme court  FINALLY got it right about the 2nd Amendment “.. the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. Partisan agendas had corrupted this simple edict of law since 1791.  For over 200 years this had been a hot topic of discussion, and thousands of unconstitutional legislations that subjected men to tyranny and imprisonment. In over 200 years this issue has flip-flopped thousands of times from one irrational excess to another.

    In similar manner the scriptures, as a theme that runs throughout the Bible, shows through little snippets the respect God demands for blood … which he holds to belong to him, representing the life of all living things … which HE is the source of.

    The last thing the Bible has to say about this is the simple directive “abstain from blood”, but it sums up a common theme that runs through the whole Old and New Testament.

    Carrion with the blood could be given or sold to non-Jews, but not eaten by Jews.

    They were expected to be a holy people.

    If you along a roadway find someone who has been chopped to pieces … perhaps some fingers or pieces of a torso or skull, can you legitimately make the claim these fractions of a body are no longer human?


    A dead fractional human, but even a fingerprint is a human fingerprint. Even a single hair is a HUMAN remains. I have opened graves where the only thing left was hair, and metal coffin handles.

    We treated those woodland graves with deep respect,  and relocated them as if they were 100% intact.(We were building a housing subdivision).

    Once blood is created in an air-breathing animal, it belongs to Jehovah God, and we are allowed to use as food the body that made it. 

    If you disassemble a firearm and acid off the serial number it does not cease being a firearm.  If it was EVER A GUN, it does not lose that identity by being fractionated.

    Neither does blood.



  7. I want you to look back on your own personal life, for as long as you have lived, and also look back to all the friends you have ever known, all inclusive.

    Add to that to everybody you’ve ever passed on the sidewalk going to and from anywhere.  

    From your personal experience, added to the personal experience of everyone you have ever met, how many people in total have ever gone to the grocery store or by any other means purchased Carrion?

    Carrion being defined as animal life that has died of its own initiative with no help from mankind.

    ….. Carrion being defined as animal life that has died of its own initiative with no help from mankind.


    … and that is the only point worth making. All else is manufactured stretch.…. and that’s the fact, Jack!


  8. My argument against  Synthetic Human Blood is two fold:

    1.) it’s REALLY COWS’  BLOOD.

    2.) It’s NOT synthetic human blood, it really REALLY  is …. REAL BLOOD.

    Filtering it and adding supplements does not magically eliminated that fact..


    Somebody, somewhere, at some time may have occasionally eaten carrion … partially decayed meat … but as a staple, it is a statistical impossibility.

    When in the news, someone eats roadkill … IT’S NEWS!

  9. 3 hours ago, George88 said:

    I believe that praying over it would render it kosher, along with breaking it down to its elements. However, this interpretation does not address the various Bible accounts that have been misunderstood.

    Kosher meat is meat that has been prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary laws, or kashrut. To be considered kosher, the meat must come from certain animals that are considered clean according to Jewish law, such as cows, sheep, and chickens. Additionally, it must be slaughtered by a trained Jewish individual in a specific way to minimize cruelty and ensure proper drainage of blood. The meat should also be inspected for any imperfections or injuries that could render it non-kosher.

    Finally, it should not be mixed with dairy products, as mixing meat and dairy is generally prohibited in kosher dietary laws.

    Prayer has nothing at all to do with MAKING meat kosher, it’s AFTER it is slaughtered that a blessing is asked from God on the already kosher meat.

  10. 1 hour ago, George88 said:

    … That is precisely why the synthetic blood derived from 3 to 6 drops of defined crow blood is not considered "whole" blood, which is often a subject of heated debates.

    What’s to debate?

    Synthetic human blood is not really synthetic human blood … it is highly filtered COW’S BLOOD.…. and certainly not a few drops of crows’ blood!


    If you are going to pontificate about things with which you are clueless, you need to wear one of those Pope pointy hats and write in Latin to disguise it.

    …. and the word is “refined”, as in highly filtered to take out antigens etc. specific to cows’ blood, not “defined”.

    1. Hemoglobin Extraction: Bovine blood is collected under sterile conditions and processed to separate the individual blood components. Hemoglobin, the iron-containing protein responsible for oxygen transport in red blood cells, is carefully isolated from the rest of the blood components.

    2. Hemoglobin Purification: The extracted bovine hemoglobin undergoes purification steps to remove impurities and contaminants, ensuring that only the hemoglobin molecule remains. This purified hemoglobin serves as the primary raw material for the synthetic blood.

    3. Hemoglobin Modification: Bovine hemoglobin is modified to make it more compatible with the human circulatory system. This is crucial because unmodified hemoglobin can lead to various adverse effects, including kidney damage and increased blood pressure when transfused into humans. Common modifications include cross-linking and polymerization to prevent hemoglobin from breaking down into toxic byproducts.

    4. Oxygen Affinity Adjustment: The modified bovine hemoglobin is further engineered to achieve the appropriate oxygen affinity, ensuring it can effectively carry and release oxygen in the human body. This may involve altering the hemoglobin's structure to mimic the behavior of natural human hemoglobin.

    5. Formulation: The modified bovine hemoglobin is then formulated into a solution that can be safely transfused into a patient's bloodstream. This formulation typically includes a balanced electrolyte solution to mimic the ionic composition of human blood and stabilizers to prevent hemoglobin from denaturing or aggregating.

    As of today, artificial human blood is a fantasy. It has been approved in Europe, but has a “built-in” allowable mortality rate.

    And in a blood bag, looking at human blood, and artificial blood, they look the same, and weigh the same, and have the same viscosity.





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